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Kay, I’ve been gone hella, I’ll be back on in a few days AFTER I’ve finally seen da new movie. I’ve missed being on Charles, a lot and plan on returning asap. 
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     Finally, it’s his turn to have a real conversation with the guest speaker that they’d had for the day. He holds his books against his chest with one arm as the other male speaks to him, he nods in response to the answer. Without being too terribly nosy, the telepath only skims the first few layers of the other male’s mind, he was a genius, to say the least---but there was so much more there. All pain & literal blood shed, that while anchored deeply in the man’s mind resonated to his mind’s outer layers. All war crimes & grief, violence, not things Charles had gone without reading before, but still---they were concerning. 
       Charles allows his curiosity to get the better of him, he craved a genuine conversation with the other male, needed it to sate his own probing sense to better understand. The mutant stands up just a bit straighter, glances around the classroom that’s slowly become vacant, aside from a few students at their desks, finishing up notes. 
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                “Would you like to get some tea or coffee?                     I’d love to hear more about your time spent                    as a biochemistry student.” 
as one of the youngest but most accomplished minds in psychiatry in the world– undergrad degree at sixteen, med school at eighteen, residency completed by twenty-one– it’s no surprise that he’s been asked to speak at a few seminars. among them, much to his  behest, is harvard. a paid stay at a hotel near downtown crossing had been included, of which he takes full advantage. speaking at the prestigious university is only an added bonus, though most of the students couldn’t care less. 
 those looking to ask for insight–or perhaps grovel, either seems likely–approach him at the end of the block to introduce themselves. he tells them it’s a pleasure, smiles. courteous, as always. it only serves to pet dr. lecter’s ego, feed his vanity. 
at the sound of a crisp english accent, the doctor spares the younger man a smile.
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               “–i originally studied biochemistry, with a focus on pre-med.                  it’s a pleasure to meet you, charles–i appreciated your questions                  as well.”
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            A small laugh leaves him, she showed quite a bit of promise & her attempt at remaining polite was appreciated, though he’s sure she hadn’t crossed any lines, certainly not with him. This was far from the first time he’d had the privilege of explaining to a potential student that they weren’t freaks by any means. “Well, I’m a telepath,” he begins. “I can read & manipulate minds, have been able to since I was eight years old.” He’s been around for far too long to attempt to easily break what he’s capable of to someone, he is having a conversation with someone who talks to computers after all. He nods gently as she continues asking questions, “it’s still something you’d need to adjust to, right?” He asks. “You don’t have to attend my school, but I believe it’d be a wise choice. No, nothing like that, using your abilities is highly encouraged, they’re what make you unique after all. Yes, right now one of my teachers---used to be one of my students, she can walk through walls, another can control the weather. I’d rather you excel at everything you have to offer the world, in your case talking to technology, that’s something.” 
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        being different doesn’t bother her. she’s been different since the day she arrived over here, and it’s been long enough that layla’s settled into that, refusing to let go of her accent just to fit in a little better. but being wrong? that a whole other ballgame, and it’s not something she wants to be. being able to do different things is exciting. scary, but exciting.  ❝ what can you do? ❞ maybe it’s bad form to ask that — rude, in…mutant circles — but this is the first time she’s met someone else with powers.  ❝ i—i don’t know how much controlling there is. i just…talk to machines. it’s not like it’s dangerous. i mean, i can get into really protected places, but…um. the other students are mu—different too? it wouldn’t be, like, you’re never allowed to use what you can do? ❞
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               Though he’s sure the man in the open office can’t see it, there’s a faint smile on his face as he navigates his chair through the waiting room & towards the lawyer’s office.  After a moment of practiced ease, he manages to get his wheel chair through the man’s doorway, he leans carefully in his chair to close the door behind him before rolling up to the desk in the center of the room. Charles crosses his hands and places them in his lap before he introduces himself. “Charles, Charles Xavier,”  he doesn’t hesitate in using his full name, he has no reason to do so. 
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           “Normally I’d begin with a quaint conversation, ask you how work’s been, so I must ask you to forgive me in my frankness, Mr.Mudock, as I’m in quite a hurry,” he sits up a bit straighter in his chair before continuing on. “I’m looking for someone that I believe you can help me locate, which is peculiar, as I’m normally able to locate just about anyone. I’m looking for Wade Wilson, though he makes no attempt in hiding his actual name, I believe you’d know him as Deadpool.” He pauses & takes a careful inhale before going on. “I’m afraid I haven’t explained myself entirely, Matthew, I’m professor X---of well, the x-men.” 
he has no sense of danger : no threatening feeling on the horizon of fire caressed scenery. baby blues gaze vaguely towards the newest clients direction, ears perked at the sound of his own name. interest hidden behind ruby colored lenses. he lets the pen in his grasp lay flat, aware of the oddness a blind man writing might have on the average man. the scent of aged pheromones and slower heart rate tell him the man is older. the gears set off vibrations that string together burning abstractions of the room before him. though lacking in contours he can make out the wheelchair before him and the apparent male controlling it. karen’s heart is calm : the man must appear harmless to her & that alone cools matt’s suspicious nature for now. since the fall of the kingpin he’s been on pins and needles.
