Calm Down Greg, It's Fiction
293 posts
Pro-Shipper, Anti-Anti, Pro-Villain Stans, Pro-Tagging, Pro-Fujoshi, Anti-Truscum, Anti-TERF, Anti-SWERF, Anti-Gatekeeping. Refer to me with they/them please.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
It’s...It’s not real.
It’s fictional.
There’s no harm being done here.
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Anon said: 
Movie has even been out for more then a day and people are already putting the 16 year old character in a romantic relationship with a man twice her age
Ew…ew ew ew ew. (Obvi, it’s been a week or so since you submitted this, and I feel like I’ve seen people speaking out against this ship, so I hope it has died a swift death. Because EW.)
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
OTPetty: when you start shipping a pairing after seeing how much hate the antis give it
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
Bringing this back due to old drama being dug up.
My experience with anti-ism and back
Inspired by @huntypastellance’s interviews with ex-antis, I decided to post my own story of how I became an anti and how I got out.
My inbox and messages are open in case anyone has any questions or wants to say anything.
Apologies for any typos, my typing is not the greatest.
Names have been changed to protect my friends’ privacy and to prevent certain antis mentioned from coming after me again.
Keep reading
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
You can’t be anti terf and anti kink. Anti kink is a radfem stance. You are being pro terf by being anti kink.
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
Antis: How dare you claim that darkwashing is racist?! You’re being colorist assholes while WE’RE here fighting REAL RACISM!!!! All you people do is IGNORE all the racist fanart that this trashy lightskin fetishising fandom makes! We actually CARE about darkskin POCs!!!!
Non-antis: Okay, then explain why you’re accusing so many artists of whitewashing the characters when the artists used the eyedropper tool just like you told them to. And why you KEEP doing it instead of actually remembering what the characters’ canon skin colors are.
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
Antis: ‘I could never be abusive because I’m a survivor of abuse myself! Abuse survivors know better than to be abusive because they lived through it!’
Also antis: ‘You don’t cope with your abuse in a way I sanction? You’re a pedophile, a rapist, you condone abuse to real children-’
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
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Has to be Kim Possible. I thought she was badass as hell as a kid, and she was honestly my role model.
Who was your first favorite character and why?
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
So I got kicked from the last anti community I was in...
I was in an anti-led Discord server and I got kicked finally (not on purpose).
One of the reasons I’ll admit was entirely my fault (I admitted to hating a character when character hate was against the rules), but there was other stuff going on that was just...insulting at worst.
I admitted to shipping Corrin/Takumi and Corrin/Camilla in this server. Directly after, the admin said that they forgot to put those ships on the blacklist, as they are ships between adopted siblings. I relented and stopped talking about it, and it wasn’t counted as a strike due to it not being on the blacklist.
Suddenly, a week after my strike (the character hate), the rules were changed...and along with clarifying character hate, the entirety of “soft-incest” was banned and people who were found to have shipped it would be banned.
Of course, this meant I got hit with the ban hammer, considering I was the only person who admitted to it.
Due to the rules seemingly directed specifically at me, I found it difficult not to take personally, and I politely messaged the admin (I’ll post the message I sent if people would like). The admin then told me that a good majority of the server was uncomfortable with my presence and had been essentially talking about me behind my back and they were honestly just looking for an excuse to ban me, likely since that first shipping incident.
This was shocking to me, because as far I knew, I was mostly quiet on the server, and when I did speak, I was polite and friendly (aside from the aforementioned strike). Hell, I even talked the admin through a bad night once.
Considering my past experiences, I honestly should have seen this coming. But it still hurts, especially since they all were talking about me behind my back while being polite to my face. Only the admin had messaged me about things once (my strike), and I owned up to my mistake. I never mentioned my ships after the admin had said they made them uncomfortable.
It. Hurts.
If you have a problem with someone, message them! Don't just talk about them behind their back while acting all buddy-buddy. And allow people to own up to their mistakes, and learn from them. I never mentioned my ships again after they got blacklisted, and I wasn’t planning on ranting about characters I disliked again. But they still saw those incidents as a permanent black mark on my record.
