Night Writer
108 posts
My Non-Fictional and Fictional life in poetic entries. Only you can decide what is real, and what isn’t.
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nightwriterupallnight · 2 years ago
Disdain and Destruction
My heart contains no more for you
I’ve pretended long enough, no more lies
The feelings I showed were made up, untrue.
Left for dead, food for flies
Destruction is all I’ve been known for
This strong desire to get in and terrorize everyone
Monster to some, savior to a few, Godzilla to the core
As the city smolders, I grimace at my destruction, the deafening crowds are no more
I search the rubble to see if any remain
The few gaze on and worship as I have come to free them from their constructs
Others maddened by all the death are driven insane
My favorite are those with so much hatred, it festers inside, gathering to show me disdain.
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nightwriterupallnight · 4 years ago
Why Love?
Why does it consume me
The desire to become we
I’ve imagined so many possible outcomes
Thousands upon thousands of endless opportunities
Who knows the outcome would be no again
Another weight to speed my descent
Plans to drown in it, no more gasping for air
I’m so immune to this fear, I couldn’t stop to care.
I lie to further hide the loss on my face
I’ve always cared about winning, first place
But you can’t win everything
So I created this toxic loop to avoid mentally loosing.
She’s past this I assume, I was too much?
But what is too much, was it not enough?
Ugh this fucking game that we play
Not too hot, not too cold the price we pay
The worst part about it I doubt she will ever know what I’d like to say
And the way she made me feel won’t go away
In my mind is when I first saw her, her eyes something about the way she looked
If there was anyone to be stuck on this planet with, it’s you I hoped
Alas, it was only wishful thinking and imaginative story telling
I saw what I wanted but only thought about what I was wanting
Now someone else will have a chance to claim Excalibur
You can want someone so bad, but if it’s not the same then I’m a fool for waiting for her.
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nightwriterupallnight · 4 years ago
Balboa Park
As we sat at the friendship garden I remember looking at the zen garden
The sand had been raked I wonder how long it took, I can only imagine
I saw the perfection in the display, and I had perfection next to me
Still in the early stages, I didn’t want to be needy
Then she said what I had wanted to hear for awhile
“I love you” my jaw dropped as she casually flashes a smile
I looked at her confused, not sure if she made a mistake or maybe misspoke
But no, this was the moment she had chosen, perfectly magical for her quote
I always enjoyed balboa park when I was younger,
There’s so much more to enjoy now that I’m older
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nightwriterupallnight · 4 years ago
There is magic on your lips.
Ever since that first kiss, I just can’t get enough of you
The feeling was the best, we’re magnetic, us two.
Your lips pulled me in, I was trapped by your bite, you bit my lips to turn up the heat
I hold your hips, this feeling it feels so right, we begin to move to the beat
The music takes over, clothes fly off like tornados, as the room spins, breathless
Wake up next to her, the room still in shambles, she is my happiness.
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nightwriterupallnight · 4 years ago
My eyes flutter open to my sister waiting for me
“Mom can’t take us to school, and I have to go early”
I see 5am, “fuck I have work today”
Throw on some shoes and we’re on our way
We get on the highway to join the morning crawl
My sister brings up our last time at the mall
She talks about the fun she had and she really enjoyed it
Then it hit me, she enjoyed it
As much as I hate waking up for her AP Chem
My father, he would of done it for them
Now someone must take up the mantle
So I the eldest, must fulfill my title
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nightwriterupallnight · 4 years ago
Can’t press rewind.
It’s been awhile since I heard your voice
You know music so well, the perfect choice
You were an expert at your hobby, your passion
I still listen to the results from your mission
You would hear a song and research then look into the background
You’d discover commonality between artists, searching for that sound
A sound that only you knew.
A second sight, the perfect view
You orchestrated these playlists with seemless music transitions.
Even now I still listen to it during smoke sessions.
If you’re reading this you are missed
If not, atleast I still have this playlist.
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nightwriterupallnight · 5 years ago
I hide how much I miss you.
To my father, the man I always wanted to be
I hope I become that image that you imagined me to be
I always doubted me, I feared the dark and what I couldn’t see
But you, played catch with me, so I could become a high school mvp.
You helped me stay on task and finish something
Those 2am last minute assignments you finished, meant everything.
