my-moonagedaydream · 4 months
James potter. “Perfect potter”
There were mornings when James woke up tired out of his mind. He would go through his morning routine like a robot and would make it to breakfast before anyone else. He would sit there until someone walked into the great hall with a blank slate. The moment he heard footsteps his composure would shift. His face would light up as he saw some first years walk in. They couldn’t know the perfect James potter was falling apart. Nobody could. As he ate breakfast with everyone else Remus would look at him with a knowing glance but say nothing. He wouldn’t say anything until the pair would head back to their dorm for their study block. He would say something along the lines of “prongs drop it” and James would. He would fall onto the bed and his face would drop again. Remus knew but that’s all he would say. He would let James nap while he studied and would never say anything about it.
The silent nods, knowing glances, shift of a hand, bag of snacks on the nightstand, etc. they knew each other’s hearts as well as they knew each other. The little tells that gave them away were so minuscule but to each other they were so obvious.
They would never escape each other’s emotions until that one fateful Halloween night. The one night where Remus woke from a nap with pure terror and dread without a reason. He wouldn’t know till the next morning what had caused so much dread last night. He would never be the same again.
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my-moonagedaydream · 7 months
Wrote another one shot so we have more excerpts because it made me nearly cry writing it.
(This time it’s jegulus so get ready for tragedy)
- It was a peaceful night, and the last of its kind before hell was awakened on one. Winter break started in about 10 hours which meant they would both go home to their families—James to his warm cottage and Regulus to his house of horror.
- He would love his brother till the day he died and hopefully Sirius would know this.
- “Okay
 now can we go inside? It's cold out.” James closed his eyes as he just sat on Regulus’ lap
“James. It's only -5 out what are you on? The answer is no we’re staying out here for a bit longer.”
“But babyyyy.”
“The answer. Is. No.”
- “Babe they're blankets for Merlin's sake, how can you be jealous of blankets but not Barty making out with me at a party?” Regulus asked astounded
- He knew James had been his secret that he would hold so dearly and so close to his heart that not even the strongest man could pry it away from his cold dying hands.
- They stood there with teary eyes until Regulus giggled shallowly and kissed James slowly.
This is from the oneshot I wrote called pry me from your dying hands I absolutely loved writing it and I hope you check it out :)
My ao3 is PH4N70M :)
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my-moonagedaydream · 7 months
A very specific moment in my fic that makes my heart break.
Lily intertwined her arm with James’ and led him straight to the dance floor. She knew exactly what he needed at that moment and it was a nice long dance with one of his best friends. And that's what the two did. The music blasted in the pair's ears as they drifted through the dancefloor dancing like there was no tomorrow. Their hands were all over each other and from a stranger's eye it would look like they had been dating for years but they were just two friends who fell out of love after exploring the world more. They were nothing more than friends and that line had been set in stone since they broke up but to the boy in the corner, he did not know this.
- this is chapter 5 of the secret to the sun and the stars and it’s finally up!!! I want to hopefully write chapter 6 soon but no promises ;)
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my-moonagedaydream · 8 months
Excerpts from my rosekiller oneshot ‘Love Me Like A Rose’
- For years they haunted Evan, seeing two roses everywhere you turn in a house you were nearly trapped in would do that to anyone. However as he grew up and spent more time at Hogwarts he had a realization; Roses are all the same, no matter the connotation.
- Soon Barty was stripping down to his underwear and running towards the lake. Evan couldn’t bear to hide his laughter but soon followed suit.
- After a few minutes the screaming and laughing turned to lulled whispers and short giggles. They laid on their backs, heads on each other's shoulders and the sounds were reduced to small ripples in the water.
- He was as beautiful as a rose but everyone knew he could pierce anyone at any given moment. Barty knew this. He knew.
- “Get your lovesick asses off the couch, everyone is staring so go to your bed at least. Get some sleep or something I don't care just do something not here.” (Courtesy of reg)
- “Oh I know, but if you die, I die so I guess it is mutual.” the pair burst out laughing as they flopped back onto the bed, tangling their legs together.
I loved writing this oneshot honestly 😭 anyways that’s it :)
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my-moonagedaydream · 8 months
A poem I wrote about romantic cannibalism
Blood, veins, limbs.
If I were to let you in I would let you consume me
Take my heart in your hands
Rip me to shreds
Take my blood
My veins
My limbs.
Take every part of me whole.
Consume me with your ever aching feelings.
Let your teeth sink into my skin,
The blood prickling at the seams.
Let your nails break my bones,
Shattering with intimacy.
I will let you consume my whole being
If it means you will love me whole.
If it means you will see me as more than most
If it means I am more to you than morals suggest.
Take me whole
Let my blood seep into your system
Mixing with your body in ways unbeknownst to all
In a way more intimate than any other.
Let your love for me consume me raw
In a practice of romance.
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my-moonagedaydream · 9 months
If we’re being honest, nobody in the black family is 100% straight either.
Sirius? In love with his best friend and is practically married to him
Bellatrix? Yk it just makes sense for her to be queer. No straight woman would dress like that just to go kill some people.
Andromeda is a slight exception although her running away after being told she couldn’t marry her husband? Queen shit.
Narcissa, once again it just makes sense. She screams bi vibes.
And then we get to regulus so :)
jegulus haters are all "james is straight" "james isn't gay" but never "regulus is straight" cuz no man who writes a resignation letter to his evil boss saying "I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more" is straight.
