Just My Thoughts
17 posts
Just my thoughts... my stories... my problems... Other Tumblrs are:,, and
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 12 years ago
I don't understand how people can deal with drama constantly. I haven't had any drama in my life (other than with my mom) for the past few months, and it's been the most amazing and relaxing months ever. Guys, don't get involved in drama, and you could be happier.
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 12 years ago
King The Kid <3 I’m posting this to enter their Tumblr contest and it would mean so much to me if you guys would like & reblog this and ask your followers to as well :) Thank you all so much!
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 12 years ago
Music is amazing.
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 12 years ago
New Upload Schedule
Sundays: whatever Mondays: musicfreak97 Tuesdays: YouTube Wednesday: phobias97 Thursdays: YouTube  Fridays: whatever Saturdays: whatever 
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 12 years ago
You can't just be there for someone and then give up on them when they need you the most and expect them to be fine...
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 13 years ago
New School Food Rule - Michelle Obama
Okay, Mrs. Obama. Doubt you'll ever read this. But these are my thoughts on your whole new "you have to get half a cup of fruit, half a cup of vegetables, or 1/4 cup of each at lunch" deal. NO.
You're just wasting food! You can go into a restaurant and eat 1400 calories of ribs, yet we have to sit here and get crap that we don't want? WE'RE TEENAGERS. WE DON'T WANT HEALTHY FOOD. So we're pretty much going through the lunch lines and making the lunch ladies day miserable by yelling at them because they force us to go back and get fruit or veggies. And guess what? No one eats it. It all gets thrown away. Literally at school I have been seeing more fruit in the trash than I see in a grocery store. There's starving kids in Africa, and all your doing is throwing away perfectly good food that they would have gladly ate. It's ridiculous, and was a terrible idea to force this upon us.
This calls for a retaliation. 
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 13 years ago
TV Show vs. Movie
If I was an actress and I had to choose to be on a TV show or a movie, I would choose a TV show. Why? Because the show could go on for a few seasons. And when you're filming a bunch of seasons of 40 minute episodes, you get so much closer to the other cast members than when you're filming and hour and a half movie. The cast members become your family, your best friends, and when you finish filming the final episode of the last season, it hurts, and you all cry, because you have no idea when you're going to have the opportunity to work or even see your best friends again. But you also were able to form new life-long friendships. And that just seems more special to me.
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 13 years ago
I'm the kind of girl who doesn't really have friends. I think about it and I tell myself I don't need friends. I can do perfectly fine on my own, I can support myself, and I can't trust anyone. I don't need friends. But thinking about it now, I realize I do. Friends are the people that you choose to be your family, and your family are the people that are supposed to catch you when you fall. But I'm writing this so I can talk about the closest member of my little family.
I have a best friend. He means the world to me and I wouldn't give him up for anything. I love the kid right to death. I've known him for about a year and 4 months. He's been there for me since September of 2011, and I honestly don't know where I'd be or what I'd do without him. He's seriously the bestest friend I could ever have. Every time I'm upset, have a problem, have something on my mind, or just plain want someone to talk to, he's there. And that means so much to me. When we first became close, he kept me off of drugs and from drinking, and he's the reason that I haven't done any of it in a little over 15 months. Not having that in my life has made such a difference. I think without him pushing me to try, I'd be slacking off more in school than I already do. This kid has helped me through a breakup, he's listened to me complain about my bus driver and whine about my stomach cramps. He's listened to my stories about the arguments with the kid at my locker, which probably got pretty old after a while. And he's left me. No, I take that back, that is totally not what happened. I left him. After a bad situation, a lot of hurt and pain was caused to the both of us, and even after promising forever, I walked away because I couldn't take it. Shows you how weak I am. That only lasted a few days, but those days were the most miserable. The one person that I texted crying told everyone at school, which made me pretty angry.. but I felt better when they were all on my side. I remember that day in Spanish class when he called me a bitch. I looked at the only person I had left, almost in tears, and said, "Olivia.. he just called me a bitch." Okay, I've been called pretty much every name in the book, but hearing it from the kid who was my best friend two days before, it hurt like hell. In those few days, I learned what it was like to be alone. I hung out with people, but they did their own thing while I was kind of just behind them lost in my own little world. I also remember the day that I was walking down the tar road, my sister and her friend in front of me, and I texted him. I was going to get my best friend back. And I did. Sure, we've had our ups and downs, we've had our fights (way too many actually, although it's usually my fault), but in those few days that I was pretty much alone, I realized how much I needed my best friend, and that I'd do whatever I had to to get him back. He is seriously the sweetest guy I have ever met, and although it may be difficult for him to see me that often, I know that he would if he could, and that's what counts.
I know that with my best friend, I will never be alone. I would do anything in the world for him, and I hope he'd do the same for me. I love him, and I hope he never ever forgets it. <3
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 13 years ago
My pastor: There's all those homosexuals out there asking for the right to be married. It makes me sick to my stomach!
