575 posts
Looking to meet singles whilst doing something relaxing and fun? We run group activities across Melbourne and Geelong. Enjoy life!
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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Congratulations Melbourne... the first round of Match Me tickets have sold out! . A second round has been released. . Those singles wishing to be matched for the Offline Valentine event have until midnight on Sunday to grab a ticket. . Limited tickets remain! . To find out more, Google search “Offline Valentine Melbourne” . Book online. . Ticket includes: - Mix & mingle with singles - Cocktail, punch & dumplings - Matching - A 36 questions list - Awesome hosts: 1. Me! 2. Audrey Green; Dating Coach 3. Anton Harrison-Kern; Personal Coach 4. Kristi (my wing-woman) . A great opportunity to connect and share stories.... make a friend or two, meet someone special or get another great story to share! . #offlinevalentine #melbourne #melb #36questionstofallinlove #thingstodo #love #friends #conversation #share #relationship #couple #boyfriend #girlfriend #life #like #couples #romance #cute #heart #kiss #lovelife #singlesevents #singleseventsmelbourne #match #meetyourmatch @goldenmonkeybar #organicfusions @my.wingwoman @harrisonkerngroup #mojomingle
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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Looking for a real connection? . Join us for Offline Valentine this coming Valentine’s Day. . Receive two complementary beverages plus food. . Mix and mingle with up to 99 other eligible singles. . Use your question cards as an ice-breaker. Starting conversations with strangers had never been easier! . Pre-matched pairs enjoy one hour exploring questions and answers to 36 questions. . These 36 questions were designed by psychologists to generate close connections between two strangers. . Couples have fallen in love and gotten married following this experiment! . The 36 questions end with a moment staring silently into each other’s eyes. Weird hey! But powerful... . Adventurous singles who love a challenge are welcome to join us in Geelong on Feb 13th and Melbourne on Feb 14th. . This is also a fun way to make new friends... you don’t have to be searching for love to join us! . Tickets start at $49 for members who don’t want to be matched..... and go up to $123 for those who want to be matched. . Matching can take into account your postcode, sexual orientation, age, lifestyle choices, values, interests, and non-negotiable etc . Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join us for this unique event. . Online bookings are essential. . Register via the ORGANIC FUSIONS EventBrite page. Search for Offline Valentine. . You’ll receive an email, SMS and phone call to discuss your match before the event! . All participants are vetted to ensure the event is a success. . The average age of attendees is between 25-45.... though we have matches older and younger attending! . The Geelong event takes place at @geelonghotel in Yarra Street. . The Melbourne event takes place at @goldenmonkeybar in Hardware Land, Melb CBD. . Limited tickets remain and must be purchased before 10th February to be “matched” . Pot Luck (no matching) tickets may be available at the door for $89 on the night if not sold out prior. ($10 late fee) . For more details visit the EventBrite listing for “Offline Valentine”. . See you there! . . #melbourne #geelong #singlesonly #eligible #bachelor #bachelorette #girls #boys #men #women #lgbtiqa #friends #romance #experience #fun #adventure #36questions #fallinlove
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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Love cake? . Single in Geelong? . Want to see what the NightJar festival is all about? . Join us this Friday! . We’re heading out for a fun night with new friends. . Eat cake. Share fresh conversation. Enjoy the festival. . Bookings are essential. Avoid the late fee and book before 7pm today! . This event is aimed at ages 30-42 but people older and younger are invited to join us. . It’s about connecting and enjoying an experience... not what year you were born! . . To reserve a ticket, google search “EVENTBRITE ORGANIC FUSIONS” and check out the upcoming events. . . See you there! . . @geelongevents #geelong #geelongsmallbusiness #geelong #geelongevents #geelongevents @armageddoncake @nightjarfestival #nightjarfestival #armageddoncake #armageddoncakedessertbar #delicious
