SIENA PRESS An independent international publisher dedicated to the artistic voice The home of litmag Il PALIO Review and the POETRY-IN-FILM Video Series
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Beautiful staircase of books at the University of Libya. Just stunning. #books #design #landscape #bookporn #classicbooks #instagood #instabook #bookcover
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“...there is so much Pure drama in nature everywhere I look. So much, worthy Of captivation. The clouds Have such a way with words.” - JUAN-PAOLO PERRE @feroxpercvpiditas from the poem “OUT OF DOORS” In the soon-to-be-released collection, “Carmina: The Nomad Odes & Other Poems of Longing” Happy Earth Day all you poetry lovers! . . . . #earthday #poetry #poem #poet #juanpaoloperre #sienapress #instabook #instagood #nature (at London, United Kingdom)
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Look at the beauty from this 3rd grader. Just beautiful. ...the statements leave no doubt and the sustained “s” throughout like a breeze until the final release of “wind”. . . . . #nationalpoetrymonth #poetry #3rdgrade #poet #instagood #instabook #poem #nyc #citypoetry (at New York, New York)
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Happy World Poetry Day! #poetry #worldpoetryday #juanpaoloperre #sienapress #instagood #instabook
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Our highly-anticipated book by poet, Juan-Paolo Perre, @feroxpercvpiditas “Carmina: The Nomad Odes & Other Poems of Longing” will see its release this Fall in September 2018! We’re very proud and excited for this monumental work. #sienapress #juanpaoloperre #poet #poem #book #bookrelease #poetry #instagood #instabook #nyc #london #losangeles #odes #carminathenomadodes #penamerica @librarycongress @nypl @britishlibrary @poetsorg (at New York, New York)
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Such an exciting time! Our next book from poet Juan-Paolo Perre @feroxpercvpiditas - the proofs/ARCs are going out soon. #juanpaoloperre #poetry #poet #book #instabook #instagood #poetrycollection #carminathenomadodes #newrelease #nyc #london #losangeles #bookcover #bookdesign
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Our author, Juan-Paolo Perre @feroxpercvpiditas #poetry #writing #poem #poesia #sienapress #carminathenomadodes #instaquote #instagood #instabook #nyc #london #books #quotes #creativewriting #thecreativeprocess (at New York, New York)
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PART 2: The author, Juan-Paolo Perre @feroxpercvpiditas reading his stunning poem, “False Alarm” from the upcoming book release of poetry, CARMINA: The Nomad Odes & Other Poems of Longing”. “A new more devastating type of visionary poet. One made for and of our times.” Check the full recording on #soundcloud his IG and #follow #poetry #juanpaoloperre #sienapress #books #instagood #instabook #poetrycommunity #lyricpoetry #nyc #losangeles #london #contemporarypoetry #britishpoetry #spokenword #instamood #lovepoetry #bookrelease #sehnsucht #saudade #weltschmerz #poem (at New York, New York)
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The author, Juan-Paolo Perre @feroxpercvpiditas reading his stunning poem, “False Alarm” from the upcoming book release of poetry, CARMINA: The Nomad Odes & Other Poems of Longing”. “A new more devastating type of visionary poet. One made for and of our times.” Check the full recording on #soundcloud his IG and #follow #poetry #juanpaoloperre #sienapress #books #instagood #instabook #poetrycommunity #lyricpoetry #nyc #losangeles #london #contemporarypoetry #britishpoetry #instamood #lovepoetry #bookrelease #sehnsucht #saudade #weltschmerz #poem (at New York, New York)
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They don’t make common sense like they used to. #epictetus #quotes #writing #poetry #writersofinstagram #books #creativewriting #instaquote #instagood
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“A collection of poetry is a curated journey as sacred and personal as a confession.” #poetry #quotes #instaquote #writing #poem #juanpaoloperre #nyc #london #poetryporn #poet (at New York, New York)
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Taken from an interview by poet/author, Juan-Paolo Perre @feroxpercvpiditas - wonderful insight and vision. #poetry #juanpaoloperre #poet #penamerica #instagood #poems #writing #creativewriting #instabook #sienapress #carminathenomadodes (at London, United Kingdom)
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A lovely broadside of a stunning & sensual poem from our author, Juan-Paolo Perre @feroxpercvpiditas Un Thé Au Sahara / THE SHELTERING SKY Juan-Paolo Perre Who amongst us hasn't envied Paul Bowles his late afternoons of long drawn mint teas and café crèmes in the company of only men, the everlasting crescent moon against a midnight Berber blue sky blanketed with clear stars like the Moroccan woman’s discretion? …His fifty-two years of exile…the day’s golden heat that leads into a night of middle-eastern melody, the muezzin's call into the spiraling ether for all to look inward, and the eyes of a people that never ever forget your name, even unto death. #poetry #poet #poem #sienapress #juanpaoloperre #instagood #books #instabook #prosepoetry #lyricpoetry #broadside #nyc #london #losangeles #morocco #paulbowles #theshelteringsky #carminathenomadodes #bookrelease #instabook #bookart (at Tangier, Morocco)
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In anticipation of our next book release by our author Juan-Paolo Perre @feroxcvpiditas - we are offering his debut collection of poetry, "A Confederacy of Joy", a critically acclaimed, award-winning book of the Legacy Poetry Prize. For Black! and through the weekend we're discounting by 50-60% the various formats: hardcover, paperback & ebook. All purchases should be made through our Facebook page: to benefit from the discount. Happy Reading! #poetry #poetrycollection #legacypoetryprize #juanpaoloperre #poems #blackfridaysale #poet #instabook #instagood #sienapress #bookrelease #readpoetry #nyc #london #losangeles #blackfriday
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And so it begins. “A collection of poetry is a curated journey; as sacred and as personal as a confession.” • Juan-Paolo Perre @feroxpercvpiditas | the first poem in our upcoming release, “CARMINA The Nomad Odes & Other Poems” #carminathenomadodes #book #poetry #poem #poet #juanpaoloperre #sienapress #poetrycollection #odes #pabloneruda #instabook #bookcover #coverart #bookdesign #lyricpoetry #academyofamericanpoets #nyc #losangeles #london #penamerica #poetryfoundation #poetrycommunity #instagood (at London, United Kingdom)
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Creating and choosing an effective and beautiful cover is one of the most exciting and interesting endeavors. As our next book comes to press here are some of the choices, past and present. All designed by the author himself, Juan-Paolo Perre. @feroxpercvpiditas #books #bookrelease #poetry #poet #juanpaoloperre #sienapress #bookdesign #bookcover #coverdesign #bookart #instabook #london #nyc #losangeles #instagood #poem #carminathenomadodes #bookjacket #soontobereleased
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“American Idyll” by our author, Juan-Paolo Perre. Gorgeous. Follow him! Repost from @feroxpercvpiditas using @RepostRegramApp - A new & revised draft of “American Idyll” - An “other poem” from my upcoming release, “Carmina: The Nomad Odes & Other Poems” On @sienapress Siena Press. #poetry #poem #poesia #juanpaoloperre #book #instabook #poetrycollection #writing #ode #sienapress #poet #lyricpoetry #prosepoetry #bookrelease #nyc #london #instagood #italianpoet #penamerica #love #academyofamericanpoets #contemporarypoetry @poetsorg #poetrycommunity
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