poorwitchesalmanac · 4 years
I think I'm missing something. Because Venus isn't even moving and that's Sailor Mars. But most jokes go over my head so...
Animation of how fast planets spin and their respective axis angles. 
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poorwitchesalmanac · 4 years
A sad Halloween. We lost one of the greats. But he lead a long, fantastic and successful life. Rest in peace Sir Sean Connery.
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poorwitchesalmanac · 4 years
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘
The Elements are the forces of Nature and life, and are incorporated into ritual and magick. Every aspect of existence is bound up in Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. And the fifth element which is Spirit (or also deemed Aether), which is present in each of the other four. Each of the four classical Elements is associated with one of the four cardinal directions; North, East, South and West.
There are also energetic associations, that add great depth to interpretations of how people with different zodiac signs interact with each other, for each sign is associated with an Element, and each Element is different.
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↟Direction: north
↟Energy: ♀
↟Rules: grounding, strength, healing, nature, stability, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, and wisdom.
↟Season/time: winter/midnight
↟Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
↟Ruling Planets: Venus, and Saturn.
↟Colours: green, brown, black, white, and gold.
↟Plants: cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, ivy, magnolia, grains, primrose, oak, sage, and nuts.
↟Crystals: emerald, tourmaline, quartz, granite, dedrock, peridot, onyx, jasper, and amethyst.
↟Tools: pentacle, salt, crystals, dirt, herbs, wood, plants, and flowers.
↟Virtues: patience, truth, dependable, thorough, focused.
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↟Direction: east
↟Energy: ♂
↟Rules: mind, clarity, knowledge, logic, abstract, wind, consciousness, intuition, and memory.
↟Season/time: spring/dawn
↟Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
↟Ruling planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus.
↟Colours: yellow, gold, white, and light blue.
↟Plants: acacia, anis, aspen, clover, frankincense, lavender, lemongrass, pine, and vervain.
↟Crystals: topaz, amber, citrine, jasper, and agate.
↟Tools: feather, wand, staff, incense, pen, broom, and bell.
↟Virtues: intelligent, practical, optimistic.
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↟Direction: south
↟Energy: ♂
↟Rules: energy, will, destruction, courage, strength, self-knowledge, power, passion, sexuality, self-healing, divinity, light, and flame.
↟Season/time: summer/noon
↟Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
↟Ruling planets: Sun, and Mars.
↟Colours: red, orange, gold, and white.
↟Plants: allspice, basil, cinnamon, garlic, juniper, hibiscus, nettle, onion, poppies, peppers, and thistles.
↟Crystals: ruby, garnet, red jasper, bloodstone, quartz, tiger’s eye, and agate.
↟Tools: candle, lamp, athame, dagger, and burned herbs.
↟Virtues: courage, enthusiasm, willpower.
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↟Direction: west
↟Energy: ♀
↟Rules: emotion, intuition, psychic, love, deep feelings, the unconscious mind, fertility, tides, reflection, lunar energy, and healing.
↟Season/time: autumn/twilight
↟Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
↟Ruling planets: Moon, Neptune, and Pluto.
↟Colours: blue, aqua, silver, and green.
↟Plants: aloe, apple, chamomile, ferns, gardenia, jasmine, lemon, lily, lotus, moss, seaweed, rose, thyme, and willow.
↟Crystals: amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, opal, pearl, and sodalite.
↟Tools: seashells, ocean water, seaweed, moss, stones, chalice, and cauldron.
↟Virtues: love, compassion, receptivity, and flexibility.
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poorwitchesalmanac · 4 years
Reblog if you’re proud to be a witch ✨
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poorwitchesalmanac · 4 years
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Cattio my neighbor built for us. We haven't let the cats try it yet because it's been so smokey. But the air quality is at moderate today so maybe we'll let them out today or tomorrow.
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poorwitchesalmanac · 4 years
I want to try and start actually blogging about witchcraft and the Goddess and my own personal journey. It all depends on my mental energy though. Ever since I got a job, it's been difficult. Maybe I shouldn't have stopped taking my anti-depressant but when I was in them my creativity for original fiction wasn't there so much but it's coming back. Aslo, now that I'm working, I don't have free health care and my work insurance doesn't cover a whole lot and the copay was more than I expected.
Example: I went to a different urgent care than usual last month because their covid test only takes three days, where the low cost clinic takes twelve. I can't miss that much work-I'm only a temp. Anyway, apparently my insurance didn't cover the clinic I went to do I had to pay $220 for a couple of swabs and less than ten minutes of talking to the "medical concierge" and physician's assistant COMBINED. And this is why most Americans don't like going to the doctor unless they're unconscious and brought there against their will.
The rest was negative, btw, allegedly anyway. Who the hell knows?
American healthcare is a joke and the so-called president is a deluded psychopath. And somehow this has become a political post as well. So my fellow Americans, if you are 18 and over by election day, register and vote like your life depends on it.
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poorwitchesalmanac · 4 years
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The girl with the green hair
- Envigado, Colombia                          
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poorwitchesalmanac · 5 years
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“Witchcraft is never cookie-cutter. Like recipes from a book, the recipes are often tailored to individual tastes as long as the general formula and steps are understood.”
- Mat Auryn Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation
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poorwitchesalmanac · 5 years
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Stargate ~ Juan I. Cuadrado
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poorwitchesalmanac · 6 years
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Little bit of humor 😁
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poorwitchesalmanac · 6 years
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Two babies walking together by tangling their trunks. Source: shahrogersphotography.com
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poorwitchesalmanac · 6 years
One thing that bugs me is when people force their movie and TV and fandom beliefs on others. If they don't want to watch it, don't pester them. If they don't like it, don't try and change their mind.
and it shouldn't be a deal breaker. They can still be a great friend or significant other even if they don't watch the same stuff.
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poorwitchesalmanac · 6 years
Tarot Tips
🃏 Find The Empress in your deck. The card behind her will reveal what you need to do to nurture and care for yourself. 
🃏 When in conflict or competition with someone, look for 5 of Wands. The card behind it will reveal the solution to the problem.
🃏 If you see the same card over and over again in readings, it is a sign and you must pay attention to its message for you.
🃏 For a better understanding of each card, observe it closely and form your own interpretation that follows its themes. It will help you interpret readings better.
🃏 To find out what is making you feel stuck or delayed, look to The Hanged Man. The card underneath him will show what is holding you back. The card in front of him will show you how to overcome it.
🃏 When shuffling your cards, if any card drops out of your grasp, take it as a sign and read the card. 
🃏 You do not need crystals with you to do proper readings, but a good way to cleanse your deck is to place a clear quartz on the top of your deck before each reading. Keep in mind; there’s a variety of ways you can cleanse your deck.
🃏 Often when The High Priestess appears in a reading, she is trying to tell you that you know the answers and that you should listen to your inner voice.
🃏 There is no wrong way to shuffle or cleanse your deck. Do what feels right for you!
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poorwitchesalmanac · 6 years
“Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”
— Sri Ramana Maharshi
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poorwitchesalmanac · 6 years
Cat people see and understand things about cats that non cat people don't. Not because we're crazy but because we're Chosen.
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poorwitchesalmanac · 6 years
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Norway | cosmokoala
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poorwitchesalmanac · 6 years
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A 200 year old Wisteria tree in Japan
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