phandomadmin · 4 years
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Hello! I know this is sudden, but I’ve been needing some extra money, so I thought it might be good to open commissions! Here’s my first official shop, something I’ve been careful to work on price-wise and such. 
  I hope I’ve explained everything in the post! If you have any questions, please don’t be afraid to ask! My Email and my Tumblr are the easiest places to contact me if you’d like to order or ask a question, and I promise to work my hardest on it, no matter how ever long it takes. 
Feel free to message, or donate to my Ko-Fi here if you want to support me without a commission! Thank you all very much for looking! :D
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phandomadmin · 5 years
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      Do you like Tax Evasion? What about Arson?
                Oh, how about general CRIME?
   Well do I have the boy for you! Please Like or Reblog if you’re interested in interacting with a somewhat canon-divergent, Private, and Semi-Selective Roman Torchwick from RWBY! 
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phandomadmin · 5 years
Rping with ADHD
You either hyperfocus on a thread or ignore it. There is no in between
“…What was I typing again?”
Five tabs of drafts open. Half a sentence in each.
“I don’t need to draft that. I’ll remember it.” (Spoiler alert, you won’t. )
“Oh look an ask/im! Let’s just open that and leave and get distracted and forget to ever answer it”
“…No seriously, what was I typing again?”
Aggressively spamming partner in excitement in caps and scaring them away
*writes a word* Time for youtube.
Begs for starter. Never answers it.
“Like this post for a starter!!” Never writes starters.
It’s suddenly 5:am because you spent all night hyperfixating on one thread
“It’s not that I don’t like our thread, it’s just not my hyperfixation so I can’t focus on it.”
*can’t sleep because you can’t stop thinking of said hyperfixated thread*
*writing lines for said thread in your head when you should be sleeping*
*sweats nervously while staring at 467546 unanswered ims/asks*
*melt down because you can’t just answer drafts like a functional rper*
“Hey let’s rp! …I don’t know what but let’s rp!”
“Friend: So did you make the starter yet?” “…What starter?”
“What’s a queue?”
“I was about to tell you an idea but I spaced out”
“Can’t write, gotta wander the house”
*chewing things while writing*
Feel free to add your own!
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phandomadmin · 5 years
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@kannoshida​ has entered the ring!  
“You’re really pushing your luck, you defiant piece of garbage.”
Please read their rules!
@kannoshida​ @kannoshida​ @kannoshida​ @kannoshida​
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phandomadmin · 5 years
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phandomadmin · 5 years
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In honor of the recent information, I'm giving out the wallpaper I made with my own art! (Plus a screenshot crop for better reference)
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phandomadmin · 5 years
fifteen questions, fifteen mutuals
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① ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE ?  Yes, I was named after a dead child my mother saw the headstone for in a graveyard, since their name was very pretty, followed my heritage, and had one of my great relatives’ names in it.
② WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED ? Ah.... yesterday? Well, before that not for a long while. I’ve just been mourning a Great-Grandparent recently since I’ve been cleaning her house so the landlord can rent out the building again.
④ DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT ? Too much, I blame my mother for teaching me it from childhood. Ahaaa.. at least I have a sense of humor in grim situations. Veery fun.
⑤ WHAT’S THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE ? Usually how they hold themselves? I’m not usually someone who goes by appearance unless they’re like.. far older than me and seem to be following me uncomfortably. I’ve been friends with such a vast difference of people that I can’t exactly judge people by that? So I usually go by their stride, how they look at me, what they say to me, and how they treat others in what I first notice about them.
⑥ WHAT’S YOUR EYE COLOR ? Grey actually! I’m very proud of it, though in certain lights it looks like a very desaturated bleu or green due to pigments of yellow in it from an issue I had when I was little.
⑧ ANY SPECIAL TALENTS ?  I sing, work in a haunted house, can write for long periods of time, and have an oddly extensive knowledge of the law. I wouldn’t call them “talents,” but they’re pretty cool facts about myself. But if you want an actual talent, I can fill up an entire page with finished sketches of a character in about 30 minutes and know 3 languages fluidly..
⑨ WHERE WERE YOU BORN ? Debatable. My records say US though.
⑩ WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES ? Acting, Singing, Sketching, Speedwalking through the void, making baked potatoes, and befriending local stray cats.
⑪ DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS ? Too many cats.. My cat, the one I’m specially bonded with, is a cat named Cream, though.
⑫ WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED ? No sport, but I did get certified as  a Lifeguard in High School and have not lost that certification yet.
⑬ HOW TALL ARE YOU ? 5′4″-5′5″.. I’ve been growing recently?
⑭ DREAM JOB ? Ah.. Storyboard artist, or a genuine actor.. A machine engineer also sounds amazing.
