
Aristide Maillol “L’épine”, terracotta
I acquired this terracotta sculpture several years ago.
Maillol repeated the terracotta studies in the process of completing the final bronze work.
I consider this terracotta to be one of those studies.
The neck has been repaired, but the damage is not enough to ruin the atmosphere of the work.
There are some parts that are not well made, but the intention of the work is clear enough.
Above all, I like this nude sculpture because I can feel the warmth of the sculptor's hands.
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Mahakala(大黒天 Đại Hắc Thiên)
Mahakala is a Hindu god who is believed to be the ruler of time and darkness.
The high priest Saicho brought it to Japan, and it came to be called Daikoku-sama, as it became one with the Japanese native god, Okuninushi no Mikoto.
Interestingly, in both Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism, Mahakala and his wife, the goddess Kali, are depicted as very frightening, but Mahakala, or Daikokuten, who came to Japan, is depicted as the smiling god of business.
In old Japanese merchant houses, Daikoku-sama is still enshrined in the back of the store as the god of good fortune.
This Mahakala statue has three faces and six arms. The three faces represent the Hindu trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva).
Toyotomi Hideyoshi of Japan believed in the three-faced Daikokuten as the strongest god of good fortune. In Japan, the three faces mean Daikokuten, Bishamonten, and Benzaiten.
Unfortunately, one of the six arms of this statue is missing, but it still has a powerful atmosphere.
May the cosmic power of Mahakala and the power of Daikoku-sama's happiness and good fortune reach you too.
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Golden Thousand-Armed Kannon statue
Of course, it is not pure gold, but gilt. I got this Senju Kannon a long time ago.
At the time I got it, it didn't stand up on its own (it probably came with a special stand and Zushi-cabinet, but it was missing), so I lost interest in it and put it away.
Recently, I took it out, I was once again impressed by the intricate and exquisite carving or casting.
I wonder how it was made. I wonder if each arm was made by molding and carving, and then fitted into each arm one by one.
Or was the whole thing made in one mold and then add detailed carvings later?
The face of the Kannon, made of jade, is also well carved with half-open eyes.
Furthermore, the metal covering around the face must have required a high level of skill.
I don't know the exact year, but I suspect it is from the Qing dynasty.
Unfortunately, the front two arms are missing. But they're only two of the thousand arms. lol
The thousand-armed Kannon saves people with a thousand hands and a thousand eyes.
May the compassion of the Buddha gently surround you.
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Nabeshima celadon Dobin-teapot (鍋島青磁土瓶)
I acquired this Nabeshima celadon teapot about two weeks ago, during New Year's Day this year.
In Japan, a "Kyusu" teapot is used to brew tea. A Kyusu-teapot is suitable for enjoying small amounts of high-quality tea, for example Gyokuro, at a lukewarm temperature. The famous production areas are Tokoname in Japan and Yixing in China. However, a Kyusu-teapot has a small capacity.
My drinking style is to gulp down large amounts of scalding hot tea. This new teapot, Nabeshima celadon is ideal for that way of drinking. This shape is called a "Dobin" in Japan.
Dobin-teapot: Nabeshima celadon (capacity --900cc), handle (tin wire/braided)
Cup: Old Imari, soba choko, white porcelain, thinly made, mid-Edo period
Tea: Chen Nian shóu (ripe) pu'er (Pu'er Tea 2006)
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Tara Bodhisattva(多羅菩薩)
I acquired this beautiful statue more than 15 years ago. I was told that it is very old, dating from the Ming Dynasty. Although it is considerably damaged, the gilding is still partially intact. And it still conveys the Buddhist craftsman spirit and the wishes of the people of that time.
This is a Green Tara of Tibetan Buddhism, a beautiful young girl. She was born as an incarnation of the tears shed by Kannon. If someone is suffering, she runs there and saves them. In Japan, she is revered as the Tara Kannon or the Tara Bodhisattva.
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These are my Orchids, called Sekkoku or Japanese Dendrobium. Every year, at this time of year, the flowers quietly bloom and give off a very elegant sweet fragrance. In Japan, during the Edo period, people at that time (commoners, samurai, and court nobles) named this wild orchid mutation "Chyoseiran" and admired the pattern and shape of its leaves. Even at that time, they registered about 100 varieties and competed with each other for their beauty. Basically, it is a hobby to enjoy the appearance of the leaves. But as you can see, the cute flowers can also be enjoyed with their wonderful scent. Flower name : Kinzan-Kongo, Chyoseiran, cultivars of wild Sekkoku orchid (Japanese Dendrobium)
#長生蘭 #金山金剛 #石斛 #セッコク #古典園芸植物 #sekkoku #japanesedendrobium #orchid #dendrobium #fragrance
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I got this Ukiyo-e woodblock print very cheaply. For less than 30 dollars. It is incomplete, with many stains and scratches, and the right edge is cut off. But I enjoy displaying it in front of my desk. Title: KOMURASAKI (she is a geisha or an oiran) Author : Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni Ⅲ) Year of creation: around 1860 #ukiyo-e #kunisada #toyokunithethird https://www.instagram.com/p/CN4MfudruVI/?igshid=1x0ybmwo8gnvk
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Face of Tiger
In Japan, “Shimekazari”(Shinto decoration) is hung at the entrance to welcome the gods at the New Year. One of the items used for this “Shimekazari” is a kind of fern called “Urajiro”. The new shoots are growing now.
