Per knygas
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perknygas · 6 years ago
Niekas neturėtų būti kvailesnis, nei iš tikrųjų yra.
Witold Gombrowicz, Dienoraštis 1953-1956
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perknygas · 6 years ago
Žmonijos problema gali būti išspręsta tik žmonijos, o ne individo pastangomis.
Witold Gombrowicz, Dienoraštis 1953-1956
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perknygas · 6 years ago
Per laidotuves mąsčiau: tai ne gyvieji atsisveikina su velioniu, bet mirštantieji su mirusiuoju.
Witold Gombrowicz, Dienoraštis 1953-1956
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perknygas · 6 years ago
Noriu sugebėt išverst save į paprastą kalbą.
Witold Gombrowicz, Dienoraštis 1953-1956
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perknygas · 6 years ago
Visa, kas sava, negali žmogui daryti įspūdžio; o jei vis dėlto mūsų didumas ar praeitis imponuoja, vadinasi, tie dalykai dar neįaugo mums į kraują.
Witold Gombrowicz, Dienoraštis 1953-1956
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perknygas · 7 years ago
Spend some time with just yourself and your thoughts and nothing to do. How else will you learn who you are?
Lauren Graham
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perknygas · 8 years ago
And it was as if the two of us had been living in parallel passageways or tunnels, never knowing that we were moving side by side, like souls in like times, finally to meet at the end of those passageways before a scene I had painted as a kind of key meant for her alone, as a kind of secret sign that I was there ahead of her and that the passageways finally had joined and the hour for our meeting had come. The hour for our meeting had come! As if the passages had ever joined; as if we had ever really communicated. What a stupid illusion that had been! No, the passageways were still parallel, as they always had been, only now the wall separating them was like a glass wall, and I could see Maria, as silent and untouchable figure… No, even that wall was not always glass; at times it again became black stone, and then I did not know what was happening on the other side, what had become of her in those unfathomable intervals; what strange events might be taking place. I was even convinced that during those moments her face changed, that her lips curled with scorn and she was perhaps laughing with some other man, and that the whole story on the passageways was my own ridiculous invention, and that after all there was only one tunnel, dark and solitary: mine, the tunnel in which I had spent my childhood, my youth, my entire life. And in one of those transparent sections of the stone wall I had seen this girl and had naively believed that she was moving in a tunnel parallel to mine, when in fact she belonged to the wide world, the unbounded world of those who did not live in tunnels; and perhaps out of curiosity she had approached one of my strange windows, and had glimpsed the spectacle of my unredeemable solitude, or had been intrigued by the mute message, the key, of my painting. And then, while I kept moving through my passageway, she lived her normal life outside, that curious and absurd life in which there are dances and parties and gaiety, and frivolity. And sometimes it happened that when I passed by one of my windows she was waiting for me, silent and anxious (why waiting for me? why silent and anxious?); but at other times she did not come in time, or she forgot that poor caged being, and then I, my face pressed against the wall of glass, watched her in the distance laughing or dancing without a care in the world or, which was worse, I did not see her at all, and imagined her in obscene places I could not reach. At those times I felt that my destiny was infinitely more lonely than I had ever imagined.
Ernesto Sabato, El Tunel (via negalvoju)
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perknygas · 8 years ago
We’ve all revised our histories so many times I wonder what true things will be left to say when I’m finally allowed to say them.
Richard Siken, Journal, Day Four
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perknygas · 8 years ago
I have suffered constantly, I made some mistakes, but I have loved. It was me who lived and not some fictional being, created by my pride and my ennui.
A. de Musset
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perknygas · 8 years ago
- I think she's beautiful. -That is the eternal folly of man. To be chasing after the sweet flesh, without realizing that it is simply a pretty cover fot the bones. Worm food. At night, you’re rubbing yourself against worm food.
Neil Gaiman "American Gods"
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perknygas · 9 years ago
Tau kalbant apie kažkokius Maupassant personažus, ir man beraunant pievos žolę, taip pat vaizdžiai subyrėjo samprata, kad žmogaus gyvenimo kelionė nesiskiria nuo kitų sutvėrimų: tą popietę Tu man parodei, kad žmogus turi kažko siekti; ir tuo pačiu nušlavei gan patogią mano savijautą šioje žemėje. Iš vienos pusės, Tu man atėmei tą patogumą. Bet iš kitos, davei ir raktą, ką daryti nepatogiose situacijose: stebėti save.
Aleksandros Kašubienės laiškas Algirdui Juliui Greimui
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perknygas · 9 years ago
Tam tikra savo esybės dalimi visi esam anapus laiko. Ir gal tik išimtinėm akimirkom suvokiame savo amžių, o didesnę laiko dalį būnam beamžiai.
Milan Kundera “Nemirtingumas”
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perknygas · 9 years ago
Love -- and all its complicated ramifications-- actually does conquer all; Love -- or the Fear of Not Having It, or the Worry about Not Having Enough of It, or the Terror of Losing it -- certainly does conquer all.
Ken Kesey, "Sometimes a Great Notion"
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perknygas · 9 years ago
Fatal boredom is the inability to see things as worth pursuing.
J.Jeremy Wisnewski
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perknygas · 9 years ago
“You’re not attracted to me physically. O.K., fine. But who says I was ever attracted to you mentally?”
Jeffrey Eugenides, The Marriage Plot
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perknygas · 9 years ago
Kodėl tu rašai? Gal todėl, kad būtent rašydamas susiduri su baime, ir tai tau patinka.
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perknygas · 9 years ago
Laisvė yra baimės bijoti nebuvimas.
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