oakwoodouranos · 1 year
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Here's my vampire femboy OC, NICK!!
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oakwoodouranos · 1 year
a friend of mine is a science educator. not a classroom teacher - he does the kind of programs you see in museums, fun experiments with lasers and dry ice and shit.
yesterday, a young girl asked him why he was allowed to pour liquid nitrogen all over his own arm but he didn’t want her doing it. I braced myself for some dumb “well I’m an adult so I’m allowed” non-answer, but instead he surprised me by giving some of the best science (and life) advice I think you can give a young person:
“well, it’s one of those rules designed to keep you safe. and following the rules really can help you stay safe, but they’re not perfect. sometimes, usually because they’re too simple, the rules let you do things that aren’t safe, or don’t let you do things that are safe if you know how to do them. one of the reasons I’m good at what I do as a scientist is I try to understand how things work so I can figure out my own rules for keeping myself safe. and sometimes my rules are little more complicated than what I might hear from other people, but they work better for me. like, I let myself play with liquid nitrogen, but only in really specific ways that I’ve spent time practicing. you should follow the rules you’re given at first, but if you take the time to understand how things work, maybe you can make your own, better rules.”
I loved this response. it’s a great encapsulation of two really important things I think people need to learn and re-learn all the time: on the one hand, listen to genuine authority figures; when someone knows more than you about a subject, don’t treat their expertise as “just another opinion” and act like your ignorance is just as good as their knowledge. but on the other hand, don’t obey anything or anyone blindly. recognize that rules and systems and established ideas are never perfect. question things, educate yourself, question things more.
and then, of course, a parent had to butt in and spoil this wonderful lesson by saying:
“but not the rules mom comes up with!”
everyone in the room laughed. except me. I gave her a death glare I’m pretty sure she didn’t notice.
because no. no. your rules are not above reproach if you’re a parent. the thing about the dictates of genuine authority figures - people who deserve to have power, and to have their positions respected - is that they are open to question. genuine authority figures are accountable. governments can be petitioned and protested and recalled. doctors must respect patients’ right to a second opinion. journalists have jobs terminated and credentials revoked if they fail to meet standards of integrity and diligence. scientists, to bring us back full circle, spend their entire careers trying to disprove their own hypotheses! you know who insists on being treated as infallible? megalomaniacal dictators, that’s who. oh, and parents.
I’m beyond sick and tired of this “my house my rules, this family is not a democracy, I want my child to think critically and stand up for themselves except to me ha ha” bullshit. my friend gave this kid the kind of advice that doesn’t just help people become good scientists - if enough people adopt the mentality he put forth to that girl, that’s the kind of advice that helps societies value knowledge and resist totalitarianism. and her mother shut it down because, what, she didn’t want to deal with the inconvenience of having someone question her edicts about whose job it is to wash the dishes on Mondays?
we already know you’re more likely to be a Trump supporter if you’re an authoritarian parent - and that this is a stronger predictor of your views on the current president than age, religiosity, gender, or race. I’ll say this another way in case you didn’t catch the full meaning: people who believe in the absolute, unquestionable authority of parents are more than two and a half times as likely to support Trump as people who don’t, and that’s just among Republicans. we can’t afford to treat the oppressive treatment of children or the injustice of ageist power structures in our society as a sideshow issue any longer. the mentality that parents should be treated by their children as beyond reproach and above dispute is a social cancer that has metastasized into the man currently trying to destroy the foundations of democracy in this country.
in short: parents, get the hell over yourselves before you get us all killed. and kids, learn as much as you can, and then make your own rules.
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oakwoodouranos · 1 year
Forcing a bisexual to get up early for work is cruel and unusual punishment
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oakwoodouranos · 1 year
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oakwoodouranos · 1 year
"cgi animators should strike next" "film crews should strike next" I think everybody in the world should all agree to stop working at the same time.