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karen’s calm voice rings out against sensitive ears regardless of her soft tone.  ‘ mr. murdock you have a visitor. ‘  he leans back, pretends to only just notice the patron before waving him forward.   ‘ please, come in, mister? ‘
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                     “Well, that’s easy, Scott. You show promise, so much                            motivation, though I’m not sure if you’re aware of it                            quite yet. You’re completely capable of being a great                            leader one day. I won’t always be around, you know.”
      ❛With all due respect sir, why did you choose ME to lead?❜
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The person who loves you the most kills you the best.
Cupid doesn’t shoot arrows; he wields a double-edged sword. nikka ursula (n.t)
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             The small smile on his face grows just slightly whenever the other male responds to him. Normally Charles didn’t snoop, not too much at least. It was difficult not to hear too much of of one’s life if they thought loudly, if everything was so close to the surface. It wasn’t a negative thing, perhaps the younger man just liked to process information, sort through it, pick at it, it was an organizational process. A way of recovering that was quite effective for some people when it came to overcoming depression or anxiety.                                “The sun is out, aliens don’t seem to be causing havoc.                           Given the history of the city the last few years that’s                           quite a good thing I think.”                     Sometimes one simply needed to appreciate the solid things in life, even if they were possibly temporary, something as trivial as the sun being out  didn’t matter to most, after all. Charles sets his warm paper cup down on the table carefully, it’d need a few moments to cool before he could actually drink more than a few sips at a time. The mutant had no where he needed to be at any particular time, no rush to meet a student or to return back to the campus. He’d originally began his trip into the city with Scott in tow, but the other male had scuttled off, distracted by a shop and the chance to catch up on buying whimsical things while he had the chance to do so. 
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                     “I apologize, for my lack of introductory,                                                                 my name is Charles.” 
          steam from the drink cupped between two hands WAFTS upwards, bringing with it the strong, heavy scent of coffee. a lungful is INHALED as he breathes in slowly, trying to force the impending sense of DOOM to the back of his mind. his phone sits inconspicuous just in front, screen TAUNTING in its stubborn, blank state. 
          when the text finally lights up his immediate surroundings with an artificial glow, malcolm’s hands SNATCH the mobile from its resting place, shoulders sagging slightly in the wooden chair as he reads:                                [ ‘the meeting’s confirmed for tomorrow. 9am. don’t screw this up.’ ]
          a shaky breath exhales as he allows a small wave of RELIEF to drown out the anxiety that had been building up in his chest. finally, here was a chance to OVERWRITE kilgrave’s influence, to step back on the path he’d been pulled from when the drugs sent it spiralling out of control. it had taken weeks of pleading with his former professor for her to AGREE to help appeal to have him back on the program, and now they’d set up a faculty meeting to discuss his future. the last six months had been HELL, but the same ingrained determination that got him CLEAN was the same one determined not to ruin this chance. 
          he glances upwards as a noise alerts him to someone taking the table beside, blinking in BEMUSEMENT as the man’s gentle voice begins a conversation. he smiles back almost automatically, a knee-jerk reaction to the other’s friendly nature, as well as the HOPE still nestled in his sternum.
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                       ❝       i suppose it is, yeah. ❞
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I hit 100 followers yesterday night and this is awesome. It was so unexpected for me to reach this in so little time. I’m so glad that you all responded this positively to Emma and I’ve got wonderful feedback. You are all the best. This is only a very short bias list now with the people I talk and plot the most with. I adore our threads and hope that we will have even more in the future. Thank you very much for following this blog and know that even if you’re not on this list, if I follow you, then I love your character and your portrayal of them !!
@cheyarafiim @regnuum @stumblcd @viitesse @pxtts @dxntscream @crimsonhexer @cryogenicammunition @prxfessors-pet @amothersgrief @bluesemblance @ofmentalstrength @xmarksthescott @fatherofskeletons @agentofspyral @tinydemonstudent @hcllstorms
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It keeps replaying over and over again in my head, torturing me, reminding me.
(via innocentdelirium )
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                    “Ah, yes.”                     Perhaps he’s gained just a bit of snark, the other male’s attitude hadn’t been the most pleasant up until he realized he’d been speaking to the correct person all along. Never the less, he’s sure to have realized already, if the silence and look on his face was anything to go by.                                       “That would be me, & you are?”