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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Looking for a fun way to meet up with other singles? . We’re heading out to @bartronica then grabbing dinner at @vapianoaustralia in Flinders Lane for tasty Italian, before walking off dinner on the way to @holeymoleygolf !!! . So much to do! . . This event is aimed at people around the ages 30-42 but this is flexible. . Come and join us! . Bookings are essential. Google EVENTBRITE ORGANIC FUSIONS to see what’s on the calendar and to book your ticket. . Registrations close at 3pm. . #melbourne #thingstodo #timeout #ilovemelbourne #melbcbd #singlesevents #singleseventsmelbourne #melbourneevents
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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Here’s the first question our pairs will be asking each other during the upcoming “Offline Valentine” event: . Question One . Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest? . Comment below! . . To join us, book a ticket via EventBrite. Matching has already begun, so don’t miss out on your perfect match! . You’ve gotta be in it to win it! . . Google search “Offline Valentine ORGANIC FUSIONS” and choose either Geelong (13th Feb) or Melbourne (14th Feb) . #36questions #offlinevalentine #singlesevent #melbourne #geelong #connection #fun #enjoy #discussion #deepandmeaningful #dnm
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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Got plans next Saturday afternoon? . We’re heading out for a wander in the woods... . What’s the difference between “woods” “bush” and “forrest”? . Sorry... back on track. . Meet singles who prefer the great outdoors... perfect if you don’t like big groups because we usually walk in pairs or single file. . Meet like-minded people and enjoy fresh conversation. . To join us, or to find out more, create a Basic membership for just $1 to access the members only area of the ORGANIC FUSIONS website. . Browse the full calendar and choose the perfect event for you! . See you there . #geelong #lara #littleriver #werribee #tarneit #park #woods #trees #cantseetheforrestforthetrees #bush #bushland #trail #path #conversation #meetpeople
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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#dinner #Footscray #singles #names #dorkynametags #plate #knife #fork #napkin #wood #serviette #flowers #vase #beginning #start #melbourne #waitingforthemtoarrive #mondaynight
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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Happening next week! . Meet singles. Have fun. Make friends. Potentially meet someone special. . We’ll start with bowling, then karaoke and if you want to play laser tag - it’s all included in your ticket! . Games are unlimited! . For more info or to book, visit . Events are for members only.... create an account for just $1. . See you there! . #melbourne #singles #melbournesinglesevents #highpoint #maribyrnong #play #tenpinbowling #tenpin #bowling #karaoke #lasertag @strike_highpoint #strike #gutterball #winner #friends #fun
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
Little intro in case we haven’t met yet 😉 . Hello, my name is Sarah and U am the founder of #organicfusions. . We are a community of positive individuals who value connections made in the real world (offline). . Currently all social events are exclusively for singles. . Events are for members only, yet it only costs $1/month to become a member which is well worth signing up for. . Once you’ve created an account on my website ( then you have access to our calendar of social activities. . I plan events for the calendar according to our members event references. Click the link in the bio above to share your preferred event preferences... . By telling me where, when and how you like to meet single people I can make sure suitable events take place in the calendar that cater for your needs. . Events aren’t anything like #speeddating or #singlesparty because we actually take time to talk with each other and share stories. . That’s how we connect best! Ice-breakers make sure you have unique stories to tell which help you warm up at the beginning of an event. . To find out more visit the Facebook page (ORGANIC FUSIONS) or my website . To simply receive event invites for free, click the link in the bio above. . See you soon . Sarah 😉 . #openmind #positivevibes #positivevibesonly #fun #welcome #meet #geelong #melbourne #sarah #host #eventplanner #activitiesforsingles #socialgroup #community #socialclub #relax #easygoing #friendly
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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Looking to meet new people close to your age? . Single and under 40? . We’re heading out to dinner in #Northcote next week and there’s a few spots available at the dinner table... you should join us! . Fresh face-to-Face conversations are way better than meeting people online. . Did I mention the food is also delicious! . Ice-breakers and conversation cards help keep the talking going all night. . There’ll be laughs and great tasty #greekfood! . Dinner is included in your ticket. . Avoid the late booking fee by reserving you spot before Sunday. . #dinner #greek #greekfood #greekfreak #greeksalad #vegandishes #meat #meet #greet #friends #bond #relationship #singlesevent #energy #positive #fun #enjoy #thornbury #fitzroy #abbortsford #highstreet #connections #melbourne
