mxgeclasspecting · 5 years
Hello, dear reader. I bet you like Homestuck, don’t you?
So do I. I like Homestuck and have enough of a glut of followers (over 550! holy shit!) and excess cash that I am willing to throw it at you for indulging my desires for silly shit.
So, how do you enter? It’s pretty easy.
Be following me, and reblog this post. I’m sure that this is obvious but part of this is also so that I can get your followers on my classpect train to overanalysis town.
Pick your poison: Pick either one of the six kidswaps, one of my many classpect analyses of fictional characters, or use my Land Generator
Make something! Make a sprite of Mob in his God Tier outfit. How about a pesterlog between Madoka and Mami exploring their lands? Or a fake panel for one of the kidswap kids? A landscape of your Random Land? Some prose? Some chat logs? A little fanfic? The world is your oyster - make something artistic, related to one of my self-indulgent classpect thingies, and submit it to me VIA MESSAGE (I have been informed that tumblr may mess with notes and reblogs so please send it as a message!). It doesn’t have to be long, or even good. Just make SOMETHING creative!
Wait! This giveaway will last for two weeks, ending on Midnight of 4/27.
As for prizes, here’s what’s on the docket:
Two first place winners, one for art, one for prose, each getting either $25 dollars worth of steam games or a single item from Amazon worth $15 dollars or less.
As many runners-up as I see fit, depending on how popular this actually gets, but no more than 4, each of which can get a $3 dollar or less game on Steam.
So that’s that! Summon your inner creative fires of Sepulchritude and come join me in this masturbatory quest for content to sate my inner classpecting fires. The future is in your hands! And some money!
If this goes well, when I finally have a job, I will be prepared to throw ludicrous amounts of giveaways at you all, with prizes in excess of 40 or 50 dollars worth of shit - and sometimes, not needing you to do anything at all! So, consider this a test run.
Have fun!
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mxgeclasspecting · 5 years
may i request an analysis for a seer of space?? thank you!
Seers are the passive comprehension class, who are given knowledge of their aspect, often through ‘another’ power. The knowledge of their aspect is a ‘standard’ understanding, though it is often easier to apply to others because of that fact. Where a Mage makes the breakthrough and documents it, the Seer is both teacher and student, using the second-hand knowledge. They can see the path of their aspect, but not the end result. Seers are the passive counterpart to Mages and the inversion of Witches.
Space is the aspect of literal space, creation, beginnings, action, and the present. If you wanted to call Time doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, Space is like never doing the same thing twice and still expecting the results to be the same. Space is the inverse aspect of Time. Both Space players with known dream moons (I haven’t found any information on Porrim’s) dream on Prospit, so it is possible Space as an aspect favors Prospit over Derse.
This Seer will have a lot of general knowledge about things like action and creation, but might have a hard time applying it. Being a passive class, and one of the comprehension classes, could make them less prone to action and more in favor of giving orders. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course, but sometimes everyone has to get their hands dirty. They would likely be able to see many, if not all, possible paths forward, though interpreting them isn’t necessarily their strength.
If they can’t see possible paths forward, they can at least see the actions available to take in the present. They don’t have a knack for predicting the consequences (that’s more a Time or Doom Seer’s forte), but they’re a master at in the moment decisions, life or death situations. That could make them an incredibly good fighter! I don’t remember which one exactly, but I remember some TV show depicted someone outsmarting a (psychic I think?) enemy by reacting purely on instinct, so their thoughts couldn’t be predicted. That’s the kind of thing I’d think when it comes to this Seer!
Space is an active aspect, for lack of better words. The more hands-off nature of a Seer may conflict with this, leading to some issues before they grow into their title. (This doesn’t necessarily have to mean when they ascend, that’s just a common point.)
Definitely don’t let them head off on their own until they’ve matured considerably. Space as an aspect doesn’t deal with consequences in any way, so without someone to temper their instincts, they might make poor decisions just because it seems right in the moment.
In-game, of course, the first thing people think of with Space players is frog breeding. Traditionally, a Seer should be great at this- they can literally see where the frogs are! Of course, it depends on the individual person, but exercise caution. This may be your aspect, but the fates of an entire other universe, and even your coplayers, rest in your hands.
Going god tier would give this Seer the other half of the coin they didn’t have before. If they could see chains of actions, now they can see possibilities in the moment and vice versa. They would gain complete knowledge of Space- so I would recommend having them ascend before completing the Genesis Frog if possible. Being able to trust themself and others not only in the moment that they’re so focused on, but in the future, would give them a better sense of security and help them a lot.
Space as an aspect has a lot going on, but I believe in you, Seer! Make sure not to take everything on yourself just because you have one of the critical aspects, trust your coplayers, and take things slow- you’ll be fine!
(Side note: I imagine a Seer of Space would be really good at alchemizing because they can see creation. Just... a walking wiki of what you need to make what. Wanna make the Wrinklefucker? Ask them how.)
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mxgeclasspecting · 6 years
so! a session with a prince of doom, maid of life, and a heir of mind! how fucked would this session be?
Session: Prince of Doom, Maid of Life, Heir of Mind
You already know this session’s doomed, so I’ll skip the pleasantries.
Players (Active to Passive):
Prince of Doom! Destroys [with] Doom! Well, I hate to say this, but I’m sorry, there’s no amount of Doom you could destroy to salvage your session. You’d have to be a Lord for that to even have a chance of ending well. However, in the event that there are alternate versions of you and your friends coming to save you (or even if there aren’t), here’s how you can use your powers while you wait! You can destroy destruction- or, in less obtuse terms, effectively create! By destroying the status of an object as ‘destroyed’, you create it! A roundabout way, but it gets the job done. Destroying with destruction, well, that’s simple enough. Taking the less obvious meanings of Doom, in combat, you could completely destroy the limitations, real or perceived, on your coplayers. Out of energy? Not anymore! You could potentially get rid of the Dersite royalty’s rejection and hatred of the Prospitians, ending the war before it starts! Of course, you have the potential to be a heavy hitter, but you could be the impromptu support (even from the front lines) if the Maid’s down, or even just if you want to! Enjoy the time you have in the Medium, kid!
