#oc: lucie templeton
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ocsoficeandfire · 11 months ago
Lady Lucie Templeton
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Status: Being used at the moment
Lucie is my main OC in my “Dreams” story, so I feel like this post does not do her justice. So if you want to know more about her and the changes in her personality as she grows up, head over to AO3!
Send me a PM or an ask if you are interested in using her for a story :)
Divider by @anlian-aishang
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Lady Lucie Templeton of Ninestars
House: Templeton
Region: The Vale
Family: Father Dunstan Templeton (dead), Mother Marla Lipps (dead). No siblings and no male family.
Time: Can be used for every era. I use her mainly in the ASOIAF timeline as a Ward of Ned and Catelyn Stark, though she can also be a ward of Cregan Stark / his parents.
Age: 16-25 (you can age her down for the full wardship experience)
Religion: Faith of the Seven, but can easily be converted
Marital Status: Single
Spice level: ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🖤🖤
Lucie is marked by the death of her Parents and having to leave her home, Ninestars, for Winterfell. She cannot easily hide her emotions and is usually rather guarded and icy, bordering on impoliteness to people that mean her well, but push her boundaries. When she is young, she hates public appearances and gets terribly nervous when having to speak in front of people. She is not the most monogamous person, but if she falls in love, she falls deeply.
As she gets older, it is clear that she is a very talented strategist and political leader. Throughout her life, she is known as a cold and powerful woman, who naturally commands respect (which she cannot handle at the beginning of her life).
Physical Appearance:
Lucie is very beautiful by the standards of the Vale. She has long black hair and black almond-shaped eyes to match, which contrast with her very pale skin. She usually has red cheeks, which get even redder if she feels awkward or if she has had too much to drink. She is rather short and well-rounded, yet does not like to show her body. She prefers heavy dresses in rich, dark colours.
Special quirks:
As a way to remember her dead mother, she often rubs peony-scented oil into her hair or, if possible, wears them in her hair. She loves drawing and reading and if proficient in archery, especially on top of a horse.
Face Claim: None
Moodboard prompts: dark baroque, tortured soul, dark classical, moody weather, misty mountains, peonies
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asa-do-your-thing · 9 months ago
Dreams - 1 - Jon
18+ MINORS DNI Jon Snow x F!OC / Robb Stark x F!OC Word Count: 3.3k Masterlist with Fic Warnings - Contains Death, SA and Abuse.  Dividers by @cafekitsune
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It had always been relatively crowded in Winterfell when it came to the Stark family, Jon noted. At first it was Lord Eddard, Lady Stark, and Robb, followed by him, Theon Greyjoy, Sansa, Bran, Arya, Rickon… and Lucie.
They had been a rag-tag band of kids, playing, hitting, and chasing each other. Theon had gladly joined their games, yet he, along with Sansa quickly realised that Jon was not a Stark - he was a half-brother at best and a Bastard at worst.
Lucie had never really been a part of the group seeing as she was the last person to join them, yet she was always there to prevent things from getting out of hand. Everyone had given Jon respect when she was present. She was a key player in maintaining an atmosphere of harmony in Winterfell’s spacious halls.
Looking up at her from his distant seat at dinner, Jon thought back to the day where she had joined them. Lord Eddard had told them a few weeks before that they were going to have a new ward; her family had sadly passed away and he graciously allowed her to be taken in with them until she came of age, which was just around the corner.
Lady Lucie Templeton of Ninestars, a distinguished Lady of the Vale. A title befitting her remarkable poise and presence. Jon had envisioned her as resembling an older iteration of Sansa: statuesque, elegant, and, above all, exuding an air of haughtiness and subtle aloofness towards him.
He knew he would forever remember her arrival; gallantly riding into Winterfell astride her untamed black stallion. As her lengthy black locks billowed behind her in the wind, she fearlessly surged through the gates on her steed. Dismounting with the finesse of a seasoned warrior, she strode confidently in his direction. All those present, Jon included, involuntarily retreated to afford her space, captivated by her awe-inspiring presence.