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my-moonagedaydream · 9 months
Things from my notes as marauders characters
“About the sex stuff I’m not trying to rush you “ - Billy Loomis (Scream)
Sirius: I would let him rush me
Marlene: god so would I
Sirius: aren’t you gay??
Marlene: uhh

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my-moonagedaydream · 9 months
A moment in my fic that makes me laugh my ass off.
Remus: *talking about how he met Regulus*
James: And you didn't tell me Sirius had a hot brother who was an amazing writer? Wait no you didn’t hear that.
Remus: Mhm sure I didn’t. Although I do agree. If I didn’t get Sirius his brother was next in line.
Evan: Wait did potter just say reg was hot? Oh I am so telling him that today.
James: Fucking hell this is going to be one long ass day.
This is chapter 5 of The Secret to the Sun and the Stars by me (PH4N70M on ao3) it’s not out yet just in the works but still I love it sm :)
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my-moonagedaydream · 9 months
I want to be them
Date time ⭐
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my-moonagedaydream · 9 months
Excepts from the first three chapters of my jegulus coffee au fic that make me scream
Chapter 1 - Rise and Shine Love
“Meanwhile, as the clock neared 8:00 am James tried taking someone's order but stared at the person. They were gorgeous. Their eyes shone in the light from the windows, they held themselves with such grace it was captivating. You would think James was watching someone launch a rocket ship into space with the look on his face.” (James you’re very obvious)
“You’re fucking kidding, you’re James Potter?”
“Oh, so you know me?” James asks smiling even higher
“Of course I know you, my brother talks about you like you’re a god.” “
“James’ face tingled and he knew he may burn those who flew too close. But he was far too careless to even fathom Regulus being one of those people.
Although when Regulus sent that text he knew he may be flying too close, but not close enough. He had to try harder this time.”
Chapter 2 - Runners High (the song by MUNA)
“Oh, what would Regulus be wearing? Oh, screw it he would look good in anything what was he thinking?” (James babe
“oh but Sirius is going to look so good tonight. He sent me a photo of the outfit he’s wearing tonight and I nearly left work early. Sorry James
” (Remus honey we know you’re in love with him)
“Oh, Regulus looked good. So damn good. How was James going to get him? God James was screwed. He was reaching so far out of his comfort zone but god, he had to try didn’t he?”
“That stupid smile. God, how could he look so good? How is Sirius friends with all the hot people? First Remus and now James? He really needs to get out more and find his own hot people.” (Reg babe you have hot friends too)
“After all he had been heartbroken and what else does a heartbroken teenage boy do than write poetry and song lyrics?”
“I mean I wrote more than half of their songs, half of which are absolute hits. If you think I’m prideful, you’ve seen nothing.”
Chapter 3 - Sunlight (yes like the hozier song)
“That was until Regulus Black walked through those doors ready to wreck James from the inside out. His steps never faltered but boy did James’ heart. “
“His name rolled off James’ tongue as if he was toying with it.”
“Regulus finally looked at James and caught his eyes. They were glowing like sunlight. Like the light hit them perfectly and made them shine just enough so it never outshone the sun.”
“That nice ass smile James loved so much. “
“Did Regulus have a lover? Oh probably. He’s the prettiest person known to man, of course, someone already hit him up.”
“It was heavy in symbolism but James knew something was hiding even further than the between the lines. It was hiding in the depth of the lyrics where nobody except Regulus would understand. “
“James said his name like it was honey that just melted off his tongue.”
“Some people walk with a pep in their step but regulus? He walked with pure assertiveness. Despite the aura surrounding him, his eyes lit up the moment he looked at James. It was almost like he’d found sunlight after years in a dark cave. “
That’s it the fic is called The Secret to the Sun and the Stars (my username on ao3 is PH4N70M) have a great day :)
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my-moonagedaydream · 9 months
Your honour I love them
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a friend told me about an idea of rosekiller with vampire!evan and here it is ( actually the idea of the pose/vampire!evan is from a tweet from x ).
yeah, i don’t know how to draw backgrounds, nor do i know how to color.
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my-moonagedaydream · 1 year
i love them sm
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Doodle dump!
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my-moonagedaydream · 1 year
The letters
When Sirius left for Hogwarts, Regulus broke down crying the moment he found an isolated area. He thought it would be the end of their relationship. Those first few days were the worst. His parents didn’t speak to him, Kreacher became angry with him for some reason, and he had nobody to talk to. Soon the letter came.
The very first one from the owl Sirius received as a going away present to “keep in touch with their parents”. The owl tapped on the window of Regulus’ room and sat there patiently until the window was opened. Regulus sat there wondering who had sent him a letter until he read the familiar writing of his name. That was the first letter of many that year.
The brother sent each other notes, and outlines of their days. Full paragraphs of how their parents were treating both of them. And full letters about the friends Sirius had picked up in that first year. By the time Regulus hopped on the train at platform 9 Ÿ  he thought he knew everything about the boys in the same cabin as Sirius. James was full of sunshine (despite those feelings he hid from everyone that Regulus could see just in his eyes alone). Remus was a “cool ass guy” according to Sirius who looked pleasant in regulus’ opinion. And Peter was last, he was quiet but apparently very sweet (of course it took ages for him to warm up to regulus after being sorted into Slytherin). The brother repaired their relationship despite the house rivalry and everybody was to know of the black brother duo.
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