But I’ve learned my lesson. I’m never joining another anti-led server again.
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
I'm definitely in if you'll have me!!
Hey everyone! @palpablenotion asked me about ex-antis I knew for a study @shipping-isnt-morality and she are doing about ex-anti experiences. If anyone wants to volunteer, let us know! You can pm or ask us anonymously if you’d prefer not to be public.
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
i feel really bad for survivour antis because reading through their posts all of their whining and stuff just reminds them of me when i was their age, constantly pissed off, angry at the world for not caring for my every whim, wishing for the constant abuse to end. 
i just want them to know that it is okay to ship “problematic” things, to enjoy “problematic” material is okay, its okay to like incest ships, its okay to like watching things that have abuse in them. it took me a very long time to accept that i liked to watch things that had abuse in them because the characters reminded me of myself. 
i understand if you dislike that material because it triggers you, i seriously do. I can’t watch certain movies because they remind me of the abuse that i lived through vividly. but harassing other people for liking “problematic” things isn’t going to help you at all, because some people use that material to cope. 
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
I honestly don’t understand why older antis are perfectly okay with 13, 14 year olds engaging on pedophilia or loli/shota discourse? They yell at MAPs who work with children despite clearly having no desire to offend (because apparently interacting with someone you might be attracted with makes you automtically an abuser, somehow?), yet they, as minors, purposely seek out pedophiles to engage with.
13/14/15 year olds rarely have an idea of what they’re talking about, rarely do some research on complicated issues like sexual orientations/sexual deviations and the psychology involving those, and expect to be taken seriously. Nevermind that actual experts insist that pedophilia does not equal actual child abuse.
@antis, especially young ones. Your parents told you to stay away from the pedophiles on the internet. Listen to them. Read a psychology book, do some research, grow up a little. Your death treats and ‘[character]-hates-pedos’ aren’t doing literally anything to prevent CSA. Quite the opposite.
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
I think a lot of people complain about the word “fujoshi” because they take the translation of “rotten woman” the wrong way - specifically the “rotten” part.
“Rotten” in English has a meaning of “bad” or “shitty” in regards to behavior when applied to a person, and this gives them the idea that fujoshi means a bad or shitty women (who will supposedly go on to fetishize real life gay men)
In Japanese, however, the character used for fujoshi is 腐 which can be translated as “rotten”, but also as “fermented” or “ruined”. The woman is seen as “ruined” for marriage/datability prospects because she is more interested in fictional m x m romances than being a “respectable woman” - a submissive, chaste housewife (this is where we see the other meaning of 婦女子 (fujoshi) coming into play, with the 婦 (’fu’) being the character for ‘wife’).
TLDR; Fujoshi doesn’t mean “shitty (fetishizing) woman”, it means “ruined woman”.
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
@ all people who used to be antis but realized how shitty and abusive the community is and are making an effort to turn themselves around -
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
i find it really telling that most antis are minors and most shippers are adults.
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
hypersexual = a mental illness that often results from trauma
oversexual(ize) = to make someone/a group of people, usually a minority, seem overtly sexual in a negative light
there’s a difference, oversexualization is an important topic and should be discussed but please don’t throw mentally ill trauma survivors under the bus to do so.
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
Fandom: We respect all headcanons! Ship who you like!
Me: Hey, I headcanon this character as straight, but I understand that not everyone does and I don’t force my opinion on anyone.
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personas-against-antis · 7 years ago
Some fujoshi: yeah I just wanna read BL and enjoy my ships. I don’t fetishize people and don’t think fujoshis should be generalized, same goes for any other group of people.
Some random fucko: I bet you want to FUCK to my existence huh? You damn creep. You want to masturbate to me. [Insert american-centric definition of fujoshi]. You’re probably cishet and if you aren’t now you are. I bet you think I’m some hot sinful baby!!! YOU ALL TREAT US LIKE SEX OBJECTS
Same fujoshi: who are you
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