Maid of Life: You’re definitely the more traditional support- when people think support, Life tends to come to mind. A fair assumption, because one of its meanings is literal life, but it’s generally the answer you’ll get if you ask what aspect is best as support. Just like the Prince, though, you don’t have to ascribe to that! In combat, you could ramp up your opponent’s optimism so high that they rush in blindly, forgetting that you and your coplayers present a considerable threat! Making more energy for the session can be useful, but make sure not to strain yourself with it, else you’ll probably have some physical injuries to deal with. You and the Prince are basically doing the same job in different ways, but that doesn’t mean either of you are obsolete. Maybe creating energy and destroying restrictions sound like the same thing, but they’re not! The Prince could use their method for broader situations where restrictions are present, whereas your energy creation could apply to any form of energy, period! Really, it’s up to you if you want to go aggressive or support, but I’d recommend that either you or the Prince have a good handle on revival or healing- you’re doomed, but you might as well live as long as you can and enjoy it.
Heir of Mind: Your only passive player, this session (doomed as it may be) could end up proceeding faster than intended because you have two active near inversions at the helm. But let’s forget about that- as the inheritor and manipulator of Mind, there’s a lot you can do, and you’d likely make a good leader because your two coplayers almost cancel each other out. You have a knack for understanding how to make any situation at hand better in general. Don’t get a big head and think you can get yourself out of the dead end session you’re in, but you’ll probably be the strategist. If you’ve got all the analysis, you can tell why something happened, if it’ll happen again, what the best strategy to deal with it is. Your powers may not be the most useful in direct combat, but knowing usual plans (enemy formations and such) should carry you and your teammates through most encounters. It’d be when they throw logic to the wind and fight-or-flight it that things won’t go so well. Hopefully having choices and plans lives up to your expectations, because it’s going to be your life.
Final Thoughts:
Of course, without outside intervention, this session is a dud. That aside, you have a pretty alright combination of players title-wise, so with the addition of a Space and Time player, you might have a fighting chance! Right now you don’t, but you could. Have fun out there.
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mxgeclasspecting · 6 years
that’s right! reblog if you post about homestuck or anything to do with it! this includes:
homestuck art
homestuck fanfiction
homestuck analysis
the kids!
the trolls!
i need more homestuck follows clogging up this feed! :3
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mxgeclasspecting · 6 years
If you’re an active homestuck classpecting/godtier analysis/sburb analysis blog, reblog so we can all follow each other
if this gets enough notes i might make a discord for us
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mxgeclasspecting · 6 years
Session with a Sylph of Void , Rouge of Rage, Knight of Blood, Seer of Mind, Witch of Space, Mage of Time, and Maid of Light please! The Sylph, Witch, Mage , and Maid are sisters (youngest is the Sylph and the oldest is the Maid and Mage who are twins). The Sylph and Rouge are morails. And welcome to Tumblr as a new aspect blog! Hope you have fun!
I actually miscounted, and this is the last thing left in the inbox! I’ll open requests again, and after I get 20, I’ll close them. Feel free to ask me questions, though, just don’t send in requests.
Seven player session: Sylph of Void, Rogue of Rage, Knight of Blood, Seer of Mind, Witch of Space, Mage of Time, Maid of Light
# of players: 7
Required aspects: Covered, Witch of Space/Mage of Time.
Breeding the Genesis Frog:Witches of Space are sort of an odd case? As long as they focus and are past the part of their development where they don’t really pay much attention to Space (see early Jade), you should be good.
In Case of a Scratch:
Given their knowledge of and experience with Time, scratching should be relatively easy. The only thing I would recommend watching out for is that it could be difficult for the Mage themself to leave the session with a scratch, but it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
Players (Active to passive)
Witch of Space, the third Witch of this blog! Jade is a pretty clear example for this title, both pre and post development. Whether or not they choose to use their partial association with Time, their powerset is pretty large. They could manipulate physical properties of things a la Jade shrinking the beta kids’ planets, change the action necessary that’s being taken (though this may overlap a bit with Life), or change the present itself! They could motivate people into taking action and making things happen, which may be best applied, taking the nature of SBURB into account, with game constructs such as breeding the Genesis Frog (see the Mage as their normal assistant, or convincing people to take other action so they can complete this task undisturbed), finishing personal quests, and perhaps leading the charge against the Black King. An all-around player who’ll be instrumental for ensuring the session goes smoothly on a technical level.
Knight of Blood, I believe our second Knight? I don’t see too many potential problems based on titles alone that may need this Knight’s interference, but it’s still useful to have. Applying Blood might make them the best ‘friendleader’, given that not unlike a Mage, they can use the Blood they’ve observed in their session so far and use it to their advantage, whether that’s helping their teammates resolve an argument, dividing up tasks according to who’s best suited for them, or possibly helping the Sylph or Rogue destabilize the Dersite authority. Taking Blood literally, they may be good with knowledge of flesh wounds, though that crosses more into Life and possibly Space territory. While likely more of a strategist, this Knight should not be overlooked when it comes to full attacks, and will be a useful ally.
Maid of Light, a title I’ve actually analyzed on its own. In the beginning, they may be at odds with the Sylph, considering their possible rejection of (or full inversion from) Light. However, like the Knight, they should be a good strategist/support player, providing distractions rather than being the main heavy hitter- if I may make a comparison, something like Boney from Mother 3, who’s fast and has many useful tricks but not too much physical strength. They could also fulfill a tank role in combat, creating relevancy/attention for themself instead of a teammate so said teammate can do the real damage. Creating unnatural information, which is just manipulation in kinder words, would likely do a lot for the team’s success as long as it isn’t directed at the team itself and instead at their opponents. A key player for behind the scenes work, you’ll want them to realize their powers and get past the first part of their development.
I analyzed a Mage of Time in my last session, so a lot of what I said applies here too, but I’ll reiterate. Personally, Mage and Time is a good combination so long as the Mage themself doesn’t get worn out by how much there is to experience about Time. They may have some sort of glitch in SBURB which allows them to experience their place in doomed timelines, therefore letting them know what not to do so that they can avoid their timeline becoming doomed. If they’re in a doomed timeline, they might be able to pull a Davesprite and give some crucial information to the alpha version of themself. They would likely be an incredible partner for the Witch in terms of frog breeding, especially if their knowledge of doomed timelines has encompassed failed attempts at searching for or actually breeding the final Genesis Frog. Their knowledge of what things have what effect on the timeline or series of events would make them a wonderful secondary leader to the Knight, but they could also make a capable fighter. Keep them alive and, well, sane–Time is a hard aspect to have for any class–and they should be an instrumental player even beyond their status as one of the cardinal players.
