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Fibro warrior fighting rheumatoid arthritis, IBS,and chronic migraines #Fibrowarrior #chronicmigraines #invisableillness
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prissyjane · 2 years ago
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Tryin’ to write a story, but I’m stuck on a page…. So I’m driftin’ and I’m driftin’ and I’m driftin’ Meet a stranger, tag along (with new concert and air flight seat friends), maybe smoke a cigarette ( or a chocholate candy cigarette) all wrong. Tell a story, write a song, lay my head where it don’t belong (like an hotel or airport all gone wrong). And somehow it occurs to me, that out here on the deep blue sea there are other people drifting, too. Maybe someday, I’ll drift into you. - Kudos for this new song by JCM with my parts added in the parentheses ( ) - Hopefully this one will get produced. Getting lost in my thoughts and understanding my abundance and need to be more creative. Passing by flowing more with writing and need to feel connected with my passion for music and story telling. Whether it be personal or not, my desire for it has been increasingly growing each day. I also, have been noticing a relatable connection between a few people and how much in common there is with our personal lives. I plan on expanding on this in the near futrue. Until then I’ll keep driftin’ #johnmayer #johnmayersolotour2023 #makingmemoriesandnewfriends #doitwhileyoucan #acceptnewopportunities #itwastheharmonicaforme (at Bridgestone Arena)
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prissyjane · 3 years ago
doctor: what symptoms are you having?
me: all of them
doctor: ..huh?
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prissyjane · 3 years ago
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Georgia on my mind 🐻🏚⛰ #blueridgemountains #georgiaonmymind #bearcountry (at Blue Ridge, Georgia)
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
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An unexpected pause from reality is just what I needed. No schedules, setting alarms, early bedtimes, or getting up early. Just calm peacefulness. Chronic pain makes life difficult, so I cannot say how much I am thankful for this break. Also, keeping the families the lost their homes from #hurricaneida This is a difficult time for many people and will take a long time to recover 🙏🏻⚜️🖤 #chronicpain #chronicpainlife #fibrowarrior #positivevibes #invisableillness #rhuematoidarthritis #spoonie #spoonielife #happierthanever #innerpeace
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
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The best thing you can do with your life is have a good time and get by the best you can. Living with chronic illnesses I spend a lot of time waiting. Waiting to see a doctor. Waiting to fill a prescription. Waiting for the medication to work. Waiting for a medical test. Waiting is what I do lot, so when I get a chance to enjoy a moment I go for it. #spoonie #chronicallyfabulous #chronicpain #chronicillness #chronicmigraines #nervepain #digestivehealth #fibrowarrior #ra #rheumatoidarthritis #makingmemories #invisableillness #chronicfatigue
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
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I miss you Miami 🏖🌴💛
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
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Love the fact that Vogue was playing while we were grooving to the music 🎶 💓 #groovingtothemusic #vogueing (at Twist)
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
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You can be soft and successful, a traditionalist and a rebel, a lover and a fighter, vulnerable and invincible 💗 Living a chronically ill life, a lot of people fade away and friendships that you lose are life changing. Remember, anyone can love you when the sun is shining , it is in the storms where you learn who truly cares for you. #chronicillness #chronicpain #fibromyalgia #fibrowarriors #sponnielife #invisableillness #chronicmigraines #chronicmigraineawareness #ibs #hemiparesthesia #rheumatoidarthritis #nervepain #chronicallyfabulous #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguefighter
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
This is exactly what it’s like living with chronic pain.
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
You call me out upon the waters The great unknown Where feet may fail And there I find You in the mystery In oceans deep My faith will stand Your grace abounds in deepest waters Your sovereign hand Will be my guide Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me You've never failed And You won't start now ✝️
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
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It’s always a great day whenever it’s with my talented friend @johncharlesgarcia I got to be a part of his miniseries Paranola 📽🎬 ⚜️ #paranola #nolaartist #localartist #film #nolahollywood
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
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Truly appreciate every opportunity I had with NCIS New Orleans. It will be hard not having this production around. Their cast and crew are one of the best to work with. I learned so much, made a lot of great friends, and have so many good memories ⚜️ #ncisneworleans #nolafilmlife 🖤📽
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
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Treasure the small things in life, they mean the most. If you have to take small steps to get to where you’re going, do it! You’re still going to get there just like everyone else just at a different pace. Stay positive and keep your head up. 🤗 #spoonie #chronicallyfabulous #chronicpain #chronicillness #chronicmigraines #nervepain #migraines #acidreflux #gerd #digestivehealth #fibrowarrior #ra #rheumatoidarthritis #onlythestrongsurvive 💉💊💪🏻 (at Simplicity)
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
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Christmas Fun in the Quarter ⚜️🖤 (at French Quarter)
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
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Tacos any day everyday 🌮🧡 #tacosdelcartel #tacoseveryday #goodeats #foodigrammer #foodie #foodporn #nolaeats #fibrowarrior
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
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It takes a lot for someone with chronic pain to do things outside of work that people take for granted like: eat out, walk around town, go to parties, hangout with friends. We pay for having fun. I’m just now catching up from last weekend. It was definitely worth the memories but my body did not want to go any more. #chronicillness #chronicpain #fibromyalgia #fibrowarriors #sponnielife #invisableillness #chronicmigraines #chronicmigraineawareness #ibs #gerd #hiatalhernia #hemiparesthesia #rheumatoidarthritis #nervepain #chronicallyfabulous #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguefighter #butyoudontlooksick #youdontknowunlessyouknow
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prissyjane · 4 years ago
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Happy Birthday Emmett Carey 💙 Nanny loves you!!
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