My thoughts: Doesn't the Bible tell us not to be judgmental or hypocritical? I believe you say not to be judgmental, yet you're sitting here being judge mental against gay people. Doesn't that make you a hypocrite? And aren't we supposed to be teaching people to love one another? Standing in a church, preaching, and judging gay people is totally going against what you've been trying to teach us, and it's not okay with me. You're the type of person that makes people get the wrong idea about Christians, which isn't going to make them want to go to church or read the Bible anymore than they already do. I have a gay cousin and a lesbian aunt, and they're both two of my favorite family members. Why? Because gay people doesn't sit there and bash on people for being straight. And it's horrifying that someone, especially a Christian, would sit there and bash on gay people because it's disgusting or it's not right. How come it's so wrong for two people to be happily married to each other? Man and women, man and man, women and women, it doesn't matter. They should be able to be happy together, and if they love each other, that's what counts. So don't sit there and judge other people, because that person you're judging is probably a far better person than you are.
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 13 years ago
Lol. Here we go. So I don't eat or I don't help myself to a second serving & you start whispering about how you think I have an eating disorder and how I don't eat enough. Then we fight about it and you tell me that I will be at dinner EVERY night and I WILL eat it whether I like it or not and about how you will be monitoring what I eat. You're really funny. Dinner every night? You only cook like once a week! I live off toast!
Today I tell you I'm hungry and you ignore me. Mom I'm hungry. Ignored. Dad I'm hungry. Ignored. C'mon, you complain about me not eating and then you won't make me food. What's that? You had spaghetti for supper? I mean I haven't told you 50 times that spaghetti grosses me out or anything. Oh wait? You'll make me food? Cornbread and gravy. Wow, what a great dinner.
Today my thought is, if you want your children to eat, FEED THEM. Don't tell them that they have to eat food that they don't like. That's unfair to them. Yeah, I know we're on a tight budget, but even my friends who are worse off than we are actually have legitimate meals every night. I don't want to live off pizza and toast anymore. It's getting pretty ridiculous.
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 13 years ago
Role Models
Have you ever had someone tell you that you're their role model? Today I was with my old friend's little sister and we got to talking about a bunch of different things. She started talking about how her sister used to be her role model, but then she started getting into drugs and she started drinking all the time. She told me that she didn't want to be like that when she got older, especially when she was just a teenager because they have alcoholics in their family. She then proceeded to tell me that I was her role model and a few of the reasons were that I don't take crap from people and because I'm extremely honest. I know it sounds silly, but being told your someone's role model is so amazing. Just the thought that someone looks up to you. Sometimes it can feel like a lot of pressure because you're trying to make the right decisions since you know they'll be watching, but I just think it's one of the most amazing things in the world. Even though me and her sister have drifted apart, that girl will always be like a little sister to me. <3
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 13 years ago
My biggest pet peeve. People who walk around bragging about how they have 300 Tumblr followers, and then someone else coming along and being all like "Oh yeah? Well I have 500." Like c'mon, why does it matter how many followers you have?
Throughtout this one email, I have 5 Tumblrs.
lotsofchallenges97 has 1 follower myownlittlethoughts97 has 1 follower musicfreak97 has 10 followers phobias97 has 0 followers inlovewithyoutube has 1 follower
Wow. Just the fact that musicfreak97 has 10 followers is mind blowing to me. 10 is a pretty big number when you're someone like me who doesn't really have friends. I love the few followers I have, and personally, it doesn't matter how many I have. Running these Tumblrs is something that I love to do, and even if I did this for a year and didn't have any followers at all, I'd still keep going. It's not like I'm going to give up on Tumblr just because my pages aren't popular. Who cares? It's something that I enjoy and something to do with my free time.
Hey, having 300 followers would be great, but even if I'm not "Tumblr famous", I'm okay with that. I do this stuff because it's what I like to do, not because I want to be popular.
I love the few followers that I have, so thanks guys for sticking with me, you're all so important to me, and even if you're the only followers I ever have, that's okay with me. (:
So now I want to know fellow Tumblrs, what are you opinions on your amount of followers, people who brag about the amount of followers they have, or people doing this just to be famous in one way or another?
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 13 years ago
The Worst Way To Die?
I'm not afraid to die. I know my time will come eventually just like it does for everyone. But putting together a bunch of my fears, I think this would be the worst way for me to die:
After being forgotten about by my best friend for another person that I used to be friends with(1), I would go for a swim, although I'm scared of water(2). It would be pitch black out(3) and all of a sudden it would start storming and then it would start thundering(4), and the water would get really rough and I would drown.