While I don’t believe I’ve ever covered a Seer of Mind, combining their knowledge of the path of decisions, analysis, and the collective with the Mage’s knowledge of the end result of, well, Time would make a wonderful pair. Because they can really only see the path, though, they would have to either learn to trust their instincts about how a certain thing would end or trust their teammates, especially the Mage who only really sees the end. They and the Mage could make a good strategy team for the main party, using their collective half-knowledge to figure out the best route for the best outcome. They also might be the session’s idea fountain, though their ideas may not always be the best. Maybe they could use their knowledge of the outer self and facades to become a spy or assist someone else, like the Sylph, in that task? Their powers aren’t necessarily suited to combat, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be a good offensive player, see Rose. It just means that they’d probably have to use their own ingenuity and not their powers for their attacks, though they could be useful in knowing what possibilities to act on. Wonderful strategist and a relatively good match for pretty much every member of the team.
Just like the Mage, I did have a Sylph of Void in the last session I analyzed! Overall, they’d likely work incredibly well with the Maid based on power set alone: where the Maid could give something benign relevance, the Sylph could create irrelevance for themself and their team, allowing for easier attacks. They could take away the meaning from ideas/information by giving whoever has it ignorance, indirectly destroying the information. While they’re very good as a support/defensive player, they could use their powers to their benefit in offense by becoming almost a trickster, weaponizing their ability to ‘heal’ with irrelevance and nonexistence by making it appear that something doesn’t exist, or popping in and out of an enemy’s ‘vision’ to confuse them while attacking. They and the Seer could make a good pair for potential espionage, or if the Dersites are planning anything against your Prospit dreamers, their powers could help make it seem as though everything’s fine and there’s not even anyone to attack. They could be very good at protecting your two cardinal players during the process of searching for the frogs, especially if anyone, native to SBURB or not, is trying to hinder their progress. While the role may seem to be meant for support or defense, their powers are so versatile that a creative player could do really anything with them!
You said that the Sylph and the Rogue were moirails? Well, Void and Rage are relatively similar aspects, and these two could definitely help each other. Speaking of just your Rogue of Rage, though, they’re another member who seems more to be a support role. With Rage being anger, negative emotions, but also strength and the ability to be a hard stop, taking that to give to others could be wonderful! In combat, this Rogue could simply steal the strength–the will to fight–from the enemy and give it to themself and their teammates, which has the potential to make it more of a one-sided curb stomp battle. Rage as disbelief could make your Rogue the main reality check, especially to your more… airy players, like possibly the Witch and the Maid. If something seems too good to be true, they likely know that it is, and they could give that quality to, say, an enemy leader to make their own subordinates not trust them! That, along with possible assistance from the Knight or Maid, could tear any opponents’ unity and, really, strength apart! Like the Sylph, they would likely have to be a bit more creative in terms of how to use their powers in battle, but it might be easier to structure the usage of their powers around how they or others fight. Still, though, a great combination which, used effectively, can make or break the enemy team.
Final Thoughts: I really don’t see any problems here! Except for possible sibling rivalry, the titles don’t really pose too many obvious problems, and unless something I couldn’t know about comes along, you seem like you have a good balance for a session! Congrats!
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mxgeclasspecting · 6 years
Well. I’ve been gone for a while. I’m so, so sorry. I do run this on my own, but I prefer it that way, my laptop’s been broken and school happens, things get in the way.
Anyway, this isn’t announcing the end of this unplanned hiatus. It’ll just take me a little bit to get through the analyses in the inbox, then I’ll open it back up again, and probably take hiatus until school gets out and I have more time.
Hopefully you all understand. Thank you for sticking with me.
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mxgeclasspecting · 7 years
Hey guys you should check out this really cool person!! This is a vv interesting concept and they did very well with it!
Alignment and Influencing: A Guide to the Aspects that You Aren’t.
Everybody has, and most know, their Primary Aspect. This is the aspect that goes in your title, making you Knight of ____ or Sylph of ____.  Your Primary Aspect determines the vast majority of your abilities in-game, your God Tier, the nature of your whispers, influences your land and what role you play in your session, and is the one you have the strongest connection with.  It only encompasses the vast majority of your power, however, and as such does not determine everything. This is where your Secondary Aspect, Connected Aspects, Apathetic Aspects, Disconnected Aspects, and Malevolent Aspect come in. These are titles assigned to the 11 aspects that are not your title, and determines their influence over you and your session.
Keep reading
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mxgeclasspecting · 7 years
How would a session go with the Mage of Time, Seer of Breath, Bard of Doom, Witch of Blood, Knight of Heart, Maid of Space, Page of Mind, Heir of Light, Sylph of Void, Thief of Rage, Rogue of Hope and the Prince of Life would go? Bless your blog and love ya
My first session ask! And, my apologies, this might be a lot shorter in terms of each player. It’ll be put under a read more, of course, but I’ll operate as if they’re all developed. My modus operandi will be established here, and unless I make a major change, it will stay this way.
# of players: 12
Required aspects: Covered, Maid of Space/Mage of Time.
Breeding the Genesis Frog:With a Maid of Space, someone who creates Space, you should easily be able to create a wonderful frog, provided they take it seriously.
In Case of a Scratch:Given their knowledge of and experience with Time, scratching should be relatively easy. The only thing I would recommend watching out for is that it could be difficult for the Mage themself to leave the session with a scratch, but it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
Players (Active to passive)
Witch of Blood, the second Witch on this blog as of now, and another possibly devastating enemy. Since Blood can be literal or figurative, there are a couple different applications, especially combined with the Witch class. Taken literally, a powerful WoB could change temperature of the blood, sew up a bleeding wound with stitches made of blood, make that same wound worse, or tear someone apart from the inside (though that would take a very powerful Witch). Figuratively, they could have complete control over unity and allegiance, which would be fine if they use it in conjunction with their teammates and break their enemies’ ranks, but could also turn their team into a mess if their morals aren’t the most sound, and if they act a lot on their emotions, they could turn benevolent to malevolent in the drop of a hat.
