
I admit, I don’t do paper piecing very often - just here and there for special shapes.... LIKE SPOOKY SKULLS FOR HALLOWEEN!! Ok, so what do you think, will red for the darkest parts and poisony green yellows and whites make a glowing spoopy decoration? Let me know because I am going to try my darndest to keep up on this sew along. I’ve downloaded my pattern from @and_sew_i and everything looks really well done. Wanna join in? .. #fracturedskullpanel #sewalong #foundationpaperpiecing #poisongreen #skull #halloweendecor #halloweendecorations #decorateforhalloweenallyearround
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Queen Elizabeth the First’s navy on the high seas - this block is a variation of an oldie but goodie called “Medieval Walls”. I see the dark green diagonals as her ships and the bright yellow as the sails so I had to use that fun moda waves fabric as background - I HAD to. Also I didn’t have enough of ANY other fabric left because this the the final block in my Know Them Sampler!!! Wooo! Also that purple Prince fabric I love from cloud9 and the green from Birch fabrics. .. You can still grab this pattern for another week at Gruber’s website. Then next week will be the setting instructions and I should hopefully have hard copies back from the printer. ... #showmethemoda #cloud9fabrics #quilting #quiltersofinstagram #patchwork #patchworkquilt #scrapquilt #scrappyquilt #freequiltpattern #freequiltblockpatterns #grubersquiltshop @grubersquiltshop #organicfabric #organicfabrics #nothingexceedslikeexcess #knowthembethemraisethem #knowthemraisethembethem #knowthemqal #knowthemsampler #iwishwehadourownelizabeththefirst
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Feet up the wall, listening to husband coach son through an essay. It’s all in our son’s words but just encouraging him thru in the way a study group might. Online college leaves out so much camaraderie right now. That’s one of my first quilts up there as a curtain. .. #onlinecollege #parenting2020 #patchwork #bearpaw #compressionsocks #feetupthewall
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Good advice... 💔💔💔 RIP RBG ... #rbg #notoriousrbg #gutpunch #wearblacktoday
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The online college freshman needed a mugrug STAT. ... #scrapquilt #miniquilt #mugrug #alisonglassfabric #quilting #patchwork #domesticmachinequilting #quiltersofinstagram
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Yum yum yummy yummy yum yum!!! I’ve been looking forward to this day since these fabrics came out. Do #annamariahornerfabric and #alisonglassfabric go together? My heart says what I first said! ❤️❤️❤️
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I love the quilted-cloud goodness around the Amelia Earhart block! Jan did a marvelous job. Just a few more hours left to grab this block pattern at Gruber’s website. We’re so close to the finish line! .. .. #ameliaearhart #samplerquilt #scrappyquilt #scrappyquilt #patchwork #patchworkquilt #knowthembethemraisethem #knowthemraisethembethem #knowthemsampler #knowthemqal #amazingwomen #aviatrix #quarantinequilting #quiltblock #freequiltblockpatterns #freequiltpattern #quilting #quiltersofinstagram #quiltsofinstagram
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21 cents for 11.111 gallons. .. .. #deathofpetroleum #deathoffossilfuels #gasischeap #oilbackedcrypto #greeneconomyisthefuture
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Getting ready to put on the #binding on this big beautiful thing! I vacuumed and mop and washed down the wall - all necessary and regular steps when sharing sewing space (living room) with several furry friends. Swipe to see the organic sateen cotton from @cassidydemkov and @cloud9fabrics who are both swiftly becoming go-to’s when I’m looking for fabrics. That sateen has such a wonderful and luxurious hand to it, I feel really indulgent using it! ... #quilting #quiltersofinstagram #quiltsofinstagram #patchwork #patchworkquilt #samplerquilt #knowthemqal #knowthemsampler #knowthembethemraisethem #knowthemraisethembethem #grandmacore #cottagecore #organicfabric #organicsewing
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Getting ready to put on the #binding on this big beautiful thing! I vacuumed and mop and washed down the wall - all necessary and regular steps when sharing sewing space (living room) with several furry friends. Swipe to see the organic sateen cotton from @cassidydemkov and @cloud9fabrics who are both swiftly becoming go-to’s when I’m looking for fabrics. That sateen has such a wonderful and luxurious hand to it, I feel really indulgent using it! ... #quilting #quiltersofinstagram #quiltsofinstagram #patchwork #patchworkquilt #samplerquilt #knowthemqal #knowthemsampler #knowthembethemraisethem #knowthemraisethembethem #grandmacore #cottagecore #organicfabric #organicsewing
