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pollyeostre · 5 years ago
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I finally got another #vintageblock of #vintagefabric done: Helen Keller. I know the taupe is a Kaufman woven... Manchester maybe? So it’s not technically vintage but I am running out of true vintage pieces... and the pink floral and brick red may be more recent than twenty years old, so that just leaves the purples and white. ... There’s about twelve hours left to get this #freequiltblock pattern from Gruber’s website - you have to scroll wwwaaaaayyy to the bottom of the Classes page. ... #helenkeller #freequiltblockpatterns #quilting #patchwork #patchworkquilt #scrapquilt #scrappyquilt #quilt #quarantinequilting #quiltersofinstagram #vintagejapanesefabric #delftchina #sampler #samplerquilt #pinwheelofprogress #knowthembethemraisethem #knowthemraisethembethem #knowthemsampler #knowthemqal #mixanddontmatch #mixdontmatch #grandmacore #cottagecore https://www.instagram.com/p/CEh31MynNOd/?igshid=d7munidudadg
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comfy-quilts · 5 years ago
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Have a great day!
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hereastitch-blog · 5 years ago
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Love knocking projects off my to-do list, such as this table runner with a twisted pole pattern. Happy to finally get it done. It was on my list for a couple years. #quilting #tablerunner #twistedpole #quarantinequilting #quiltersofinstagram #hereastitch https://www.instagram.com/p/B_X1gKfnoah/?igshid=1gjgt6u3qpi9o
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thegeekerye · 5 years ago
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ITS DONE! This took a long time, but I think my quarantine quilt was a product of our times. This Underground Railroad quilt will be used as a teaching piece in my reading groups. #undergroundrailroad #quilt #quarantinequilt #quarantine #covid #covid19 #covid_19 #covıd19 #coronavirus #2020 #blm #blackhistory #urbaned #urbaneducation https://www.instagram.com/p/CDUBEbEnwJW/?igshid=15eixnrj1kje0
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easternshoreartcenter · 5 years ago
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This labor of love was hung in our foyer today and the ESAC staff is extremely proud to have been a part of it. #QuarantineQuilt #ComeTogether #Fairhope #Covid19 (at Eastern Shore Art Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEqLRtjFDV/?igshid=r3ntj579viej
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thefibermancer · 5 years ago
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Decided to make a quilt during quarantine! Ive been wanting to make one for a while anyway and to make things extra interesting I challenged myself to use only what I already had for fabric! It consists of... * A cloth shower curtain * An old flat sheet * fabric samples from a furniture/curtain store * And then random odd ball fabrics I had in my scrap stash! #quilt #crafter #fiberartist #scrapfabric #quilting #quarantinequilt #fibermancer #killingtime #usewhatyouhave #reducereuserecycle #wastenotwantnot https://www.instagram.com/p/B-0TPJ6hseU/?igshid=3vqloqyw2w84
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pollyeostre · 5 years ago
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Nancy Wake was such a b@d@$$ warrior woman. Even if you don’t quilt, check out her story because it’s totally not related to quilting unless red satin counts! Her story’s amazing and I can’t believe we don’t have a major movie about her right now dang it! (There’s a docudrama...also a newish book) What brunette bombshell should play her? . . Also I adore the Birds and Branches fabrics by @kirstensevig . This color is called “Prince”. 💕 . . #samplerquilt #sampler #scrapquilt #scrappyquilt #freequiltpattern #patchwork #patchworkquilt #quilt #quilting #quiltersofinstagram #organicfabric @cloud9fabrics @grubersquiltshop #quarantinedquilting #quarantinequilting #nancywake #thewhitemouse #codenamehelene #ariellawhon https://www.instagram.com/p/CAMMKJZH3ri/?igshid=96kjxen264hc
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pollyeostre · 5 years ago
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Rosalind Franklin did so much for us in her time on earth. Block #7 in the “Know Them” sampler is dedicated to her. The bio and block pattern are at Gruber’s Quilt Shop’s website. Some half-square triangle practice for you between making masks, surgical hats, and scrubs you awesome community, you! . . #samplerquilt #sampler #patchwork #patchworkquilt #scrappyquilt #scrapquilt #quilt #quilting #organicfabric #birdsandbranches #quiltpattern #quiltersofinstagram #organicfabric #sewthescrapoutofmarch #knowthemraisethembethem #knowthem #knowthemqal #makersgonnamake #freequiltpattern #quarantinequilting #moderntraditionalquilt @grubersquiltshop @birchfabrics @cloud9fabrics @monalunadesign https://www.instagram.com/p/B-XPGG6HRv0/?igshid=1ees8kvj5plar
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pollyeostre · 4 years ago
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I love the quilted-cloud goodness around the Amelia Earhart block! Jan did a marvelous job. Just a few more hours left to grab this block pattern at Gruber’s website. We’re so close to the finish line! .. .. #ameliaearhart #samplerquilt #scrappyquilt #scrappyquilt #patchwork #patchworkquilt #knowthembethemraisethem #knowthemraisethembethem #knowthemsampler #knowthemqal #amazingwomen #aviatrix #quarantinequilting #quiltblock #freequiltblockpatterns #freequiltpattern #quilting #quiltersofinstagram #quiltsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CFFeFZ9nCKA/?igshid=1nj2wyae3884r
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pollyeostre · 5 years ago
