p00p-sc00p · 11 days
Reblog this if you support LGBTQIA+ rights, unfollow/dni if you can't do it
Edit: I'm sorry for not putting a flash warning before, and not reblogging doesn't necessarily make you a bad person. What I'm saying is to dni/unfollow if you don't support LGBT+ rights
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p00p-sc00p · 1 month
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
“no one for president” you sound like such a fucking cringe edgelord and unless u plan on staging a massive revolution in a country of 300 million spanning 3.8 million square miles and overthrowing the government before November I would suggest voting for the candidate who DOESNT cater to white supremacy subcultures, getting involved in local community services & initiatives, donating to causes, or campaigning/protesting instead of this performative mock activism
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
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Just a reminder that Jill Stein is a Putin puppet and anyone advocating for her is either a Russian troll or a delusional Russiaboo communist.
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She's literally here to split the vote. She did it successfully in Trump v. Clinton. She can do it again. Don't let Trump win with the same tactic AGAIN.
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
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Well. Apparently I was much more stressed about the election than I thought because I watched this and started crying.
I forgot what it was like to have actual charismatic politicians campaign. I know we talk a lot about parasocial relationships with them, but one of the things successful leaders do is inspire their people.
We have not had much to be inspired about. Biden is the unflavored tofu of the political world. I was going to do my duty, but nothing beyond that.
Watching other people be hype about her? So hype a majority of the people on ActBlue are first time donors? That 40K Zoom call? (They held another one for Black men and there were 20K on that.)
That fucking means something.
She doesn't have it in the bag (and honestly I'll be anxious until it's over), but I feel like we have a much better chance than before Biden bowed out.
In a lot of liberal/leftist circles there is this unspoken expectation that Black women will do the work because it is necessary but backbreaking. And sometimes I think non-Black people understand and are grateful. But also a lot don't and aren't.
With that in mind, I am absolutely serious when I say I think Kamala Harris might prevent the US from falling to fascism.
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
Watching america's politics is a horror show but at least the memes are fun.
Gotta say though, a lot of young progressives look like they haven't learned anything since 2016.
"I'm not voting for the democrat, they're not good enough for me!" The communities whose rights are on the line will surely be comforted by your morals.
"What about Palestine?!" - Maybe worry about your own country becoming a fascist state first?
"But Harris was a cop! I heard she did Bad Things!" You heard right-wing bullshit disguised as left-wing bullshit and gobbled it. Self-defeating nonsense.
ETA: I'm from NZ and we recently did this 'teach them a lesson by not voting Labour because they're not good enough' strat and big shocker it didn't work. Everything's worse now.
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
"But Harris --"
I know.
"When Harris --"
Yeah, I know.
We knew her history when she got put on the ticket in 2020 (and even before).
And, yes, you bet your sweet bippy we're gonna still organize and lean into community care and hold her tf accountable the moment she takes office.
But we have to vote her in.
She's picking Supreme Court Judges.
She's organizing a cabinet that will certainly have consequences on *my* field of work.
She's not going to decimate the lives of queer people and people of color and not establish a fucking Christian nationalist government.
Hold your nose, get her into office, and we move forward.
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
in light of recent news, one of my favourite tiktokers is here to slap some sense into every american with progressive leanings and a pulse.
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
"I live in a red state my vote doesn't ma-"
If your vote didn't matter they wouldn't try so hard to make it harder to vote in red states. Voting in red states can turn them into swing states like Georgia, Ohio, and Arizona. And voting in blue states can keep them from becoming swing states.
California used to be Red. Texas was Blue long ago. Florida was once a swing state. Obama took Indiana but it's gone redder since. Ten years ago Arizona and Georgia going blue was unthinkable.
Things change and we can make them change.
And that's before getting into more local elections. Turning cities blue, the state legislature.
Red states have flipped blue in recent years at those levels too.
Because people vote, and if we vote in high enough numbers we can turn a tight election into a walk in the park. If we vote in high enough numbers, we can turn a loss into a win. So many good things have happened in states where someone won by like 100 votes. (arizona is one)
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
"Omg, you're so selfish for not fucking up your entire country for this other one."
Yes, yes I am so utterly "selfish" that I care about the rights and safety of all minorities in my country that consist of disabled, brown and black, immigrants, lgbtqia, and poor people etc in general.
I ain't a privileged little twat having a moralistic main character moment that will sacrifice people here for others. We need to take care of our own shit before we go all in for your cause because if we don't do so we will no longer be able to help anyone.
Blocking all suspicious accounts cause I ain't in the mood for right-wing-looking "vote third party" or "don't vote" fucks that want to not only destroy people in our country but want Mr. Finish The Job to be elected so he could obliterate your one-issue.
Let's see how well your stupid protest works then when we're all fucked and can't even help ourselves much less anyone else outside our country.
I recommend that everyone block the accounts spreading this copypaste anti voting propaganda bullshit. We saw it in 2016 and we should be intolerant to this crap.
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
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This is why it’s incredibly stupid to risk Kamala’s campaign while she is running against open supporters of Israel’s genocide who are also by the way threatening to dismantle the international justice system if anyone dares tell them to stop. Like I cannot emphasise enough how risky it would be for palestine for democrats to damage the campaign of a senator who is actively standing against Netanyahu as well as the party that near-unanimously agrees with his war crime justification of “there are no innocents in ghaza”
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
just in case y’all don’t know this bitch is voting for Kamala Harris.
“but she-“
Nope, I’m a black queer woman.
“There’s third-“
Nope, I am a black queer woman.
“We could get a stimulus-“
Still black, still queer, still a woman in a blue state with family in red states doing the best they can.
Miss me with that bullshit and VOTE.
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
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"Anyone over Trump", the sentiment of most democratic voters in this country. Kamala is not a guarantee of change. Like all democratic presidents, she would just be a chance at change. My fear with this man running is that ALL a democratic candidate has to do is not be him to win. We just don't apply enough pressure.
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
For every American who sees this, vote Kamala if you’d like the luxury of voting again.
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Do not let these fascists win. For the sake of every women, disabled person, person of color, and LGBTQ person in the country.
Do not let them win.
We are not going back.
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p00p-sc00p · 2 months
Everybody knows that someone will win the US election this November right? Harris or Trump will be president, that is it. End of discussion. Even if you chose not to vote these are the only two options, so let's discuss them.
If Harris wins and you didn't vote for her any criticism you have will not be taken as seriously. To say "I voted for you, and these are the ways that you are not living up to the demands I have on my president" holds more power then "I didn't vote for you and I don't think you are a good president". She already won, it is more likely that she will try to please the people who voted for her then trying to win the approval of the ones who didn't.
If Trump wins and the situation in Gaza worsens it is likely that any criticism you have will be disregarded if you didn't vote. You had a chance to do something that might have changed the outcome but you did nothing, fully aware of the probable consequences of that.
The US election system sucks, it should not have to be like this but I really have a hard time understanding how choosing not to vote or voting third party can be seen as the moral thing to do.
By not voting you are making yourself useless. How can doing nothing be seen as any form of activism? If you don't vote whoever wins have no reason to care about what you think. While you might sleep good at night knowing you didn't support a person aiding a genocide you have made yourself passive in the fight against it, a thought I feel is more unbearable then anything else.
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