Tell me about it stud
17 posts
\\PEN name ^^//§19§20's coming like meOscar Isaac fanatic🤭🦅AMERICA 🦅
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
narikang · 6 hours ago
What i do is save everything up and spam the games Lucky draws (decode draws)
I was also pre registered so idk if that makes a difference
I can't believe I got the enemy and the hero
(I got Black Adam first though)🤧
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😧I actually have a lot of villains
Did y'all also have to deal with that😭
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narikang · 10 hours ago
✋🏼😭I didn't realize it said SC instead of DC
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DC needs to stop gatekeeping and just hand me my women ✋🏼🙄
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narikang · 10 hours ago
I can't believe I got the enemy and the hero
(I got Black Adam first though)🤧
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😧I actually have a lot of villains
Did y'all also have to deal with that😭
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narikang · 11 hours ago
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narikang · 1 day ago
New Characters unlocked
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narikang · 1 day ago
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😭🙏they don't got everyone still bro
🤧I hope we at least get Helena PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE 😭🙏
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narikang · 1 day ago
My action figures
Miguel is literally hella tall bro 😭🙏 they gave him height but needed his butt on this fig😟
😭🙏but I am glad they kept him tall cause he is
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Batwoman used to be my tallest fig till I got him
Batwoman and Jason are McFarlane toys
Miguel O'Hara , Sailor chibi moon, and Android 21 are from S.h Figuarts
Zamasu is from dragon stars
Goku black (game ver) is from Kang studios (third party) they don't sell anymore sadly😭🙏
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narikang · 1 day ago
started playing DC new game
And look who I got
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Thank God 😭🙏 I'm definitely having him maxed before anyone else
They need to add a button for the rooms in the base so u can one tap to max/level up😭this is crazy
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narikang · 2 days ago
DARKNESS {Scarecrow x reader}
cillian Murphy scarecrow 🤭
Maybe I'll do a part 2 depends
Im not gonna lie I did this for a school project SOOO long ago and decided to just post it cause why not it's a FF
Did make minor changes ofc
I was walking down the street when suddenly the feeling of someone stare burn into my skull, I looked around to find no one there, nothing but darkness cascaded the streets of Gotham city, all that could be heard was sounds of cats meowing, fire burning in the rusted bins that used to hold trash now used to warm up the homeless, my gut kept screaming run, but I just pushed it aside not bothering to actually use my head.
Suddenly footsteps echoed in the alleyway, I should have ran, I should have never have thought to take a short cut, especially through Crime alley.
I decided to keep walking and drown the noises, thinking it was just nothing, thinking nothing will happen.
As I walked through the alley I began to notice less people around, but those footsteps began to get closer, closer, and closer, more footsteps started to appear. I started to make a run for it, not wasting any time as I held my keys in my hand tightly as my life depended on it.
When I reached the end of Crime alley, the sound of groans and screams could be heard, a loud thud following after it, I wanted to turn around, curiosity kept getting the best of me. What if someone was hurt, what if a person needed help, but my gut kept yelling run so I did.
I ran home tripping over my own feet from time to time as I didn't look back, luckily I kept my balance making sure to not hit the floor fearing if I did then whoever or whatever was following me might catch me.
I started to feel relieved when I saw that red oak wood door, home, grabbing the door knob and quickly glanced behind me hoping no one was following me.
I then fumbled with my keys as I looked back trying to unlock the door. I still felt uneasy as if I was still being watched, but there was nothing there.
As I went to put the key in the door knob and noticed the door was already unlocked, an overwhelming feeling of panic and terror washed over me. I started to breathe heavily as anxiety kicked a new door open into my body. Slowly and steadily I opened the door, trying to not make any noise as my heels hit the floor making me suddenly stop mid way
Nothing but darkness was filled in the house, but as I walked further in a shadow loomed over the curtains, I slowly dropped my purse onto the floor as I walked over to the living room curtains, trying to stay quiet as I grabbed a hardcover book from the dark oak coffee table, I then raised the book up high getting ready to strike, I pulled the curtains to the side quickly but nothing but a tree was outside
"Calm down your just being paranoid" I whispered to myself
As I took deep breaths I put the book down on the tv stand next to the window, as I suddenly turned around I was met with a man in a black tailored suit, his face covered with a worn out potato sack that resembled one of the straw-man that farmers use to keep their crops safe from the crows, it was him, the man you wished you only saw on tv, in my house, standing tall and superior
"Boo" he said calmly with a deep voice, as he tilted his head to the side, smirking under his psychotic maskI went to scream as I stumbled backwards against the window, but before any noise came out of me he sprayed my face with some type of gas making everything around me become a bit blurry.
