Off-Color Darkrai
170 posts
Discourse is dead, I'm depressed, please leave me be...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
off-color-darkrai · 4 days ago
The hardest part of enjoying a fandom, any fandom, for me is seeing someone throw their absolute dog Sh*t opinion out there like it's the ultimate truth, and having to make the concentrated decision NOT to engage.
Everyone has stupid opinions, that's fine, that's the point of fanfiction and fanart, but when people are out there being pretentious is when I get pissed.
But it's not good for my mental health to engage, it just makes me more upset, and there's no point in starting an argument that will go nowhere. So I don't engage and try to ignore them.
And when that doesn't work I block them.
It doesn't hurt them for me to block them, and I have enough trouble as is that I'm not going to bother to engage with something that just makes me upset.
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off-color-darkrai · 6 days ago
I think the funniest thing about Buzz lightyear of Star command is that everyone else has no clue about anything the LGMs have going on, but Buzz, when it's mentioned, just goes 'oh yes, that's this thing!'
He knew about their sacred mind-orb thing before anyone else did, he can tell which LGM he's talking to even though they're a hive mind, the Leader of Star Command even has to ask him what's up with the LGMs when they do literally anything. Aren't you orbiting their planet? You've been here way longer than Buzz, why do you not know this?
That Buzz is the only non LGM knowledgeable in LGM culture and biology is just so funny to me.
(and this is all before he literally gets merged with their hive mind orb for a hot second in the movie)
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off-color-darkrai · 10 days ago
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Even if he asks verrry nicely.
Had the picture (don't remember from where) and finally thought of something to use it for. Honestly spent more time fixing my phone stylus than it took to finally draw (and it took me a few hours to draw).
All my work on his middle, trying to get across that he's slightly leaning forward, the tie, the belt, and it ended up behind the sign. *Sigh*
You can probably find the original picture online if you wanted it for your own joke/meme purposes, it's not mine.
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off-color-darkrai · 13 days ago
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Do I even need to explain this joke?
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off-color-darkrai · 15 days ago
never change, tumblr. never fucking change.
original post: X
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off-color-darkrai · 27 days ago
If nobody ever explained this to you, if someone you see a lot does something you like and you never ever tell them that, they might think you don’t like them or don’t like the things they do for you.
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off-color-darkrai · 29 days ago
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My cat kidnapped the boys again.
Previous posts about the Crochet boys Here, Here, and Here
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off-color-darkrai · 1 month ago
So I've seen the idea out there that Ingo's amnesia is him losing his proper sense of time as he lands in Hisui and the Pearl clan picks him up. And that given this interpretation, if Emmet fell instead/as well and was picked up by the Diamond clan, then he should lose his proper sense of Space.
This is a cool concept, but it's a little hard to determine how exactly one loses their sense of space.
The most popular argument I've seen is either Emmet has no sense of direction, or is straight up Blind now. The first option is eh, the second option is clearly to be used for angst purposes only, so I have a option that I feel works way better!
Emmet has Touch-Blindness, a disorder that means the signals that go from your skin and muscles to tell your brain where your body is in space don't work. You can feel pain and heat just fine, but if you close your eyes you wouldn't be able to feel your hand being touched, or if you put your hand in a bag to get something you wouldn't be able to feel anything inside.
It's an incredibly rare condition, so rare that googling it is a nightmare and a half, so here's a Video explaining it by Brew on YouTube.
Note: This is an actual disability, so DO try to be respectful.
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off-color-darkrai · 1 month ago
Every single time I see some person in the Transformers Fandom trying to convince me "Well actually, both sides are equally as bad":
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off-color-darkrai · 2 months ago
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Ever watch Belmont's Smash Bros Ultimate reveal trailer?
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off-color-darkrai · 2 months ago
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off-color-darkrai · 2 months ago
I did it! He's done! Crochet Ingo is completed!
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Look upon him and despair!
But seriously, Ingo took soooo much longer than his brother because I had to stop every few seconds to go over the clothes I made for Emmet, count the stitches, count a couple more times because those buggers are tiny, write down what I'm pretty sure I did, and then I could finally crochet another round.
And I still haven't made his Tie and arm band because the holidays smacked me in the face.
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Together again, as they should be!
(Funny story: My cat tried to kidnap Ingo the other day! When I tried to move my cat off another one of my projects, he cried at me the whole way and hooked his claws into Ingo's coat so Ingo went with him. If my cat didn't get to sleep on my project, he was taking Ingo instead!)
