My Thrive Life by Le-Vel
265 posts
Helping others live the life they deserve!
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mylvlife · 5 years ago
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This one really hit me this morning!!⠀ ⠀ I'm not sure they are words to live by but definitely something to think about and help us with perspective!⠀ ⠀ What are your thoughts on this quote?? Mine are below.⠀ ⠀ I think it's important to measure the combination of what we've accomplished and what we haven't that truly matters! ⠀ ⠀ If we only measure on what we've accomplished we might only accomplish a small percentage of what we're capable of by thinking or feeling we are doing great.⠀ ⠀ If we only measure on what we haven't accomplished we might hold ourselves back as we struggle mentally with our productivity as I think there's always more we could have done.⠀ ⠀ If you are struggling please understand that the simple fact that you are reading this right now means you've accomplished more and are blessed far greater then most people in this entire world!⠀ ⠀ Please focus on what you have and what you have accomplished. Write down what you're grateful for. You have an Internet connected device, that's more than most. Do you have any form of shelter? Do you have any form of transportation? Do you have access to drinking water? Do you have something to eat? Do you have any money? These are all things millions of people don't!⠀ ⠀ Access to social media and a desire to change your life is all you need nowadays to actually change your life so please don't underestimate your blessings an ability to drastically improve your future!⠀ ⠀ Now if you think you're on top of the world step back and ask yourself are you really accomplishing everything you're capable of? Are you truly giving anywhere close to 100%? What would things look like if you gave just 10% more?⠀ ⠀ Most successful people, that are honest with themselves, admit to giving less that 50%⠀ ⠀ If you made it this far, I believe in you, and we both know you can accomplish more in the next 6 months than you have in the last 6 years, if you apply yourself!⠀ ⠀ #accomplish #accomplished #quote #access #everything #capable #successful #outcome #future #blessed #grateful #thankful #believe #survive #thrive #determined #decide #relentless #unstoppable #commit #measure (at San Diego, California)
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mylvlife · 5 years ago
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You're not too young & You're not too old! The perfect time will never come so Go Do Something TODAY that your future self will thank YOU for! Success is a choice, Decide to win TODAY! . . . #Success #Decide #Choose #FutureSelf #TooOld #TooYoung #NeverTooOld #MakeTodayCount #PerfectTimeIsNow #Choice #Determined #Decisions #Unstoppable #Relentless (at San Marcos, California)
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mylvlife · 5 years ago
Who's living the life they deserve? May seem silly but fresh cut branded coconuts make me smile!! When you're ready to live the life you deserve we will be waiting!! #jamaica #jamaicanfood #thrivin #thriving #coconutwater #freshcoconut #thrivesocial #thrivelife #GetFreeThrive #livingadream #moonpalacejamaica #moonpalace #HardRockIsNext #NextStopHardRock #HardRockRivieraMaya #LetsGetYouThriving (at Ocho Rios, Jamaica)
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
Speak your dream out loud... Be the designer of your own destiny... Be determined to live for your dreams... Why? Why not? Why not you? Why not now? #dream #destiny #why #whynot #designer #quotes #positive #live #IAM #Believe #moshow (at San Marcos, California)
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
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Do 𝐲𝐨𝐮 want success and happiness??⁣ ⁣ Really think about it, do 𝐲𝐨𝐮 want it or are 𝐲𝐨𝐮 just wishing for it??⁣ ⁣ 𝐘𝐨𝐮 may or may not believe this but what 𝐲𝐨𝐮 think about becomes 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 reality!!⁣ ⁣ If 𝐲𝐨𝐮 want success and happiness but all 𝐲𝐨𝐮 think about are 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 bills and things that are unhappy it will almost never happen!!⁣ ⁣ 𝐘𝐨𝐮 need to focus on the positive that will happen in 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 life!!⁣ ⁣ Sometimes it's hard to see through the clouds but the blue skies are always there!!!⁣ ⁣ No matter how bad a storm is there are crystal clear blue skies above it!!⁣ ⁣ 𝐘𝐨𝐮 must rise above the things that feel like bad weather in 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 life!!⁣ ⁣ They say eagles very seldom look for cover when the weather gets bad but rather they fly above the storm!!