polarisbri · 4 years
Harper startled mildly and looked up over her shoulder. Immediately there was a grin and almost apologetic grin for her reaction on her face.  “Oh please! That’d be wonderful.” Harper encouraged and then even shifted over some and patted the ground next to her.  To her left sat a camera that currently had the lens cap off but was also turned off. She was clearly waiting for something of interest but hadn’t had any luck.  After rather knee-jerk pleasantries that Harper almost offered as a default she looked over Ginny’s face as if searching for what might be the trouble. However, she didn’t know the girl at all and so didn’t feel comfortable enough to ask.  “I’ve never been to this part of the lake before. It’s stunning.” Small talk. 
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How anyone could stay at this land-locked mess of a school for too long completely baffles Ginny. There’s the obvious answer, that most of the other students here haven’t spent three decades living under water and are perfectly used to dry skin and lung breathing, but Ginny isn’t here for obvious answers. The lake on school grounds really is her saving grace. Or at least it is most days, when her favorite spot right on the edge of the water is unoccupied. Today though, someone else has taken up residence in her perfect spot, and she needs to mentally count to seventeen (ten just doesn’t cut it). You don’t own the lake. “Hey.” Despite her most mediocre efforts, she can’t fake too friendly a tone. “Do you… mind if I sit here too?” If they said no, she was going to do it anyway. But manners.
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polarisbri · 4 years
Blair didn’t make a habit of being early to her shifts at Nova’s– if only because she had so much schoolwork that she constantly felt like she had to catch up on. Still, she was happy to help Bast out with a few spells, considering Luc could be anal retentive about how spotlessly grunge he wanted the bar at all times. Make it look shabby, sure, but spotless. “I did,” She greets him with a grin, shoving her hands in the pockets of her skirt. “Are you ready for Nova Spells 101?”
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Bast was as transparent as they came. When Blair not only arrived early but also was still willing to help his expression was of deep appreciation.  “I’m not going to lie. The whole ‘just use extra elbow grease’ doesn’t really compare to what you guys can do. I’m here tryin’ to mop up old school and it’s downright sad.”  He thumbed backwards over his shoulder at a discarded mop and bucket.  “I am your humble student.” He did a rather exaggerated bow.  When he stood back up, he rubbed his hands together and then shook out his arms as if he needed to get ‘warmed up’.  “Alright! Ready to accept wisdom. Lay it on me.” He clapped once. 
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Originally posted by khaleesiguzman
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polarisbri · 4 years
IZZY: if someone doesn’t do something interesting here soon i will die of boredom
IZZY: i expect my tombstone to be witty AF
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polarisbri · 4 years
HARPER: So, rewind. What happened?
HARPER: I get that you’re upset but I feel like I’ve missed some critical piece here.
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polarisbri · 4 years
It took Bast a delayed moment to look up and realize that it was him who was getting scolded.
He paused the tuning on his guitar in order to give Temperance a proper look of confusion. He hadn’t thought he was being too loud. There was definitely a silent thought joke about someone being too old.
Bast was notorious on campus for just perching on a random ledge or spot around Polaris in order to play his guitar. This moment was simply that; him sitting along the path that lead out towards Novas.
“I could play it out of tune.” He offered with a grin.
“...but that might be worse.” He made a brief motion to his ear as if it was necessary to add onto the implication.
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“I don’t know what it is you think you’re doing, but I’d suggest you do it quietly.” ( @polarisbri​ )
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polarisbri · 4 years
Bast | Starter
Bast wiped down the last of the bartop. The entire counter smelled like some more pleasant version of Pine Sol and he tossed the cloth back into the cleaning bucket.  “...They ought to make a cleaning spell.” He muttered. “...Abra-ka-clean! Poof! Done.”  He wasn’t really speaking to anyone although there were people around. Some patrons, a co-worker who was still working on some drink orders.  He leaned against the back wall as he took a brief moment to mentally go over what still needed done on his shift. He looked over at his guitar that he had stashed over to the side and thought about getting it out to play. Lucian didn’t seem to care if he took breaks to play so long as he clocked out to do so. The door jingled with the familiar bell that rang to signal someone was entering and he was only half paying attention. This was, until, he glanced over to recognize a familiar face walking into the bar. He stood up straight, grinning and beckoning them over.  “You made it!”
