Original Characters of Ice and Fire
9 posts
OC's in the ASOIAF and HoTD verse. Please tag me when using them! Requests are open. MINORS DNI 18+
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ocsoficeandfire · 11 months ago
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ocsoficeandfire · 11 months ago
If my OC was Canon what God Awful Fandom Hot Takes would their be for them?
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ocsoficeandfire · 11 months ago
Princess / Lady Selene Baratheon
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Status: Free
Thank you so much @zaldritzosrose for submitting Selene! <3
Send me or @zaldritzosrose a PM or an ask if you are interested in using her for a story :)
Divider by @anlian-aishang
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Princess / Lady Selene Baratheon of Strom's End
House: Baratheon
Region: The Stormlands
Family: HOTD: Daughter of Lord Borros Baratheon. One of the Storms. GOT: Only legitimate child of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister. Half-siblings include Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen Baratheon, with a notably strained relationship, especially with Joffrey.
Time: Viable in both the House of the Dragon (HOTD) and Game of Thrones (GOT) timelines.
Age: 20
Religion: Likely follows the Faith of the Seven, as is common in Westeros, particularly among the noble families of the Stormlands and the Crownlands.
Marital Status: Single
Spice level: ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🖤
In the GOT era, Selene embodies a blend of her father King Robert's temper and her mother Queen Cersei's manipulative intelligence. She's aware of her value as Robert's only legitimate offspring and is skilled in manipulating others, especially men, a trait she actively utilizes.
In the HOTD era, as the daughter of Lord Borros Baratheon, Selene is characterized by her willful defiance and quick temper, traits admired by her father and indicative of her Baratheon heritage. She's often the first among her sisters to challenge ideas, yet a stern reprimand from Borros can calm her.
Physical Appearance:  
Selene boasts long, straight black hair that asserts her Baratheon lineage. In the GOT era, she shares her mother Cersei's green eyes and facial structure, while in the HOTD era, her appearance is distinctly Baratheon with matching hair and eye color. Her face possesses a soft yet angular jaw, giving her an ethereal look. She often wears her hair loose with a hair accessory. 
Special quirks: Selene, in both timelines, has a keen interest in lunar cycles, tying back to her name's lunar connotation. Additionally, she delights in underestimating her intelligence to later prove men wrong, using this tactic to frustrate and outmaneuver them.
Face Claim: Alicia Agneson
Moodboard prompts: moon, red rennaissance, lavish history, renaissance aesthetic
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ocsoficeandfire · 11 months ago
Lady Lucie Templeton
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Status: Being used at the moment
Lucie is my main OC in my “Dreams” story, so I feel like this post does not do her justice. So if you want to know more about her and the changes in her personality as she grows up, head over to AO3!
Send me a PM or an ask if you are interested in using her for a story :)
Divider by @anlian-aishang
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Lady Lucie Templeton of Ninestars
House: Templeton
Region: The Vale
Family: Father Dunstan Templeton (dead), Mother Marla Lipps (dead). No siblings and no male family.
Time: Can be used for every era. I use her mainly in the ASOIAF timeline as a Ward of Ned and Catelyn Stark, though she can also be a ward of Cregan Stark / his parents.
Age: 16-25 (you can age her down for the full wardship experience)
Religion: Faith of the Seven, but can easily be converted
Marital Status: Single
Spice level: ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🖤🖤
Lucie is marked by the death of her Parents and having to leave her home, Ninestars, for Winterfell. She cannot easily hide her emotions and is usually rather guarded and icy, bordering on impoliteness to people that mean her well, but push her boundaries. When she is young, she hates public appearances and gets terribly nervous when having to speak in front of people. She is not the most monogamous person, but if she falls in love, she falls deeply.
As she gets older, it is clear that she is a very talented strategist and political leader. Throughout her life, she is known as a cold and powerful woman, who naturally commands respect (which she cannot handle at the beginning of her life).
Physical Appearance:
Lucie is very beautiful by the standards of the Vale. She has long black hair and black almond-shaped eyes to match, which contrast with her very pale skin. She usually has red cheeks, which get even redder if she feels awkward or if she has had too much to drink. She is rather short and well-rounded, yet does not like to show her body. She prefers heavy dresses in rich, dark colours.
Special quirks:
As a way to remember her dead mother, she often rubs peony-scented oil into her hair or, if possible, wears them in her hair. She loves drawing and reading and if proficient in archery, especially on top of a horse.
Face Claim: None
Moodboard prompts: dark baroque, tortured soul, dark classical, moody weather, misty mountains, peonies
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ocsoficeandfire · 11 months ago
What's the point of having OCs if you don't traumatize them?
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ocsoficeandfire · 11 months ago
Princess Viserra Targaryen
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Status: Currently being used
Thank you so much @zaldritzosrose for submitting Lyanna! <3
Send me or @zaldritzosrose a PM or an ask if you are interested in using her for a story :)
Divider by @anlian-aishang
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Princess Viserra Targaryen of King's Landing
House: Targaryen
Region: The Crownlands
Family: In the Conqueror Era she's Maegor's cousin and adopted and raised by Rhanys and Visenya. In the Dance of the Dragons era, she's Aemond Targaryen's twin sister.
Time: Can be used for the Conqueror and HotD/Dance of the Dragons era.
Age: 19-20
Religion: Faith of the Seven
Marital Status: Single
Spice level: ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🖤
Viserra tends to be quite stubborn, especially when she firmly believes her opinion is right, sometimes to her own detriment. Nothing is more important to her than her family or those she cares for, and she is not afraid to take matters into her own hands if those people in her life are threatened.