Noticing his stare, she quickly glanced over at him and caught his eye before turning away and exchanging greetings with Lord and Lady Stark. He was struck dumb by how commanding yet beautiful she was in that moment—her dark black eyes glowing with life despite the dire situation she had come from. Using his newfound courage — because only a fool wouldn’t be afraid in her presence — he managed to stammer out a few words of greeting which she returned warmly before moving on to meet the rest of the family.
It hadn’t taken too long for Jon to recognize that Lucie was not like anyone else he had ever met; even the Starks seemed impressed by her strength and poise (though they masked it well). But despite being adopted into this strange new world, Lucie still held onto an air of confidence and self-assurance that made even Jon feel small next to her.
He watched her with a critical eye, noting the way Robb and Theon stared at her with rapt attention, despite her meek and unassuming attempt at conversation. Instead of commanding the room as was expected of her, she averted her gaze and twiddled her fingers nervously while speaking in a barely audible whisper.
Jon had taken such care to make her feel welcome, in those days. He showed her the way around Winterfell, whenever she got lost again, and even taught her to pray to the old gods. Lady Catelyn scolded him for that - Lucie had grown up in the shadow of the Seven, the new Gods. Robb had gone out of his way to try and make her feel comfortable. He offered her a seat by the fire in the Great Hall while he fed her lessons on battles and strategy, noting that Lucie was a fast learner - able to keep up with him even as he tried to pummel her with facts. Theon, though never one for charity, seemed more enthralled by Lucie than any of them. Mostly because Lucie was not the type to laugh at his bad jokes or take part in his pranks - she was always too busy trying to stay one step ahead of everyone else in terms of knowledge.
Jon smiled fondly at his memories; he had been so sure that Lady Lucie would be like Sansa - aloof and haughty. Instead, she had become a dear friend and family member who could hold her own when needed - serving as an equal rather than a subordinate. It was amazing how someone so young could possess such depth and strength — something Jon admired greatly about her.
As the last plate was cleared, he glanced at Lucie and saw her weary eyes plead for solace. It had become a ritual - every night after dinner, while the others scurried off to their beds, she would stay in the library with him. They talked quietly about her struggles and sorrows as she clutched an aged book in her hands and the tears ran like rain down her face. On her first day, when everyone else had gone to bed, she asked meekly if she could stay up and read in the library. Septa Mordane attempted to bar her from doing so, but with one pained glance at Lord Eddard, her request was granted, albeit only if someone stayed with her. Together Jon and Lady Lucie walked into the library, and he felt nothing but pity and sadness for this brave little girl who had trusted him since the first time they had gone to talk.
That evening, all these moons ago, was something that made Jon cringe when looking back. Robb had tried to console the girl, yet after several unsuccessful attempts he asked for Jon's help. “Jon, nothing I said could get through to her. I offered her a pony, flowers, and new gowns, but she told me to go away. What’s wrong with her? She won’t tell me anything. Should I tell Septa Mordane or my mother?” Robb’s face was pale as he ran his hand through his hair anxiously.
Jon had crept back to the library, his leather belt clattering against the tops of his thighs as he walked. “Robb, do not try to console her. SHe is in mourning for her family and her home. I think you might scare her. Let me handle this.” Robb nodded acknowledgement and Jon entered the library, quietly shutting the door behind him. Lucie was hunched near the window, sobbing away. Robb was right, Jon had thought painfully; he could hear her muffled sobs and it made his heart ache for her. All he wanted was for her to feel some sense of comfort again.
Sitting down next to her, he cleared his throat to announce his presence. She looked up and sighed, wiping her tears and closed her worn book. “Please do not tell me all will be fine and for the love of… of the Gods, do not offer me a damned pony,” she muttered and sniffed.
“Even if I could, I wouldn’t. You have a fine steed yourself; I do not see the need for you to have a pony,” he said matter-of-factly and shifted in his seat, offering her a rag to blow her nose.