By the way, can’t you see the “Face of Tiger” in the center of the green spiral? #注連飾り #裏白 #ウラジロ #シダ #shinto #decoration #shimekazari #urajiro #fern #face #tiger #cat
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島あふひ(Aoi Shima) "Fruits on the table" F10 (approx. 45 x 53 cm)
Still life painting by Aoi Shima. The painting depicts fruits such as melon, pears, and dekopons.
Along with Setsuko Migishi, Aoi Shima was one of the pioneers of women painters in the prewar period in Japan.
Since dekopon (Shiranui) is featured as the subject of the painting, it was probably painted in the 1970s, in her later years.
I acquired this painting about 20 years ago and have kept it hanging on my wall.
The heavy matiere, dark red, and rich yellow always motivate me strongly.
#島あふひ #aoishima #painting #fruits #dekopon
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Evening sky https://www.instagram.com/p/B_0fwtkjLgf/?igshid=jb7feewlndha
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I got this Ganesha last year. This primitive, powerful, and cute figure is probably Dhokra art. Ganesha is the God of study and money. I pray that this Ganesha will deliver you wisdom and property. #ganesha #dhokra #dokra #hinduism #buddhism https://www.instagram.com/p/B7t331ApIlI/?igshid=gay4hv5eu0fe
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Statue of Marici, a Yoroi-butsu or Kabuto-butsu, warring states period in Japan. Marici is a family of the sun, a god of sunlight and shimmer. He always dash ahead of the sun, does not burn, does not get wet, does not get hurt, does not get caught, and has the almighty power. About the figure, he has three faces and six arms, and is riding on a running wild boar. Yoroi-butsu or Kabuto-butsu is a very small statue that Japanese samurai have put in their armor or head gear as guardian deity when fighting against enemies. Samurai who believed in Marici is Masashige Kusunoki, Motonari Mori, Kansuke Yamamoto, Toshiie Maeda and others. This Marici statue would have been inside the Samurai's armor, I imagine. #marici #shimmer #antique #samurai #guardian-deity #god #buddhism #摩利支天 #鎧仏 #兜仏 #武将 #サムライ #楠木正成 #毛利元就 #山本勘助 #前田利家 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0RHzjdAnqb/?igshid=t61ycmj5ey1v
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Again, I got it at an antique shop in Shanghai long ago. Perhaps it is not from the Qing Dynasty but from the Republic of China. In Japan this year is a wild boar🐗year, but in the Chinese area it is a pig🐖year. Pig is said to be lucky item in the Chinese area, bringing good luck. On the back, the letter of "Fuku福" , 4 bats, 4 coins, and 2 reishi mushrooms of Taoism are drawn. And on the both side are written "Come bring treasure" with combination design of kanji. Wish for good luck to everyone.👑 #pig #boar #antique #luck #lucky #bat #coin #kanji #福 #霊芝 #ganodermalucidum
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Kannon, Avalokiteśvara, अवलोकितेश्वर I got this statue in the autumn of last year. I don't know the details. But It is skillfully made of colored glass. Kannon Bodhisattva Statue(観音菩薩立像) Excavation item Ancient Afghanistan (100BC-600AD) ? #buddha #buddhism #kannon #avalokitesvara #bodhisattva #statue #glass #bead #excavation #ancient #afghanistan #仏像 #仏教 #観音 #菩薩 #観音菩薩 #古代ガラス #アフガニスタン #トンボ玉
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Happy Lunar New Year! 新年快乐!身体健康!恭喜发财! I got this statue at an antique shop in Shanghai about 10 years ago. 財神(Caishen, the God of prosperity worshipped in the Chinese folk religion and Taoism) He has 元宝(yuanbao, Chinese old coins) in his hands. The lacquer was peeled off and damaged. Maybe Qing Dynasty period. #caishen #yuanbao #antique #shanghai #statue #tao #taoism #oldcoin #lacquer #qing #qingdynasty #newyear #財神 #元宝 #新年快乐 #身体健康 #恭喜发财 (Tokyo, Japan)
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Glasses Frames Chihuahua Born in Kobe. Live in Kanagawa. Old lady, 15 years old. Name:Oreo She is strong-tempered and try to fight big dog. #chihuahuas #oreo #oldlady
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An old Mani-guruma (Prayer wheel) of Tibetan Buddhism. I got it in May. It contains sutras in the cylinder. And when I spin the cylinder once, I will have read the sutra once. 😋 #マニ車 #チベット仏教 #prayerwheel #maniwheel #tibet #buddhism
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