"I think it's time you take a nap sweetheart" he said as his voice became a bit distorted from whatever chemical he used on me. Sleep starting to take over, making everything go dark.
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narikang · 2 days ago
Jason's dad is trash, animal abuse (mild) and mentions of child endangerment
[let me know if I forgot something]
i was honestly torn between making Jason's mother good or bad which is why it's kind of a blurry line for her in this chapter but in the future chapter her story will be shown more and make you honestly hate her, I wanna stay faithful to the first comic of her betraying Jason so yeah💀
It will start to get darker as time progresses for Jason's story, there are some parts I won't go to in detailed with like what happens to Jason when he's kidnapped by the joker (because I will be using Arkham knights version too and it's hella dark) I just don't think a lot of people are ready for darker details
Chapter 2
It has been 2 years since the birth of Jason Todd, he has been living with his mother in a small run down apartment without his father.
In the Kitchen is Sheila with her 2 year old child, it was Jason’s birthday he had finally turned 2 years old, his mother had bought a dog for Jason named Sparky, he’s a puppy, Eurasier breed, he was actually a year younger than Jason in human years.
A knock could be heard as Sheila was taking pictures for Jason's birthday, she groaned as she set her polaroid camera down and went to the front door to check and see who it was, as she opened the door her smiled dropped, It was Willis, but he was not alone, he was with a man whose face was half burnt, his suit was half black with pinned stripes and half white same for his tie, the skin on the left side of his face was burnt off as if some type of acidic had been thrown onto it leaving it chard, you could tell from his right side that he once was a handsome man.
“I told you, you'll hand him over” Willis said as he pushed her out of the way making her stumble to the side and glare at him grabbing his arm.
“You have no right to take him Willis” Sheila yelled then was interrupted by the once lawyer.
“Actually he does, the baby’s last name is under him and he even filled paperworks to take the child, of course though I did have to pull some string's, but he gets full custody now, oh right how rude of me, my name is Harvey Dent but you can call me Two-face, and we’ll be taking the child now.” he said as he had a smug look on his face, his burnt flesh moved making a disgustingly soft sound, walking over to the baby, making the infant cry for his mother, while Willis grabbed the child and picked him up.
Haywood had now realized that she could do nothing, now that Two-face, one of the biggest criminals in Gotham was helping the man she loathed so much, take her child.
“But- THATS IMPOSSIBLE-” She was then cut off by two-face who had then pulled out his pistol
“This is Gotham toots, anything is possible” he let out a soft chuckle as he eyed her up and down
“Fine… But please, take the dog with you, just-” she exhaled then continued “Please take Sparky with you, he’s Jason dog” she said as she looked down at the ground in defeat.
Two-face nodded as Willis looked at him, Two-face looked at Sheila “Since you're being so cooperative I’ll let you live and the father will take the dog for the child”
“Thank you” Sheila said as she looked up and stared at Jason as he continued to cry.
