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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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Earthquake south of Barbados today. According to the data, the quake occurred at 5:21 p.m. at a depth of 29km. It was 3.9 magnitude. Not only Nepal feeling the earth move. Must pray for them.
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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ROTFLOL if your into fitness and nurtition and following the paleo diet theb youd definetly get a laugh at yhid.
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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Friday, nuff said.
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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It's Friday kinfolk. Baruch Hashem got through another week.
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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This coming passover (easter) and SUKKOT (Y'shua real Earthday) well see another set of blood moons. Blood moons have been a re occuring since Y'shua death, during the crusades where Jerusalem was taken captive and right up to recent history.
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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Shabbat shalom mishpochan. Despite the picture thought it provided an I threshing factoid that still proves true within how believers in MarYah Y'shua HaMashyiach can further their love for YHVH. There are 3 tithes mentioned in the Torah. The first, called the Lord’s tithe, consisted of the 10% of the harvest that went to support the priests and Levites since they were given no inheritance of land. (Numbers 18:21) Then there was a 2nd tithe on the remaining 90% that the people consumed themselves each year at the Feast of Tabernacles in a nationwide celebration of God’s provision. (Deut. 14:22-27) It was called the Festival tithe. The 3rd tithe was the tithe for the poor. It was given every third year to help the poor and indigent. (Deut 14:28-29) .Today the vast majority of those who teach that tithing is still required by God are usually referring to the Lord’s tithe, saying its purpose is to support all the Lord’s work in the world today.Since the other tithes were designed to recognize and celebrate the Lord’s provision (Festival tithe) and promote a spirit of generosity among God’s people (Tithe for the Poor) some (myself included) believe that true financial blessing comes only to those who voluntarily and joyfully maintain the spirit of the 2nd and 3rd tithes in their giving by going beyond the Lord’s Tithe.As it is with all things pertaining to the Lord, it’s the motives of our heart that really matter. Those who give sparingly and begrudgingly are missing both the point of giving and the blessings associated therewith.“With the measure you use it will be measured to you.” (Luke 6:38)
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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Sundown gym shouldn't be your place of rest, shouldve done that before ;) don't worry in 24 hrs you can get back in there. From sundown friday to sundown Saturday is the sabbath, so work on resting within YHVH and your mishpochan Exodus 31:15 NASB For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there is a sabbath of complete rest, holy to the L ord ; whoever does any work on the sabbath day shall surely be put to death.
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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Shabbat shalom mishpochan, tis once again a joyous time for those who truly believe in MarYah Y'shua HaMashyiach .Exodus 31:16 NASB So the sons of Israel shall observe the sabbath, to celebrate the sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant.'
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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The eight-day festival ofPassover is celebrated in the early spring, from the 15th through the 22nd of the Hebrew month of Nissan. It commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt.
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
One of my 2015 new years resolution within the Gregorian calendar is to be more on top (spiritual saturated) of my feasts on YHVH. As the glow of our Hanukkah menorah fades away, Adonai reminds us that The festival of #Purim is celebrated every year on the 14th of the #Hebrew month of #Adar (late winter/early spring). It commemorates the salvation of the #Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman's plot “to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day.”
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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Watching William Wish Wellington with my beautiful wife @nel_jackson10 workplace this morning. Reminiscing over ol school kids shows. I never heard of this show until my wife talked about it. Reminds me of when I was a kid that there weren't a lot of shows we got in Canada that America and the Caribbean had.
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narrowpathff · 10 years ago
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Shabbat shalom mishpochan. Tis shabbat, Adonai day of rest.
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narrowpathff · 11 years ago
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Sunday meal prepping with my Caribbean Queen who has my heart, & I hers. Eating nothing but clean no GMO foods and counting those calories. Clean is knowing what your putting into your temple. Praise Hashem for creating a halacha within His good word for appropriate eating and his eternal shopping list. Lovin cooking with My wifey. Sunflower, flax and avocados are such an awesome source of good fats which our bodies run on firstly. #faith #fitness #faithandfitness #Edmonton #Barbados #barbados #calgary #personalfitnesstrainining #fitnesstrainer #nutritioncoach #basketball #NBA #WNBA #NHL #hockey #yeg #yyc #bgi #bim #bajantube #nationnews
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