Lucie looked up at him, her dark eyes reddened by the tears. Tentatively blowing her nose, she sighed and tucked her feet under herself, hiding them under her lavish skirts. “So, I take it you are Jon Snow.”
He sighed, knowing that what would follow would be her acknowledgement of his status as a Bastard. He knew it all too well; Lady Catelyn had probably told her of that, prior to her arrival. She looked so young, so maybe he could still forgive her. “Indeed, I am, Lady Lucie.”
She had frowned, gently furrowing her thick, dark brows, patting the tears away from her reddened cheeks. “Why do you look like… Like I hurt you?”
Jon was baffled back then. She did not care about his mother, then. He might just start liking her. He gave her a small smile. “Oh, I... uhm…” His words, whatever they would’ve been, were stuck in his throat. “That is my mistake, my Lady. I meant no offense.”
“You are a peculiar man,” she noted, biting her lip, and putting the book to the side. “How could you offend me with your face? I think it is a fine one, I have seen worse.”
A big blush had crept up his cheeks. “I… My lady, I… Thank you.” Silence spread between them. “May I ask why you wished to go into the library and not just to your chambers?”
Now it had been Lucie’s turn to blush, though it seemed more in shame than in bashfulness. “That’s where my mother used to read to me and where we wrote before retiring to our chambers. I know, I know, it sounds childish, I should act like a Lady, but…” Tears welled up in her eyes again and spilled onto her dress.
With a nervous look, she stood up and sat down next to him, resting her head against his shoulder, crying quietly. Jon had decided not to probe, instead looking at the booklet. It didn’t belong to the Stark’s library - it must’ve been one of her own, titled ‘You shall be the best Lady.’ He hugged her, holding her gently, for the longest time, until her tears subsided, and her breath became calm once more. Sniffling, she gently broke free from his hug and gave him a small smile. “Thank you, Jon. I… shall retire now, I think.” To which he nodded, escorting her to her chamber.
Jon watched Lucie's figure slowly fade away down the hallway as darkness crept in, just like it had one year ago at the very same spot. But something was different about her tonight than in the first night. She seemed stronger, more confident as if she was hiding something from him. Should he confront her? He thought back to their conversations and noticed that she had been silent about what was going on with her life lately. He began to worry that maybe she had found out his secret - that terrible, shameful secret about how he touched himself late at night when no one would ever know. The mere thought sent a chill down Jon's spine.
She could not know, nobody could, it'd be the end of him.
He was entranced by the way Lucie had looked at him, with those mysterious dark eyes that seemed to know what he was feeling. Part of him wanted to believe that she felt something for him too- after all, he was the only one she allowed to spend time with her. But then there were moments when he could not help but feel that his own longing for her was deluding himself into seeing signs where there were none. He wished he could make sense of what she thought of him, yet he still could not unravel the complex of feelings between them.
Hells, he could not unravel his own thoughts, after all.
As he made his way back to his own chambers, he found himself lost in thought, replaying their conversation over and over in his mind. Lucie babbled something about Sansa's lady-friend crying and Arya asking her to train mounted shooting and, as always, Septa Mordane's question about her blood, which to her chagrin had still not come.
Jon could not comprehend why she felt so mortified by her own coming of age. She was now an adult at the ripe age of six-and-ten; why did this cause her such humiliation? Though he could somehow understand what she was implying, that everything associated with becoming a full woman was linked to... carnal passions.
He stopped walking for a second, remembering the redness of her cheeks as she talked about it. He shook his head and continued his way, not wanting to dwell on it any longer. He didn't want to assume anything – that was only a recipe for disaster and disappointment.
He was so deep in thought that he didn't even notice the figure standing in the shadows until it was too late.
