ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
“What, what? Stop saying what? Irregardless? What’s wrong with it?” 
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“No, no, no! That’s not right! Stop saying that!”
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
heya folks! i’m back now. sorry for sudden absence, my charger frayed beyond fixing and i had to wait over a holiday time for a new one to ship
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
A/B/O starters (send one for my muse’s reaction)
1- : “Why are you resisting your nature?” 2- : “I can smell it! You’re in heat.” 3- : “I can’t wait to see your/my belly swell with our perfect babies.” 4- : “Fuck! I can feel it/them moving in there.” 5- : “You’re feverish, so stop being stubborn and go lay in the nest.” 6- : “Are those suppressant pills!?” 7- : “Put the glass down. You are pregnant with my kids and I’m not going to let you self-destruct because you can’t cope with _______ ” (ex: your nature) 8- : “Look at your neck. Look at the marks I left. You are mine. And solely mine.” 9- : “Come, I’ll give you a bath to wash the dry slick away.” 10- : “What does my omega want for breakfast/lunch/dinner?” 11- : “You, the alpha, are cooking for me?” 12- : “Why do I even bother when all you do is use your pheromones to push me into rut?” 13- : “I don’t want you to knot me.” 14- : “We are bonded but not married, and your parents are old fashioned. If they find out…” 15- : “Fucking knot me already!” 16- : “I-I can’t stay when you’re… like this…”  (heat) 17- : “Your smell is… intoxicating. If I stay I’m going to knot you.” 18- : “If you don’t want me to breed you, lock yourself in your bedroom. I’m taking the couch.” 19- : “Resisting your/my nature is only going to make it worse.” 20- : “Fuck! You stink of beta pheromones. You could have gone more subtle.” 21- : [ Public place ] “Stay calm. I might have just started my heat.” 22- : “Your cycle is fucked up because of all those suppressants you took.” 23- : “You’re too weak to make a nest.” 24- : “I can’t understand you alphas and omegas, smelling each other like you were meat.” 25- : “Do you really think all omegas want to be fucked by you? Sorry to break it to you, but you can fuck off.” 26- : “You don’t smell it? I’m surrounding myself with betas from now on.” 27- : “You know, I always kind of envied omegas.” 28- : “I-I want… N-no need… I… fuck… I-I’m confused.” 29- : “Your bloodline is not pure. I can’t be bonded to you.” 30- : “Alphas/omegas like you are a disgrace to your nature.” 31-: “I thought you were on suppressants?” 32-: “I don’t know why people don’t like betas. I think you’re amazing.” 33-: “Do you think I’m/you’re pregnant yet?” 34-: “You can’t help me, as much as I want you to.” 35-: “I’m bonded to someone.” 36-: “I wish you could claim me.” 37-: “Can you fuck me and not claim me?” 38-: “I don’t need you. I can do this alone.” 39-: “I’ve gone a long time without an alpha.” 40-: “It’s been a while since I’ve fucked an omega.” 41-: “I need you to claim me as your omega.” 42-: “I never thought I wanted a mate until I met you.“  43-: “I will only claim you as my omega if you love me.” 44-: “You want me to claim you, don’t you?” 45-: “Please, protect me while I’m in heat. I’m not ready to be claimed.” 46-: “I’m afraid of being claimed by an alpha.” 47-: “I don’t want to be claimed by anyone but you.” 48-: “I didn’t know I was an omega until I went into heat around you.” 49-: “Please, tie me down so I don’t do anything I’ll regret while I’m in heat.” 50-: “I don’t care if you’re also an alpha, I want to claim you.” 51-: “I’m the Alpha, you’re the Omega, I give the orders and you follow them.” 52-: “You’re my Omega, and mine alone.” 53-: “As an Alpha, I have the right to claim you, the Omega, and you know that, don’t you?” 54-: “I gotta say, you have a really, really strong scent, even for an Omega.” 55-: “Are you in heat or something? I didn’t even know you were an Omega…” 56-: “Sorry, it was just a question, didn’t mean to upset you!” 57-: “Dude, calm the fuck down. Are all Omegas this easily scared?” 58-: “Woah, so you can get pregnant by an Alpha, even though you’re like, a dude?” 59-: “Y'know, I am an Alpha, I could help you with your heat, if you want me too…” 60-: “Be a good Omega and bend over.” 61-: “You know as an Alpha I can smell that you’re ____, so you might as well tell me what wrong with you.” 62-: “A group of alphas tried to follow me home today.” 63-: “Y'know, nobody is going to know I’m your omega if you don’t mark me as yours.” 64-: “The suppressants haven’t kicked in yet.” 65-: “Do you really think this thing will keep other alphas off of me?” (ex. a collar) 66-: “Can a body grow immune to suppressants?” 67-: “You know, part of me dreads the idea that any child I bare may be an omega and have to grow up in this world while being seen as nothing more than a couple of holes to fuck.” 68-: “Everything is so fucking hot. Why can’t alphas go into heat instead of omegas?” 69-: “Just because of what I am doesn’t mean I’ll submit to just any alpha” 70-: “I got into some trouble today. I sort of punched an Alpha in the face when he touched me. Long story short, there’s a couple of officers at the door who would like to talk to you about getting control of your omega.” 71-: “I’d kill to be a beta right now.” 72-: “I don’t want an alpha.” 73-: “I don’t want an omega.” 74-: “Do you see me at all? Or am I just a couple of holes to fuck?” 75-: “If you didn’t want me, why did you bring me here?”