Prince of Life- my, don’t you have a lot of heavy hitters. Prince of Life, destroys [with] Life. There are a lot of obvious downsides to this title, as people mostly think of Princes as negative, and destroying Life makes them jump to conclusions that this title is automatically evil. While yes, the negative implications are easy to imagine, there are many possibilities for good as well! Since Life rules energy, but also power (in a sense of throwing people under the bus, because if you win, they lose), if the others in the session are too rambunctious, don’t appreciate what they have, or just don’t take things seriously enough, this Prince could fix that real quick. And I’m sure I don’t have to say it, but they could be an extremely competent fighter, a one-person army, if they channel their powers into the more directly destructive nature of destroying life force. Think of them like a doctor- to heal, they have to destroy. This can apply to all Princes and Bards, but a Prince of Life the most.
Knight of Heart; seeing as you have some potentially volatile players, having someone who can use emotions and irrationality to their advantage should help. Some people follow the theory that the presence of a Knight in a session makes it devoid of their aspect, where I don’t, but I’ll indulge it for a moment. A session without Heart is… pretty good, actually, in this instance. With the lack of irrationality and emotion, you shouldn’t have any of your capricious players (Witch, Prince, and maybe Thief) changing their feelings at the drop of a hat and making things more difficult. However, without it, there’d be no ‘this feels wrong’, no ‘I need to get out of here’, the safety that gut feeling can offer. Going back to my own methods, though, since this Knight can apply those things to their advantage, they could make sure that a sort of ‘lack of Heart’ session could apply, but in more of moderation. They could exploit their enemies’ impulses and emotions to turn battles to their advantage while also helping their teammates in a tough situation. A well-rounded player who could do a lot to turn the tides in their session.
Speaking of capricious players, here’s your last definitely capricious (based on title alone, of course) one- Thief of Rage. I’ve always found this title very interesting, because there isn’t much an idea of what they would do with all the Rage they take. There are a couple different directions this title could go, and it certainly depends on the person itself, maybe even more so than most titles! Anyway, I’ll try to talk about all the things that come to mind equally. If this Thief is particularly into fighting, they could steal all the passion, anger, the quality of being an ‘immovable object’ from their enemies and become a force to reckoned with on the newly unfeeling, unmotivated battlefield. If one of your other players is out of control with anger or revenge, they could steal that from them and calm them down (though perhaps at a detriment to themself). It all really depends on how far along in their development they are. If they overembrace, they could be a strong negative force that their team has to deal with, uncaring about anything that doesn’t fall under Rage. If they’re self-sacrificing, they could take all the negative emotions of their teammates (at least, the ones that are causing them harm) and bring them onto themself, despite how unhealthy that is both to them and others (negative emotions are still necessary, of course, even if they’re hard to deal with, because that’s the point of growth). As long as they don’t go too far in any unhealthy direction, they should be a very fine force, and a good teammate in almost all circumstances.
Maid of Space, your first cardinal player. Space itself can be a sort-of erratic aspect if not paired with a class that keeps it under control, and while some describe Maids as “serving” their aspect, they would be a good force for control. Creating literal space may seem too simple, but don’t forget about the metaphorical applications of this aspect. It signifies beginnings, change (a trait it shares with Life), action, and the present. Creating beginnings sounds a bit weird, but if, say, your players are stuck in a dead end, this Maid could potentially circumvent the ‘rules’ that would tell them a solution isn’t possible and just make a new beginning to go around it! With any players who aren’t prone to taking action, or have maybe fallen into a destructive cycle, they could break the habit and goad them into doing something productive, whether for their own good or for the team’s. As long as they’re doing good on the ‘making sure you understand how frog breeding works’ front and there aren’t any outside hindrances, they should be able to create a healthy frog easily! Just make sure they don’t create too much space in the Breath sense (personal space) and push people away, especially out of a possible “I can do this on my own” arrogance. In terms of title alone, you have one of the best Space players (in my opinion, though all of them are on equal footing) on your side, so make sure their priorities are in order and you should be golden!
And now, your second cardinal player and most passive active class, Mage of Time! Another class that fits well with its aspect, so I do commend you on this. Having a creator of Space and someone who understands Time makes a good combination. Time itself is a rather complex aspect, so there’s a lot for this Mage to know. Especially given how many doomed timelines there tends to be in most sessions, they could understand how to avoid them and what to possibly do for the best chance of success (at least, in what Sburb defines as success). I’d like to remind you, though, that a successful player integrates both their main role (their actual title) and their subrole (their inversion), so they are in no way just some passive textbook on the sidelines. Their minor manipulation of Time could make it so destruction comes a little faster for someone, or manipulating a small event in the past to have a much larger impact, using the butterfly effect. They could also be a good counter for the Maid, considering the opposing aspects and also their knowledge of the past that could lead to a specific, needed object being in the place it is (like the frogs). The understanding of endings could also translate to knowing how to avoid said endings, especially if that could spell death to the session. They could also be a good collaborator with the Bard, given their passive destruction of rejection and destructive energy, seeing as they embody what they are destroying, in a sense. Also, since they understand destruction, they could be a good fighter from that alone, even without a traditionally “powerful” class. They’re a wonderful addition to any session, especially this one, so make sure they keep their head up and don’t get too caught up in destruction and endings and you should go well!
Seer of Breath! The most active of the passive classes, and on an aspect that’s very good to have a comprehension class for. Breath, being all about someone on their lonesome, options, no obligations, and that sort, they could possibly predict the options they’ll have in the future, similarly to their active counterpart in this session. Like the Mage as well, they could be a good asset for frog breeding, if they can tell where the frogs could be (interpreting Breath as direction), but focusing more on the present than the past. They could predict the movements of an enemy force, know what options they have ahead of time (and perhaps know which would be best to take), and understand how, if the team comes apart (at a critical moment especially), could spell disaster. Like the Knight, they could be useful in knowing if a teammate could split against the team and try to break away, and while they may not know how exactly to resolve it, they could predict it and go to the people who know what to do about it. Again integrating the manipulation of their subrole, they could use their knowledge to take someone’s options and change them into the one most beneficial for the Seer or for the person, depending on who exactly is the target of this action. I tend to advocate for Breath-Light teams, given the information, truth, and clarity of Light and the freedoms and options of Breath, and I would especially recommend it in this session. The perhaps more grounding presence of the Seer could balance out the Heir’s natural recklessness and confidence, making a good leadership team. A good strategist and player in general, as long as, like the Mage, they don’t get weighed down by everything they can see, they’re a strong candidate for friendleader.
