offscreenblogs · 5 months
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Right, so i just finished finished painting the new mandrakes Kill team models. Got to say, as much I hate painting up the infantry mini's for drukhari, these ones weren't so bad...until i had to do the highlights but we'll get to that when we get to it. Paint wise, I went for a more contrast heavy method so i could simplify the process given the size of the sculpts. For the flesh robes, I started off with a bit of guiliman flesh around the tattered inner front robe and then work around the outer robe with gor-grunta fur. once the robe contrast was well and dry, I then shaded over it the tattered front with berserker bloodshade followed by Reikland fleshshade on the outer robe. I then edge highlighted the outer robe with army painter elven flesh. Finishing on the rope belts and hair holders, a simple coat of flesh tearers red. Moving on to the skin, all of it is coated in Black legion along with a few highlights of the dark reaper and administratum grey layer paints. for the markings, I had to carefully put a bit of demonic yellow from army painter into each marking and then paint over ever so slightly with tesseract green to add the glow effect. For the weapons, a simple base coat of iron warriors steel, followed by a edge highlight of iron breaker. then on the accompanying flames, a contrast coat of striking scorpion green followed by a edge coating of tarradon turqoise with a bit of water splashed in. Misc section: for the unique models bat wings (cuz i don't even know what thats meant to be), I coated over it with Sigvald burgundy followed by an overcoat of leviathan purple on the inner shadows of the front wing. for the hair, I simply gave it a shade coat of nuln oil...not much too it really. finally on the bones, i simple contrast coat of skeleton horde. and yeah thats about it, despite my distain for painting drukhari infantry, these actually turned out to be a bit more fun to paint. I hope you all enjoy these! :)
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offscreenblogs · 5 months
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Just finished up some Salamander Bladeguard Veterans.  Started by priming it with a regular can of white primer. with this one in particular, I decided to focus on the smaller bits first (I.E pauldrens, shields, swords, seals, etc.). I made liberal use of retributer Armor across the shield and sword in addition to the insignia. for the pauldrens, I used a mixture of runelord brass and brass scorpion of the edges. then for the inner parts, a base coat of Abaddon black layered over with the black gloss paint from Vallejo. did the same thing with the backpack and sergeants helmet aswell. finally for the main Armor, I used two coats of Warp stone glow over the main Armor, with a shade coat of nuln oil to finish it off. Anyways that's about it, Hope you all enjoyed this!
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offscreenblogs · 5 months
(No context) Your trolling, Reroll warrior
I think it's time we let these fucking rats drown
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offscreenblogs · 7 months
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Started up painting again, this time going with the vindicare assassin. I'll be honest, I feel i could've done a bit better with this one. then again this is a relatively tough model to get right, so it's the best i can do with it. I started by coating it in chaos black then abbadon black for gloss. after that, I started highlighting with Dark reaper, thunderhawk blue and fenrisian grey. for the red straps i used a 1:2 mixture of Gal vorbak and mephistone red followed by a full shade coat with nuln oil. Not much else to say really. I mean, I love the scope of the model but damn is it hard to highlight with it. I'm kinda hoping the eversor and calexus assasins are a bit more generous when i get around to them. either way, I'm happy with how this turned out despite the missed potential. hope you all enjoy! :)
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offscreenblogs · 8 months
you mean metalocalypse?
i know artstyles are not something to shit on, but is there that one show that's so bad with a recognizable artstyle that everytime u saw that style it sours ur mood?
The name isn't coming to me, but it was a show that looked like Angela Anaconda, but was an adult show about three guys in a metal band.
Also South Park
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offscreenblogs · 9 months
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oh hey this happened, gonna be brutally honest I thought the Arcane incorrect qoute posts would carry me to this one. (oh yeah and Thank you @zrinboy and everyone who got me to 100 reblogs I guess!) :)
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Just finished up painting the skin on the upper body today.