A hand clamped over his mouth, muffling his cry of surprise. He struggled against the grip, but the person holding him was much stronger than he expected. Panic set in as he realised, he was being dragged away, the darkness swallowing him whole. When they finally stopped, Jon was disoriented and confused. He tried to shake the cobwebs from his head, but it was difficult to focus with the adrenaline pumping through his veins. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dim candlelight of his bedchamber, but when they did, he could not believe what he was seeing.
Lucie stood before him, blushing, and wiping off the sweat from her brow, her hair undone and cascading over her shoulders in waves. She was clad in a simple cotton gown, the kind that the maids wore. Jon felt his heart skip a beat as he suddenly realised what was happening. He was afraid to speak, afraid that if he did, it would shatter the moment and she would disappear like a dream.
"Lucie?" he said confused, his voice cracking. “What on earth?!”
She grinned at him, the candlelight casting a warm glow across her face as she tried fixing the cloak around herself again. "I am sorry for this… unconventional method. I thought that this would be the safest way to be truly alone with you because... I want to talk to you. Without Lady Catelyn spying."
"I am sorry, I didn't mean to upset you or hurt you," Jon muttered and felt his throat tightening, gulping, and trying to swallow back the lump in his throat. How could he feel this way? He should not have felt anything for Lucie as she wrestled him into his room, but there was something thrilling and forbidden about it. It was not like Robb or Theon playing a joke on him - this moment was different. Even though he knew it was wrong, he could not help himself.
She tilted her chin up at him, her glossy black hair cascading down her back. Her voice was firm and determined as she spoke. "No, I am not angry. I want to know what it's like, Jon. What people do when they become intimate with one another. No one ever told me these things, but I trust you. Please tell me what it feels like, what am I supposed to do and how much does it hurt?"
He could feel his heart pounding in his chest. This was wrong - he knew that - yet he could not find the strength to deny her. The drive she had to learn more overshadowed her usual innocence, and there was something in that blazing gaze of hers that made it impossible for him to turn her away.
"Lucie, I do not think-"
"Please," she interrupted, taking a step closer to him. "I trust you, Jon. I know you won't lie to me. No one wanted to tell me and... I am...," her voice faltered, and she nervously bit her lip, sitting down on the foot of his bed, gently scratching Ghost between his fluffy ears. "I feel tens of thousands of things, most of all fear and... I trust you to help me."
Jon's heart was pounding in his chest, his mind racing with a million thoughts at once. He knew that what Lucie was asking was wrong, that he should not be indulging her curiosity in this way. But still, he could not deny the pull he felt towards her. It was as if a part of him had been waiting for this moment, for her to come to him with her questions and her fears.
He took a deep breath and stepped closer to her, his hand reaching out to touch her shoulder. "Lucie, I can't teach you those things," he said softly, trying to keep his voice steady. "It's not right. You are too young, and it's not... it's not something that should be taken lightly."
Her pupils widened with shock, and she gave him an awkward, confused glance. "But why?" she questioned, her voice wavering slightly. "I thought... I thought we had established an atmosphere of trust, considering all I've shared with you."
Jon's heart lurched as he heard the pain in Lucie's voice. He did care for her deeply, far more than he should. But that didn't change the fact that what she was suggesting was both dangerous and wrong.
Taking a shaky step back, he shook his head sadly. "Lucie, you do not know what You are asking of me," he said quietly. "It's not something I can take back once it's done, and it's a decision that should only be made with someone you truly love and whom you plan to spend your life with. You know we can never marry... You are a highborn Lady, and I am just..." His tongue stumbled over the word he wanted to say, knowing that even a whisper of his parentage had the power to shatter their moment.
Lucie stared at him for a long moment, her sharp eyes zigzagging across his face like she was searching for something he could not place. Then she let out an awkward laugh and touched his shoulder with tenderness. She adjusted herself under her nightgown, probably trying to hide the embarrassment that came with their misunderstanding.
"Oh Jon! I only wanted you to talk me through it, not show me!" She said in between giggles as she planted a gentle peck on his stubbly cheek. "You are so imaginative," Biting her lip, she looked away before continuing: "What do you think I am? A hungry harlot looking for prey?" With a suppressed smile, she raised an eyebrow waiting for his response, her cheeks ablaze.
