persephone-on-main · 1 month
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Tomasz Fornal mistrz motywacji ✋️ gratuluję srebra!
For others, it goes something like: "COME ON F*@, WE'RE FIGHTING WITH THEM, F*@" it sounds weak in English lol
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persephone-on-main · 2 months
Little portrait of Armand from Interview with the Vampire 🖤🩸
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persephone-on-main · 2 months
uh, so remember me saying something about adding frames to a GIF to make it smoother..?
i lied.
i looked at the project and realised that i would either spend hours polishing an animation, or open a new file and focus on a static, but more detailed thing, and you can guess what i have chosen
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ID is a bit wobbly (pls correct me if i got it wrong!!) and kiiinda more spoilery than the image, so it's beneath the cut.
oh, and as usual, any art of mine is edible, and my walls are yours if you would like to inhabit them 💜
[ID: a mostly greyscale portrait of Eric Bogosian as Daniel Molloy at the end of season 2 of AMC's IWTV with a lighted cigarette in hand; the only colours are the sparks of orange fire and the purple eyes]
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persephone-on-main · 2 months
ok i dunno how to gif and i am no animator, not really-
but i hope this works without losing too much colour
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adding separate stages and headcanons beneath the cut bc i can
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i like the idea of his eyes being able to shift the shade according to his mood/hunger (the violet ones are naturally for the appropriate devil, amirrrright???)
(also, to those tender people who asked if they could eat the art: you are absolutely welcome to do it, also you made my day 💜)
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persephone-on-main · 2 months
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Sleep, beloved.
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persephone-on-main · 2 months
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i can't choose one, so let's have both, i guess..?
«I am the Devil's Minion, and he grants my every wish.»
brb here when i get some proper sleep for i still have a wish to rant on Eric Bogosian being actually a scary smart researcher in my bloodstream
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persephone-on-main · 3 months
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I'm not resistant to curly haired guys.
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persephone-on-main · 3 months
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it would end with the embrace, the kiss, the blood stinging him, the shroud of dreams closing over him like a great net, hunger! i love you! give me more! yes, more. but never enough.
prints + merch + commission info pinned to profile :)
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persephone-on-main · 4 months
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“Is there a name for that thing where you’re afraid of something good happening cause you think something bad’s gonna happen?”
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persephone-on-main · 5 months
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hand in unloveable hand.
prints + merch + commission info
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persephone-on-main · 5 months
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yay, i thought i lost this bleeding heart drawing from 2019?? 2018? my laptop had mercy on me and i found it again, idk if the file survived
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persephone-on-main · 5 months
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the past is the future - the future is dead!
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persephone-on-main · 6 months
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Softly Spoken (A Moment in the Valley) (2023) oil on wood panel
Instagram: @suhaylah.h Shop: suhaylah.bigcartel.com Patreon: patreon.com/suhaylah_h
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persephone-on-main · 6 months
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persephone-on-main · 6 months
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the hounds of love are hunting
(commissions / buy me a kofi?)
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persephone-on-main · 6 months
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persephone-on-main · 6 months
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Mass convulsions strike the choir!
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