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
Halorn clasps himself into place and offers Vriska a clip -- safety measures for those who are not used to flying on sea death birds and pats ☼ndine’s neck giving her the signal to launch off of the cliff, catching the wind on the way down and, with a few powerful flaps, rising into the air and angling herself to the mountains.
“Same as usual, for what that’s worth.” She chuckles, accepting the offered hand and climbing into place. “And yeah, written in 8lood defin8ly makes it more interesting.” She grins.
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
“You’re not from around here, are you?” He sat down on an old tattered looking ottoman, hugging his long legs to his chest and gesturing vaguely. “I’ve heard lots of languages, but not that one. What is it?” His fingers tap against the table and he gets up, making his way back to the kitchen and searching about his counter before returning with something in a bundle of towels. “You want morphine?” 
    “Give those to me,” the Master hissed. He was irate enough as it was, the injuries certainly didn’t help, and the have the one he momentarily required as a servant stumbling around didn’t exactly inspire confidence that his demands would be quickly and easily met. So, he snatched the materials and got to work at cleaning the wound out roughly, as a human probably would not do, cursing in a number of alien languages as he did.
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
“Yeah yeah, I kn☼w. Puzzles aren’t y☼ur thing. But this j☼urnal was written in bl☼☼d s☼ that’s g☼tta c☼unt f☼r s☼mething. S☼ h☼w’s the Missus?” As he speaks, he buckles all the necessary straps onto ☼ndine, securing her harness in place and settling between a pair of large spines, offering a hand to Vriska. Fortunately for the cerulean, ☼ndine still recognizes her. 
“Ugh.” Vriska groaned. This sounded like puzzle shit, and she found puzzle shit to be “stupid and 8oring!”.
“All right, let’s hope this thing 8n’t too difficult to figure out; I want to get to the fun 8it as soon as possi8le.”
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
Halorn had the misfortune of using BARTER Fetch Modus and he took a brief few moments spending his L☼☼T “buying” the journal back from his inventory. “Here we are. Unf☼rtunately, the ass d☼esn’t pr☼vide a map f☼r us t☼ f☼ll☼w s☼ we have t☼ s☼lve s☼me riddles. Ab☼ut landmarks. Which have, n☼ d☼ubt changed ☼ver h☼wever many sweeps passed between us and this guy. But I triangulated the l☼cation to that ☼ne m☼untain that l☼☼ks like a giant sw☼rd. We’ll start there.” 
Soon, Vriska walks over, dressed in full Mindfang regalia (her well-worn blue pirate captain’s coat, matching trousers, red boots, and hat), her fabled FLUORITE OCTET in hand.
“All right! So, let’s do this thing! Where’s this journal?”
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
Haloran laughed as he fell back into the snow. Just... laughed as if it didn’t matter to him. And really, it didn’t. The Master was hooked and really, now Dylan had the chance to win the game the Master didn’t know he was playing for while the other was concerned with winning the physical fight, Dylan considered tolerance to be the name of the game. And he was already at an advantage. Haloran loved winter. He loved the snow and the games. Unfazed, Haloran hurled a handful of snow at the Master.
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    Before, he’d been safely disinterested, unwilling to get involved in this at all. Yet, now, it was very difficult not to want to get involved, to get revenge. There was snow melting down his shirt; the other deserved it.Just as casually, the Master reached shoved the other away, hoping to see him fall in the snow.