“Now now, don't be sad, I'll make sure you get that dumb job you've always wanted, since that's all that matters to you” two-face said as he tilted his head to the side
Sheila opened her mouth to defend herself but was cut off by Dent
“You know what I hate more than whores and the Batman, liars. Don't lie or you'll really REALLY piss me off, I did a little background check on you and” he stopped to let out a small laugh
“Flaunting your child for money and attention is a new low even for me” the irony in his sentence making him laugh his own ass off
“You really thought I didn't have anyone watching you, following you. Sheila Haywood, 28 years old, never married, never engaged, college drop out and kicked from her parents home after finding out she was pregnant with some rift rafts child, pretends to care about the baby but really smokes and drinks while sleeping with other men while being pregnant, and letting someone else take him for weeks maybe months talk about crazy am I right, but I guess it wouldn't be AS crazy as you being in cahoots with the falcony or Carl Grissom” he states as he steps further into the house to have a look around
“No photos of your son hung up but it's strange since you like to take an awful lot of them” he says sarcastically then lets out a low deep chuckle
“But then again who am I to judge” he says as he walks closer to her
“I kill people for a living” he says as he enters her personal space
With no further words they left Sheila alone in her house, she let out a shaky deep breath as she fell to the ground letting out another sigh as she sat there, she then started to let out a small chuckle that then turned into a crazed laughing fit
As they went to the car Willis tossed the dog in making him whimper and scramble to stand up on the seat growling at the brown haired man while he put the baby in the baby carriage, he hit the dog on the head causing the puppy to yelp in pain and sit next to Jason as he also cried.
“Damn it enough of this, stop your damn whining or I'll kick your dumbass" Willis said as he showed that had enough of the crying baby.
"Stop yelling and threatening the Damn kid, he's a baby not a grown ass man" The psycho killer intervened as he sits in the back with the baby and shows him a coin making the child stop crying, one side was shiny, like it was brand new while the other was burnt and almost melting away.
The father rolls his eyes sitting in the driver's seat, starting up the car and buckling up.
"Heads or tails kid" Two-face laughs as the kid tries to grab the coin from him, making him flip the coin and catches it in the air, then puts it in his pocket, a raspy chuckle leaving his lips.
"I'll wait till you're older, I might need you after all" he said, the small infant almost broke out into a whining fit again till Dent handed him a small stuffed animal of a dog toy, making the child stop crying and stare at it in awe, as he starts giggling.
“Kids these days” Willis mumbled under his breath as he started driving to Two-face place to drop him off
As soon as they arrived Willis parked the car, silence overtook them until Dent broke the silence “I’ll be seeing you later Todd, tonight at 10 pm” He then got out of the car and went inside the building.
Willis sighed as he started backing the car up and left the area, driving home as he glanced at Jason through the mirror seeing him asleep safe and sound with Sparky and the stuffed animal.
After a few minutes he arrived at the house, parking the car in the parking lot. He unbuckled his belt and opened the car door for him to get out, he went to Jason's side and opened the car door for him, waking up the fluffy dog in the process.
He saw the tiny pup show his teeth at him, making the old brunette get pissed at him, “Hush mutt” He said as he unbuckled the carrier and took the carriage out of the car taking Jason with him and Sparky tagging along.
As they entered the house they were greeted by the smell of alcohol and weed, Willis put the carriage down and took Jason out of it, carrying him as they went to the living room and saw a red headed woman who almost looked out of it sitting on the couch in a daze.
"Jesus Christ- Catherine have you been there all day" the man said as he got pissed and kicked her leg, breaking the woman out of her daze to face him then the baby.
"Is that him?" she mumbled as she got up, ignoring his question, her voice a bit raspy. The smell of alcohol and drugs coming off of her body, making the small puppy growl and start barking, catching the attention of the adult's.
"Who's that?" Catherine said in curiosity as she raised a brow
"That's Sparky, he's Jason annoying ass dog" Willis said as he kicked the small animal harshly, making the poor dog whimper in pain and Jason awaking from his slumber.
Catherine looked at the baby and chuckled as she grabbed him from Willis arm's and held the child
"He's adorable" she said as she smiled at him, Jason looked at the woman and blinked as he didn't understand what was happening or who she was.
"I'm gonna be your new mother little one" the drug addict said as she continues to smile softly at the small child in her arms
"Welcome home brat" The aggravated man said as he went to the kitchen
The brunette sat down with the baby in her arms, Sparky jumped up on the couch to get closer and to stay by Jason's side.