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I finally got another #vintageblock of #vintagefabric done: Helen Keller. I know the taupe is a Kaufman woven... Manchester maybe? So it’s not technically vintage but I am running out of true vintage pieces... and the pink floral and brick red may be more recent than twenty years old, so that just leaves the purples and white. ... There’s about twelve hours left to get this #freequiltblock pattern from Gruber’s website - you have to scroll wwwaaaaayyy to the bottom of the Classes page. ... #helenkeller #freequiltblockpatterns #quilting #patchwork #patchworkquilt #scrapquilt #scrappyquilt #quilt #quarantinequilting #quiltersofinstagram #vintagejapanesefabric #delftchina #sampler #samplerquilt #pinwheelofprogress #knowthembethemraisethem #knowthemraisethembethem #knowthemsampler #knowthemqal #mixanddontmatch #mixdontmatch #grandmacore #cottagecore
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This is the Helen Keller block in my “Know Them” sampler. She was an author who was deaf and blind from illness at only 19 months old. She advocated for not only the blind but also people in poor economic conditions, veterans, and women’s rights. She was on the FBI watch list for her radical left politics. Check her out. ... ... The block pattern and brief bio is available at Gruber’s Quilt Shop’s website (my local quilt shop and a fabulous one it is!) for a couple weeks. ... ... #samplerquilt #sampler #quilting #quilt #patchwork #patchworkquilt #knowthembethemraisethem #knowthemraisethembethem #knowthem #helenkeller #scrapquilt #scrappyquilt #freequiltpattern #freequiltblockpatterns #organicfabric #quarantinequilting #moderntraditionalquilt #birchfabrics #cloud9fabrics #quiltersgonnaquilt #makersgonnamake
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Hedy Lamarr was complicated. We all know how well society accepts complicated women, right? 🙄 but nevertheless she persisted and her invention is at the root of WiFi! Her story is another one that is hard to reduce to a short bio but check it out and then check out some books written about her for fascinating details. ... ... The Hedy Lamarr block is available for download at for about two weeks. ... ... #samplerquilt #sampler #knowthembethemraisethem #knowthemraisethembethem #patchwork #quilting #freequiltpattern #freeblock #scrapquilt #scrappyquilt #organicfabric #hedylamarr #quarantinequilting #moderntraditionalquilt #squareinasquare
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Oooo, I’m excited and getting groovy vibes 😆 over the custom quilting happening on my sampler top! This is the work of Lichy Quilting, she’s on Facebook not IG but I wanted to show y’all this beautiful work. .. .. #quiltsofinsta #quilting #quilting #quiltylove #quiltyfriendsarethebest #customquilting
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Four Olympic gold medals, four World Cup trophies, eight CONCACAF cups plus great viewing ratings prove the US Women’s National Soccer Team to be worthy of equal pay. Here’s a quilt block in honor of their pursuit for equal treatment. ... ... “Know Them” sampler block #15 is available for download at Gruber’s Quilt Shop website under “Classes”. ... ... ... #scrapquilt #freequiltpattern #scrappyquiltsarethebest #scrappyquilt #patchwork #patchworkquilt #quiltblock #quilting #quiltersgonnaquilt #organicfabric @kirstensevig @cloud9fabrics @monalunadesign
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My #vintagefabric Hildegard von Bingen block from the Know Them Be Them Raise Them sampler. The center square here is a very old barkcloth that was a wee bit difficult to work with. I had to upsize it a touch to get the final size correct. Then on top of everything else going on, I got ahead of myself on the last post - we’re not there yet!! But Saint Hildegard is a great story of an amazing medieval age polymath. Check out the bio and pattern at ... ... #patchwork #patchworkquilt #reducereuserecycle #upcycle #scrapquilt #scrappyquilt #quilting #quilt #freequiltpattern #quiltingmakesmehappy #makersgonnamake #quiltersofinstagram #upcycledfabric #hildegardvonbingen
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Creola Katherine Coleman Johnson - what a beautiful name! I wish I had been taught about this sharp and ambitious black woman in school when I was young. She calculated orbital mechanics and rocket trajectories manually. In recent years she and the other human computers who made the space race possible have been receiving recognition they deserve. This block is for her. ... ... Block and bio available at for another week. ... #knowthembethemraisethem #katherinejohnson #patchwork #patchworkquilt #scrappyquilt #scrapquilt #quilting #freequiltpattern #quilt #snailstrailquilt #knowthemqal #organicfabric
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