I’m sorry it took so long for me too see, for me to understand who I was meant to be
When I was in trouble we talked after when I was younger, you told me some day I’d understand when I was older
I’ve always wasted, hesitated, and missed so many chances and opportunities
The fear of failure keeps me from trying at all, I’m afraid of falling, failing, and never trusting my own abilities.
I’ll live this life with all this loss, my heart feels for all those before
I tell myself to move on, you don’t need the stress, but it’s so different when it’s someone you lived for.
Quick fill the void, searching, hunting, I run lost in the dark
I no longer fear it, welcoming, exciting, encompassing, into nothing I embark
I notice changes in me, like small cracks I start to chip away, you were the inspiration to my label
I would come home from work you were always there, I’d see you sitting in table
I don’t blame god or anyone for what happened. Cancer has no cure, so death was unfortunately expected.
The same emptiness I grabbed it. I depended on reversing the emotions to omit the pain so I could become unaffected.
So I slowly let my sorrow out of the jar, because too much sorrow would be impossible for someone to bare. But also you shouldn’t care because no matter how much you “relate” you weren’t. even. there.
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nightwriterupallnight · 6 years ago
How to hide from pain.
What’s the point of all this
Trying to find the one that fits
Among 10 people I’m supposed to find one
She’ll last forever and then it’s done
I want the one but who is she
Does she even want me
To be honest, I doubt she does
Atleast that’s how it seems
I’m just an extra convenient body
I’m social and decent at a party
But why am I only known for that
A fun time, someone to laugh with or at
I try to be this person I’m not
Expensive clothes, expensive food the whole lot
Buy expensive drugs so I cann feel like a someone
Like I’ve made it, rich enough to be “on a good one”
But it’s all a lie
A god damn lie, as I try
Try to become this god I can never be
The standards so high it seems I’ll never succede
Why now after all these weekends of going out
Why now do I feel a need to shout
Shout all my problems upon honking horns and dead ears
My shouts mere mouse squeaks to my piers
As theh focus on problems they have and go somewhere in life
I a grim reaper without a scythe
Lead anyone and everyone to there early doom
Gone so much I hardly see my own room
I do all these things to hide the pain
Yet with a therapist I seem perfectly sain
I speak of good times and laughs all around
The have no fucking clue, the sound
Sound of me questioning my every move
As I go against what little faith I have left, I just want to prove
Prove to everyone that I can do it
But then I have moments like these, where I want to quit
Hiding from the pain is easy
As simple as one, two, the death of me.
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nightwriterupallnight · 6 years ago
Paradise for now
The temperature was perfect
The beach, the place to reflect
I can smoke and empty my mind
Leave all the bullshit behind
But once the comedown begins
And as the paradise ends
I see who I’ve really become
A soul, cold and numb
Look at the past to reassure
And the uncertainty of the future
I doubt myself, and my own ability
I feel I’ll never obtain credibility
Gifts I have squandered over these past years
Unused and abandoned because of judgmental peers
Ive become someone I never knew existed
Is this my lack of faith being tested?
I don’t know, I have no idea to this madness
This rabbit hole of confusion and sadness
Trained to hide the sadest of emotions
As I cover them with my past biblical obsessions
I lie through my teeth as I show a smile
The problems cluster like an overwhelming laundry pile
Yes it may be paradise for now
Sadly it won’t it last, I don’t know how.
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nightwriterupallnight · 6 years ago
My flame burns out
I feel like I’m missing someone
A missing key has me feeling lonesome
Even though I’m supposed to move moved on
It’s hard to me, I mean she’s gone
Good for her staying busy, I was always in the way
I feel like I hold her back, even to this day
Its been a while since I’ve felt inspired
Trying to stay busy until I’m tired
Just non stop stimulation
Like I’m caught in a VR simulation
I don’t even think she has a tumblr
So this feeling will be hidden under
Under the “fun” and “good times” I’m having
Block out the pain with all the drinking
Drugs to feel the happiness I had before sober
The realty is that happiness is over
Its a short lived quick fix bandaid to a severed hand
It’s seems like I had it under control, accordingly planned
But truth is I don’t know what comes next
I’m confused it’s as if I’m perplexed
I feel like my hunger and desire is insatiable
Leaving me in shambles, literally unstable
I try to fill this void with anything
Drugs, drinking, partying, and everything
But still at the end of the night when it wears off finally
I still feel alone, and I know eventually
Eventually my wick will burn black
Nothing will remain, there’s no way of going back.