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This is the Helen Keller block in my “Know Them” sampler. She was an author who was deaf and blind from illness at only 19 months old. She advocated for not only the blind but also people in poor economic conditions, veterans, and women’s rights. She was on the FBI watch list for her radical left politics. Check her out. ... ... The block pattern and brief bio is available at Gruber’s Quilt Shop’s website (my local quilt shop and a fabulous one it is!) for a couple weeks. ... ... #samplerquilt #sampler #quilting #quilt #patchwork #patchworkquilt #knowthembethemraisethem #knowthemraisethembethem #knowthem #helenkeller #scrapquilt #scrappyquilt #freequiltpattern #freequiltblockpatterns #organicfabric #quarantinequilting #moderntraditionalquilt #birchfabrics #cloud9fabrics #quiltersgonnaquilt #makersgonnamake https://www.instagram.com/p/CEAikxmnRbT/?igshid=t8yjtow826g1
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pollyeostre · 5 years ago
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Hedy Lamarr was complicated. We all know how well society accepts complicated women, right? 🙄 but nevertheless she persisted and her invention is at the root of WiFi! Her story is another one that is hard to reduce to a short bio but check it out and then check out some books written about her for fascinating details. ... ... The Hedy Lamarr block is available for download at grubersquiltshop.com for about two weeks. ... ... #samplerquilt #sampler #knowthembethemraisethem #knowthemraisethembethem #patchwork #quilting #freequiltpattern #freeblock #scrapquilt #scrappyquilt #organicfabric #hedylamarr #quarantinequilting #moderntraditionalquilt #squareinasquare https://www.instagram.com/p/CDeHz_OHmKY/?igshid=nypjathnb6qd
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comfy-quilts · 5 years ago
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I am so baaad🤪🤪🤪. I started getting my half square triangles made and then remembered I was supposed to be working on the #facemasks and then I walked to the computer to count how many half square triangles I needed for this #quilt and whoops😂😂😂 started playing with the colors for this layout AGAIN! Yep! Have a new #sewinghawaii quilt to make! I just love these colors . . #quilter #quiltersofinstagram #quiltsofinstagram #longarmquilting #longarmquilting #overmask #quarantine #quarantinequilting #coronavirus #patchworkquilt #handmade #comfyquiltsnthings #islandbatikfabrics (at Ewa Beach, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-6KuJ_HPty/?igshid=17cvjv7oy7dnv
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pollyeostre · 5 years ago
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Mask finish number one. Thank you for the tutorial @deannalynncole ! I much prefer the jersey ties over making bias tape. I added some tucks under my chin after this photo to take up some of the slack the happens from my small lower jaw/overbite. I’m squeezing these in between #workfromhome so I can’t promise high production... . . #quarantinequilting #quarantinesewing #makersgonnamake #protectothers #batik (has a tight weave) #reuse (t-shirts for ties) #goodluckeveryone #wishicoulddomore https://www.instagram.com/p/B-fIOZRnzrl/?igshid=11shi51q9tnc9
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easternshoreartcenter · 5 years ago
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Excited about our #QuarantineQuilt coming together! Here’s a sneak peek of a few more squares submitted by our community. The finished product will go live during our Virtual Art Walk this Friday night on Facebook. Stay tuned! #artinthetimeofcorona #artinthetimeofcovid #cometogether #socialdistancing #distancingsocially (at Eastern Shore Art Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_o60Fjf4X/?igshid=ao8yemungvna
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easternshoreartcenter · 5 years ago
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#QuarantineQuilt squares are due this Friday! We have a bin outside the side academy entrance door for early drop off’s. Love seeing everyone’s thought process going into each piece! RePosted • @sarahrutledgefischer I’m almost done with my square for the @esartcenter’s Quarantine Quilt project. The base square is made out of scraps of fabric I had left over from mask making, and the design is machine embroidered on top. . For months before this pandemic started, I had been feeling a tug towards exploring textile work. And once this all began, I taught myself basic sewing skills (or refreshed the skills my mom taught me half a lifetime ago—thanks, mom). . I wanted to create something for this quilt that captured my experience and feelings about this pandemic in both form and process, so it seemed natural to forgo paint in favor of thread. . I have one or two more elements to add tonight or tomorrow, and then I will sign it and send it in its way to, hopefully, be part of the Art Center’s quilt. . Stay safe and care for each other, my friends. #talkingtomyembroidery #fairhopeartist #quarantinequilt #textilearts #machineembroidery #outsideofmycomfortzone #staysafe #careforeachother https://www.instagram.com/p/CAqf7-RDp3x/?igshid=jeb0b4wirzby
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easternshoreartcenter · 5 years ago
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Join us on Facebook tonight for a Virtual Art Walk! We’ll be posting pics from our galleries, the reveal of our QuarantineQuilt, and more. https://facebook.com/events/s/virtual-june-art-walk/295828944915666/?ti=icl Exhibitor Pictured: Stewart Heath “Monarch” Mixed Media 24x24 $555 #mixedmedia #mixedmediaart #artwalk #fairhope #onlinegalleries https://www.instagram.com/p/CBDuHVfDjbM/?igshid=ws35j5c48a4w
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