mycoffeedrip-blog · 5 years
please help my research!!!
hey guys, i’m trying to make WebMD content more relatable to younger generations and more inclusive (e.g.: content about lgbtq health, mental health).
if y’all could take this anonymous, four-minute survey, that would be INSANLEY helpful and also help kickstart (hopefully) more inclusive, relatable content. i’ll post the link below:
even if you don’t have time to take it, any like/reblog can help. thanks in advance!!
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 5 years
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making and drinking way too much iced coffee lattes a day but what can i say | ig: thomreads
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 5 years
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^ this is why you should become a digital student. Your back & the environment will thank you.
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 5 years
ok fr guys i’m gonna start being active on this blog i promise
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 5 years
why i decided to go on a one-year hiatus
yes, it’s me! i’ve been gone for a year and that’s wild to me. i actually decided to come back a few months ago, but have been pretty busy at my internship at webmd. so i’ll get to it.
why i left i started to get busy right around the beginning of the fall semester. around that time, my grandfather died and i was hit with a grief that i couldn’t believe. 
my grandfather wasn’t just a familiar face i saw at family gatherings. for starters, we have a pretty small family and the extended family that i do have, i only have a very surface-level relationship with them (e.g.: my aunts, uncle, other grandparents) and with some extended family, i have no relationship at all. 
with my mom’s dad, i had a great relationship. i’d known him since i was little and he’d always been present in my life. we wrote letters to each other every week because he was in a veteran’s assisted living home about six hours away from me. 
that fall, i’d been talking about coming to visit him with my partner. the only thing stopping me was that my grandfather had just had a minor surgery done and was recovering. my mom suggested i wait until he was all healed up, but his health took a turn for the worst. 
i drove hours to the hospital and when i got there, he was already unconscious and had been for hours. unbeknownst to me, my mom had decided not to resuscitate him if his heart stopped. i watched him die. he was 72 when he died.
he had a great life and was obviously old, so he’d lived a nice, long life. it didn’t make the grieving process any easier.
what i did this past year here’s a bunch of stuff i did this past year/stuff that happened to me this past year:
i was sick on-and-off for three months
took a dna test and discovered my antidepressants weren’t working at all
doctor switched my meds
went to my first pride!!!! (i’m a bisexual woman)
i gained a bunch of weight
lived with two insufferable roommates (who have since moved out)
got an axolotl named dart!
was the assistant culture editor and then culture editor for a newspaper
was editor of a local magazine they were trying to kill (now i’m executive editor!) but it’s still on the publisher’s hit list
changed meds again
got all a’s!
got my scholarship back (grades had been bad for awhile)
made the dean’s list
got my minor in history
completed my interdisciplinary writing certificate
was accepted into my grad school of choice (for health journalism)
got rejected from cnn :( 
got accepted by webmd!!!
i’m SO glad to be back!! i missed you guys. also i might redo my blog design but no worries bc i’ll have the same username! also my bullet journal is a wreck, so maybe i’ll revamp that? slow and steady
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 6 years
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09.06.18. Wow, June is here already? I’ve been interning with a company in Atlanta, which means I’ve had to wake up at 5:45 a.m. Really, I’m so lucky to have this position, but working 8-4 is exhausting!! How have y’all’s summer been?
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 6 years
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17.05.18 I’m done with my fourth semester!! 👌🏼🎶 Athough May is nearly over, here’s my May into and calendar. I’m going to start making my June trackers since I’m starting my new job in the city Monday. I expect my first week might be stressful, so I want to have it done with! How has your month been?
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 6 years
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16.04.18 The semester is finally winding down. Unfortunately, I still have a ton of work to get through! My semester ends on May 4 and then I have about 16 days before I start my full-time internship in Atlanta 😅 I’m tired already! Thankfully, these bright brush pens are giving me life! 🍃💚
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 6 years
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030318 11:52 - checked off a lot of things on my todo list this weekend.. time to relax
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 6 years
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jumping from one phone to another is always refreshing. especially when you’ve had yours for years! . . #typography #handwritten #dailyjournal #bujoideas #travelersnotebookpassport #journaling #studyblr #studygram #thenotebookdoodles #handwriting #studyspo #handwrittenquotes #travelersnotebook #handlettering #quotes #plannerstickers #plannersupplies #diarydeco #handdrawnstickers #plannerlove #트래블러스노트 #트노 #トラベラーズノートパスポートサイズ #トラベラーズノート #bulletjournal #bujo #diarystickers #travelerscompany #thedailywriting
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 6 years
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18.3.18 // studygram: alimastudies
here is a family sociology mind map ft my not so commonly used pastel stabilo highlighter 🌿
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 6 years
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87/100 days of productivity ⋅ monday march 12 2018
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 6 years
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it’s saturday 🌟🌿
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 6 years
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1/5 back to school 2017 masterposts
school is starting soon (or has already started) and i also wanted to somehow thank you guys for 7k in a way other than the usual blog rate or blog awards. keep a look out for the other 4!