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oakwoodouranos · 1 year
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oakwoodouranos · 1 year
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"hey blue what have you been drawing recently" Oh You Know
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oakwoodouranos · 1 year
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oakwoodouranos · 1 year
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CMY Dice Set
A set made with only the colours cyan, magenta and yellow, which combine to create a full rainbow.
Numbers still to be painted.
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oakwoodouranos · 1 year
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oakwoodouranos · 1 year
new gender idea: guy who is super masculine and uses he/him pronouns, but every time someone acknowledges his gender or asks about it he switches to feminine presentation and she/her pronouns and refuses to acknowledge the change
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oakwoodouranos · 1 year
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i tried to make  a horror comic once at like 4 am
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oakwoodouranos · 2 years
Lemme brush
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oakwoodouranos · 2 years
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oakwoodouranos · 2 years
Cleaning, changing sheets though?
I love these posts and the aesthetic and such but holy sheets I do hate changing them in tight spaces. I only have So Much Energy and I do not want to spend it struggling against an uncooperative mattress. Not even talking about potential condensation, damp, mold...
i learned of “Box beds” – cabinets with beds in them and, sometimes, lockable doors – were used for privacy and safety in parts of rural medieval Europe before individual bedrooms were common. They became fashionable even in homes with bedrooms and remained in use in Scotland into the 1900s (x)
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oakwoodouranos · 2 years
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happy tdov, y'all
i'm from texas and i had to move away after coming out in middle school, due to it being unsafe to be a trans man in texas. with the recent news going on i wanted to put this in bluebonnet fields. i hope everyone else doesn't forget about trans rights for rural and southern people, because it really does feel like a whole other world between city and country sometimes and we have got a lot of work to do
[id: a trans man in a field of bluebonnets. he has a cigarette and a cowboy hat, which is tipped over his face. he is pre-op, and shirtless, with blue jeans on. he is reclining and wrapped in a trans flag. /end id]
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oakwoodouranos · 2 years
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~This giveaway is in no way affiliated with Tumblr.~
Please read thoroughly before entering!
Hello lovely Tumblr folk! It’s that time again- I have a giveaway for you all. This is our first giveaway since we have finally finished moving and are now settled in Austria - and back in business! 💜
We have an online store that could use your support!
About us: My business is a small, family run establishment that I started here on tumblr in 2013. I’ve been lucky enough to grow to the point where this supports me, my partner, and our daughter. In the US we also had a brick-and-mortar shop in which I employed my mom and a few of my siblings. However, we closed it to be able to move to Austria, my home country! 💜 I strived to put compassion and ethics above all else in my business, and I hope that shines through. We have a website but also run many fun sales directly here on Tumblr.
This giveaway will have two winners.
What the first winner receives:
The assortment of crystals pictured above! If the winner chooses, I can also include some tea and cookies local to me here. There are 14 crystals in total and a handmade (by me) rainbow moonstone pendant. The full retail value is about $450
A $100 gift card that can be used for our online store or tumblr sales!
What the second winner receives:
A $50 gift card that can be used for our online store or tumblr sales!
You must be 16 or older. (If under 18 you MUST have parent’s permission)
You can be from anywhere in the world! I am shipping from Austria.
Shipping is entirely free, I will cover it. But if you live in a country that that charges import tax, you are responsible for it. If it gets sent back to me, you will need to pay shipping to have it sent again.
You must be following me, so you can get updates if anything about the giveaway changes.
Please check out our online shop!
DO NOT tag this post as giveaway. That will risk the notes getting messed up, and this will be ruined for everyone.
Reblog this post to enter. Likes count as additional entries. No giveaway or spam blogs. If you reblog on a side blog, let me know in the tags what the name of your blog is that you’re following me with.
Please don’t spam people with reblogs- limit 2 reblogs per blog per day.  
At the end, each entry will be assigned a number and the winner will be chosen by a random number generator.
The giveaway ends Tuesday, August 30th, 2022.
The winners will be messaged and must respond with their full name and address within 24 hours, or a new winner will be chosen.
Please respect me and my rules, and have fun!
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