Catherine noticed this and spoke up "I thought you were only bringing the baby, not his guard dog" she chuckled as she pat the dog head, making the dog feel more safe and secure
"My boss told me to bring the mutt with us so I did" The middle aged man said as he got back to the living room with a beer and sit down on the couch, kicking the brown fur ball off of the couch in the process
"I don't want that mutt on the couch" Mr. Todd said as he turned the tv on, Catherine just sighed in response
The news came on showing Batman had put the Joker back in Arkham Asylum again along with Harley Quinn
"There gonna get Dent one day" Catherine said as she rocked the baby back and forth in her arms
"Shut it, you don't know what you're talking about woman" Willis replied as he switched the channel
"But it's true, Batman has done it before he'll do it again along with you"
"I don't care what the bat has done, just shut it and stop talking like that" Willis said as he got up
"Why are you acting like if it's some taboo it's the fucking truth Willis and you know it, where screwed here plain and simple, you should have just left the baby with his mother he would have been safer" Catherine said as she looked back at the tv while Willis left the room angry and worried, as if the walls have ears, he kept looking around paranoid.
The middle aged man sighed as he saw no one around as he went to the kitchen and put his hands on the counter as he sighed and closed his eyes.
"Why do we have to live in this hell hole, crime alley of all things, Gotham the worst shit hole, we need to leave." Willis says as he turns around and leans on the counter and looks at the wall.
"Now I have to raise a kid too of all things and a mutt not to mention." He continues to talk to himself as Catherine watches the news in the living room, while holding the sleeping baby in her arms.
(I honestly felt like rushing this a bit because I do wanna get to him being as red hood but I'm trying to be patient to show his whole story😭🙏)
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narikang · 2 days ago
Intro- [Pilot] birth
Chapter 2- SPARKY
Chapter 3-{editing}
Chapter 4-{in the works}
Book blurb
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narikang · 2 days ago
😭🙏sorry for any Grammer or misspelling
I hope y'all enjoy Pls don't plagiarize or put my work on other platforms, I'll be adding my Wattpad link to my account later if I remember 😹
As the screams of a new mother pushes her new born baby out of her womb the father was nowhere to be found, he didn’t care that he was missing the birth of his child nor did he care that the woman who was giving birth to the child was in pain, all he cared about was money and drugs.
After 12 hours of labor, Sheila had finally given birth to her baby boy. The doctor's had taken the baby to clean him and check him, once they were done they came back with the tiny infant and handed him gently and slowly to his mother to breastfeed.
"Well if it isn't the new mother with her dear newborn, how are you feeling Miss. Haywood" the doctor said as he entered the room while smiling at the blonde as she laid in her bed.
Haywood looked at the man and gave a small smile "Tried but relieved" she said as she sat up a bit, wincing in pain as she held the baby in her arms.
"You shouldn't move too much, you could hurt yourself, and it's also time for you to rest too" the doctor said as he pointed to the baby too, seeing as the child asleep in his mother's arm's peacefully, he then added "Did you pick a name yet for the little guy?"
Sheila shakes her head no, as a nurse comes in and takes the sleeping baby, putting him in the crib next to the mother."Well you have some time left before choosing so no pressure" Dr. Elliot says as he clicks his pen.
"Well I shall take my leave, call us if you need anything, have a good rest Miss. Haywood" he says as he waves off and leaves, the nurse following him and closes the door.
Sheila looks at the wall then at the baby sighing as she lays back and turns the tv on with the remote that was beside her on the bed.
She flick's through the channels and lands on a channel that was playing a scary movie, she puts the remote down and decides to watch the movie. As the movie plays siren's can be heard blaring past the hospital then suddenly the door opens showing the newborn baby's father.
"Oh I didn't think you'd come " says Sheila with a monotone voice as she turns the tv off and turns to face the man in the doorway, giving him a deadpan expression.
"Shut the fuck up bitch" he says as he comes in "Don't call me a bitch and don't tell me to shut the fuck up Todd" Sheila respond in and angry tone clenching her hands into fist.