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polarisbri · 4 years
The temptation to lob a snowball at him on his way out the door is tempting.
So tempting.
But she doesn’t, instead she lets his words float in one ear and out the other as they pertain to her, but suddenly, Odelia is the queen of fixing everyone else’s problems but her own. “You’re not stupid,” she counters, and there’s something willful in her determination, almost as if he’ll believe it because she does.
“Don’t say things like that about yourself.”
Sure, everyone else is high on her list of realizing their own worth, but Odelia is not, and that is truly her downfall. “Have a good night.”
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Bast would have fully embraced a snowball to the face if it meant he knew he hadn’t somehow messed things up. His mind went in circles about the snowman and without thinking about it he put the cigarette to his lips and let it hang there.  He arched an eyebrow at Odelia when she corrected him.  “Fine. But if I can’t talk shit talk myself then neither can you.” He grinned and pointed at her, back-talking with a wry smile.  She wished him good night and he nodded, deciding to push his luck.  “I’m working tomorrow. You should swing by, Odie. Ice wine.” He reminded her with a sage nod. As if that were the sole reason she should show up at Novas. Whether she wanted a nickname or not, that’s how Bast had named her in his head.  He was now halfway out the door but had a hopeful eye still on her in case she threw him a ‘maybe’.  Then, with an attempt to show off, he looked over at a candle and snapped his fingers.  The candle would light with a teeny tiny flame. Weak and anti-climatic, but for Bast, it was a rather huge accomplishment to get it correct.  “Gotta leave you looking at the bright side, right?.” He teased before stepping out. 
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polarisbri · 4 years
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polarisbri · 4 years
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Ice Animal Sculptures
Demiurgus Dreams on Etsy
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polarisbri · 4 years
Vibes for the hopeless romantics
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jenny slate / two, sleeping at last / an oresteia, euripidies (trans. anne carson) / the chaos of stars, kiersten white
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polarisbri · 4 years
Harper followed the scent of baked pastries and didn’t need any further clues to know about Charlie’s current undertaking.
“Oof! Got it!” Her pace is picked up to a trot and she spins the burner off.
“You’ve got a whole bakery going here!” She looked around wide eyed, simultaneously impressed and concerned.
“What do you need help with?” She asks as she walks over to wash her hands. “Put me to work.”
She walked closer and peaked over Charlie’s shoulder.
“Taste tester is preferred but I could mix things up too.” She teased.
Despite the curse and despite the blow up from Charlie, Harper seemed to hold no animosity even immediately after.
If given the opportunity Harper avoided most conflict. Mostly because crisis and chaos was pulled towards her to get balanced on the regular.
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Charlotte is easily guilted into many things, but notoriously, she always winds up being the one who is automatically volunteered for bake sales. It’s not even like she’s a spectacular baker—she’s good, years of practice has solidified that, but she’s not winning any competitions anytime soon, and she’s fine with that. Yet, year after year, regardless of where she is, Charlie finds herself baking a ridiculous amount of something. Today, she’s making several different things in large quantities, and she once again hates her whole life.
She’s in the middle of pulling something out of the oven when what she has on the stove on the opposite side of the kitchen begins to boil over; at that moment, she sees someone enter the room in her peripheral. Charlie doesn’t take the time to see who it is before she speaks hurriedly. “Can you turn down that stove burner?” And then, a careless afterthought: “Please.” ( @polarisbri​ )
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polarisbri · 4 years
The shift was so sudden that Bast’s dopey grin was stuck on his face for a moment longer than it should have been.
Wait. What—?