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          ‘ ….. ’
     shit. dollars to donuts this was the one that he was supposed to be waiting for. well at least he wasn’t going to have to deal with constantly fending off would be conversation partners he had no interest in. he managed to almost sound sheepish, muttering the answer under his breath.
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                    He can’t help the small smirk that pulls at his lips whenever the other male introduces himself, blunt & straight to the point. It certainly lived up to the other’s reputation that he had already established beforehand with some of the x-men.  The extended hand is eyed for a moment before the professor takes it, careful and noting the strength that was so easily conveyed in an act as simple as a handshake.                        “Yes, of course. Charles Xavier, it’s a pleasure to finally                         meet you Luke. You’ve been a great help to my team                          many times. It’s odd that we’re only just now meeting.”                         Even so, they were both busy people, the world didn’t save its self, it was to be expected, arranging meetings just to do so wasn’t something people like them had time for. “I’m glad to hear it, they’re a pretty likable group, though I may be just a bit biased.” 
@ofmentalstrength || Starter Call
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                ♖ ||  Years ago, Luke had determined that it was only a matter of time before he ran into Charles Xavier. Too many mutants came through Cage’s door, his life, for it to be otherwise. What the hero-for-hire hadn’t been sure of was whether he’d be on the same side as the infamous telepath, or facing him down as an enemy.                                                Funny how life worked, sometimes. 
                       “… I, uh, guess I should introduce myself. Even though I know damn well who you are, and you’ve probably already read my identity off the top of my thoughts…” Cage’s mouth twitched at the corners, gesturing with one broad hand to indication he was only kidding, “–or because Logan can’t seem t’pick just one team.”                     The gesture became an offering, Luke stepping forward so Charles could grasp his palm in greeting. He added, on ceremony. “Luke Cage. Hero for Hire. Couple’a your X-Men are good friends of mine.” 
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                    He’s enjoying it, having a conversation with an adult outside of the staff that usually lurked around the building and resided here with the rest of the children. She’s concerned for his safety though, maternal instinct has kicked into gear & she’s allowing the bond acquired from becoming a mother to impact how she views him.  This is what mother’s generally are, he tells himself almost bitterly. His mother had never been the parental sort, her idea of caring for him had been hiring a nanny & that had been the end of it. He can’t help but envy the other children, the one’s who’s parents not only cared for them but went above and beyond.  He got to experience such emotions and attachments second hand, by temporarily tapping into one’s mental state----without their permission, always. 
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                      “I can handle myself,” he states perhaps a bit too confidently, practically insulted that she’d have even asked in the first place. Though, he understands why she’d have asked, not only is Charles a bit small for his age, but most children wouldn’t have rushed forward and offered to help. Desperate to stay busy, to find something to do in order to be a part of it all.                                 “One’s my age, the other is a toddler, both boys. They look like her, they’ve got dark hair & eyes.” Here’s to hoping they were both together, it’d have certainly made things easier. 
     “Thank you. It’s alright, though.” She smiled at him, a bit tense, but kindly nevertheless. Maybe it was because she knew Eve was safe, or because she wasn’t trying to put living being back together like they were characters in a nursery rhyme at the moment, but she was discovering that she rather liked this little boy. And was concerned. 
     What mother would send their child to Europe with all the bloodshed going on? Of course she didn’t know the timing, and many other factors – so she tucked the thought away, and resolved to make friends. Insomuch as an adult could befriend someone so much younger. She couldn’t help it. Since having Eve, her maternal instincts were very strong.
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     “Listen, I don’t mind you helping if you want to. But I do need you to tell me if there’s something going on you can’t handle. There’s no shame in knowing your limits, alright?”
     She noticed what he was doing once they’d reached an entry hall of sorts – or at least a large open space where many had congregated. Looking around. Maybe he knew the woman from town? 
     “Do you know what her children look like?”
      Maybe they could find them that way.
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My past has tasted bitter, for years now
Jaymes Young (via klippenrauch)
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name: Manda birthday: November 29th zodiac: Sagittarius. single or taken:  Single.  height: 5′7′.  favorite color:  Turquoise & Red (Not together).  lucky number:  6. 
hogwarts house:  Hufflepuff.  favorite fictional character:  Shadow from American Gods.  favorite television show:  Vikings.  favorite season:  Fall.  meaning of your name:  Worthy of love.  what do you plan to/do for a living:  Go on adventures. 
introvert or extrovert dawn or dusk righty or lefty coffee or tea rain or shine reading or writing
♛ about the blogger 」
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Plus side of shipping with me: i will always be here to scream ideas and headcanons at and i will be screaming more along with you.
Downside of shipping with me: you will eventually come to the conclusion that i am satan.
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