Sylph of Void- ever wondered who’s the best at spreading rumors? Look no further! Like a Sylph of Light could assign relevance to something that really shouldn’t have it (like taking the meaning of an enemy and giving it to something that would make sure they don’t get hurt), this Sylph could give themself and their team (indirectly) irrelevance, which could get them out of a tough situation if the enemy believes that they’ve ‘disappeared’. Working, perhaps, in conjunction with the Bard, they could be a good indirect force to hinder any opponents. If they can control where they ‘heal’ irrelevance or false information, they could break order and knowledge in people they’re trying to oppose. Do you know the enemy has a good plan, or knowledge that they shouldn’t know? Call on the Sylph, they can block it out, or simply take away the meaning it should have. They could play more of a defensive role on the battlefield, protecting others with their ability to make things unclear- maybe blotting out someone’s presence in the battlefield, especially to allow for a teammate in a bad position to make a quick escape. With their destructive subrole, they could get rid of certain pieces of information, especially things that someone wasn’t meant to do. Ever wished you could erase someone’s memory, because they knew something they shouldn’t? Your Sylph can do it! It’s like the concept of ‘ignorance is bliss’, except instead of bliss, they’ll take that lack of knowledge to cause better circumstances for those around them. Very much a good player for defense and support, as long as they don’t go haywire with what they can blot out, you’ve got a good way to keep things better kept secret that way, especially in terms of secrets best left unsaid.
Rogue of Hope? Rogue of Hope. Given that there are quite a few players who could be prone to falling into despair (sideways glare at the Mage and Thief), this player will have quite an important role in this session. Hope is trust and belief, which could also put them in a good position to help a player who’s trying to turn against the team, giving them trust in each other and belief that things can actually go well. This title may be one people only see the support role in, but there are a few ways they can weaponize their powers, especially considering their subrole as the active application class. They could take the belief of an enemy that they could win and give it to their teammates, making the enemy despair and helping their team bolster their confidence, which could in turn make them all more likely to succeed. Especially given Hope’s status as the ‘immovable object’ in conjunction with the other aspects, they could take that from others and give it to people who are more in need of it, which could make the team more powerful on its own. If someone is too untrusting, especially in a destructive cycle, they could help their team be more productive and closer to being more functional. They could also use this against others- giving someone trust and belief would make them more susceptible to lies. You know the spell ‘Charm Person’ in D&D? Making a person open to suggestion, even temporarily, could be their downfall. See the instance in an early episode of Murder on the Rockport Limited, one of the story arcs of the podcast The Adventure Zone, where one of the player characters casts either Charm Person or a similar spell on someone, which makes them almost get hit by a train. As long as they don’t give too much of their own Hope away, they’re a massive motivating force, versatile and a wonderful asset.
Page of Mind, huh? That makes an active-passive inversion between your Knight and Page, which I don’t really see often, and is an interesting dynamic. They could very much spur each other on, but the Knight could hinder the Page’s development. They may be prone to misunderstanding the concept of ‘for the common good’, taking actions and applying Mind in the wrong way, which could have disastrous consequences if not handled early in session. Before they’re on their way to the path of realization, they might put their own inexperience with Mind as the ‘right thing’ Pages need to grow, and having them grow into an aspect about the collective and apathy can be a bit of a contradiction in its own right. They may be more the self-absorbed type, but not necessarily in a bad way- putting emphasis on their own growth without understanding they’re hindering themself by focusing on the wrong thing. Applying Mind, once they’re realized, could make them a strong force. They could be good with spying, taking their ability to use the outer self and facades to get into places they shouldn’t and learn information they, technically, shouldn’t know. If they could exploit apathy, they could possibly take any small sense of ‘I don’t want to do this’ in an unwilling enemy and magnify that, which could potentially set a whole army in a state of “Why am I doing this? What’s the point?” They could be one of the more faster Pages, in terms of development, and while their powers may be more specific in terms of their application, when used in the right place, they can be devastating.
Bard of Doom… now, like the Thief of Rage, there are quite a few directions this title could take. Perhaps even more, given the open-ended nature of passive classes. Depending on whether this Bard destroys Doom or destroys with it, there are many effects on a session it could have. Like the Rogue, if they destroy pessimism, they could make their session more optimistic, and while this maybe has limited usefulness, in the situations it’s needed, the combination of those two could be perhaps the best at resolving it. Destroying with/through Doom could, like a Prince of Life, could destroy with destructive energy, doubling their affinity for destruction. Destroying through restrictions, they could take the rules of Sburb and put them in a position to affect someone more than usual, which could take them out just by forcing them into situations where they don’t have any options. Of course, this is assuming they’re realized. If they’re not, they’d be more of a beacon of Life, giving life force and energy to others by actively creating it (their subrole, Maid of Life). Their crisis of Doom, though, can be incredibly devastating, seeing as Bard crises tend to hit hard, and combining that with the aspect of destruction just makes it even worse. If the Thief or Knight is realized at the point they have their crisis, they could make it easier for the Bard to settle down, with the Thief taking away the negative emotions driving the crisis and the Knight using their impulse and emotions in a way to benefit them. Really, it depends on how the player decides to go with it, and you really can’t see this kind of Bard going the same way twice- their powers can be immensely broad or very specific, and either way, you know they could do some damage.