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nightwriterupallnight · 6 years ago
Am I the only one pressing refresh
Checking the spam and trash
To make sure I didn’t miss a letter
The very particular one from her
I still look and check often
I wonder if it’s finally done
Maybe she’s just busy
Or maybe she doesn’t miss me
Should I be thinking about these things? No
Shouldn’t it have been so easy to move on, thought so.
Yet here I am up at 1:00am
Writing this, not sure who I am
Is this my better personality?
Is this the person I used to be?
I’m really not sure
All I know is I miss her
If you’re reading this, I hope you’re doing well
Ever since that last day, my life’s been a living hell.
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nightwriterupallnight · 6 years ago
Stuck on you
When she stepped out and walked away
I knew it was the very end that day
That was the last time she was my girl
She left and with her went the world
Colors faded and went to black and white
I held back tears with all my might
I succeded, didn’t show my emotions
But I lost because of poor decisions
I sat in my car for a bit just thinking
I looked up and had this dying feeling
I wish I could undo it all
Those mistakes that led to the fall
I had no idea, I never knew
That I would be this stuck onto you.
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nightwriterupallnight · 6 years ago
I never learn
It seems I never learn from my past experiences
I just repeat and repeat expecting differences
It seems as if I take beautiful things
Then in my attempt to pull the strings
Destroy everything about her
I always say I’ll never
But I always do
Maybe I should just go
I honestly don’t know but I will try anything
I ruined what I had with her, everything
Is gone now
It’s not a question of how
Because I know what I did
I was dishonest, I lied
For that I don’t deserve her
And I should be left alone to suffer.
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nightwriterupallnight · 6 years ago
In another life
In another life would I still be the same person
Or would I be a different someone
One thing I’ve always wanted to do is go to the middle of nowhere
Look at the stars, talk about deeper things, smoke with you, my perfect pair.
In an alternate life, this could be us together
But would it be? I mean what if we never
even met each other.
Never hugged, never smelt, never became my lover
I wonder how similar or how different an alternate universe would be
I just hope that if I do travel to one, it’s the universe with you, under that stary sky, next to me.
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nightwriterupallnight · 6 years ago
Loosing Interest
I don’t know but life is so odd
Unsure of the role of God
Seems as if things are hopeless
Old hobbies and things I liked, useless
Finally achieving a dream I thought I wanted
Left that nightmare, sometimes still haunted
I joke about my time there, try to convince myself it was for the best
But was it? I shudder as I attempt to put it to rest.
Financial struggle is the start of success
Financial struggle is the start of homelessness
Not to sure. You either 360 and change
Or debt becomes your cage
You toss the key and give up escape
Falling further into your comfort place
Am I doomed to this fate
Paycheck to paycheck, “feels great”
As I write this I dread what is to come
Muscle memory pushes me through, numb
Work is just ...left, ...right, ...left, ...right
Clock out and go out on the night
Sleep 2 hours and repeat
This endless cycle leaves me beat
But I have to keep on, for life’s only purpose
I’ll do it forever until I loose interest.
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nightwriterupallnight · 7 years ago
Twin Olives, Apt #5
I looked forward to this day, since last week
Once I finally arrived, I was on the highest peak
I could feel the cool breeze bringing me higher
I actually liked her, or maybe I’m a liar.
Now I’ll never know what we could of been
Since she decided to go back to her boyfriend
So I guess I’m the dumb one here
Helped her, was so close, so near
But it all blew up, when I got the wrong signal
The unexpected outcome was abysmal
I thought she wanted it
She said she enjoyed it
She said I’m still considered to be a friend
But friends that don’t talk, no need to pretend
I know I’m shit, and I made a huge mistake
And now I’m sitting here restless, still awake.
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nightwriterupallnight · 7 years ago
Mon Premier
When she walked in
I had no idea what would happen
When she arrived
My senses heightened.
She was beautiful
Amazing, wonderful
And when she smiled
The mere smirk, made my heart wild
Hopefully I can meet her expectations.
I a mere college student, with difficult situations.
I may see her soon, hopefully so
But one thing I do know
“You still owe me a tour”
So until then I will endure.
mon premier
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