She also takes interest in her family heritage, spending her time becoming well-versed in High Valyrian and Targaryen histories (and Hightower history for House of the Dragon era). She is wilful and defiant, especially against those who try and force their opinions upon her.
Physical Appearance:
Viserra has almost long, naturally wavy silver hair that is usually braided either half up or in a full, intricate braids down her back – especially when dragon riding. Her face is softly featured and rounded, with the blue/lilac eyes of Targaryens. She is about 5ft6/7 in height.
She tends to wear the colours of her House (more Green in HOTD era and more reds and blacks in Conqueror era). She prefers practicality over glamour or prettiness – though she is not afraid to dress a little out of the box. She regularly adds dragon details to her clothing or jewellery.
Special quirks: She has a deep fascination with Blood and injuries.
Face Claim: Freya Allan (Witcher)
Moodboard prompts: Renaissance, Meditteranean Castle, Sunset, Warrior Princess, soft power
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ocsoficeandfire · 11 months ago
Lady Lyanna Stark
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Status: Currently being used
Thank you so much @zaldritzosrose for submitting Lyanna! <3
Send me or @zaldritzosrose a PM or an ask if you are interested in using her for a story :)
Divider by @anlian-aishang
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Lady Lyanna Stark of Winterfell
House: Stark
Region: The North
Family: In HotD she's the daughter of Lord Rickon Stark and Lady Gilliane Glover, Cregan Stark's younger sister. In ASOIAF she's Ned Stark's and Catelyn Tully's second child and first daughter.
Time: Can be used for either the HotD era or the ASOIAF era.
Age: 18
Religion: Faith of the Old Gods
Marital Status: Single
Spice level: ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🖤🖤🖤
Lyanna is intelligent – mainly in her ability to read the emotions and mostly the intentions of others. And like many Starks, she values loyalty above most everything else. However, she does not take kindly to anyone who hopes to manipulate her under the presumption she is ‘just a woman’.
Lyanna can be quite stubborn and sarcastic, but she has a softer side for those she truly loves and cares about. And her way of showing such love, is through protecting and defending them.
Physical Appearance:
Lyanna has almost waist length deep brown hair that is usually braided either half up or in a full, intricate braid down her back. Her face is softly featured and rounded, with the signature grey Stark eyes. She is about 5ft6/7 in height.
She tends to wear the neutral colours, mostly preferring different shades of silvers and greys in her gowns – made of warmer and heavier fabrics when in the North and lighter fabrics if she travels South. Most of the time, she wears some symbol of her House, for example a ring or a necklace with a wolf symbol engraved on it.
Special quirks:
She always wears or adds something wolf themed to her clothing or her jewellery, like a fang or a claw or something. Potentially could be a claw/fang she found in the forest and kept?
Face Claim: Adelaide Kane (Reign)
Moodboard prompts: Winter storms, Winter paintings, wolf, wolf aesthetic, russian forest, female knight
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ocsoficeandfire · 11 months ago
Lady Galyne Borrell
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Status: Free!
I've used her in a small fic before, but I didn't like where it was going so I deleted it. Galyne grew on me, though, so I would love to see someone using her for their own imagine / fic / drabble <3 Send me a PM, an ask or reblog if you are interested in using her for a story :)
Divider by @anlian-aishang
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Lady Galyne Borrell of Sweetsister
House: Borrell
Region: The Vale
Parents: Father Waylar Borrell (dead), Mother Sanda Longthorpe. No siblings, but has living male Borrell cousins.
Time: Can be used for every era. During the Dance of the Dragons, Jacaerys Velaryon got the Borrell's support for House Black. The Borell's overlords - the Sunderlands - got them involved into the Blackfyre Rebellions. Ned Stark sailed from Sweetsister to White Harbor. Ser Davos Seaworth is left on Sweetsister in ASOIAF.
Age: 19
Religion: Faith of the Seven
Marital Status: Single
Spice level: ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🖤🖤
Personality: Galyne is relatively quiet and modest. She usually bites back most remarks and even though she is not well-versed in courtly life, she can adapt very well through her stoic attitude. She is a fast learner and even though she tends to be quite distant and even ruthless when the situation escalates, she is generally a pious, well-meaning young woman. She is very proud of her heritage and will defend it to great lengths.
Physical Appearance: She is described by others as 'plain and awfully average'. She's chubby, of average height and has green eyes. Galyne has remarkably long, wavy mouse-brown hair, which she takes great pride in. She is relatively pale, has ruddy cheeks and a smattering of freckles over the bridge of her nose.
Special quirks: She tends to embroider the Borrell crab on every dress she wears. Because she is a Borell, she has 'the mark' - a sort of webbing between her three middle fingers.
Face Claim: None
Moodboard prompts: Dark Sea, Sea Storms, Irish coast, siren aesthetic.
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ocsoficeandfire · 11 months ago
Hey everyone, it's @asa-do-your-thing!
I’m starting to share some original characters I’ve dreamt up, inspired by the world of A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. If any of them catch your eye and you want to use them for your own stuff, go for it!
A tag or a like and reblog would totally make my day, though. <3
Also, this isn’t just a one-way street. If you’ve got your own OCs or ideas you’re itching to share, I’m all ears. Feel free to send them over or hit me up with requests. I’m excited to see what we can come up with together :D
Just a heads-up, given the nature of George R. R. Martin’s world, things might get a bit mature around here. So, this blog is 18+ only - Minors, do not interact. Sorry, younger fans.
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