I'm still planning on posting the clothing pattern on Etsy, once I've got it properly typed up.
Link to Emmet's photos, also has a Link to the doll pattern (which is not mine and is free)
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off-color-darkrai · 2 months ago
Hey, had a couple plot bunnies spawn while reading what you and Candle Anon have posted so far about the Litwick!Emmet AU, and I was inspired to write something for it!
I'm sending it to you here because I don't know if I have permission to post it anywhere, but if so I can gift it to you (and candle anon if they have one) on AO3.
Anyway, here it is:
He didn't really like this place.
He probably should, like it that is, after all there was plenty of food and even some of his own kind floating about. It was brighter than he might have liked and the air was chilled, but his fire kept him warm and it's not like it was hard to find somewhere dark to rest when he needed it. There were even less humans wandering around just waiting to step on him, which was more than he could say for his current home. So yes, this was a nice place to be, and he really should have been happy here.
But he wasn't.
In fact he hated it here.
Hated the soft talking of the humans in white–black was his favorite but he usually loved white–to the human in yellow. Hated the hands of one of the humans in Green, that kept him in place and away from the room where the white and yellow humans were. Hated that he couldn't bring himself to just burn the green human and be done with it because it would make them sad, and that thought hurt for some reason.
Most of all, he hated the pane of glass that blocked his way into the room where his Soul lay on the bed, quiet and alone.
His Soul, his missing piece, had been gone for so long he was beginning to think he would never find him. When the yellow human had appeared suddenly and the green humans had gotten all excited, he had thought maybe she was what he was looking for. Only he took one nibble of her soul and almost spat it back out. Her soul was slathered in the markings of Arceus, and as a ghost the pure creation energy was next to impossible to ingest, and tasted foul besides.
So the yellow human seemed familiar, and she certainly acted familiar, talking to him like they were old friends, but she was not who he was looking for, and the massive tantrum he threw when he realized this might have gotten him an extended time out at the pokemon center.
That's where he was returning from–one of the green humans retrieving him with a stern word and a poke-puff–when he finally found his Soul.
There was nothing different at first, nothing strange, but then the sky cracked open like an egg, and there was a horrible sound vibrating the air, as something wrong dug its claws into the cracks and pulled them open.
It was massive, with long dark tendrils thrashing about, wrapping around whatever was nearby and uprooting it from the ground before tossing it wildly away. The horrible sound was screaming, almost incompressible screaming, the not-pokemon calling out for something, searching for something. Something about traveling and energy? It had continued it's pointless thrashing and screaming until the yellow human appeared, stopping almost instantly to focus on her, and once the screaming had quieted, a new sound was finally able to be heard.
Loud, wailing cries that struck a chord so familiar that it shook him to his embers. He knew those cries, he knew those cries.
The green human hadn't been able to hold him back as he'd wiggled free and scrambled towards where the yellow human had engaged the beast in a batte. He'd gotten closer, and the cries had gotten louder, until he could finally see what was making them.
A human in black, eyes empty, clothes torn, hair wild, hung suspended like a broken Baynette between the monster’s tendrils, the only things that proved he was still somewhat there, had been the endless stream of tears that rolled down his cheeks, and the deep, sorrowful wailing.
He knew this human, instantly, immediately, and had reached out to check without thought.
Joy had ripped through his tiny body–this was his One, his Soul! He'd found him! He found him!
It was followed quickly by rage.
The not-pokemon was keeping his Soul from him! That dirty thief had stolen his Soul and wanted to keep it for itself! That was his! His One! The other needed to die, right now, and he was going to do it! He might have a type disadvantage, but he liked winning more than almost anything else, and he wasn't afraid to play dirty!
The beast hadn't bothered to do much as look at him as he'd climbed high enough that he could see the whole battle. It was focused on the yellow human.
Big mistake.
He'd readied his move as the stupid thing shot stones at one of the yellow human's pokemon.
He wasn't sure how he was going to get it's attention, but it must have felt something, because it had unnervingly swiveled to look dead at him. It hadn't liked what it saw, because without missing a beat one of its tentacles raised and shot out, smacking him clean off the place where he'd been standing with a painful rain of sharp stones, and instantly depleting his health all the way to zero.
Destiny bond kicked in.
He'd been able to see the massive beast drop like a lead Drifloon before he'd passed out.