Jon could not help but let out a small laugh at her words, the tension in the room dissipating slightly. "No, no, of course not, Lucie," he said, feeling relieved that she didn't expect more from him. He wanted her to... have flowered, he wanted them to have kissed, he wanted it to be less... dangerous, to be more romantic.
"I am sorry, I just... I didn't want to disappoint you. I know how important this is to you, but it's not something I can do. Not right now, at least. I do not want to lie... I uh..." The heat shot straight back into his head. "I have only ever talked about it, I've yet to... lie with someone." Because I am saving myself for you, I want you, only you, Lucie... the thoughts whirred in his head.
Lucie nodded, her expression softening. "Oh, I understand then," she said quietly, clearly unhappy with his response. "I just... I feel so lost sometimes. There's so much I do not know, so much I am not allowed to know. And I am afraid... afraid of being alone forever. I... I mean, yes, I will be married soon, and we both know who it will be with a high probability, but..."
As Jon gazed into her eyes, her vulnerability tugged at his heartstrings. He knew he could not leave her feeling like this; she deserved better than that. So, he inched closer and sat down on the bed beside her.
"You'll never be alone, Lucie," he whispered softly as he took her hand in his. "I'll always have your back no matter what happens. And someday, the man who's meant for you will come into your life."
He thought about Robb, and how he owed it to him to let Lucie go. It was selfish of him to keep her to himself. Besides, he could not even tell if she liked him or not - it was probably all in his head.
With a mix of gratitude and sadness, he knew that there was no going back from this moment. He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, which smelled wonderfully of peonies, and she closed her eyes, her arms tightening around his waist. For a moment, they sat there in silence, lost in their own thoughts and feelings, until he pulled away, breaking the moment.
"I should get some rest," he mumbled, trying to guess the time. "You should too, we are to hunt tomorrow."
Lucie shifted back into her old, sad self and gave him a tired smile. "Of course. I wouldn't want Robb and Theon to think that I do not want to see them. It's... uhm, I am sorry to have bothered you, Jon. I promise it won't happen again." She got up and tied her cloak around her shoulders. "I am bringing you in dangerous situations, you know, being alone with you and then overstepping your boundaries. I am... sorry," she mumbled.
'No, you haven't! Please do not leave!', shot through Jon's mind, yet he knew he could not, it was wrong. It was shameful and... he didn't want to project his feelings and his lust onto her, so he gave her a small, sad smile in return.
As Lucie turned to leave, Jon could not help but watch her walk away, his eyes lingering on the sway of her hips. When she stood up, a bright flash of red silk slipped out from under her nightgown; the ribbon that held her stockings around her pale, supple thighs. He knew it was wrong to think of it, of her, in that way, but he could not help it. She was so beautiful, so pure, and so unreachable.
He wanted her, desperately.
He shook his head, trying to rid himself of those thoughts. It was wrong, so wrong. He had to push those feelings aside, for both their sakes. He could not risk ruining the delicate balance they had between them. So, he took a deep breath, laying back on the bed. His thoughts drifted to the memory of Lucie's lost ribbon, the image of her silky stockings and smooth skin replaying in his mind. He felt himself growing hard again, and he knew what he had to do.
He closed his eyes and let his hand wander down to his growing erection, imagining it was Lucie's small, delicate hand instead. He stroked himself slowly, feeling his heartbeat quicken as he thought of her. He pictured her beautiful face, the curve of her lips, the arch of her eyebrows, her sharp, sparkling eyes. He imagined her soft, warm skin, her supple thighs, her tight, wet cunny.
As he continued to stroke himself, he let out a low moan, his body writhing with pleasure. He fantasised about Lucie being with him, touching him, kissing him, and eventually, making love to him. He imagined her moaning his name, her body trembling with ecstasy.
