outro-intoit · 11 months
i didn't have "i'm broken" teenage asexual angst i had "i'm literally being the only reasonable one about this concept and the rest of you are behaving like fucking freaks" perception issues
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outro-intoit · 1 year
Idk why this is an unpopular opinion bc it’s one of my fav seasons, but 6a is good af. & I don’t understand why ppl don’t like it? Is it bc y’all just group it with 6b & see it all as one bad season? Bc I honestly see it as like 2 different seasons & 6a was fantastic. The plot is so good I just can’t fathom why ppl hate it.
(I also feel like it’s a bandwagon thing to love 3b & hate 6 bc that’s what u see everyone saying online before u watch. So ppl go into watching it with a biased perspective. Personally I like 4 & 6a the most)
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outro-intoit · 1 year
Um… Soapghost writers I’m sorry to bother u again but uh… imma need this pls 👉🏽👈🏽
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outro-intoit · 2 years
Distracted Calls
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Warnings- None? nothing happens its just a little heated.
Prompt- "Slightly nsfw one. Doesn’t have to lead to sex but certainly could. Alejandro is trying to take an important call but Rudy keeps trying to kiss his neck & make him distracted."
A/N- HI! wow its been a moment but I'm back from after the holidays. Anyway I wanted to finish up a prompt i had that I was surprisingly dwelling on. Prompt again from the Lovely @outro-intoit <3
Wordcount- 1061 AO3 Here
Distracted Calls
It was often on the days where they only had paperwork to do that they could find themselves…distracted to say the least. Today was no different. When stormy weather combined with less activity from the cartel it was easier to dismiss training and allow troops an off day to recoup and give colonel and his second time to catch up on paperwork.
   He per usual slipped into Alejandro's office to find him lounging on the couch working over reports that were currently haphazardly strewn across the cushions. 
    Rudy knelt down to the couch Alejandro had perched himself on, he straddled his thigh and felt Alejandro grip the back of his still standing leg and he pulled him a bit closer, and looked up at him lovingly setting aside the report he was going over.
   “Mi Vida, what do you need?” He cooed up to Rudy, who smiled down at him and threaded his fingers into his hair lightly carding through it. 
   “Nothing Amor I just miss you” Rudy cupped his face and thumbed over his cheek looking down at him, they stayed like that for a moment enjoying listening to the storm building outside.
   “Miss me Vida? I'm right here” Alejandro's other hand slipped under his shirt and over his back pulling him a little closer, Rudy made a small sound of encouragement lighting a fire in Alejandro. Rudy watched as his eyes darkened a little and a smirk grew across his lips “But you mean something else don't you Vida?”
   Alejandro pulled Rudy half into his lap, settling him on his thigh and using the other to trap him, his grip possessive pulling him as close as he could slipping his hands further into  Rudy's shirt leaving trails of fire. He kissed Rudy and he gasped into the kiss and Alejandro took the advantage to deepen the kiss nipping lightly at his lips and soothing with his tongue, Rudy's fingers curled into his hair pulling him even closer.
   One of Alejandro's hand dropped down to Rudy's hip tugging him up further on his thigh and he made a sound of pleasure and leaned back exposing his neck to Alejandro's lavishment, small open mouth kisses and quick nips darkened his blush and he pulled at Alejandro's shirt, a hand caught his from pulling at his shirt, “Mi Vida, slow down” he kissed his way over his jaw and back to his lips which Rudy met enthusiastically. 
   Alejandro was leaning back further into the couch and lifted Rudy up from his thigh to settle him over the entirety of his lap, he tugged off Rudy's shirt a low chuckle coming from him as he watched a shudder run through Rudy.
   His phone rang. They both groaned in annoyance. 
   “I thought we had nothing left to do? Who's calling?” Rudy whined as Alejandro leaned over to grab his cell from where the reports had been forgotten. He answered the phone without responding to him, Rudy couldn't hear the other side of the conversation and Alejandro was just giving short answers and a serious look started to settle on his face. Rudy frowned at that and started to pull back assuming they're being called to business but Alejandro settled his grip on Rudy cupping his back and thumb caressing just under his pectoral absentmindedly and he shot a small smile of reassurance to him. 
   Rudy waited patiently for the conversation to end but it seemed that it was going to drag on forever, and well… he simply had other plans for how this was going to go especially that it was clear they were not being called to a mission that moment. 
   With a devious smile Rudy leaned forward to kiss Alejandro's neck, at first small little closed mouth things that quickly devolved into sucking hickeys into his pulse point and wandering hands starting to undo the buttons of his shirt to slowly expose more and more of his chest, he licked down to his collarbone leaning at an awkward angle to nip at him. Alejandro's grip on him moved from his chest to his hair curling at the nape of his neck and pulled him back enough for Alejandro to give him a look to tell him to behave. Rudy smirked and pursed his lips at him teasingly before grinning going back to attacking his throat and chest.
   He slowly slipped out of his lap trailing kisses down his abdomen before he settled between his knees, his hands wandering over his chest where his lips could no longer reach as he listens to the conversation again, listens to Alejandro try to keep his voice even as his chest is heaving and the grip he now has on the cell has turned white knuckled. He listens to him attempt to end the conversation but gets looped back in. Listen to him choose the phone call over him. 