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
@thefederalgeelong #gamesnight #booths #lights #style #dinner #food #yum #geelong #northgeelong #night #fun #conversation #geelongevents #eventsgeelong #community #belong #connect #singles #friends #new #fresh #membersonly
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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Love Japanese food? . Single and looking to enjoy a night out with a new bunch of friends? . Join us in Melbourne’s CBD for dinner early next month... . Meet singles over 40 who prefer real life conversation as opposed to digital chats which can be quite frustrating. . For full event details, log into the website . Create an account first if you don’t already have one. . See you there! . Bookings are essential. . Don’t miss out. . #japanese #dinner #melbourne #melbcbd #melbournetodo #melb #friends #relationships #bonding #connections
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
A pretty flippin’ fun time last night... . We played games @thefederalgeelong . Luckily we had most of the docs to ourselves after about 9pm which was perfect for a few rounds of #happysalmon . This is us playing #celebrityheads . We also played #jenga #scattegories #charades #cardsagainsthumanity and for some reason I only managed to bring one half of the Uni deck #whoops . Lighting was much better here than @ltcreatures so thanks to everyone who passed on feedback after the last event. . Your feedback helps to guide the planning of future events. . Keep smiling folks. . See you at the next one 😉 . #gamesnight #booths #people #friends #cassierocks
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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Preparing for our dinner this evening... . Just a little OCD. . #ocd #alphabet #order #nametags #friends #dinner #facetoface #organic #meet #drinks #ocdawareness #ocd
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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Single and living in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne? . Meet up with a bunch of brave singles... brave because they are ditching their phones and computers for face-to-face conversation! . It's so refreshing to talk with people and get instant responses ... and to see and react to body language. . Join us for dinner in a couple of weeks. . It doesn't matter if you're not 18-39, because ORGANIC FUSIONS is inclusive. All ages (18+) are welcome at every event. . We connect through conversation and sharing experiences... The decade you were born is not so much important. . Tickets include all your food. You will leave completely stuffed! . Thanks to past event attendees I have some ice-breaker question cards to help get conversations ignited 🔥 . For more info, and to book your tickets, visit my website . You should log into your account. If you don't have an account, create one. It's easy! . . . . . . #greek #greeks #greekfood #greeklife #greekstyle #greekgod #greekcoffee #greekrestaurant @laiko_northcote #northcote #melbourne #melbourne_food #melbourne_life #melbourneiloveyou #melbourneevents #melbournerestaurant #singlestatus #singleserving #share #singleswag #singlesole #singlesucks #northcotefood #northcotehighstreet #organicfusions #community
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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🎃🎃🎃🎃 Making a demo video for the upcoming pumpkin carving party on Halloween... . Stay tuned! . 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 #halloween #pumpkin #carving #carve #dayofthedead #geelong #singles #pumpkincarving #jackolantern #orange #outdoors #male #female #friends #fun #beers #food #face #patience #thoughtitwasgoingtobequickbuttakingforever #scoop #art #craft #face #light #decoration #melbourne #geelongcbd #onedowntentogo
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organicfusions-blog · 6 years ago
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🎃Making a demo video for the upcoming pumpkin carving party on Halloween... . Stay tuned! . #halloween #pumpkin #carving #carve #dayofthedead #geelong #singles #pumpkincarving #jackolantern #orange #outdoors #male #female #friends #fun #beers #food #face #patience #thoughtitwasgoingtobequickbuttakingforever #scoop #art #craft #face #light #decoration #melbourne #geelongcbd #onedowntentogo
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