The grumpy man walks around the room to the sleeping baby, the man that entered is Willis Todd, father of the newborn. “I only came to see my son, I’ll be taking him once it’s time” he said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“I won't let that happen, he's my son, I gave birth to him not you. you didn't do jack shit during the pregnancy either, all you did was get high, drunk, cause ME pain and hung out with your little crew” Sheila said with anger lacing her voice, “Damn it I don’t give a damn you are not my wife and you will hand him over to me. One way or another” Todd said back as he left the room slamming the door behind him causing the baby to stir and wake up from his slumber.
Sheila sighed out of anger as she looked at the wailing baby, she was about to yell in anger till the doctor had come in and smiled out of pity, going to the baby and picking him up going to his mother and handing the baby over to her, Sheila took the baby and held him in her arms causing the baby to stop crying and fall back asleep.
“I heard the door slam so I came to check up on you and the baby, seems like the relationship between you and the father isn’t well?” Dr. Elliot said as he held onto his clipboard.
“Yeah…” Haywood responded as she looked down at the baby, the room became silent again causing awkwardness to fill the room then the doctor spoke up again.
“Well I'll leave you and Jason alone then.”
“Wait, what did you just say?” Sheila looked up with confusion and a bit of anger in her voice.
“Oh? I guess the father didn’t tell you.” He went silent for a minute then cleared his throat to continue
“He came and gave us a name for the baby. It's Jason Peter Todd, cute name for the baby, I'm sure he’ll do great things in the future.” the doctor smiled then took his leave, making the mother look down at the sleeping baby and mumbled “Jason, for once he didn’t mess something up”
She chuckled and leaned back into the bed and held him in her embrace protectively “Jason.”
And with that she felt at peace even if it was only a few minutes, she closed her eyes and drifted in and out of sleep
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narikang · 5 days ago
close to finishing the next chapter for Jason's story, I wanted to proof read it again since it's been awhile
In the meantime I dropped one of my own stories as a little treat and to show I ain't going anywhere yet
I might drop another later
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narikang · 5 days ago
own creations {SILENT CRY}
this is honestly originally a san from Ateez FF, but I couldn't go through with it and it didn't sit right with me so I changed the names, I decided to just be it's own book. This honestly came to me as a K-drama
[CHAPTER 1] -The big day-
The sound of a piano can be heard throughout the church, people stood up and looked down the aisle as they awaited for the bride. The groom stood there with the priest waiting for his beloved as he bit the inside of his cheek, getting nervous while he intertwined his fingers, then smiled as he saw his bride walk down the aisle.
There she was, the bride, she was wearing a beautiful off the shoulder wedding dress with a veil to cover her beautiful face, and in her hands a bouquet of different beautiful white and blue flowers to complement her.
She smiled through the veil as she saw her future husband standing there, waiting for her. No one accompanied her as she walked down the aisle, which broke her heart deep down but kept walking, head held high, and arrived standing in front of her fiance, the priest started speaking as the love birds looked at each other.
“Friends, we have come today in the presence of God and these witnesses at the invitation of Edward Choi and Lila Kang to share in the joy of their wedding. This outward celebration we shall see and hear is an expression of the inner love and devotion they have in their hearts.”An old woman in the crowd blows her nose as the young women, who were behind the bride, who were the bridesmaids, wipe their tears away as they watch their friend get married.
The priest continued “Will you have this woman to be your wife; to live together in the holy covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her so long as you both shall live? If so, answer, 'I do.'"The priest looked at the man and without hesitation he smiled at his betrothed and said softly "I do" his future wife blushes as she smiles from underneath the veil and the priest continues “Will you, Lila Kang, have this man, Edward Choi, to be your Husband; to live together in the holy covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him so long as you both shall live? If so, answer, 'I do.'"The bride Continued to smile and nodded while sniffling "I do" the crowd started to smile as they watched.
"May the groom please say his vows" the priest says while looking at him and San clears his throat."Well I didn't really write anything down" he chuckles nervously then looks at the crowd then back at his fiance."Because I don't really need to, cause I can say millions and millions of things why I would marry you and they still wouldn't be enough to explain how much I love you and why I want to be with you, Lila you have brought joy into my life and the first woman to ever make me feel complete and for you I'd do anything, I'd cross heaven and hell for you" he says as he continues to stare at her then grabs her hands.
