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Armi..Malaysia..Poetry..Photography.. *Lumix DMC-GX7*
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myarmyme · 7 years ago
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March is Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month (in America). *I'm not sure/aware whether there's any internationally, or in Malaysia. . *Some facts abt Autoimmune Disease: Autoimmune diseases target women 75% more often than men; and combined, autoimmune diseases are one of the top ten killers of women under the age of 65. . *My HS has bn better nowadays. I still gt new bumps occasionally, bt smaller n x as bad as I gt before th surgery. 😊* #AutoimmuneDisease #HidradenitisSuppurativa
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myarmyme · 7 years ago
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Repost from my other acc, @kotakrumi . Featured more works of mine; mostly rhymes/Malay pantun n simple poems. TQ! 😊 - Untitled . #Pantun #KotakRumi #KaryaKata #Bahasa #Rhymes #Kata #Puisi #PuisiLover #MidnightRant #KosaKata
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myarmyme · 7 years ago
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❤Hemuk .. . #Meow #CatsOfInstagram #Feline #Paws #FluffyBeans #Tabby #Neko #고양이
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myarmyme · 7 years ago
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Moist Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting. . My 1st time making a carrot cake n myb also th 1st time eating it far as I can remember).. So I'm pretty much clueless how a carrot cake should taste 😅😅😅.. . *Excited sgt merasa carrot cake, hingga lupa diri kjap yg aku xboleh makan dairy products (direct). X sampai sejam, glands dh rs lain mcm.. 😑😑😑😑😑. HS sucks. . #CarrotCake #Baking #CakeDecorating #CreamCheeseFrosting #Fondant #MadeByArmi #MuadzamShah (at Bandar Muadzam Shah)
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myarmyme · 7 years ago
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6bln sekali makan brownies sendiri.. . I love my brownies gooey..almost like half-baked n subtly salty 😅, so tht evrything is balance with an additional scope of vanilla ice cream. . *Small cuts of brownies as samples 😊 . #Brownies #AlmondBrownies #Dessert #Baking #VanillaIceCream #Almond #Chocolate #초코렛 #브라우니
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myarmyme · 7 years ago
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. Strawberry Rosette Cake. Moist Vanilla Cake covered with Fresh Strawberry BC and Strawberry+Lime fillings. . Lesson from ths cake: Need to make double portion of BC for fully-covered rosette cake. (Hence th fruit cuts, as I ran out of my BC for th top part. 😂). I used Close Star tip no.852. . *Mak loves ths #Strawberry BC.. 😋😋 .. Need more practices on th #rosette. . #Lime #VanillaCake #Buttercream #CakeDecorating #Baking #Dessert #SweetTooth #CakeDesign
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myarmyme · 7 years ago
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My first Unicorn Cake! 🦄🎂 Hoyeah!~~~ 😁😁😁😁😁 Moist Choc Cake covered w Vanilla BC + Fondant (+ Fondant horn & ears). . A birthday cake for @atiqahothman 😊😊 . *This ws my 1st time working with fondant, hence th fold at th left side. And ws assisted by @audiya.abdul thanks dear ❤❤* . And th center rosette ws not a good one as swirl it th other way than i alwys do. #UnicornCake #Fondant #CakeDecorating
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myarmyme · 7 years ago
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First stage done. I decided to stop 'refining' th surface. Cz i know if i continued to do tht, all th ganache might return to th bowl back. 😂😂. . Mak once said; "Ni kalau masuk pertandingan,kalah bkn psl x sedap, tp psl x siap2." *Burn 😰😰 . #ChocolateGanache #ChocMoistCake #캐이크 #초코렛 #Baking
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myarmyme · 7 years ago
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Mak . #BlackAndWhitePhotography #BWPhotography #BlackAndWhite #RoadPorn #LensaArmi #Alley (at Bandar Muadzam Shah)
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myarmyme · 7 years ago
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#Flower #FlowerBud #Nature #Green #Wild #NaturePhotography #LensaArmi #LumixGX7 #Lumix (at Bukit Ibam, Pahang, Malaysia)
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myarmyme · 7 years ago
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Tasik Biru, Bukit Ibam this evening. . #Nature #NaturePhotography #Outdoor #Lakes #LensaArmi #ZenfoneSelfie (at Bukit Ibam, Pahang, Malaysia)
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myarmyme · 7 years ago
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My Front Desk Officer.. Si Gemuk (Fatty) 😹😹😹. . *Muka minta in between meal snack. . #Meow #CatsOfInstagram #Feline #Paws #JellyBeans #Tabby #Neko #고양이 (at Bandar Muadzam Shah)
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myarmyme · 7 years ago
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😊😊😊 . #Brownies #Baking #Chocolate #Almond #Foodie
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myarmyme · 8 years ago
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Regrann from my another acc, @kotakrumi . Jack & Deal .. . It's been awhile since my last post on this account. . #Poem #Poetry #Rhymes #JackAndJill #Words #Puisi #PuisiLover #KotakRumi #Literature #Life #LifeAndWords #Kata #KataHati #Soul
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myarmyme · 8 years ago
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. Si Hemuk (read: Si Gemuk - means Fatty 😂) .. one of my neighbour's cats.. If he's a human, he most probably works at Front Office. He loves to greet us in th morning n wait for his breakfast share.. 😂😂😂.. . Those eyes.. n nose.. 😹😹😹😹😹 #Cats #CatsOfInstagram #Meow #Feline #Tabby #FluffyBeans #Paws #FurryFriends
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myarmyme · 8 years ago
He totally slayed this.. his high notes.. ❤❤ . Johnny Manuel with his rendition of I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston on America's Got Talent.. 😍😍 . #AGT #JohnnyManuel #WhitneyHouston
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myarmyme · 8 years ago
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Annual routine.. but this year, I'm off duty.. 'injured' This year, it's my sis @arni_z08 turn. 😁 . #KuihRaya #TartGulung #PineappleTart #Raya2017
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