poemsbylaura-blog · 16 days
“When I grow up…”
When I was little,
I ran out to play,
Never looking in the mirror.
My grandma would scold me or my mama,
Did you brush your hair??
Now I’m older.
I l look in the mirror
I brushed my hair
Put on a nice suit.
I’m not going out to play
It’s a different world now
I often look at that carefree girl.
With her little glasses
Looking at the world in a different lens,
To her everything was a game.
Climbing on top of the monkey bars
Jumping on the trampoline.
I swear she looked to the clouds,
And never down.
I wanna make her proud,
So I’ll write stories.
Once upon a time,
There was a girl who was brave,
She grew up,
She conquered hurdles,
She jumped but landed on her feet.
Not so far off from some 20 years ago.
She still loves November
Loves to tell jokes
She can be impatient,
At times impulsive and immature.
Very sensitive
She’s me
For now I look in the mirror,
I see the eyes of a woman,
Who views the world wholeheartedly.
And the love for that child is expressed,
In the stories told,
And yet to come.
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poemsbylaura-blog · 1 month
Is it just me or do you look at old clothes and smile? Like I traveled the world in this coat..Or I walked a mile in these boots 🥾 Remembering old memories with items makes me happy.
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poemsbylaura-blog · 3 months
Natures Reconciliation
You were meant to live,
Your lungs meant to breathe,
The air around you,
You live with purpose,
Give life to the trees.
Your every flaw,
Gives beauty dimension
Your reflection in the lake water,
Is natures reconciliation.
For there’s a fire within you,
Enough to burn down a forest,
But you find peace underneath pine trees,
And serenity in the lake water,
Not knowing the depth
But you rejoice with the renown.
Just like the birds sing of the mountains ambitions.
But now just reflect in the present.
And live in the now.
For nature sings a song,
If you care to listen.
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poemsbylaura-blog · 4 months
Flowers Freedom
I picked you,
It was beautiful while it lasted
But you weren’t growing.
Life seemed so small in a vase
Seeing the sun through a window
And not on your skin
So I set you free.
Now I see you in the garden every spring,
I see you blooming,
And now I know,
Beauty isn’t captured
But found.
Love is elemental,
And growth is freedom.
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poemsbylaura-blog · 5 months
You may mistake my kindness for weakness, but it is my Strength ☀️
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poemsbylaura-blog · 5 months
Time capsule
Sometimes when your rooms a mess,
You find unexpected things buried,
You find a photo, a card, a piece of the past.
You reminisces.
Behind that mess,
Was once a happy moment in time.
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poemsbylaura-blog · 5 months
I think I like spring.. it’s growing on me. 🌸
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poemsbylaura-blog · 6 months
1,000 miles away
They always said aim for the moon,
You might miss,
But you’ll still be among the stars.
I wonder if that’s where you are..
I always look to those stars,
A letter never finished.
1,000 miles separates us.
Distance is funny like that.
I wonder who you are,
I knew a version of you,
Now you’re not running in the grass.
Looking for secret passages,
But finding your way.
I have no social media,
no connection
Once so close,
A moving truck,
I don’t hear your dog bark,
I don’t see any lemonade stands,
Hustling for money
No plans to become vegetarians,
Then forget about it later.
We had plans to save the world,
It sounds simple.
Save 100 dollars.
We’ll save the puppies.
Solid plan
The moon seems so close,
I feel it, I can grasp it with one hand.
Only now I know rocket scientists have found their way.
I wasn’t much of a scientist,
I couldn’t fathom basic physics,
And although I’m no astronaut,
I know you brighten this world,
For I know all the times we fell laughing on the grass,
You always had a way of making me smile.
So keep aiming for the moon,
Although gone in distance,
You’re still brilliant,
And resilient.
Those failed attempts have just made the sky brighter.
I know next time I see your face it won’t be in my dreams,
But somehow impacting the world,
Discovering the world,
Outside our backyard,
I know you will change the world,
Maybe gone from my life,
But I see those stars and think of you,
Inspiring others 1,000 miles away.
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poemsbylaura-blog · 8 months
“No matter how bad it gets you can always have a baguette.”🥖
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poemsbylaura-blog · 9 months
“I like your personality”
It is the person you are actually.
For no mirror can capture inner beauty,
It can only reflect on those you love most.
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poemsbylaura-blog · 9 months
Dear Diary,
Or maybe I should call you notes app on my phone but diary nonetheless. Sometimes it’s easier to write on here versus a notebook, my hands get tired from markers, glue, and opening sometimes near impossible food containers. If you haven’t guessed it, I’m a teacher.
It’s funny when I say that my first instinct is to complain. (Low pay, burnout, kids who run.) but instead I’m gonna say something that made me smile. It was so cute to see kids write,”2024” on their headbands. All of them went up to director and said,”Happy New Year!” It was so sweet and it gives me hope. These kids don’t fully understand what the New Year means but they’re so happy about it. These kids love learning new things and spreading joy. Sometimes kids have a lot to teach us as well. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2024 may you take joy in the simple things. Cheers!
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poemsbylaura-blog · 10 months
Every step you take is so profound.. it echos.
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poemsbylaura-blog · 1 year
A Pencils Promise
Sometimes I feel things are pointless,
It’s like writing with unsharpened pencil.
It’s a dull knife spreading lies on top of denial.
Confrontation is a waste of time.
Like collecting penny’s on train stations
When it ends up being foreign Canadian coins.
I’m not planning a trip
But with all this blatant lies,
I feel like fleeing the country.
Let’s say I need space
And time.
I’m sick of things being stolen
Like my trust
And my sharpener
I guess you see the point, don’t you?
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poemsbylaura-blog · 1 year
Ben Franklins Invention
Sometimes the light goes out
Sometimes it’s a black out
Sometimes you forget to pay the electricity bill
Sometimes all you have is a 711 lighter and a candle.
Change the light bulb?
Well that’s a bright idea
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poemsbylaura-blog · 1 year
With their eyes they cannot see
With their hearts they feel love
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poemsbylaura-blog · 1 year
Sign Language
Creates a connection between hearing and Deaf people
The language and culture is a true inspiration
Deaf Culture
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poemsbylaura-blog · 2 years
Dear sir,
Im addressing this concern of doubt and uncertainty. Let’s review, you correspond beautifully like Monday munchkins and long meetings. You’re genuinely warm like fresh brewed coffee. And you smell good. Unlike Tom in the next cubicle who needs a breath mint indefinitely. And you are a great asset to say briefly. And about those doubts.. let’s look back
Your smile.
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