Started off with a coating of Sigvald burgundy followed by layering it with a mixture of wazdaka red and pink horror. after that, I then shaded the 3 quarters of the body with carroburg crimson (leaving the Eye hand to be shaded with druichi violet). i then finished it off with a few highlights around the muscular area's using Wazdaka red, Pink horror and then Emperors children.
after the skin was done, I decided to work on the horn and finger nail areas. I started off by basing each of the areas with wraithbone, then coating it with a skeleton horde contrast paint. wanting the horns to be slightly darker, i then shaded over it with a bit of reikland flesh shade just below the upper tips of the horn (of which i had already coated with black legion).
and yeah that's about it. I don't know where im going to start on next but hopefully by next post you'll find out.
hope you all enjoyed this. :)
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offscreenblogs · 10 months
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And well, here it is. for photography i decided to experiment with a desk lamp for lighting. personally, i don't think it's perfect but for getting the model in the lens for full body shots, it does it's job well. This model took about 3 weeks to the day to paint with several liberties taken in terms of painting it (I.E diverging from the intended colour scheme by GW in favour of a more Great-crusade magnus colour scheme for the Armor.) I don't want to get into all the colours i used to make it but the most common colours i had to use were the following: Ahkellion green, Ahriman/baharoth/thousand sons/talassar blue, Wazdaka red, pink horror, retributer Armor, Guillemin flesh and finally, skeleton horde. The only bad thing I can say that happened was breaking the staff then going through the process of acquiring a drill and paper clip and super gluing it back together. So yeah thats about it, my Biggest model to date that I've had to paint and build from the ground up. this also means that my thousand sons collection is finally complete and now, i feel my army could stand a chance in more 2k game oriented environments. i might even choose to take part in some tournaments idk. but in any case, im glad that 2 years of model painting has finally led to this, something that I never thought I'd get the chance to paint especially as it's my 2nd favourite traitor primarch and 3rd favourite primarch period. it may not be accurate but it's the way I wanted it to look and to me, that's all i could ever want from this. Anyways, hope you've all enjoyed this series. I don't know if I'll ever do something like this again (i hope not, my wallets already been through enough as is) but who knows. thank you all for watching and liking. I'll see you when i've got another model on the brain! :)
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offscreenblogs · 10 months
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The talons and weapons are officially done. along with the bases.
For the talon feet, I started by basing the main skin with leviathan purple so that is matches the colour tone of my back leg feathers. in addition, i also used a mixture of ahkellion green and contrast medium on the upper feather parts of the feet. for the talon nails themselves, a bit of skeleton horde shaded over with Seraphim sepia.
as for the weapon, I started by basing the blade with iron hands steel which i then shaded with nuln oil. I then started working on the tzeench symbols by using a mixture of Talassar and kantor blue. afterwards, i highlighted the edge of the blade in Runefang steel. I then started working on the additionally features with retributer gold which i then coated over with Guilliman flesh (similar to how i did my Armor). Finally, for the energy, i used briar queen chill mixed with the tyran blue shade paint. before then adding an additional layer of the later paint on the flames for added effect.
Now we finally move on to the base. with the ruins of the space wolf dreadnought...well...i just coated with space wolf grey and thats it (because i refuse to give those in-denial furries my 100% >:) ) then for the main ground, I decided to go with Armageddon dust to give it a more desert like feel. wanting a slightly darker tone though, i decided to coat it in Aggeros dunes. the finishing touch was then drybrushing the edges with dawnstone. So with all of that done. this officially means that the model is finally done. I've probably missed out a few minor things photography wise (belt items, back sashes aswell as additional highlights to the model Armor) but hopefully, you should be able to see those results when i get really good shots of the model in full. hopefully within 2-3 days because i want to get this just right. for now though, i hope you've enjoyed this journey so far and hopefully, I'll see you lot when i show you the model in full. until then though enjoy! :)
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offscreenblogs · 10 months
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This was probably the biggest step I've made with the model so far.
Armor's coming along really well in my eyes. decided to go with something different from the box art. similar to that of his Original pre-heresy form/Emperor TTS character puppet.
For the armor plating (mainly the chest plate, crown, belt buckle and outer metalics of the kneepads and heel-guards), I started by basing all of it in Retributor armor before coating it all in guilliman flesh to give it a more rustic gold look.
for the stomach Armor, cloak and in metallics of the knee pads, i coated all of it in black legion contrast before then working on the smaller details (I.E beaks, Tzeentch symbols ETC.) with a bit of tallasar blue. finally, I then decided to paint in the jewels with wazdaka red which i then highlighted with a bit of soulstone red for the glimmer effect.
after doing so however, I noticed that it stood out too much in contrast to the wings. so, i took the drastic measure of shading the wings with tyran blue to deepen the luminescent blue effect with a darker tone. personally, i think it matches quite well with the slightly grimmer tone of the model when pared with the armour.