He stroked himself faster, his breathing growing ragged as his body approached the peak of pleasure. He moaned louder, his hand moving faster and faster until he finally exploded, spilling his hot seed all over his hand.
As he lay there, panting and sweating, he knew he had to get his feelings for Lucie under control. He could not let his lust for her ruin the special bond they shared. But at the same time, he could not stop himself from fantasising about her. She was just too beautiful, too alluring, too... perfect.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling his body slowly calming down. He knew he had a lot to think about, a lot to figure out. But for now, he just needed to rest. He closed his eyes and let himself drift off to sleep, his mind full of thoughts of Lucie.
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AO3 <= Other Stories ¦ Next Chapter => 2 - Robb
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asa-writes · 2 years ago
Asa’s Masterlist
Because my Fics and Oneshots got buried in my main account (@asa-do-your-thing) I have started this account for easier access. 
My requests are open for fics atm.
Please check this post for who I write for, my rules and further info :)
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House of the Dragon 
Prince Aemond Targaryen Masterlist​
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Lord Cregan Stark Masterlist
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My Marble Statue - Otto Hightower x F!Reader
Otto with a corruption kink... gets, well, fucked. Requested by Anon.
Rest Your Love on Me - Alicent Hightower x F!Reader
Alicent rediscovers her lust for women when Helaena gets a new lady-in-waiting. Requested by Anon.
Headaches - Aegon x F!Reader
You are called in to help the Prince with his headache. 
Game of Thrones / ASOIAF
Dreams - Jon Snow x F!OC / Robb Stark x F!OC
On Ao3
“My Sweet” - Robb x Lucie Templeton
They all need each other, though each in their own seperate way. Growing up and loving in times of war isn't easy at all. Especially when you have to fight for the lives of the people you thought you loved - when you have to abandon everything for the greater good, when you have to choose between sexual, familiar and romantic love.
The Second First Time - Jon Snow x F!Reader
Reader wants to experience her first time again.
The rainbow trout - Robb Stark x Frey Reader
The Maiden’s Voyage
Chapter 1: Yara Greyjoy x F!OC
Set me on Fire - Eddard Stark x F!Tyrell OC
Eddard remarries - Lady Emma Tyrell - and enjoys his wedding night. 
The Game - Robert Baratheon x F!Reader x Eddard Stark
Ned rips your dress at the Tourney at Harrenhal and you have to take shelter in Robert’s tent.  
Restraint - Roose Bolton x F!Reader
Roose tests reader’s obedience.
Aphrodite of Old Hall - Anthony x F!OC / Benedict x F!OC
Wattpad Story 
Part 1 ¦ Part 2 ¦ Part 3 ¦ Part 4 ¦ Part 5 ¦ Part 6 ¦ Part 7 ¦ Part 8 ¦ Part 9 ¦ Part 10 ¦ Part 11 ¦ Part 12 ¦ Part 13 ¦ Part 14 
1814 - Lady Elisabeth de Gressy arrives in London shortly before the social season starts, sponsored by her older Brother, the Earl of Brenton. Her talents, maturity and her language skills set her up to be the season's incomparable... and, if she's lucky, to become a Bridgerton.
Love, Betrayal, Lust and Betrothal... May god have mercy on the Ton; this one is as salacious as it gets. => FINISHED! 
Baldur’s Gate 3
Among the ferns - Halsin x F!Reader
Halsin is shocked when he finds out that Tav has never had sex before. 
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rose-of-oz · 2 years ago
oc masterlist — action/adventure media
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚-𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 (𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟎).
name: dorothy “dot” watanabe. fic: angel with a shotgun. pronouns: she/her. ship: h.m. “howling mad” murdock. faceclaim: karen fukuhara.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚-𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 (𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬).
name: javier “javi” martinez. fic: the only exception. pronouns: he/him. ship: templeton “faceman” peck. faceclaim: oscar isaac.
