Poorly Drawn Comic
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Hello and welcome to my 'Poorly Drawn Comic' about things I may or may not dislike.
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pdcomicnotm · 8 years ago
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Volume 8 is up! I was absent for what seemed to be a week longer than usual, but fear not, for I have retured doing this grabage! Ever had that friend that is much better at art than you are? That’s how Joshua feels right now. Pose from the second image is taken from JoJolion:
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pdcomicnotm · 8 years ago
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Yet another rushed volume. This was inspired by Sr. Pelo and his over-exaggerated faces he animates. I really love his animations, and if you find screaming funny, I suggest you check him out.
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pdcomicnotm · 8 years ago
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Here’s 2 interesting facts about Joshua.
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pdcomicnotm · 8 years ago
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And Volume 6 is up. This one is kinda rushed, since I wanted to do something with the redesigned characters, especially Monito. I wanted to practice drawing his tea cup from a different perspective, but it doesn’t seem like I quite got what I was thinking. Nevertheless, I’ll keep on practicing.
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pdcomicnotm · 8 years ago
Ok (splat)tim for some redesigns. I didn’t really like how I drew the previous characters. They were basicly a copy-paste of the first one with some slight changes. I thought about keeping it like that for a very short while, until I can design something else for my currently 2 charaters, who until now, were nameless. So first, I’ll change how I draw them The first one, who I named Joshua, will stay releatively the same.
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I’m still aiming for what I had in mind with this and I think that I can pull it out prwtty well in future comics (probably not, but I can try) The second character is the one seen in #2 and #5 of my comic, which is now named Monito
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The inspiration for his design comes from various JRPGs w/ a futuristic atmosphere, where something like a giant purple crystial is the source for all of the energy in [put name of fictional land here]. But what about the cup filled w/ tea you may ask? Here’s the reason behind it: As you can see, Monito has a head, torso, probably has arms and hands, but for a bottom, he has a crystal, a little bit smaller than the cup, in the form of a crystal. Unlike any other fictional characters with no legs that can move withouth the, either it be via floating or something of that caliber, his crystal can only spin. Not float, spin. If he puts his bottom in the cup of tea, he is able to control the cup by spinning the crystal he has for a bottom. It’ll move to the desired direction of whoever is floating on the cup of tea. But WAIT, wouldn’t that break the cup, or at least damage it? Well, let me tell you something. This cup, has no bottom. If one were to dive into the cup, they’ll end up in a botomless ocean made out of tea. No walls, no bottom. It’s simmilar to Kirby’s stomach, which is quite literally a black hole, only that in this case, it’s an endless ocean of tea. Well that’s all I wanted to annouce, I’m going to keep making more comics, now with those redesigned characters. See ya everybody
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pdcomicnotm · 8 years ago
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Volume 5 is ready. First time I ever did a background. I think I did poorly on it, but oh well, I’ll improve
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pdcomicnotm · 8 years ago
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Volume 4 of my ‘Poorly Drawn Comic’ Talking to people online is sometimes hard, especially when you don’t know what to talk about.
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pdcomicnotm · 8 years ago
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Volume 3 is ready. I think we’ve all met those kinda people at least once. Also, a bonus for the people that want to read the text on pannel 2.
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pdcomicnotm · 8 years ago
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Second Volume of my ‘Poorly Drawn Comic’. I think some people can releate to it. Including me.
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pdcomicnotm · 8 years ago
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First ‘Poorly Drawn Comic’. Kind of rushed out. Will make improvements in the next volumes. Yes, my Discord profile picture is a pink cat that makes things explode.
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