1. Athazagoraphobia - the fear of forgetting or being forgotten, neglected, or ignored. 2. Hydrophobia - fear of water 3. Achluophobia - fear of darkness 4. Tonitrophobia - fear of thunder
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 13 years ago
Insignificance - 7/17/12
I was reading the book Light For My Path for Teens: Illuminating Selections from the Bible and at some point I read something about disobeying God, and how when we do it hurts him. My first reaction to this was: it's okay if I do things wrong. I know they're wrong, but He's got millions of other people doing their best to love Him and show Him through their actions, that it really doesn't matter if I don't. I'm just one person out of millions, I'm just an insignificant person, it's not like He's going to notice or care. Everyone says to always go with first instinct. That's where they're wrong. My second thought to this was: what am I thinking? God loves me. I'm His child. I may do wrong, and He will forgive me for that, but if I can stop myself from doing it then I should. He is going to be hurt if I disobey Him, especially when I'm fully aware that I'm doing it.
That leads me to the title of this post. Insignificance. What is that really? Feeling unimportant. Well I don't think that insignificance should even exist. The word should vanish from the dictionary. Why? Because no one is insignificant. No matter how small and unimportant they feel, even if they only have one friend, or they have none at all, they're important. Everyone is important because everyone is going to change someone else's life, they're going to make discoveries, maybe even change the whole world. No one is insignificant.
It's pretty interesting to suddenly this. I have 7 friends, some of them closer to me than others, but I know that each one of them is an important part of my life because each one is going to have an impact in the things I do and with the words I speak.
The random girl that everyone picks on when she says something on Facebook? I just realized she's made an impact on my life, and I've realized how wrong bullying is.
My sister who had me keep a secret from my parents for over a year? I realized that even though she made me do wrong, it's help me to learn what's right, and now I'm more honest with my parents and get way more trust out of them.
That boy who cheated on me and broke my heart? He helped me realize that young love doesn't always last, that people hurt you, and that it's life. Move on, things will get better.
The random autistic kid who poked my sister in the side at the store and asked her about a movie? Just his smile at her totally made my day. He helped me realize that even just a smile at a stranger can make them feel so much better.
Tonight I looked in the mirror and thought "that girl is pretty. That girl is important. That girl is going to make in impact in people's lives and help change the world."
No one is insignificant. Everyone is special, everyone is needed, everyone is important.
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 13 years ago
Losing A Best Friend - 5/20/12
One of the most painful moments in my life is dealing with the loss of a best friend. It’s great when you’re talking, you love each other, you’re laughing and having a great time, and everything is perfect. But within a few days, a few hours, a few minutes, that could all come crashing down. Recently I lost one of my best friends, and it’s probably one of the most painful things ever. I just lost my best friend Nick a few months ago, and losing Jarryd is probably one of the hardest things I’ve been going through. After amazing months together, we started fighting all the time. The last day, words were exchanged, promises were broken, secrets were spoken, we were both betrayed. It hurts when one day everything is perfect, and the next day you’re talking about how much you hate each other. No one knows the whole story, no one will ever know the whole story. Things are awkward now. We don’t talk. But the thing is, I still love the kid to death and I would do anything for him. I hope people begin to realize that their best friend will stick around longer than their girlfriend or boyfriend ever will.
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 13 years ago
Growing Up - 5/4/12
I sat down to write my thoughts one day, and I started writing about growing up. This is what I came up with:
  As a kid everything is beautiful. You’re full of laughter and you’re never upset for very long. It only takes you a few minutes to forget that you ever got in trouble, and then you’re back to your happy, cheerful self. How come people let go of all that as they grow up?
As children begin getting older and start moving towards their teen years, they start taking everything to heart. They begin getting angry all the time for stupid reasons, they start dating, and they take things way too seriously.
Be different. Be unique. Be one of those teenagers or one of those grown-ups who has the heart of a child. Find the beauty in everything and everyone. Be open-minded and be willing to learn new things. The Maine said, “Growing up won’t bring us down.” They’re right, it won’t if you don’t let it.
Find the good in all situations, be the greatest at solving problems. Don’t let growing up bring you down. Let it help you make a better life for yourself and others. Take the opportunity of getting older and more mature to do good in other peoples lives and lift the spirits of people around you.
Be a kid again. Laugh at all the silly things and don’t let anything hurt you. Grow up, be mature, be a great person with a good heart. A child’s heart.
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myownlittlethoughts97 · 13 years ago
Fighting with my best friend...
Last week me and my best friend made plans to hang out this weekend. Earlier this week his girlfriend got mad about it and they started fighting. The other day she decided it was fine if he came over to hang out for a little bit. So today comes around and I ask him to come over and he tells me he can't because he has work to do. I ask him to come over afterwards and spend the night and he says he can't because of his girlfriend.. So I told him we would start hanging out again when they broke up.. he got pissed and we started fighting, and now I don't know what's gonna happen... I can't afford to lose another best friend.. /:
Any ideas on what to do? /:
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