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𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 & 𝐟𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬.
name: florencia “flo” sánchez. fic: shut up and drive. pronouns: she/her. ship: deckard shaw. faceclaim: monica raymund.
name: adriano “aj” vargas. fic: getaway car. pronouns: he/him. ship: roman pearce. faceclaim: oscar isaac.
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𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬.
name: lucy “lou” scrubb. fic: what the world could be. pronouns: she/her. ship: indiana jones. faceclaim: rachel weisz.
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𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐤.
name: willow madden. fic: nightmare. pronouns: she/her. ship: john wick. faceclaim: jennifer garner.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧.
name: enola holmes. fic: everything i wanted. pronouns: she/her. ship: tom sawyer. faceclaim: hailee steinfeld.
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𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞.
name: john laurens “laurens” gates. fic: centuries. pronouns: he/him. ship: riley poole. faceclaim: luke thompson.
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𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
name: adachi star. fic: uncharted waters. pronouns: she/her. ship: roronoa zoro. faceclaim: erin kellyman.
name: hayashi lark. fic: bird set free. pronouns: she/her. ship: vinsmoke sanji. faceclaim: rachel zegler.
name: morvant bellatrix. fic: hoist the colors. pronouns: she/her. ship: dracule mihawk. faceclaim: ruibo qian.
name: yami corvo. fic: blood in the water. pronouns: they/them. ship: red haired shanks. faceclaim: vico ortiz.
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𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧.
name: lydia chen. fic: running down (to the riptide). pronouns: she/her. ship: percy jackson. faceclaim: peyton elizabeth lee.
name: arabella larson. fic: all’s fair. pronouns: she/her. ship: noelle perez (oc). faceclaim: malina weissman.
name: noelle perez. fic: all’s fair. pronouns: she/her. ship: arabella larson (oc). faceclaim: jenna ortega.
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𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐠𝐮𝐧: 𝐦𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤.
name: reyna “sweetheart” castillo. fic: still i fly. pronouns: she/her. ship: jake “hangman” seresin. faceclaim: eva noblezada.
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𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐫.
name: clarke taleb. fic: lightning in a bottle. pronouns: she/her. ship: santiago “pope” garcia + frankie “catfish” morales + benny miller + will “ironhead” miller. faceclaim: may calamawy.
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buhkybrns · 6 years ago
the rules are simple ! post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as , have roleplayed as , & might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten characters , just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people ). aside from that , please repost instead of reblogging !
jbb , marvel.
kyle rayner , dc ( particularly white lantern & omega men influence. ) bruce wayne , dc jason todd , dc lucy , detroit : become human. yelena belova , marvel ( ideally rooted pre - richard morgan. ) velvet templeton , image comics. genji shimada , overwatch. gabriel reyes , overwatch. kiyo , an oc.
billy kaplan , marvel ( & significant hc influence. ) clint barton , marvel ( & chunky hc influence. ) gretchen zeller , marvel ( primarily hc based , since she’s in canon v little. ) chon mcalister , savages & kings of cool ( book and film influence ) judas iscariot , biblical & other literary influence. ben hargreeves , TUA ( much before the show was released , so basically hc based ) robb stark , game of thrones. kon - el , dc ( & hc influence. ) craig cahn , dream daddy. thranduil , the hobbit. beleg cuthalion , tolkien. idk probs a lot more tbhhhh ,,
uh ,, gretchen for sure , and probs clint & billy. most of them , really ??  maybe not ben because i always feel a little pretentious breaking into fandom spaces and being like I’m Disregarding The Entire Thing even though that’s like ,,,, how i feel about most fandom spaces lmao & probs not chon because i understand he can be a little unsavory.
tagged by: i took this from @natuskv tbh tagging: i mean. just do it , kids.
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asa-do-your-thing · 1 year ago
To celebrate the release of 'Dreams' on Friday...
you can choose one of the following and I'll post it before the release of the Fic! I am so darn excited to show you what I've been working on, it's been such a joy (and emotional rollercoaster)!
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(If you're very, very eager to read it already, you can read it here ;) )
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