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
CM: that is true. >(º_º)<
Halorn waits, as promised a few kilometres north of the Marquise’s hive, ☼ndine roosted on the ground and acting as a form of shelter for her nautical charge. The seadweller, rolling his d2☼ between his webbed fingers tosses it up into the air, watches the array of possible attacks spin with each number and catches it before it settles. If he rolls unfavorably, even outside of C☼MBAT, things could go badly.
AG: She 8 a lot of my friends, too. AG: 8ut that’s 8eside the point. AG: And that’d 8e gr8! I can 8e there as soon as I gra8 my gear.
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
i’ll follow you!
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
CM: that’s cause y☼u lucked ☼ut and instead ☼f eating all y☼ur damn L☼☼T, y☼ur lusus just ate y☼ur pris☼ners.  CM: ☼h, serks. sweet sweet serks. there is all ☼f the L☼☼T. CM: all ☼f it. CM: ☼ndine is ☼ur ride there. as per usual. meet where we always d☼?
AG: Hah, sweet! AG: ‘Course, I always preferred to take prisoners, as you know. AG: Took ‘em home to meet my lusus. AG: Aaaaaaaanyway, yeah that would 8e so gr8! AG: Especially if there’s a lot of loot. ::::D
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
CM: well c☼nsidering just last night i nat 2☼’d a greenie s☼ hard he became literal indistinguishable chunks ☼f tr☼ll, i’d say i’m d☼ing pretty g☼☼d.  CM: h☼w l☼ng HAS it been? t☼☼ l☼ng, id say.  CM: anyway. this campaign. i g☼t my hands ☼n this ☼ld dead tr☼ll’s j☼urnal. it was hell t☼ decipher, but i get the feeling it was w☼rth the eff☼rt.  CM: what d☼ y☼u say we meet up and d☼ a 5☼/5☼ split. f☼r ☼ld times sake?
AG: You 8etter 8elieve I am! AG: How have you 8een? It’s 8een aaaaaaaages. ::::o
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
-- cosmicMariner [CM] began pestering arachnidsGrip [AG] at 15:07 --
CM: hey, marquise. y☼u still d☼ing campaigns? if y☼u’ve g☼t the time f☼r it, there’s quite a bit ☼f B☼☼TY T☼ BE L☼☼TED >(ºuº)<
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
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Cavalry Sword
Dated: 1750-60
Culture: British
Medium and techniques: steel, fish skin, wood, copper wire/struck, burnished, pierced
Measurements: overall length 101.25 cm; blade length 86.25 cm
Provenance: the signature on the blade is that of one of the Harvey family, sword-cutlers in Birmingham, and that the maker in this case was probably Samuel I
The sword features a burnished steel hilt with plain pommel (tang-button broken off) and scrollguards with knop ends. The wooden grip is covered with grey fishskin bound with copper wire. The one-edged blade has two fullers, while the blade is struck on each face near hilt with an inscription that reads “HARVEY”.
Source: Copyright © 2015 Royal Collection Trust/Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
tagged by @beatingdrxms
NAME: Di BIRTHDAY: January 29 GENDER: uhhhhh. incoherent mumbling RELATIONSHIP STATUS: {Me˙♠ Me} wow. such homosuck trash ZODIAC SIGN:  Aquarius SIBLINGS: An older sister PETS: Shih Tzu named Charlie, Mix Breed named Chocolate Factory, B&W Tux Cat named Bukowski (Bucky) TIME: 7:06  TYPE OF PHONE: iPhone 5s LOVE OR LUST: both.  LEMONADE OR ICED TEA: Neither.  CATS OR DOGS: Cats COKE OR PEPSI: I don’t like soda. DAY OR NIGHT: Night. MAKEUP OR AU NATUREL: Depends on gender MET A CELEBRITY: Andrew Hussie, John Barrowman CHAPSTICK OR LIPSTICK: Chapstick LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO:  Seven Nation Army
tagging: @the-slavic-widow, @aluminisxanima, @jamieacquaatyourservice and ANYONE else who wants to do it!!!
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
“I didn’t even -- whaa? I didn’t say I 
wanted --... I just had a rough day. I like
talking to you. I don’t even want a hit.
I promise.” Lie. But he feels guilty enough
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“If you CAN’T afford the damn drugs 
w h y the fuck do you keep coming to me?
 I’ve had enough of that bullshit.”
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ofxthesea-blog1 · 9 years
“Because you won’t let there be any competition by not participating. Likely because you’ve got self esteem issues.” He’s not even trying to be subtle in goading the Master into the winter festivities. Unceremoniously, he upends a bucket of snow onto the grumpy Time Lord’s head.
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@ofxthesea || starter call
    “I don’t do snowball fights. No one is good enough competition.”
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