He blinked at the spot the snowman had been and then looked up at Odelia with concern. He didn’t bother to hide any of that confusion that he felt.
Was it the bad joke?
No... she had laughed!
His blue eyes searched over her as if trying to piece a now broken puzzle together.
“Humor you?” He shook his head. “Thanks for humoring me!” He laughed softly but also seemed unsure.
Without knowing what line he had crossed to have her suddenly shut down, he moved to pick up the trash from the floor.
He took a step towards the door and opened his mouth to start some form of a bantered goodbye but then he stopped and turned to face her. He remembered why he had shown up in the first place.
His eyebrows furrowed some and he was obviously struggling to say something more appropriate for the moment.
“Gotta promise me something.” He hid the seriousness of his request under a lopsided grin.
“Before you go thinking anything stupid again you have to consult me first.”
He winked.
“That’s my wheelhouse. Not yours.”
He really wasn’t sure where he stood with her after the sudden shift or where things had gone wrong, but he didn’t want to leave without at least trying to repair the moment.
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It felt surreal. The typical dumbass grin he wore melted into a sincerely awed expression as the snowflakes paused and then burst around them.
Danger was no where on Bast’s radar. And even if she called his attention to it, he wouldn’t take caution. At least, not enough to create distance between them. Not unless she requested it.
The temperature in the room had dropped and Bast could see his own breath as he watched her search for the clothes. Really, he was staring. His brain couldn’t comprehend her suffering and her loneliness. He didn’t get why someone like Odelia was alone so often. He had determined so far that she was kind, smart, had a sense of humor, and was hot as hell beautiful.
When Odelia came back with a hat, Bast laughed and adjusted it on the snowman’s head. “This is going to end up looking like a Halloween decoration if you put me in charge.” He warned playfully and then dug into his pockets to try and figure out what to use.
He produced some loose change, a cigarette and an old metallic looking gum wrapper that had been balled up.
The penny and quarter went to be eyes, the gum wrapper was the nose, and then he stuck the cigarette in the snowman’s mouth.
“Do you know where snowmen keep their money?”
He was back to grinning like an absolute idiot.
If she took the bait for the joke, he’d reach over and with a slight of hand trick, he’d pretend to pull another quarter from behind her ear.
“In a snow bank.”
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Originally posted by hellofavillain
Odelia, although delighted, was being reckless and stupid. The last time she’d had this sort of fun, she’d sent her entire town outside of Tel Aviv in frost for the entire growing season. They had all died because of her negligence. Her siblings, her parents– they suffered at her hand. What right did she have to be so careless with her powers?
Odelia watched as he gave the snowman a face, and clapped her hands in delight as he pulled a quarter from behind her ear. She smiled in spite of herself– Bast had a way of improving her mood and almost making her forget her own trauma.
With a wave of her hand, all of the snow and snowmen disappeared, the quarters and gum wrapper and cigarette clattering to the floor.
Her sister’s voice rings in her ears, please don’t shut me out again!
“Well,” Odelia bristles, the smile on her lips admittedly much more fake. “That was fun. Thank you so much for humoring me.”
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polarisbri · 4 years
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polarisbri · 4 years
“I like Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita...”
Izzy’s answer to River was to be obnoxious and list off the names of all of the women in “Mambo #5”.
The grin she wore was triumphant and pretty priceless. As if she had been waiting to use that comeback.
“It’s so cute you assume I have a personal life. I have one life. It’s pretty damn public.” She made a wide sweeping gesture with the underwear as a flag. “Unlike these.”
It was difficult to tell if her deflection was just her being stuck in ‘banter’ mode or if she was purposefully avoiding. She didn’t have an obvious ‘soft spot’.
“If you don’t want to be single then don’t be.” She said it as if he said he were thirsty and it was as simple as getting a glass of water. “Ask someone on some dates. Date #1 can be cliff diving. Pick someone exciting.” She encouraged as she opened another drawer in hopes of finding swim trunks.