Now he was here, on the other side of a window, fully healed, and irritated that they wouldn't let him near his Soul.
He didn't know what happened between then and now, nor did he care. The humans in white were saying things about poison and malnutrition and dehydration, whatever those last two were, and talking about his Soul staying here for a long time until those things weren't a problem anymore. He would have told them not to bother, he and his Soul were supposed to match, and once they matched again(again?) those things wouldn't be a problem anymore. But no one understood him, or they were ignoring his recommendations, so he was stuck here, watching his Soul in pain and unable to help.
It took a loooong time for the humans in white and the yellow human to stop talking and come back out of the room. He'd almost fallen asleep, twice! The yellow human came over to the green human and said some things, the green human’s hands moving to cup him more firmly than before.
Then they turned around!
Wait! Where were they going?!! No, he needed to go back!
The humans ignored him, ignored all his cries and pleas, and carried him out of the human place where his Soul was staying, and all the way home. They continued to ignore him as they got him some poke-chow and settled him in his playpen to eat while they went to get their own food.
How humiliating.
Begrudgingly he ate his food and watched as the humans talked and ate their own meals, and when they were finished he watched them move toward the room with the couch, probably so they could talk some more.
As soon as he was sure they were out of sight, and out of hearing, he began working his way out of the playpen. It took time, and he fell more than once, but he was able to scale the sides and hop from there to the nearest counter, and from there it was easy enough to get to the small kitchen window that was left just open enough that he could squeeze through.
Finding his way back to his Soul was also easy. He could sense it now that he'd tasted it once; he could follow it anywhere now.
The human place was dark, and he wasn't sure how to get in, but luckily some friendly elder evolutions spotted him and offered him a ride to where he was going. They deposited him on the windowsill of the room his Soul rested in, and he thanked them for their help. They chimed their acknowledgement and floated back to what they were doing before, as he placed his paws on the glass and peered inside.
The room was lit up by the moon behind him, and by the flickering of his flame. He could see the many human machines resting quite around the room, and next to the window a bed, where the outline of his Soul could be seen under the blankets. But as he watched, the blankets shifted, and his Soul blinked awake, bright silver eyes turning to catch the similar ones looking back from the outside. His Soul didn't look surprised, or scared, instead, with trembling too thin limbs, he pulled the blanket away and eased himself to his feet, before slowly shuffling over to the window.
His Soul looked at him, and he looked back, then his Soul reached up to unlatch the window, swinging it open so there was no longer a barrier between them.
He couldn't help himself, the instant he could, he grabbed his Soul and held on tight, the overwhelming feeling of loss, of being incomplete all rushing back now that he had truly found the solution. His Soul gripped him back, gently, and he knew his Soul felt the same.
They stayed that way for a bit, enjoying each other's company, but there was still something important to be done, so reluctantly he let his Soul go, catching his eyes and gesturing out, away from the human place. His Soul looked at him, then looked out, then back at him, and then he nodded. They decided his Soul would most easily escape through the window, given it was only one story up, and he was able to ask the friendly older evolutions for help lowering his Soul safely. It was still a process, but they landed without any problems, his Soul looking to him for directions.
He cooed happily–they were so close–and directed his Soul to a place he knew had exactly what they needed. It wasn't a long walk, but riding on his Soul’s shoulder was faster than he could ever manage on his own, and something about being on his Soul's left made the core of him heat in a fuzzy way completely unrelated to his fire typing. It felt like being home. He hoped his Soul felt the same way.
Their leisurely walk lead them to a wrought iron gate that wasn't locked. Inside he lead his Soul on a winding trail between old stones and fresh flowers, until they reached a place deep within, where stood a newer stone, surrounded by bits and bobs, several unlit candles, and in the center a single picture frame of two humans in black and white.
His Soul knelt in front of the picture, one shaking hand coming to rest on the stone it sat upon. There was something inside there, as a fire type and a ghost type he could sense the bundle that had once been a human but was now soft ashes. He suspected his Soul knew it was there too. He patted the stone gently, like a friend, then lifted a single finger to trace the name written above it.
He had heard that name before. Sometimes the humans in Green mentioned it, and the human in yellow sometimes acted as if it was his name. He wasn't sure, but when his Soul said it he felt something inside him stir.
“... I'm so tired…”
His Soul's voice was almost a whisper, and that felt fundamentally wrong in so many ways he couldn't explain. He chirped and patted the hand that was back to resting on the stone. His Soul smiled, a small invisible thing, and lay down right there, his head resting above where the hidden ashes lay.