⑮ FAVORITE SUBJECT AT SCHOOL ? Subject? Ehhh.. uhm.. I loved Chemistry, Ceramics, and also often times just Sciences overall. Theatre was also nice.
TAGGED BY: @rollinggirlrunahika
Tagging: I can’t I wish I could but I’m in a rush
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phandomadmin · 5 years
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phandomadmin · 5 years
[ the flash drive that holds all of my art, icons, and anything I've had saved for the past 4+ years got corrupted and the files are likely unrecoverable ]
[ That includes everything I had for this blog ]
[ I don't know what to do]
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phandomadmin · 5 years
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“ Sleepy days, dude.. Sleepy days. ”
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phandomadmin · 5 years
“… Depends how you interpret it.”
Draw With Jazza Sentence Starters
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“ What do you mean? Mental manipulation has to be how the Phantom Thieves steal hearts, right? ” Mishima’s hands set down on his desk and he leaned forward while seemingly disregarding the fact that talking about this during ‘cleaning hours’ was sudden. He was curious, he couldn’t help it. “ It only makes sense that you can use some hidden kind of technology to get into their heads and scramble their brains from far away. Why else would you need those codenames? Isn’t that your logins? ”
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phandomadmin · 5 years
Make Your Muse!
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Taken from: @cuivrefleur
Tagging: Try it! This is genuinely rather fun.
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phandomadmin · 5 years
“That’s gonna be a hard no from me, buddy.”
Random starters to throw at your friends!
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“ Okay yeah, I guess that was dumb, but it wasn’t exactly what I meant to say so.. ” He coughed into one hand to cover his embarrassment, feigning his confidence while he needed it. “ I just thought that if we maybe.. I- Never mind, I shouldn’t have asked for your number out of nowhere. I’m just really struggling with Kawakami’s class, okay? ”
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phandomadmin · 5 years
Draw With Jazza Sentence Starters
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“I made my first major decision long ago, [NAME].”
“This is my world, and I can do anything here. … And this… is what I choose to do…”
“I’m a disgrace…”
“If you expected something better… you’re an idiot.”
“I’m gonna stop pretending I know what I’m doing.”
“All right! I’m not a complete disappointment! … Yet!”
“I guess the failures make the successes.”
“Let’s be honest, I’ve been spoiled.”
“Now how can we get more ambitious with that?”
“… Depends how you interpret it.”
“What does that say about me?”
“I’m not entirely sure how practical it will be but… I think I’ll keep it around.”
“I don’t like to do anything by half measures.”
“Oh, this is gonna be awful.”
“I don’t know what this is, but I like it!”
“I hate this. I never want to actually have a real job.”
“So, today I am… going to probably cry-I’m definitely going to cry.”
“This is what my life has come to!”
“I wonder if I can fit my whole mouth around this…”
“I’m tipsy before mid-day so that’s, um… a new low…”
“It looks like I have a lot more to get through! And so does my therapist! Let’s go!”
“That’ll haunt your dreams!”
“The truth is I just look god damn FABULOUS with make up on!”
“I’m gonna die an unrecognized artist…”
“That doesn’t have to be the end of it!”
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phandomadmin · 5 years
Random starters to throw at your friends! Feel free to change up pronouns and the like to suit your needs. Sentences were collected from a myriad of videos and things mod has heard.
tw for suggestive implications, swearing
“I feel like I need a cigarette after that sentence.”
“The cave of wonders is closed. Only the chosen one may enter.”
“Why are you like this?”
“What does that even MEAN?”
“That’s gonna be a hard no from me, buddy.”
“You ain’t even lyin’!”
“Oh, but if you think that’s bad just wait! There’s more!”
“Today karma arrived. She was subtle and she was beautiful… and I loved her.”
“I gotta sort some things out in my head.”
“That’s kind of weird. Let’s ignore that.”
“Fuck you forever, but that was epic.”
“I don’t like how that sounds.”
“There is clearly no god if that thing exists!”
“It’s how I cope with impending death.”
“This is what our lives have become.”
“Well, you know how it is. Some things just need to be said.”
“You made your bed, now lie in it.”
“Ignore that… Ignore that, please.”
“Don’t make me stab you.”
“I can’t possibly get any sense of enjoyment here.”
“That’s a blatant fuck up!”
“How is that supposed to be a happy ending?”
“… None of this was thought through.”
“Context won’t help, trust me.”
“Why am I acting like any of this is legit?”
“I’ll go over to the spirit world myself to kick that guy’s ass.”
“How do I tell them to leave?”
“This is the stupidest idea I’ve ever had–Wow, I say that way too much…”
“I’m going to become the biggest hassle to you if you don’t tell me.”
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phandomadmin · 5 years
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phandomadmin · 5 years
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“ Why is everyone talking about some National Kissing Day? Seems kind of strange since, y’know, you don’t just go around kissing strangers. ”
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