pr-m-t-ve · 2 days
deeply obsessed with the salmon edit by _olive_ridley on TikTok
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pr-m-t-ve · 3 days
Human but only in the way that humans are animals. Seen almost as non-human, subhuman even. A creature devoid of humanity but also full of it. I have freed myself only to realize I am trapped by civilization.
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pr-m-t-ve · 3 days
Reading How to Be Animal: A New History of What It Means to Be Human by Melanie Challenger. It’s an easier read for me. Some of the ideas are a bit more complex but she managed to explain everything in a way that I would definitely recommend it for anyone curious about what it means to be human and wondering if we really are that different from animals. Reading is a fun thing to do, keeps you off screens for a bit (unless you prefer reading online), can be done in a lot of places, allows you to stop when needed, and books are decently easy to transport. Great thing to do when my body can’t handle much physical activity after a long day or when I don’t have enough time to do something more intense.
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pr-m-t-ve · 3 days
it/its but in the dehumanizing way. it/its but in the way that an animal is called an it, a creature born from nature. A creature that is beautiful and special in its own right, something not to be seen as lesser but equal in its own unique ways. " oh but it/its isn't dehumanizing !!" it CAN be to those who want it. Being seen as something nonhuman does not immediately equal lesser; there are beautiful things that are not human. You ever seen some sick tropical birds with its plumage, or the familial ties a bear may have to its cubs, or the dedication a lion may have to its prey. It/Its but in the way of appreciating the unhuman, but not subhuman.
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pr-m-t-ve · 4 days
I love how the law restricts how often and how much nature people can often be in. Awesome walking trail? Well there is only certain times you are allowed there and if you walk even slightly off trail someone can report you. Nearby woods with little to no humans there? Well duh, it’s private property and people will happily shoot or arrest you just for wanting to enjoy the last bit of woods around. Want to have a yard full of wildflowers and uncut grass? Well zoning laws say that you’re attracting wild life which is not allowed because animals are annoying.
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pr-m-t-ve · 4 days
jumping on a force[thing] bandwagon um do we fw forcewild ??
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these were literally made in 5 minutes i had an idea while on pinterest 😪
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pr-m-t-ve · 5 days
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Humans are not meant to be calm and collected 24/7. We do not have to be mature or the bigger person every day. We are animals, we will get scared, stressed, enraged, overstimulated, etc. the idea that one bite, push, or yell will make us forever bad is flawed. They are trying to remove us from natural reactions to situations so that they can have better control. Our behaviors will be punished just like people punish pets for just being an animal. We shall be punished for being human.
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pr-m-t-ve · 5 days
Industrial Society and Its Future was so hyped up in the anprim (and similar) groups. I found the book to be a quick and fun read with some criticisms I agreed with but overall it felt bland. I expected the book to have more substance? It’s an okay book to give an introduction to anti-tech, anti-industry, anticiv, anprim, etc. ideals but it didn’t have much more to offer me. May eventually reread to see if I get much else out of it but right now I am receiving better information from other sources.
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pr-m-t-ve · 6 days
I found instagram a bit too bland and stick to mainly posting irl photos there. I needed somewhere I could give myself more freedom to express opinions and shit post. So I’m here now and am hoping to find some posters with similar beliefs and shit. I’ll post about anti-civilization, green anarchy, environmental, etc.
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