“Thank you” His Soul murmured, before closing his eyes, as if going to sleep.
He crooned back, one paw patting his Soul’s cheek softly.
It was finally time.
He steadied himself, not wanting to get over excited and ruin everything. His Soul didn't make a sound as he began to devour his essence, his flickering flame growing larger and brighter as he took in more and more, and his Soul's body grew cold and still. Finally, finally, when he felt almost fit to burst, the soul snapped free completely, and the body stopped moving.
His flame felt like a bonfire, and every single part of him buzzed with energy, wanting to be used, to be thrown out as an attack, or properly devoured to be used later, but he held it steady. He moved away from the empty body and over to one of the abandoned candles that was in better shape than the rest, still upright and having most of its wick and wax. He stood next to the candle, checking for safety, before he bent his own wick to touch the other.
He held it there, waiting for the flame to take, worry bubbling up inside that his instincts might have led him astray the more seconds passed without the other candle lighting.
Then, with a loud, rushing wail, the soul he was holding was yanked away, and the candle across from him burst to light with a brilliant teal flame!
Tiny silver eyes, exactly like his own, peered open slowly, the other chirping in confusion. He chirped back, and the other looked at him more directly, paw nubs fiddling nervously.
The other whistled.
“I am Emmet!” He replied.
Wait… hold on… that's… that's right wasn't it? That was his name, he was Emmet. He was Emmet… so the other was…
“INGO!!!” He threw himself at his brother, flaming tears pouring down his face.
“EMMET! OH EMMET!” Ingo was crying too, their nubby little paws trying to hold onto whatever they could. Both of them were overcome with emotions, their flames flickering wildly and their wax melting and reforming as they cried molten tears of both joy and sorrow.
When others showed up later looking for them, they would find two litwick and an incredibly distressing scene in the early morning light, but for now they clung to each other as the first light of the sun gently peeked over the horizon.
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the lil litwick bois 🥺
you have permission from me to post it to AO3!! I'm ZephyrRhiesFyrian over there too
candle anon will have to crawl out from the rafters of this blog and tell us if they have an AO3 account
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off-color-darkrai · 2 months ago
Found this conversation between me and a friend while going through my texts...
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off-color-darkrai · 2 months ago
My friend, who is also into Submas, absolutely, positively can't just say the words "All Aboard!", and instead will do a properly loud and drawn out boarding call.
Even sitting less than a foot away from me in an enclosed space.
Every time.
Notably if I didn't have crippling social anxiety I would probably be doing it too ...
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off-color-darkrai · 4 months ago
So I was looking at Volo's Character art for no real reason (I was judging his stupid Arceus cosplay) and I noticed that he has a listed height! And they've done us a solid by drawing the MC standing right next to him for a size comparison! This, of course, means that using those two as a benchmark (because the MC stands by everyone at least once, giving some more good height comparisons) you could theoretically calculate the height of almost any character in P:LA...
I, of course, only cared about Ingo...
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Here's my shoddily cobbled together mock-up.
Please note, I'm using an online calculator to convert cm to feet and inches. My calculations are NOT exact.
Each box is 19cm. Ingo is shown to be about a head taller than the MC(with slouch) so that's where his head is here, considering his legs are a bit spread and his knees bent. That puts him at about 5' even (again, with slouch)
If he stood straight without slouching, he would be somewhere between 5'2"-5'4".
Ingo is a short King! And by extension so is Emmet!
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off-color-darkrai · 4 months ago
Watching the chaos happening with Pokemas and the twins, and how glaringly unsubtle they're being, and I'm just sitting back here thinking,
On one hand, if this is leading up to Ingo falling, then that implies PLA is in the same universe as masters, not the main Canon, and BW & B2W2 Ingo and Emmet are completely okay and fine and nothing bad ever happens.
On the other hand, this might also finally confirm the horrible idea that Ingo never gets home, and I can't deal with that in any version of events.
If this isn't leading up to anything to do with Warden Ingo then they're just being A*Holes to be A*Holes aren't they?
Put that Train Man back where it came from or so help me!!
But actually what I want more than anything is for Ingo to run into Irida, Adaman, Akari, or Rei in a random event conversation and they just greet each other normally, implying Hisui has happened somewhere off camera and already been resolved.
That would be just so funny to me.
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