And now your last player, the Heir of Light! They passively manipulate Light, meaning that, say attention and relevance could revolve around them. Now, as with unwanted attention, this can be a bad thing, but your Sylph can definitely counter it if needed. Potentially, information itself could change to suit their needs. When I think of inheriting relevance and attention, I immediately come to the concept of a tank. Like how the Sylph can get someone out of attention to fix a rough situation, the Heir could transfer that now-defunct attention and relevance onto themself, making them take the heavy hits while others can sneak around unnoticed and do damage. The combination of your Heir and Sylph in itself could make itself a power couple, one sneaking by unnoticed while the other serves as the distraction. Remember how Calliope chastised Roxy, a Void player, for bringing a Light player somewhere that people weren’t supposed to notice? Now, Rose wasn’t even a creation class or an Heir, and thank goodness, because that would’ve worsened Callie’s situation a whole lot more. This Heir could be the main hub of ideas and information, even stuff they wouldn’t logically be able to know, because Light itself favors them. While I said in my analysis of your Seer that I advocate for Breath-Light pairings in terms of leadership, the special combination of most and least passive makes it an even better combo. They both bring different things to the table- the Heir brings pure information, the Seer brings the knowledge of future choices, and they can combine that together to understand what would be best for the group itself. A very strong candidate for friendleader and a wonderful end to your session.
Final Thoughts:
Honestly, I’m of the opinion that, based on titles alone, this session should go pretty well! Make sure no one burns themself out or has any other circumstances interfering (at least, not ones you can’t resolve) and you should be golden! You have my blessing.
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mxgeclasspecting · 7 years
Also! I know that the ~canon~ test should change my opinions on the aspects which I have written so far. It may come as a shock to you that I will not.
I find the coverage of the aspects in the extended zodiac to be insubstantial for a classpecting blog to run off, especially given how simple and poorly-implemented the aspects were in the quiz.
The people in the classpect community have taken the knowledge they can from anything of canon that’s worthwhile and ran with it, making something new that’s their own. I will be no different, and continue to define the aspects the way I currently do, unless I have a change of heart (which I highly doubt).
Thank you for listening.
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mxgeclasspecting · 7 years
an analysis for Witch of Mind?
Sorry for being so late, but sure thing!
Witches are the active manipulation class, who break the rules of their aspect and have (relatively) free reign over it. An Heir is gifted with and follows their aspect naturally, going along with it as a passenger, but a Witch takes the bull by the horns and decides where they’re going. In the beginning, they tend to rebel against their aspect in a sense, but as they grow, that will usually lessen. They can force their aspect to do almost anything, but their influence over what their aspect would do naturally probably would suffer for it. Witches are the active counterpart of Heirs and the inversion of Seers.
Mind is the aspect of thought, decisions, logic, reason, apathy, and the outer self. Because we only have one Mind player in canon who has concrete evidence of their powers (Terezi), there isn’t much we know for certain about it. Mind is the opposite aspect of Heart. All canon players of Mind have been Prospit dreamers, but because the only canon players were trolls who share dream moons with their dancestors, it is unknown whether Mind as an aspect is connected to one moon over the other.
I’m just going to start by saying that malevolent Witches of Mind can be utterly terrifying. Since they can manipulate Mind (especially in ways it wouldn’t normally be), they could twist someone’s thoughts around in dreadful ways. That said, though, there’s a lot to this title besides that.
This Witch in particular may find themself related more to Heart or the concepts that it rules at first, similarly to how Jade was primarily concerned with “things being done at the right time” or “destiny being upheld” and such, even as a Space player. They could be interested in how people actually are, or how emotions work, though that interest itself could be malevolent in nature, relating back to their status as a manipulation class. It might simply be that they lack interest in Mind at first, or have too much of it (though some parts may be easier to visualize in that sense than others).
A more developed Witch, though, would have their focus on Mind, though they could still be interested with the workings of Heart. Remember, though: developed does not always mean good. It simply means they’ve gotten through some of the earlier ‘lessons’ of their title. They’ve probably begun to explore the possibilities surrounding them at this point, like, what if they just change this idea here? It would be so much more useful to everyone! Messing with the more negative things Mind can rule would make for a (hopefully) benevolent Witch, so someone with this title isn’t doomed to be a “bad person” who changes people to suit them.
The class of active manipulation and the aspect with the things that could potentially hurt most when changed make an odd alignment, though definitely an interesting one. Given the many facets of Mind that weren’t much used in canon, though, they could do a lot with it, so whether the alignment is actually practical can definitely be ‘your mileage may vary’. Any individual can really take a class or aspect in a different way, and this Witch would be no different. Manipulating thought could be devastating, but if they’re changing negative thoughts into positive one, it could be “justified”. Changing logic could be the same. Changing apathy could vary well fall under their possible former interest in Heart, tying back to the older lessons of their title.
After going god tier, oh dear. You may wish to watch out if they don’t have good intentions. That said, though, they could be a pinnacle of change, working out their now master powers of manipulation in relation to thought and logic for the good of their team (or anyone they care about). Seeing as Mind overlaps with Doom somewhat, they could very well convince the Dersites to overthrow their own King and Queen, whatever good that could do. They would also be better at seeing the consequences of that through their powers alone than, say, a Witch of Heart. If they truly focused, perhaps they could turn an army into allies with a snap of their fingers, changing their thoughts and reasons to being more helpful.
That power is where their more malevolent possibilities come in. Combining Witch and Mind would make the ultimate puppetmaster, making everyone around them a literal talking head who only ever agrees with the Witch. Any thoughts they didn’t like would vanish in an instant, though they still couldn’t take away feelings, leaving someone practically trapped in their own bodies while their gut screams at them to get out of their.
That said, there are many opportunities for good in a Witch of Mind. Choose wisely, player. There is potential for great good and great evil, so your choices could have a devastating butterfly effect on everyone around you. Quite a useful player for deception and getting things on track, they’re often instrumental players when the chips are down.
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mxgeclasspecting · 7 years
Man you guys, I’m really sorry for just falling off the map like that! Some things caught up to me and I had other priorities, but I’ll try to get to all the requests left in the inbox before I open it up again.
Thanks to anyone still here!
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mxgeclasspecting · 7 years
may I have an analysis done on a page of heart please, and I hope you have a lovely day fellow heart player
Page of Heart, for @witheringvaporware and an anonymous
Page is the passive application class, who invite application of or through their aspect. Like Maids and Bards, they often begin with a lack of their aspect, which they then attempt to compensate for (and fail). Until they go through their development (which is often hindered by intervention), they start out weak in their aspect, often relying on others for it. They are the passive counterpart to Knights and the inversion of Thieves.
