pfpaul · 8 years
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My favorite part of riding a bike is how friendly people are. I’m not a cyclist in the strictest sense of the word and my bike is the cheap kind you could pick up at any store, but avid cyclists don’t seem to mind. 
They speed by like a flock of geese with their multi-grand gear and their slick bib shorts, and they nod and say good morning in kinship because I’m on two wheels just like them. 
I love that.
Maybe that’s what the world needs.  A little less negativity and two less wheels.
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pfpaul · 8 years
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I don’t remember my old band teacher’s name or what he looked like. That was a lifetime ago. But I’ll always remember him walking into the music room one day and handing us circle cutouts with the letters T-U-I-T printed across them.
When we asked what they were for, he explained that his students always said they’d practice when they got around to it, so he gave us a round tuit.
I don’t know how long that joke has been a thing. I see it all over the web these days. I still attribute it to him. 
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