⁣ ⁣ The fastest way to success and happiness is starting with 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 mind! Create a positive, happy, successful mindset that is so laser-focused on the positive, happy, successful future 𝐲𝐨𝐮 are going to have!!⁣ ⁣ They say if 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 mind can visualize something 𝐲𝐨𝐮 can achieve it!!⁣ ⁣ Every amazing successful inventor daydreamed for months or even years before their inventions became a reality!⁣ ⁣ This is no different in 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 life!!⁣ ⁣ Think about nothing but 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 positive successful future and the ways 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 going to achieve it and watch it become 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 reality!!⁣ ⁣ It won't immediately make the bills or bad weather go way they will put 𝐲𝐨𝐮 on the right path to thinking about it which in turn will lead 𝐲𝐨𝐮 to it!! •⁣ •⁣ •⁣ •⁣ •⁣ #positive #mindset #positivity #success #ambition #positivevibes #hustle #abundance #mind #empreendedorismo #entrepreneurship #sucesso #entrepreneur #leadership #millionaire #coaching #dreambig #business #wealth #successquotes #grind #motivationalquotes #succeed #achieve #energy #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurs #positivethinking #successful #lawofattraction (at San Diego, California)
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
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Think about it!! It's never the size it's the DESIRE, the NEED, the WHY!! If you WANT it bad enough you will do whatever it takes! Those darn mosquitoes risk their life every time they bite you!!! Think about that!! Risking their LIFE because their DESIRE, their NEED, their WHY has determined the ACTION REQUIRED!! HOW STRONG ARE YOUR DESIRES? HOW STRONG ARE YOUR NEEDS? HOW STRONG IS YOUR WHY!!! #desire #need #why #whynot #action #actionrequired #whatsyourwhy #HowBadDoYouWantIt #GoAllIn #MillionaireMindset #mosquito (at The Westin Galleria Dallas)
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
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#Around #Over #Uuder or #Through... If you're #determined you will make it happen!! #Believe in yourself and give it 💯% The worst thing is when you see people #quit that never even gave it 100% Don't fail #yourself! You got this!! It's ok to slow down when #challenges arise but never lose sight of your #dreams and #goals and step on the gas #ASAP #MontyStratton
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
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Embrace the process, that step by step journey to the top! It will be painful at times but to truly make it to the top you must find pleasure or if nothing else find the positives in that pain! Growth is almost always required! The person that starts the journey is seldom more than half the person that finishes it! Remember there are a lot of steps to the top but each one is important to the journey and each one gets you closer to your dreams and goals! Happy climbing! #GoalsAndDreams #TakeTheStairs #Pain #Required #ItsPossible #StopDoubting #YouCanDoIt #Progress #NoElevator #LifeQuotes #BusinessQuotes #Abundance #LifeChanging #Thrive #AskMeHow #WorkFromHome #Entrepreneur #MillionaireMindset #Mindset #Process #PositiveMindset #FindThePositives #Growth #LifeLesson #Sacrifice #Commitment #Determination #EmbraceTheSuck #Embrace #MontyStratton (at San Marcos, California)
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
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These two quotes go together so well!! Do you set small or large goals and WHY do you do what you do?? #goals #excuses #growth #learn #obvious #action #actionsteps #determinationquotes #goalsetting #lifequote #breath (at San Marcos, California)
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
Always give 100% at everything you do and watch results start to happen! I think if we're all honest with ourselves things typically aren't where we want them to be because of our own actions! Now the second quote also applies to giving 100%because the reason you might not be happy is because you're not giving 100%! But if you truly are and I mean truly are giving 100% and you're not happy, then maybe, just maybe it's time to go after what you really want because if you're giving 100% and not happy you're probably giving 100% to something that isn't what you really want! #100 #100percent #livehappy #findyourhappy #happinessquotes #happywithin #giveyourbest #smilemore #videoquote #quotesdaily #dailyquotes #dailyquote #dailyinspiration (at Carlsbad, California)