“I’ll bite your ankles.” She narrowed her eyes playfully, warning them in an empty threat after teased for being short. 
When they made an assumption that she was too scared to get numbers her jaw dropped and she got a gleam in her eyes to suggest that what River had just suggested was fighting words.  “You better watch it River or else you’ll be tossed into your own namesake.” She threatened him a second time and shook her head, muttering something about ‘girls numbers’ and ‘game’ and ‘if she really wanted to’.  Izzy was a weird creature. She could waltz right up to a stranger and ask their number or start up a conversation with anyone so long as she didn’t care about them.  Add in emotions and suddenly she was dysfunctional. But few at Polaris had learned this. Always kept at arms length. Attachments meant stability. Stability was the opposite of change.  When River explained that meaning behind the slang term she nodded along. “I guess I could see that. You’ve got the confidence and the focus. You can keep people’s attention. Sure. Why not? Being a sharpshooter isn’t the worst thing you’ve been called I’m sure.” But then she grinned boldly.  “You were bored. I fixed it. You’re welcome.”  She did a little dance with the underwear she found of his that had something ridiculous as a print. 
“Like a little Chihuahua? That’s so cute! I’ve always wanted one of those!”
River’s smirk quickly turned into a grin, and they crossed their arms as Izzy tried to deflect. “You already promised to throw me into a lake, so why would I be scared of a river? You’re losing your edge, babe.” 
Instead of letting up, they decided to mess with Izzy by getting personal. “Any girl’s you’ve got your eyes on that I know? Even if I don’t know her, tell me. You conveniently let me blab on about my personal life so you don’t have to talk about yours. People like you always think I don’t notice, but I do.” 
I just happen love talking about myself, and the attention is nice too.
River shifted their focus to another area of their closet, hoping to find the missing piece of clothing. “Yeah, fucking tell me about it. I usually something in the vein of obnoxious or attention-seeking,” they called over their shoulder. “Being called a sniper is cool and all until I sit down and realize I’m painfully single.”
They gasped and hurried across the room to snatch the underwear from Izzy’s grasp. “Stop going through my underwear! You’re such a weirdo. We’re looking for my swim shorts, remember? Focus. You can be a creep some other time.”
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polarisbri · 4 years
“I’d love to.”
Food was a life force and something Anka was passionate about. Often she’d go on about how people took food for granted, how too many things were processed past a point of being recognizable and so on. It was a classic “old person” rant but it typically ended with her showering whoever would listen with fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and teas from the greenhouse and garden.
She looked over Alaric in a motherly way as if determining whether or not he needed any more “mending” but she released him to the world.
“Anything or anyone else a trouble to you?” She asked and then glanced at the space where the ‘curse’ had previously done some damage before she had cleaned things up.
“Things got quite interesting for a moment.”
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With a subtle and smooth motion of her hand, the tea kettle moved over to the correct burner. It wasn’t telekinesis; instead a thin vine had wrapped around the handle and pulled it into place. It’s next trick was to dial the stove to the correct setting. All an extension of Anka’s arm.
“It’s a simple blend of lavender and camomile but the honey is from our own stock this year.” She explained with a pride that emphasizes the “our” part of her life. She really loved her students. Her job wasn’t just a paycheck. Polaris was home.
“What do you think you’ll do now?” It was a vague an gentle question that Alaric could take in any direction.
Alaric takes the tea gratefully, and lets warmth and comfort envelop him as he takes a sip. The combination of lavender, chamomile and honey reminds him of something he can’t quite place. The hot beverage is quite like a hug. He needs it.
“I have to get ready for my lesson tonight at some point,” Alaric shrugs, he’s been teaching for years so it’s not particularly pertinent, but he does need some time to go over his notes and the planned assignments. “And get lunch, I guess. Would you like to join me?”
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polarisbri · 4 years
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☕️🍂  Instagram : @Delamontee
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polarisbri · 4 years
It felt surreal. The typical dumbass grin he wore melted into a sincerely awed expression as the snowflakes paused and then burst around them.