Heart is the aspect of individuality, souls, emotion, instinct, and the inner self. It is considered to cover the concept of emotion as a whole, where Hope and Rage cover the extremely positive and extremely negative ends of the emotional spectrum. Heart players often conceal their identity in some way, through Nepeta’s roleplaying, or Dirk’s splinters. The two troll players of Heart have some connection with shipping, though that could be more connected to Alternia’s requirement to have both a matesprit and kismesis at a certain age, and Meulin living in the dream bubbles without much to do for however long. It is the opposite aspect of Mind. All Heart players thus far have been Derse dreamers, but it is unknown whether or not Heart as an aspect is connected to one dream moon over the other.
Pages, similarly to Maids and Bards, begin with a sort of disconnect, or lack of their aspect. Often, they try to emulate their aspect, failing because they try to seem more knowledgeable than they are. For a Page of Heart, this could translate to really not being the best with, say, emotions, and being overdramatic to compensate.
A Page of Heart would at first have difficulty with their identity and what makes them special, or they may not quite grasp the concepts of emotion, impulse, identity, or something else. They may be overly sensitive or stone-cold. If there was ever a Heart player to have self-esteem issues, barring a Rogue or Mage, it’s a Page. They would try to make up for this by acting ‘random’ in place of not understanding impulse or instinct, using an overly confident, nearly narcissistic facade if they don’t understand identity, being overly sensitive or stone cold because they don’t understand emotions, or being nosy and helping others only for their own gains if they don’t understand empathy, for some examples. If there is a Sylph (especially of Light, Life, or Mind) in a session with them, it may be wise to separate them- Pages need to grow, and a Sylph interfering (with a Page of Heart especially) could be quite detrimental.
They may have to go through a soul-shattering event to truly understand what they cannot at first- a death or natural disaster, some sort of test that requires them to discover who they really are, or something similar, a lot could happen. If I may say so, the class itself, and this combination specifically, reminds me of the astrological Plutonian energy, of change and transformation. That aside, something would happen, and they would have to soul search quite a bit, but that is when their true potential is unleashed. Once they can understand and acknowledge their Heart, they will be extremely powerful. Their development will be tough, but in the end, it will all be worthwhile.
In-game, the Page class and Heart aspect do have something in common. Pages need to develop, to grow into themselves, and Heart is the aspect of the self. This combination can be rather hard-hitting, or more of a challenge to develop, but a worthwhile title. They do mix in terms of what a Page needs to do, and Heart embodying what they need to become. Before their development, however, as Mind (the aspect they are possibly more connected to), seems more the opposite. As Mind is the aspect of facades, the collective, the outer self, a Page of Heart aspiring to be a Mind player could face many challenges. If Pages rely on others entirely for their development, which Mind would imply, it may never reach their full potential.
After going god tier, a Page of Heart would likely already have grown into themself- or, if not, will upon their god tiering. They could, perhaps, unconsciously weaponize their previous misunderstanding of themself to create a sort of shadow clone of themself or another to fight alongside them. They would definitely be able to use their emotions to empower others’ fighting, and could perhaps use or make a weapon that amplifies its power depending on how strong its user is feeling (apathy would count too). They could be more able to manifest it from their literal soul. Along those lines, the strength of their powers could also be partially dependent (in a detrimental way at first, but one that slowly becomes beneficial) on the strength of the Page’s, or others’ emotions.In less of a power way, they are likely very empathetic, and even a bit overly sensitive. They can be quite charismatic, and may make a good co-leader of a team, being the emotional support (perhaps a Heart-Mind or Heart-Blood team would be effective), once they grow into their role. They likely wouldn’t be good at leading alone.
This Page will have a large effect on a session after their development. As they have to literally grow into the aspect of self, while perhaps the most slow growing, a Page of Heart can be a wonderful leader and fighter once they understand themself and what they can do.
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mxgeclasspecting · 7 years
Do you think you could do Bard of Void, please? Thank you!
Bards are the passive destructive class, who invite destruction of or through their aspect. This could translate into destroying without meaning to, or doing so indirectly through another. Their destruction is not always direct, but can be just as devastating as a Prince’s destruction. They often, if not always, ghost their opposite aspect until a crisis of some sort pushes them into accepting their own. Bards are the passive counterpart to Princes and the inversion of Maids.
Void is the aspect of lack, isolation, irrelevance, obscurity, ignorance, and the infinite. It is implied to obscure vision, through Calliope’s view of Roxy, a Rogue of Void, blacking out at times, and the former’s protest only when the latter brought a Light player, saying said Light player would attract attention. It is also the opposite aspect of Light, hence the last implication of Void’s ability to obscure. All known players of Void were Derse dreamers, though it is unknown whether Void as an aspect is connected to one dream moon over the other.
Like Maids, the development of a Bard often begins with them rejecting their aspect, if not also their class. This does not have to result in complete inversion, though that is possible depending on the Bard in question. They may find themself connecting more to their opposite aspect, Light. If so, they could perform their “role” as a Maid of Light well, though it is not their true role and often unhealthy for them to do. At first, they may be a bit of a know-it-all, though not an aggressive (or annoying) one. Passive destruction of ignorance can result in small nudges of information when one is misinformed. They could find themself striving to be in the center of attention, always wanting to be relevant and informative to their peers.
The crisis that pushes them into Void could be any number of things, but it will certainly be destructive. As an aspect, Void encompasses much. It could envelop them until they become barely existent, a figure of misinformation and shadow able to impact without even a trace of their own existence. Or, alternatively, they could become plagued with delusions stemming from their own misinformation, which could cause them to isolate themself and become self-destructive. However, once they overcome this crisis, they have the potential to become an immensely powerful, destructive force.
In-game, depending on if it is pre or post-crisis, their class and aspect could line up. Destructive classes could align with the lack which is a part of Void, or the concept of black holes- a destructive, enveloping force that (presumably) destroys whatever it sucks in. However, the more passive nature of Void as opposed to, say, Time or Rage, would align more easily with the similarly passive quality of Bards. With Light, the fixed, usually undeniable and exact nature is more of a counter to the destruction classes, especially Bards. 