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
The past cannot be changed and the future is not yet in your power be courageous have faith go forward see your future evolves into everything you've ever imagined and more!! #past $change $future #power #courage #courageous #faith #design #move #quote #positive (at San Diego, California)
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
Let's be honest, I think we've all said we're going to do something far more times than we've actually done them!! I don't know about you, I know from personal experience that doesn't really feel very good!! Over the last 5 months and even more so the last few weeks I have made an ever-improving decision to take my health goals to the next level! I'm truly in the best shape of my life at 42 years old!! Without the nutritional products I use every morning there is no way this would be possible! But it started with the decision to better myself in as many ways as possible! My clock is ticking and your clock is ticking, are you becoming the person you want to be? #decide #decision #health #nutrition #exercise #mindset #determination #focus #relentless #goals #dreams #quotes #positivequotes #videoquotes #MY2019 (at San Marcos, California)
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
A powerful mindset can truly take you anywhere in the world! There are very few if any limitations if your mindset is right! Some people may take these two quotes totally wrong but they're all about mindset! Remove arrogance and insert confidence in both of these quotes! One is about how you choose to think about yourself, are you acting like a king, do you feel like a king, if not, make small positive daily changes to eventually feel like you're on top of the world! The other quote can be taken in many ways but I like to think of it in a way that's positive in the fact but you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it and your future is truly your future! Too many people rely and other people instead of leading there own life and living the life they deserve! Believe me I'm all about delegating, but to me that quote has nothing to do with delegating and everything to do with being intentional with what you want and going after it! If you made it this far, thank you and tell me your thoughts! #mindset #millionairemindset #mindsetquotes #intentional #decide #accomplish #LifeBydesign #deserve #mondayquotes #videoquotes #123 #MakeItHappen (at San Marcos, California)
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
Merry Christmas to you and your family! Mine is better because of YOU! Feel free to give this to someone or everyone if you feel the same way!! #Christmas #MerryChristmas #ShareTheJoy #ChristmasLove #BecauseOfYou #ChristmasJoy #FromMyFamilyToYours #SpreadTheLove #SpreadTheJoy #FromMeToYou #ShareTheLove #LoveOneAnother #Christmas🎄 #Santa #Rudolph #JoyToTheWorld (at San Diego, California)
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
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Something for YOU to think about today! Know someone who NEEDS TO SEE THIS or would like it? Tag them!! Follow @MontyStratton for all things positive! #MontyStratton #inspirations #motive #positivevibration #inspirationdaily #develop #inspirationcultmag #positivepsychology #Thrive #survive #determinedtosucceed #purposedrivenlife #logic #positivewords #positivequote #millionairemindset #motivationquotes #motivationmafia #mentality #approach #succeed #satisfied #inspirationquotes
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
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THINK about this today and let me know what you THINK! Tag someone who you think would like this OR NEEDS TO SEE THIS! Follow @MontyStratton for all things positive! #MontyStratton #inspirationsstyle #driven #motivationnation #motivationquote #prosper #intention #motivation101 #positivemind #guide #multiply #Thrive #mindsetshift #entrepreneurialmindset #psychology #motivationalspeaker #interest #evolve #revelation #healthymindset #impulse #enlightenment #guidance
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mylvlife · 6 years ago
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Please take a minute and think about this! Know someone who NEEDS TO SEE THIS or would like it? Tag them!! Follow @MontyStratton for all things positive! #MontyStratton #inspirationalquote #excel #dailydriven #encouraging #position #encouragement #motivationalquote #positivethoughts #awakening #motivationalwords #information #Thrive #thought #changeyourmindset #development #positivevibesonly #motivator #motivations #bold #motivationalquoteoftheday #successdriven #inspirationalwords
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