reblog if you reject the stigma of and support people with:
borderline personality disorder
narcissistic personality disorder
histrionic personality disorder
antisocial personality disorder
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Good Evening!
💗Hello everyone it is Dinner time for most of you! You should eat whatever your family eats at this time, and if you live alone here are some ideas of what you could eat:
-Baked potato -mashed potatoes, carrots and whatever meat that you have available. -Chicken and rice (you can mix the rice with different flavours, try okay?) -Hamburger or Sliders
🌱These also come in vegan options as well so make to your preference.
🍬Some good dessert options are: Bakes goods (Muffins, cookies), fruit, a few scoops of ice cream(3-4) slice of cake(1), or a cupcake(1).
🍼Also drink water, juice or milk.
💗This is also the time when you precious ones are to bathe and get ready for bed, yes? Get your bath toys, pick out your jammies, and if you have incontinence, choose a diaper that lasts through the night! 
 📚And don’t forget to either have your caregiver read you a bedtime book or if you don’t have one you can get some read to you online on YouTube. 
 💤Good night kleines Brötchen, you must sleep and wake for another day full of possibilities. 
 -Nanny Boris 
 No nsfw, no dd//lg and it’s variants, no ki//ttin play or varients, no 18+ only, no kink/bdsm.
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What's your opinion on underage littles?
What's most important to me is that if you are underage you aren't participating in anything nsfw. If you regress than you are doing nothing wrong in my book. If what you are doing is age play then that is not okay, but if all your doing is regressing than you are okay!
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Reminder ♡
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take her to the moon for me, o k a y ? 
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This user needs a platonic caregiver
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Lunch Time
I saw a cute idea for kids lunches online, and I thought it could be a fun way to subtly feel little, plus it helps eat healthy for those who pack meals for school, work, or other activities. (Added bonus for adorable lunch boxes. I have a sock monkey one.)
Gather a few plastic bins or tubs to put in your fridge (and maybe a few for the counter/pantry) and label them with what is going in each one. I think I’m going to have 8: main dish, main side, fruit, veggie, dairy, snack, drink and dessert. Then once a week or every two weeks, or however often you need to prepare the things to go in the bins. Then when you pack a meal, grab one out of each bin, or as many of the bins as you need.
Here are a few ideas of what to put in each bin:
Main Dish: - PB&J - Cup Noodles - Easy Mac - Turkey or Ham Sandwich - Quesadilla - Grilled Chicken - Hot Dog - Thermos of Soup
Your main dish should be something that can be eaten as is, or easily microwaved.
Main Side: - Hard Boiled Eggs - Rice - Pasta Salad
The main side should either help the main dish taste better, or fill in what it may be lacking in protein.
Fruit: - Apple or Orange Slices - Grapes - Mixed Berries - Peach - Fruit Cup
Look for in season fruits for the cheapest and tastiest.
Veggie: - Carrots - Celery - Steamed Broccoli - Snap Peas - Corn - Small Salad
Adding a dressing can spice veggies up.
Dairy: - Cheese Stick or Cubes - Yogurt Cup - Gogurt (I like to freeze them)
Calcium is crazy important. I know I struggle to get enough because I don’t like milk.
Snack: - Chips - Trail Mix - Peanuts - Protein Bar - Fruit Snacks - Crackers
Snacks are good for quick consumption. If you have a short break and need a little boost, these are perfect.
Drink: - Juice Box - Bottle of Water - Capri Sun - Can or Bottle of Tea - Gatorade
I always suggest that if you bring anything besides water, to bring some water too. Hydration is key.
Dessert: - A Few cookies - Pudding Cup - Small Candy Bar
This might be a good one to limit to 2 or 3 times a week.
Let me know if any of you try this, and if so what you like or would want to change!
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Emoji spell for getting through negative thoughts.
Likes charge, reblogs cast!
(Emoji spell and sigil requests are OPEN)
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the cute part of my room
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My relationship with my CG is not
My relationship with my caregiver is not “I want you to have complete control over me” it’s “I don’t trust myself to make the right decisions so I need your help with it”
My relationship with my caregiver is not “treat me like a baby because it’s degrading and I like that” It’s “the world is scary and too big and I need to be small and not be bothered by responsibilities right now”
My relationship with my caregiver is not “dress me to the nines in onesies and pacifiers because we think it’s hot” it’s “dressing for my mental age helps me regress and pacifiers help calm my anxiety”
My relationship with my caregiver is not “I’m calling you daddy because it’s a turn on for both of us” it’s “I like addressing you as my caregiver, using a word that means strong and nurturing”
For some people, it’s a sexual thing. But for me, it isn’t. So please don’t treat my relationship with my caregiver as a kink.
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How to take a bath without your caregiver.
First big you has to do a couple things
-lay out a fresh towel (close to the tub. Little you will gladly track water everywhere if the gotta)
-lay out fresh clean pajamas (pick some easy ones to get on.)
-if you want your little self to get to pour in the bubbles, premeasure them in a cup so they won’t use the whole bottle.
-lay a towel on the floor to catch any splashes.
-make sure the water is hot but not TOO hot
-make sure the soap smells good. Bonus if it has a character on the bottle. Your little self is way more likely to actually wash if it’s fun.
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why is all abuse called narcissistic abuse now
it’s just abuse
narcissism is totally irrelevant to the actual abuse
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Discontinued Hello Kitty Toys! (x)(x)(x)
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Just venting
I have to be the best. I have to be the best at everything I do. One of the things I want to do most is help people. But I have low empathy. I get annoyed when close people complain about their daily lives. I get distracted when trying to listen. It seems like I don’t care. But I do. I have narcissistic personality disorder. I’m supposed to only care about me. Sometimes I’m not sure if I want to help people because I really want to or because it’ll make me look better. Deep down I know i really want to help. But when I can’t help, or I don’t succeed in making someone feel better I panic. What did I do wrong? What did I say? You aren’t the best at this. Fix it. I hate it. Ever since I was young I’ve wanted to be the best at helping people. I try to take the weight of others problems onto myself so much that I feel like i crumble but crumbling isn’t acceptable. Stand tall and unwavering. It doesn’t matter how much it hurts. Just. Look. Good. Be good. Be the best. Be perfect. You do not crumble under pressure you are not weak and pathetic you are strong. I tell myself those things so I will feel better. I grin and bare it. But I am weak. I am pathetic. I am wavering and crumbling. And it feels awful. I hate not being good enough.
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I wish I could be more supportive of the people around me
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