noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
I’ve thought about making a post like this for a while, but I was honestly too afraid to do so. Okay, more like terrified because if certain people ever find it, I’m screwed. But here we go.
I’m Lavi. I’m 23, severely depressed and anxious, and probably have more than a few other mental illnesses by this point. I’m also transgender. I came out to my family 4 years ago, but they still haven’t accepted me. They misgender me constantly and refuse to change no matter how many times I ask them.
I have been “convinced” to take a college course that I have no interest in because it was what my mother wanted me to do. The first attempt resulted in me having a breakdown and admitting myself to the hospital because I knew if I waited any longer, I was going to kill myself.
Despite this, I was once again “convinced” to go back and finish the course. Which is where I am currently. However, it’s barely been a month and I’m back to the same point I was then. I do not want to do this course, and even just thinking about it makes my anxiety so bad I want to puke.
I have also been “convinced” to put off getting my license because it’s not “practical” for my mother.
And there’s nothing I can say to anybody at this point that will make them change their mind about me doing this. So my only option is to leave. I can’t stay here for much longer. I literally feel anxious and terrified every time I have to talk to either of my parents, and that’s no way to live.
And before you try to suggest other things, I want to give you a little more insight into how things have been/are for me.
My mother has hit me before, threatened to injure me more times than I can count, broken some of my things, guilt tripped and gaslighted me my whole life. My father is drunk 90% of the time he’s not working. He has passed out while cooking, holding a cigarette, with a glass in his hand. So many ways that could have ended with the apartment catching fire or me getting hurt.
The point is: I need help. I probably only have about $500 to my name-and that’s after scrounging up change left around the apartment for months-and no way of actually getting out of here.
I hate asking, but I’m truly desperate. Anything would help at all. Literally anything. Even if it’s less than $1, I’ll be eternally grateful. 
I set up a ko-fi page, if anyone is willing to help. If you’d like to use my direct paypal instead it’s: [email protected]
I don’t really have much to offer, but I am more than willing to write drabbles for anybody who helps. All I ask is that you send me a message here, off anon, so we can talk about it.
Thank you so much.
TL;DR - I’m in a very abusive situation and need to leave as soon as possible, any help is much appreciated.
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
I don’t love people. I love torture, eyeliner, and black velvet - in that order.
Yami Marik, probably (via incorrect-yu-gi-oh-quotes)
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
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@purisera this gremlin really enabled me to draw afab genderfluid tyki :u now i cant fu kc ing stop
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
        ( &&* @noanoyorokobi is so beautiful, he could cry ! )
A lone green eye lands on a familiar face. He can barely believe what he’s seeing for a second. It’s Tyki Mikk and that strikes a few different CHORDS in him. There’s a flash of fear and a brief spark of anger. This was the person that had hurt Allen, that had tried to kill them more than once. 
But that wasn’t what grabbed hold of his attention—it was what they were wearing. All dressed up and made-up, they were gorgeous, though he hated to admit it. If he didn’t know them, he wouldn’t have believed anyone if they told him Tyki was male. 
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“Hey,” he said, voice slow as he struggles to process what’s going on. He opens his mouth to continue, to question if this was the reality hidden behind the “man” that had reached in and tried to rip Allen’s heart out, but finds no words.
He hates how much their beautiful visage contradicted the color of their heart. 
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Tyki smirks as she notices the Bookman, sees the displeasure on his face when he realizes who she is. She’s definitely surprised to have been found like this by an exorcist, but she didn’t plan on showing it. Nobody needed to know how unsure of herself she currently was.
“Hello to you as well.” She chuckled, amused by his reaction to her current appearance. It was definitely better than an immediate disgusted reaction. Even coming from an EXORCIST, it would have upset her.
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
             ( &&* @noanoyorokobi has something to tell his niece ! )
Homework goes far beyond boring. There’s a SLEW of things that Road would rather do, like siccing her Akuma on helpless humans, but her father was adamant that she attend classes like a normal girl. 
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“Uncle Tyki, I’m bored. Can’t we do something else? Tell me that SECRET you mentioned earlier. You know that I love secrets.”
Tyki had no idea how she’d managed to get roped into helping Road with her homework. She was completely unhelpful, having no idea what any of the answers might even possibly be.
So when Road spoke up and asked her to spill her SECRET, she was very tempted.
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“I suppose it’s about time I told you.” After all, she had been thinking about it for quite a while, and if there was anyone who would accept her, it was definitely Road. Of course, she was still very nervous about coming clean, and it took her a moment to find the best way to say it. “I’m not your uncle anymore. I’m your AUNT.”
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
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Black cut out dress
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
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Finally, new Virivee tights! First five metallic tights form the Black & Gold Collection. Webshop: virivee.com   Instagram: virivee Megérkeztek az új Virivee harisnyák! Tessék, tessék! Saját tervezés mind :)
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
my url tho owo/
the let me love you meme | @noanoyorokobi
Do I Follow Them?: heeeeeeeell yeeeeeeeeeeah
Why Did I Follow Them?: probs because of joker but also because perfection ???
Do We Role Play?: kinda sorta here and there
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: can i get a hell yeah
An AU Idea For Our Muses: bro idek just give me these two beautiful ladies together in any sort of situation
A Song For Our Muses: woman by kesha
Do I Ship Our Muses?: kanye shrug tbh im not opposed to the idea
What I Think About The Mun: LAVI IS GR8 AND DESERVES LIKE 100$
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 24956
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
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“Would you let me play with it then~?”
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“Of course!”
"You haven't cut your hair while I was away~" (sweets-and-dreams) ((sometime after Apo incident, maybe?))
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“Of course not.” She laughed. “I quite enjoy it long.”
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
Kink: Love, affection and respecting each other's boundaries.
Send me kinks and I’ll respond
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“Now this is what I’m about.”
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
Send me kinks and I'll respond with
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
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Changed my theme!
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noanoyorokobi-blog · 7 years
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“I’ll go with burger after all, then.” Lavi sighed as he placed a hand on the chair across her. A friendly smile was quick to follow. “Mind if I sit here after I get my own? Its a bit crowded and I doubt there will be any seats left before the line ends.” 
It beat sitting with the family two tables away with three children, after all. Or standing there awkwardly with no place to put his food on until another customer left.
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She laughed and nodded at his choice, that was DEFINITELY the better option. Glancing around when he mentioned how crowded it was, she nodded again. “I suppose that would be alright.”
It would definitely be rude of her to refuse him a seat. He had been nice enough so far.
“How’s the chicken? I can’t decide whether to order it or not.” (heartofajunior) ((modern AU, maybe?))
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Tyki looked up at the question and smiled a little. “It’s a bit dry, so I wouldn’t advise ordering it unless you like that.”
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