"Not even the god above can take you away from me my love" Lila started to cry more while keeping a smile on her face."Now will the wife please say her vows" the priest said once Edward was done. His soon to be wife sniffled as she looked at her soon to be husband and kept holding his hands, "Eddie, you made me the most happiest woman alive and words can't describe how I feel for you, when I'm with you it feels like I'm on cloud 9, you're like my other half, you know me better than I ever could, growing up I didn't really have anyone there for me, it was so hard to love myself that… That I almost gave up on myself and the world, but you save me" she starts crying again and Edward tears up as he hears her.
"Eddie… Thank you, because of you I learned to love this world, and I'm slowly learning to love myself, god I just wanna kiss you so bad" They chuckle in unison then Lila reaches up to cup his cheek and wipe his tears away with her thumb and says "I love you for a thousand years and I'll love you for a thousand more"The priest breaks the small moment and says while a little boy comes over with a pillow that has the rings
“Though small in size these rings are large in significance. Made of precious metal, they remind us that love is not cheap, nor common; indeed love is to be cherished.” The couple take the rings and put them on each other's fingers and the little boy leaves, going over to his mother to join and watch the rest of the wedding.
“By the authority vested in me by the state of Namhae, South Gyeongsan, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest says as he takes a step back and Edward lifts the veil above Lila’s head to reveal her face and cups her cheeks getting closer and kisses her lips softly, Lila kisses him back while Edward hands move down to her hips and wrap around her as she wrap's her arms around Edward’s neck and deepens the kiss as the audience go wild and some people cry while watching.
The now bride pulls away from the now husband and turns around facing the priest and throws the bouquet, the woman rush to grab it but one of the men ended up grabbing it making all the woman look at him and throw flirty stares his way, till a man goes over to him and snakes his arm around the other man's waist making some girls drop their jaw and the two men kissed Lila was chuckling while she clapped and soon after everyone was done being surprised they also started clapping.
Edward took Lila’s hand and she looked at him then he leaned forward quickly and pecked her on the lips and she giggled then they both started walking down the aisle while greeting some of the guest, an young woman came over with a baby who was sound asleep in her arms, Lila held her arms out for the baby, and the young woman handed her over to the girl.
Lila held the baby close to her chest and looked up at her beloved.The baby stayed sound asleep in Lila’s arms as Edward squeezed her cheeks lightly and chuckled, “I still can't get over how much she looks like you” Edward whispered then pecked his wife's cheek, more people surrounded them to see the baby as they were all in awe as they saw the little one.
“You’re father couldn’t make it today… But I'm sure he loved you dearly, ``the older woman who was Lila’s mother, Nanami, said.“I know, I just wish he could be here” Lila said as she smiled sadly at the child then at her mother.Her mother sighed then spoke “It's okay my dear, maybe he’ll show up” Lila nodded slightly, then they started walking out the door where more people greeted them, they all waved and cheered for the couple, some giving blessings, and some saying congratulations.
They made their way to the back of the church where there was a big photoshoot on one side for everyone to take pictures then on the other side, sets of tables everywhere for a feast. Waiters came out to put food on the tables and showed people to their seats.Edward’s mother came over and asked Lila if she could hold the small child, Lila nodded while smiling and gently handed the small baby to her mother-in-law, Edward took Lila’s hand making his wife look up at him and smile, they both started walking to their table.
Edward, being the gentleman that he is, grabbed the chair and pulled it back to let his wife sit down, once she sat he pushed the chair in a bit then went to his seat, as his wife thanked him, and sat down.
After everyone took their seats, they all started doing a toast one by one, making each other laugh, and some even making each other cry from how emotional their toast was.
As the night started to fall, people said their goodbyes, hugging and high fiving each other. The beloved couple went home with their child, who was only one year old and named Melody Ah-Young Choi.
Once they had arrived home, Edward brought his little girl to her bedroom in her crib to sleep while Lila went to the bathroom to shower. On that night everyone was sound asleep and happy.