this is a collab with @studyruels. her masterpost is on making a morning routine which you can check out here!
now, i’m naturally a morning person. i just am, and i always have been. no matter how late i go to bed my body thinks it’s a great idea to noT sleep in and wake up at 6 am every day (’: here are a few things i do to make it a little easier and enjoy my mornings!
1. GO TO BED EARLY. this is honestly a no brainer but STOP SPENDING HOURS ON YOUR PHONE WTH like it’s so harmful for your eyes and your mind and your brain and your body will thank you in the morning when your eyes aren’t burning with exhaustion. 
1.a. when i decided to stop being an irresponsible smol child who tried to stay up every night, i started setting alarms for going to sleep. so like at 9:00 (ok ik thats pretty early but thats usually when i go to bed), or maybe that’ll be like 10:00 or 10:30 for you so that you can go to bed around 11. but anyways, when you hear this alarm, it’s time to get off of your phone or laptop (-: send your gn streaks and texts, close insta (log out if u have to), and shut it all down. soon after, you will start to notice how tired you actually are without all that blue light distracting you !!!
2. read! this is a personal favorite just because i’m a huge nerd but reading right before bed is just killing 2 birds with one stone: you’re exercising your mind and subconsciously improving your writing skills (vocabulary and grammar) while making yourself very tired!! if you think reading, especially at night, is boring, you aren’t reading the right books for you.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3. prepare yourself for the morning so it seems less dreadful. OPEN YOUR BLINDS BEFORE BED JUST DO IT OMG you will wake up with the sun. do a little miniclean of your room before bed so you’re not waking up to yesterday’s disaster. make your coffee the night before and leave it in the fridge if you like it iced in the morning. plan out what you’re going to wear tomorrow, as well as your lunch. shower (so u sleep better and/or dont have to do it in the morning) and brush your teeth. pamper yourself. set up fairy lights. just do anything that will cause you to wake up and go “jeez glad i did that last night; now i have more time and peace of mind”. 
4. find something to look forward to in the morning. this might be going to get coffee or tea with a friend in the morning, getting to wear the cute outfit and eat the delicious lunch that you prepped last night, or remembering that you’re going to see a movie after school. whatever it may be, let it motivate you to get up and start your day as soon as possible. 
5. turn off/disable snooze. do it. if your alarm app can’t do this, install an app that can. i also like to set up my alarm so that i have to do some challenging mental math to turn it off. 
5.a. make your alarm something that will cause you to get up. it doesn’t necessarily have to be something really annoying. it can be something upbeat and light that puts you in a good mood for the day. however, if you’re a really heavy sleeper then you might want to make it some obnoxious and loud sound so that you will be motivated just to get out of bed and turn it off. 
6. put your phone across the room. we’ve all heard of this one but most of us are too lazy to do it. at night, when you whip out that book, log off all your social media and then put your phone somewhere so far that you’ll have to physically get out of bed and turn off the alarm.
7. make your bed suit your aesthetic. this derives from the basic “make your bed” tip. sure, you can make your bed, and sure, it might motivate you to not get back in. but if you really struggle with this, buy one of those prepackaged bed sets that has a nice color scheme. once you make your bed, you’re not going to want to ruin that aesthetic tbh
8. keep a consistent sleep schedule, even on the weekends!! i’m not saying you have to wake up at 6 am even on saturdays, but don’t go from waking up at 6 to waking up at 12. maybe push your wake up time to 8:30 or 9 latest on the weekends. as you get used to waking early (and sleeping early, too!) you can slowly push back your weekend wake up time earlier and earlier until it’s almost identical to the time you wake up when you have school.
i hope this helps! good luck with this school year, everyone!
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 6 years
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 6 years
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3.20.18 || happy first day of spring :) 
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mycoffeedrip-blog · 6 years
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Falling in love <3
Reconnecting with forgotten spaces
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