   Rudy looks up at Alejandro pleadingly, hoping for him to end the conversation Alejandro looks away from him shaking his head lightly. Rudy hums in a ‘i gave you a chance’ way and grins, hands that had been previously wandering scratched down lower before Rudy surged forward to lick a stripe up his abdomen. He heard Alejandro breath hitch and when he looked up he was greeted with lust blown eyes. The devious look reappeared now that he's had his attention back on him. One of Rudy's hands moved to grip the top of Alejandro's thigh as the other popped the button of his strained pants. Rudy watched Alejandro stutter in conversation as almost all of his attention was pulled from the caller to him, watched him lick his lips as he apologized asking for the caller to repeat themselves. 
   He settled lower, kneeling in front of Alejandro, his hand moving from his thigh to the back of his knee, the other caressing the skin just above his waistband. He leaned forward keeping eye contact with Alejandro and slowly using his teeth he unzipped his pants further and further. He felt a hand curl into the hair at the nap of his neck and tug. He’d won. 
  “Dios Mio, I have to go, I'll call you back later. I'm sorry it's urgent.” He heard the cell clatter somewhere behind him and he chuckled. Finally he has all the attention he so ‘patiently’ waited for. 
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outro-intoit · 2 years
My favorite thing about fanfic authors is they can identify any gap in a canon timeline where characters are offscreen and exploit the ever living fuck out of it
They see a time skip of any length and go
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outro-intoit · 2 years
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I'm so so sorry this is the shitiest memes I can think of creating 😵‍💫
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outro-intoit · 2 years
Rodolfo: I’m cold.
Alejandro: Here, take my jacket. I love you.
Valeria: I’m cold too.
Alejandro: Well damn Valeria, I can’t control the weather!
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outro-intoit · 2 years
Can someone pls explain cod releases to me bc I’m confused I’m sorry if I sound dumb🥲 What I’m not understanding is like how are there multiple games with the same name but different release dates? Is it the same game & they just like made the graphics better or something? Or are they all different games? Also is there a chronological order to play them in/watch gameplays in? Or do u just do it in order of release? Which also links to my question of are the stories like connect? Like do u have to play one to understand another? Or are they all different? Thank you😭
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outro-intoit · 2 years
Where tf are all of the slow burn ghost x soap fics? Like I usually hate slow burn but u would think that’s a common thing in fics with Ghost. Instead they all got him jumping Soaps bones within 3min😭✋🏽 Like my gosh I want some pining first. I want some Soap trying to get close to him but Ghost pushing him away type sht. I want some struggle to say I love you type sht. Just a lil bit pls. I’d like it to take longer than 5min for Ghost to give into his feelings.
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outro-intoit · 2 years
imagine 141 all having a normal conversation except that ghost is casually resting his chin on soap's head
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outro-intoit · 2 years
Ghost: I work alone.
Also Ghost:
*Concerned about Soap getting to safety. Asks Soap if he is okay after being injured. Stays on coms with Soap during Alone. Refuses to leave the church until Soap gets there. Calls Soap “Johnny.” Tells Soap later that they are a team. Also is the only one able to call Soap “Johnny.”*
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outro-intoit · 2 years
Rainy Nights Memories
Prompt from @outro-intoit​ “pure fluff of Alejandro always being super touchy with Rodolfo”
I think I might have wandered from the prompt and gotten carried away but I still thinks its cute :) keep request coming
Rainy Nights Memories
   They grew up together, joined the military together and practically did everything together for almost their entire lives. It was only natural for Rodolfo to have noticed how handsy Alejandro was with him, not that he minded it was just something he noticed. 
   So of course on rainy nights when most of the compound is resting the Sergeant Major could be found with a cup of something warm perched in a window watching clouds churn lost in his own mind. 
Keep reading
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outro-intoit · 2 years
I fcking can’t 😭
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outro-intoit · 2 years
Something Sus on AO3 
Hey guys, 
I just got a bunch of comments on different fics on AO3, each under a generic boomer women’s names like Helen, Sarah, Mary, Linda and Karen and the messages, consisting of a bunch of letters and numbers and then a link. if you see these comments in the comments or receive them, delete it, report it, DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK!
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outro-intoit · 2 years
There is a CRIMINALLY low amount of Rodolfo x Alejandro fics on ao3. Currently only 37 & that includes ones where they’re just side characters in other ships fics. Who am I selling my soul to for more?😡 I will literally give y’all prompts just pls write more😭
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outro-intoit · 2 years
Bruce being taught the wrong meaning of emojis because all the Bat kids like to fuck with him is a fun concept to play around with.
Bruce, via text: 'I hope you're hungry 🍆💦👅'
Clark, nearly breaking his phone with his reply: '???'
Bruce: 'I've got a lot for you 🍆💦👅'
Clark: '??????????'
Bruce: 'Ratatouille, Clark. We're having it for dinner.'
Clark: 'Why wouldn't you just tell me that??'
Bruce: 'Jason told me 🍆💦👅 was emoji for ratatouille. Because you salivate over the aubergine when you eat it.'
Clark: 'Okay... so... that does not mean what you think it means and just an fyi, whatever else Jason has told you, is also probably a lie.'
Bruce: '...So 👅💦🍑 doesn't mean peach cobbler?'
Clark: 'No.'
Bruce: 'I'm going to kill him.'
Clark: 'Is this why you sent me 👉👌 with zero context the other day?'
Bruce: 'I was asking if 'you=👉' were 'okay=👌'. What else could that possibly mean?'
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outro-intoit · 2 years
*Bruce, upon entering the Kent residence for the first time, immediately taking off his shoes*
Martha, turning to Clark: "Marry him."
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