nadiha · 1 year
warum isch schreibe?
weil‘s liebe ist.
meine gedanken werden zu klarheit
worte zur wahrheit
und das stück papier nimmt alles auf –
ohne zu werten. ohne zu ratschlagen.
und so habe ich die möglichkeit
zu mir selbst zurückzukehren.
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nadiha · 2 years
don’t be afraid
to say what you feel
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nadiha · 4 years
Manchmal ist alles so aussichtslos
Dass nur noch Lachen hilft.
– nadiha
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nadiha · 4 years
Back in the days
When we were children
The world was shimmering in a golden light.
No matter what
We expected the days to be magical.
We always knew about wonder
And treated places with awe.
Our worlds were infinite and shining
Bearing all possibilities we could ever invent
There was no need to have a thing
Because we had us
And we deeply knew
That we are enough
A thousand times enough.
– nadiha
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nadiha · 5 years
i have learned to love change
and suddenly, everything made sense.
i have learned to love change
and suddenly, i loved my life.
i have learned to love change
and suddenly, i had a choice.
i have learned to love change
and suddenly, everything changed.
– nadiha
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nadiha · 5 years
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nadiha · 5 years
the answer is inside. trust the process and follow your heart. you are doing so so great.
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nadiha · 5 years
offer your feelings the space they deserve. you are worth it, always!
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nadiha · 5 years
tears were made to flow.
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nadiha · 6 years
the most important person in your life is you.
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nadiha · 6 years
offer yourself a smile.
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nadiha · 6 years
be aware of what you think. your thougths have the power to make your days happier.
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nadiha · 6 years
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nadiha · 6 years
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nadiha · 6 years
what a wor(l)d
what if words suddenly mean everything? if you are craving hearing them just one more time? if a handwritten card becomes the most valuable thing you own?
the word becomes a jewel, the letter an invaluable treasure. words bear memories, create connection and make the expression of the infinite a little more possible.
how extremely valuable words are – no matter whether spoken, heard, written, seen, thought or felt. so thankful that this particular way of expression exists.
– nadiha
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nadiha · 6 years
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create your own way into the sun.
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