Danger was no where on Bast’s radar. And even if she called his attention to it, he wouldn’t take caution. At least, not enough to create distance between them. Not unless she requested it.
The temperature in the room had dropped and Bast could see his own breath as he watched her search for the clothes. Really, he was staring. His brain couldn’t comprehend her suffering and her loneliness. He didn’t get why someone like Odelia was alone so often. He had determined so far that she was kind, smart, had a sense of humor, and was hot as hell beautiful.
When Odelia came back with a hat, Bast laughed and adjusted it on the snowman’s head. “This is going to end up looking like a Halloween decoration if you put me in charge.” He warned playfully and then dug into his pockets to try and figure out what to use.
He produced some loose change, a cigarette and an old metallic looking gum wrapper that had been balled up.
The penny and quarter went to be eyes, the gum wrapper was the nose, and then he stuck the cigarette in the snowman’s mouth.
“Do you know where snowmen keep their money?”
He was back to grinning like an absolute idiot.
If she took the bait for the joke, he’d reach over and with a slight of hand trick, he’d pretend to pull another quarter from behind her ear.
“In a snow bank.”
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There wasn’t a moment of hesitation before Bast was playing in the snow that formed around him.
He scooped up a handful and started to pack it into a snowball and narrowed his eyes at Odelia as if he was sizing her up. A worthy adversary in a snowball ‘fight.’
He lofted it lazily into the air in an arc that she could easily avoid but it might ‘poof’ onto the top of her head on contact if she didn’t move.
The assembly of the snowman had Bast laughing and totally amazed. “Wait! That’s cheating!” He mocked a complaint and pointed at the ground.
“You’re supposed to wrestle the snow on the ground and hope it sticks to itself and then push it around the yard randomly until it’s big enough!” He teased.
He stepped up and touched the snowman as if to confirm it was real.
The fire witch didn’t emanate heat. In fact, most of the time Bast looked and acted like a typical “mortal.” It was only in times of extreme upset that the flames appeared; and typically he was good natured.
“I’ll take either.” He nodded sagely with a smirk. “Any reason to celebrate right?”
What he wasn’t explaining is that “holidays” of any sort weren’t something he experienced as a child. Instead, celebrations were more phrased as ‘mom’s boyfriend got out of jail!’ And ‘we’re not getting evicted this month.’ Or, ‘someone remembered your birthday correctly here’s a mostly used gift card.”
He wasn’t so sheltered. He knew the rest of the world wasn’t the same as his. He knew of families that had large family get togethers, feasts, and decorations.
“What can we decorate our new friend with?” He asked and looked around her apartment briefly before turning an eager look back to Odelia.
There was genuine happiness on his face; fully transparent with his emotions. Although he might have dressed the part of the ‘bad boy’ he didn’t act it. It was mostly a defensive tactic he kept from his mortal life. If he looked like he was a threat; maybe he could have peace.
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Originally posted by buckybarnesbakery
As the snowball sails toward her head, Odelia momentarily debates letting it hit her or brushing it away. Instead, she opts to show off a little more. This is dangerous– nobody has ever reacted in such a way to her powers, and having someone appreciate them… it’s like a sip of the most incredible wine, gulping it down and then being told you’ll only have that one glass. She knows it won’t end well, but it’s so freeing.
Instead, she waves a hand and the snowball bursts into a million tiny crystals that suspend in the air for a moment before she sends them whirling on the wind she creates, falling down around her like diamonds that settle in her hair, on her nose.
“Right,” She nods, before launching into her drawers for an article of clothing she can wrap around the snowfamily.
There’s not too many wintry garments in her possession, believe it or not, as Odelia always runs chilly and the temperature doesn’t affect her. If anything, she’s easily overheated– anything above freezing is balmy for her.
Still, she’s able to dig up a couple of scarves, hats, and headbands, that might do their job. “You’re on your own for the faces.”
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