hoppkins-a-blog · 7 years
NAME:  hannah
BIRTHDAY:  december 14th 
ZODIAC:  sagittarius
HEIGHT:  5′6′‘
FAVORITE COLOR:  turquoise
FAVORITE BOOK:  i don’t really have a fave tbh — do rec the old kingdom trilogy tho
FAVORITE ARTIST/BANDS:  eliza & the bear / coldplay / green day / bastille / imagine dragons / flora cash / chvrches / mcr / queen / twenty one pilots
LAST MOVIE I WATCHED:  justice league
HOGWARTS HOUSE:  puff pride even if pottermore says i’m a gryff
RANDOM FACT:  i’m going to disneyland paris in 2 weeks & i’m hype af !!
WHEN DID YOU CREATE THIS BLOG:  october 30th after i binge watched all of s2 on my one day off & fell in love w hop & how nuanced his character is
DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS:  lmao..... about that..... i may or may not be rebooting my multi bc i miss a fair few of my muses but don’t have the time to commit to all the single blogs i’d have to have — also i rewatched ka:lots w/ @smolel the other day & i may be working on an arthur blog as i write this..... ( past muses which are gunna go on my multi include : bucky / wintersspectre, eggsy / spyofsorts, george / sainthumored / lionfifth, bodhi / rookierebel, malcolm / bonacoeur, rick / deadwclking / tolead )
DO YOU GET ASKS ON A DAILY BASIS:  don’t call me out on the amount of memes i have left unanswered in my inbox pls
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL:  hopper + hawkins = hoppkins !
tagged by:  @profanemouth ( ty ! ) tagging:  @aboutcaring  /  @ironclad  /  @profiling  /  @bogbodied  /  @ninjaliike  /  @uneaser  /  @douxamor  /  @leaderist  /  @funghouled  /  @waskingonce  !
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kilgrvve · 8 years
14, 24 & 30! c:
42 character development questions!
14. What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed?
as kilgrave says in canon “before you, i rarely dwelt on anything”. because he can have anything he wants, it’s very hard for him to care about anything. he is very materialistic, but i wouldn’t say he cares about the things he collects -- his clothes are labelled, but i’d imagine he abandons them very quickly, and replaces them. his nomadic lifestyle means that he doesn’t have roots anywhere either, so he doesn’t really care deeply about anything. it’s kind of sad, when you think about it.
in terms of life codes, he lives in a constant state of moral ambiguity. he doesn’t responsibility for any of his actions, so i suppose that’s a life philosophy, in itself. nothing is every his fault. this is expressed in his daily life -- he’s not guilty about the people he’s “let die”. he doesn’t see himself as a murdering, thieving, rapist. but that’s what he is. his lack of guilt is expressed in the fact that he keeps doing morally reprehensible things, and doesn’t stop to think about the people he’s hurting.
kilgrave feels no way about faith. god and religion hold little interest for him, and he’s hardly given it a second thought. if there is a god, then kilgrave imagines him as a distant figure, who doesn’t love humanity. certainly the god of kilgrave’s imagination doesn’t love him. if he did, why did he let kilgrave suffer a child? his lack of religion isn’t expressed in any way, because it hardly crosses his mind.
24. How do they present themselves socially? What distinguishes their “persona” from their “true self”, and what causes that difference?
i wrote a meta about how kilgrave is basically walking persona. socially, he is confident, arrogant, well put together, & generally a successful person. this is a carefully built façade, & we don’t really see anything besides that in canon. except when he sees his parents.
when kilgrave meets his parents again, in the hermetically sealed room, i believe we see his true self, underneath the persona. he is genuinely upset and apologetic. his voice is gentler & quieter. he cries. kilgrave would never cry, but we’re not seeing kilgrave. we’re seeing kevin. kevin is his “true self”, buried under his villain persona, which he donned to cope with his parents abandoning him.
underneath everything, kevin thompson is still a child. he never grew up. he never learnt empathy & never took responsibility for his actions. he never needed to, because everything was handed to him on a silver platter. 
on the outside, he’s confident, self-assured, & selfish. but, deep down, he’s still broken & lonely & desperate for love & affection.
30. What is their preferred level of activity and stimulation? How do they cope if they get either too little or too much?
i wouldn’t say that kilgrave is lazy, exactly, but he doesn’t do much with his day. he would rather be watching tv than outside, for example. his preferred level of activity is pretty low, but it’s not nil. if he is stuck inside for ages (more than two days, for example) he gets restless. he paces, he breaks things, he can’t settle. he’s like a trapped lion.
on the other hand, if he wears himself out, then he complains to anyone who will listen. he’s like a toddler who’s been dragged on a family outing. “i’m tired!” “are we nearly there?” all that rubbish. as i said, he’s not lazy, but he definitely prefer a sedentary lifestyle to an active one.
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nonightoff-blog · 8 years
@bonacoeur​​ | con’t from ( x ) 
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                      ❛ ------------------it’s not just you. ❜ the diner paints a classic picture, the hustle & bustle of the city outside the large windows stopping for nothing, for nobody. it’s FAMILIAR, here with malcolm, the smell of greasy home style cooking hanging in the air, the veteran waitress that never cracks a smile unless at the boy sitting on the other side of the booth. some people just had something inside them that softened even the HARDEST hard-asses. claire had seen it first hand at metro & malcolm was one of those people. he, the diner, the coffee, they were a few of the last things left in her life she could attach the term familiar to. curling fingers around a mug of fresh coffee warms cold hands as she lets the table-top specials menu distract her for a moment. it wasn’t an easy subject to put into words. too sharp, too delicate, too sincere. just TOO something that made tightness form in her chest, but she pushes the words past the sudden sensation of falling. ❛ maybe we just don’t get to feel COMPLETE. after something...someone gets broken & put back together. --------------maybe we’re just not the same after that. that doesn’t mean we’re not okay. ❜
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ourladyclaire · 9 years
Kindness (Cypress Tree) │Reina del Cid, Toni Lindgren
So come and rest your thoughts with me Underneath the cypress tree We can watch the moon and stars shine at their finest Let the rest say what they may I'm a mere heartbeat away And you will always be the object of my kindness
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AKA :// @bonacoeur [ x ]
 ❛   jesus christ, malcolm.  it’s like you don’t even know me.  ❜   
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                  THE FORCE  is weak with this moron.  
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bourbonisms-blog · 9 years
Send me ✉ for a drunk text from my muse // accepting
( iMessage: Malcolm ) :: Hjey I broke( iMessage: Malcolm ) :: In sorry your doors broke I’ll take careof it
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                    Such awful memories, exude from the individual across the small coffee shop. He’s already received the dark tea that he’d ordered from the barista behind the counter. All milk, sugar & caffeine, though he didn’t necessarily need it.  It was a habit, sometimes impossible to avoid, reading the minds of people around him, some people just happened to think quite a bit louder than others. In the other’s case it was mostly pain, or at least the more recent images, all mental scar tissue, fresh & attempting to heal---slowly. It makes his stomach twist uncomfortably as he reaches the cause of it, not another telepath, no, though someone that had a portion of the abilities the mutant had been born with. He needed to find a reason to talk to the man, felt obligated to do so. Wheel chair motor whirring, he makes a point to take the table next to the young man, a small, warm smile on his face.                        “Nice day today, isn’t it?”
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       ❝ Thank you... for HELPING her. ❞
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