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narikang · 9 days ago
this is the old book blurb that I did that I gotta fix
A book blurb is what you find on the back of a book
No the comic photos I used are not mine, I actually forgot which comics these where from my dumb bum forgot to write everything down
[one I think is from death in the family]
But in the future I do wanna draw his character out and create my own images of him
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I didn't edit it yet as a photo, I did this many years ago and never got to re-edit it cause I forgot what website I used 😭🙏I'm so dumb I'm sorry
A boy who lost everything, who was then taken in by a Multi millionaire playboy and his trusted butler, Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth, only to still feel alone in such a big world.
Dying once and taking crime and justice into his own hands, Jason Todd, becomes the new anti-hero that the world needs.
Our young anti tells the story of his life and even the present time. Join his journey to see his friends and foes
Not to mention the sad story of lovers, and a new beginning of a family
See how, Jason Peter Todd, turns his “everyday is always a bad day” to making criminal's day's a living nightmare
"You can't stop crime. That's what you never understood. I'm controlling it. You wanna rule them by fear. But what do you do with the ones who aren't afraid? I'm doing what you won't, I'm taking them out."- Jason Todd
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narikang · 10 days ago
Okay I've realized I probably should have done this first but it's wtv
So what I want this blog to be is for writing whether it's for my own stories or fanfiction I want this to only be about writing so I will not be talking about political stuff, I made this to escape the real world
The other reason is because I love to write and I always end up getting political in real life so I wanted to have a getaway, some place where I can be in Dreamland
So here are a few things I will be doing
Daryl Dixon
any Oscar Isaac character because I'm a simp🤭
Jason Todd
scarecrow (Cillian Murphy)
Ethan Hawke
Leatherface(cause I'm insane)
Johnny slaughter
💀I'll edit all this later cause there's a bunch I always forget. I will post my own stories after I get more used to posting ig
Most of my stuff will contain
sometimes smut
violence (example: Cannibalism, death, ect)
Ofc I will tag and put warnings when I do so
Stuff I will NOT do
Age play
Pedophila {like no}
Male characters x male! Reader smut
There's a few others but I'm forgetful so it'll most likely come to me when I'm on the toilet 🤭
But let me know if I forgot something or should add on or if you have any questions
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narikang · 10 days ago
before I start PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't plagiarize or translate it or wtv the hell
No this is not a y/n story or an OC story(IG?🤔)
Ive always wanted a clear cut version of Jason story and throughout the years it's been everywhere so this is my version
okay so this is my first ever post and one of my first stories so please let me know if I did anything wrong and all that
Ive always wanted to post stuff on here but never got the chance and was so nervous about doing it, but I'm sucking it up and posting . Ive always been on Tumblr just lurking like a creep and now that I have the courage to post I hope y'all help me out and show me what improvements I need.
This story will be based off of older comics, video games, cartoons (movies/tv shows) I will not be using TITANS live action cause I ain't a fan but enough of my rant here you go
~Pilot: Birth~
It was the year 1990, August 16. The summer had hit all of America. A burning hot thursday, the sound of chatter from the people who walked by arguing over parking space, arguing over drugs, liquor, anything really.
The police sirens going off non-stop, ambulances racing down the streets, and kids crying for their parents or for anyone to save them, society's pleas echoed in the burning hot and dark streets of Gotham City.
In a hospital filled with people of Gotham City one room, held a mother in labor, her name is Sheila Haywood. Sheila had been pregnant with the baby of a poor, drugged out, and broke criminal who works for Two-Face, a criminal who was once named Harvey Dent, a man who once helped clear the streets of Gotham as a DA, district attorney, with justice that ran through his veins. Now tainted with pain, a pain that he calls "luck” to inflict on Gotham.
Sheila however isn't the victim of this story, she's just another enabler.
The sound of a baby crying can be heard down the hall, his whaling echoing throughout the entire floor.
This baby will become someone Gotham will need, someone who will take matter's into his own hands, someone who will protect the casualty, the forgotten, the innocent.
This is the real birth of the man Underneath the Red Hood
The man behind the mask
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