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offscreenblogs · 10 months
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Just finished up painting the skin on the upper body today.
Started off with a coating of Sigvald burgundy followed by layering it with a mixture of wazdaka red and pink horror. after that, I then shaded the 3 quarters of the body with carroburg crimson (leaving the Eye hand to be shaded with druichi violet). i then finished it off with a few highlights around the muscular area's using Wazdaka red, Pink horror and then Emperors children.
after the skin was done, I decided to work on the horn and finger nail areas. I started off by basing each of the areas with wraithbone, then coating it with a skeleton horde contrast paint. wanting the horns to be slightly darker, i then shaded over it with a bit of reikland flesh shade just below the upper tips of the horn (of which i had already coated with black legion).
and yeah that's about it. I don't know where im going to start on next but hopefully by next post you'll find out.
hope you all enjoyed this. :)
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offscreenblogs · 10 months
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Finally started work on a magnus the red model (primed with grey seer spray) for thousand sons. but rather then just show you the whole model all at once, to make things interesting, im going to show you parts of the model i've been taking my time refining such as the wings. To start off with, I basically based it with a a collection of contrast paints such as Black legion, Sigvald burgundy and akhellion green. afterwhich, i did three dry brush highlights of thousand sons blue, ahriman blue and baharoth blue.
after that, I used Ahriman blue again to paint up the markings on the inner parts of the wings before then traditionally highlighting them with another bit baharoth blue.
so that's about it for now. i think im making really good progress and hopefully when i start working on the skin, it should also provide good results. hope to see you then and i hope you enjoyed this!
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offscreenblogs · 10 months
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This probably going to be the toughest model i've painted to date. Wish me luck lads!
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offscreenblogs · 10 months
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Turned 26 years old as of Friday and so I basically got a Brutalis dreadnought for my birthday (not second-hand this time). which is the perfect edition to my salamanders army.
two of my favourite details to paint on this one were the claws and the Armor plates. I decided to borrow a technique from one of the old GW space marine painting guides and basically used a mix of warp lightning, Contrast medium and Basilicanum grey to give the Armor plates a more dirty/grittier look. The moot green highlights I think bring this out perfectly.
As for the claws, I essentially used the same technique I used with the terminators by using a mix of black templar contrast paint, nuln oil, firedragon orange and a bit of daemonic yellow from army painter on the tips. same method goes for the shoulder panels aswell.
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offscreenblogs · 10 months
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It's been a long while since i've painted something remotely related to Tzeentch and considering i needed a break from
G R E E N. . . . .
figured I'd paint one of the models I forgot I had in time for 1,500 game with thousand sons I've got going this week at time of posting. So here we are, Tzeentch's burning chariot.
Hope you all enjoy!
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offscreenblogs · 10 months
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Another set of second-hand models. This time Eradicators.
These act as the extra three for my six man eradicator squad that'll be going in my 2k Salamander space marine army.
Favourite part of the paint job was the bronze edges on the pauldrons.
Didn't change the base nor the weapon because the previous owner had the right idea from the looks of it. as for the rest, one base layer of waagh flesh with an overcoat of warpstone glow on the regular Armor.
anyways hope you all enjoy!
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offscreenblogs · 10 months
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Bought myself some second-hand assault terminators for my Salamanders so naturally, I decided to paint them in Salamander colours.
The only things that haven't changed from it's previous incarnation is the base considering the original owner Did a REALLY good job with the basing so i just had to keep it and the skull & crossbone details on the pauldrons.
The part im most proud of in my paint job was what I did with the lightning claws or as i like to call them "forge-claws". Similar to how I painted my Captain in gravis Armor sword, I essentially used a mix of black templar contrast, Yrel yellow and Trollslayer orange to give off them impression that these weapons came straight out of the forges of Nocturne. Anyways that's basically my Assault termies lads, lasses and everyone in-between. hope you all enjoy!
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offscreenblogs · 1 year
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The past 2-3 months i've been working on a large project. My first Loyalist space marine army. The astartes in question: The salamanders. this army in particular, Lead by Forge father Vulkan He'stan.
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