After going god tier, the Bard of Void could be extremely powerful. They could destroy without even meaning to- and the infinite, misinformation, and obscurity would be their weapon. Either that, or information would be their weapon. It more so depends on whether they are inviting the destruction of Void or inviting destruction through Void. For the former, they could weaponize chance, facts. and relevance to destroy their opposites- the unclear, misinformation, and irrelevance. For the latter, simply switch the two sets around. Either way, this Bard will be very powerful- imagine just enveloping objects around you as you pass, destroying their existence with nonexistence without knowing! 
Like many players, this Bard could be quite the wildcard. They’re powerful, yes, but can be unpredictable without sufficient self-control or another to keep them under control. Overall, though, they have a large impact on a session, and an impressive power set to boot.
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mxgeclasspecting · 7 years
A bit early, I know, but I’ll be closing requests while I work on what’s already in the inbox. The two sessions will probably be the last things answered before I open them back up again.
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mxgeclasspecting · 7 years
This blog looked very interesting, so I would like to request an analysis for a Maid of Light! 🙂
Maids are the active creation class, who serve their aspect, but can create it in unnatural ways. Whereas a Sylph would create what would be created naturally, a Maid can force the creation of their aspect to act contrary to its nature. They often have to ‘grow into’ their aspect, in a sense, learning to control and create it, instead of being controlled by it. Their creations can extend to the reaches of their aspect, but are rarely the “natural” application of it. Maids are the active counterpart of Sylphs and the inversion of Bards.
Light is the aspect of literal light, relevance, information, meaning, luck, and truth. Like all aspects, Light is multifaceted, and the canon players have all utilized different parts. It is also implied to attract attention, as shown through Calliope’s protest to Roxy (a Void player) bringing Rose (a Light player). It is the opposite aspect to Void. Both Troll players of Light were Prospit dreamers, but Rose, the human Light player, was a Derse dreamer. It is unknown whether Light as an aspect is connected to one dream moon over the other.
Should a Maid of Light need to grow into their aspect, they may find themself connecting more to Void, or their subrole, Bard of Void. While this does not necessarily mean complete inversion, depending on the Maid, that is a possibility. Similar to a Page of Light, this Maid may have difficulty handling any particular facet of Light, or all of them. They may rely on others to tell them what is important, what is the truth, or similar concepts. Like the subject of inversion, it would depend on the Maid.
If the Maid is more developed, then they may have already begun to depend on themself for the meaning of Light. In the beginnings of creating Light, they could become an established manipulator, given that they create information. Creating light is more simple, but useful in counter of, say, an enemy attempting to hide, as they could just create the light needed to find them. In a fight, while they could play more of a support role, they could create relevance for a benign object, directing an enemy or army’s attention among themselves or towards something other than their group.
In-game, whether or not their class and aspect align would depend more on what facet of Light the Maid was focusing on. A Maid utilizing their power to create information, as mentioned, could make them a skilled manipulator. As their creations don’t need to be what comes naturally to their aspect, unlike a Sylph, they could create false information and trick others into believing it as fact. Of course, this would very given their specialization or lack of, to be more applicable to each.
After going god tier, the Maid of Light could be a beacon of all that Light encompasses- though they have the potential to be quite malevolent in their powers. Creation of information could become deceit, which even so can be harnessed for good within a team. Truth and fact could end in the same result, if only with a slight difference in means. While they are not as adept in seeing the consequences of this action as a Blood player would be, they could spark revolution in the Dersites by creating false information about the Black King/Queen, then making it truth. They could be self-sacrificing by creating attention and relevance for themself, taking hits while a teammate does damage, functioning similarly to the concept of an rpg’s tank.
As a player, there are a lot of areas that this Maid could focus on, and many people they could become. A useful player, capable of both good and evil after their development.
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mxgeclasspecting · 7 years
may I request an analysis on the Seer of Hope?
Seers are the passive comprehension class, who are given knowledge of their aspect, often through ‘another’ power. The knowledge of their aspect is a ‘standard’ understanding, though it is often easier to apply to others because of that fact. Where a Mage makes the breakthrough and documents it, the Seer is both teacher and student, using the second-hand knowledge. They can see the path of their aspect, but not the end result. Seers are the passive counterpart to Mages and the inversion of Witches.
Hope is the aspect of literal hope, belief, trust, and acceptance. It is the unstoppable force, using one’s own beliefs to blindly lead them forward. Hope is the opposite aspect of Rage. Both troll players of Hope were Derse dreamers, but Jake, the human Hope player, was a Prospit dreamer. It is unknown whether Hope as an aspect is connected to one dream moon over the other.
As a Seer of Hope, they would gain the knowledge of belief and faith through a power other than themself. They may be able to see the most optimistic path, or the path that they believe will happen. With their understanding of Hope, they could lead others on their own belief. If they understand others’ hope, rather than just the concept of Hope in general, they could be wonderful for morale! Even in a “dead” session, they could lead their team to the most optimistic outcome- likely, one with the highest chances of success.
However, in this situation, the Seer would have to be aware of their surroundings. Even though they understand Hope, guiding people to an ending that could hardly exist would be dangerous. Hope is an unstoppable force, as those who are knowledgeable can be, but blind faith won’t get you everywhere. This Seer could be a good co-leader, especially with someone of a more earthy aspect (such as Blood).
In-game, this Seer could face a disconnect between class and aspect. Like Space, Hope is an aspect of action, of never giving up despite the odds (though Space is more inclined simply towards action). Pairing that up with a comprehension class, especially a Seer due to their often passive nature, may cause some contradictions. However, once this Seer learns to balance the two out, they could become a mature, open-minded player.
After going god tier, the Seer would have the knowledge of Hope thrust on them. They could tell what drives any given person, what they believe, what they may say “yes” to. They would be able to see the “best” path, the one resulting in the most harmony and trust, or the most optimistic one, without fail. Even without being able to see the ending, they would have the knowledge to trust their sight. They would make an even better leader after going god tier, what with their knowledge of belief and probable ability to get a group going by understanding Hope.
This combination may seem underwhelming to some, but it’s actually very powerful! Chin up, Seer- there’s a long road ahead, and you’ll get through it just fine.
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