mvriia-blog · 7 years
lowkey thinking of moving to a multi ???
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
have you ever regretted creating that newborn army
send me “have you evers” and I can only reply with “yes” or “no”
‘ — no.’ 
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
send me “have you evers” and I can only reply with “yes” or “no”
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
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‘ i can see the appeal,  autumn certainly has it’s charms. ‘
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‘i have always been the AUTUMNAL type of gall. i even go as far as to say i’m that BASIC gal that spices her food and drinks with pumpkin spice. ’ in a way, she wasn’t ashamed at all. 
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
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she regards the other CAREFULLY, a hint of curiosity glinting in her gaze. ‘ mmm -- perhaps. what is it you need ? ‘ 
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‘ i.. i’m sorry. PLEASE say you can help. ’ earlier events provoked anxiety within herself. as a human, she could be the next on their list. she migh not matter, but she still wished to have a fighting chance.
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
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                              “ i am fairly certain it has something to do with people being able to be greedy in asking for gifts without the guilt , ”  he stated quietly , shrugging. in his opinion , humans had a habit of being greedy or selfish all of the time , but when a holiday is dedicated to receiving gifts , he assumed they could be as greedy as they wanted while feeling entitled to it at the same time. he of course had never experienced christmas when he was human , as it was a couple millennia after his time ; he couldn’t remember exactly when it started either , but it seemed to be a very popular holiday after only a short amount of time. he picked up a random ornament , studying it blankly. “ at least it seems to be very good for the economy. ”
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‘ MOST THINGS humans do these days seem to be influenced by greed.’   the word is practically  spat out of her mouth in disgust.   it had been a long time since she considered herself part of their company,   her own mortal life only a faint blimp on her memory.   the corners of her scarlet coated lips turn upwards   into   a   smirk, 'i’m surprised they’ve lasted this long without tearing each other apart.’
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
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there is a trigger in his brain labeled properly for discomfort.     the switch is not manual     —    many of them aren’t.      they are set off by an imaginary heart beat,     something that should be there,    but isn’t.     jasper allows it to creep from the pits of his mind out toward the lovely woman he has done so well to avoid.      as soon as it vents out,      he retracts     &     instead replaces it with contentment.       ‘ they’re celebratin’ god.     or,     that’s what they tell themselves,     anyway.     were you not a good catholic,    maria ? ‘
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‘ ONCE UPON A TIME perhaps, but if there’s a god i doubt he thinks very highly of me now. ‘ the very idea amuses her ; there was no redemption for the devil. she's always done what she had to for her coven’s survival even if the price of her choices was her soul. her attention flickers away from the trinkets && towards her former soldier. ‘ it’s good to see you again, jasper. ‘ the familiar name falls off her tongue with ease yet his earlier discomfort wasn’t lost on her. ‘you don’t have to pretend to feel the same. i know our last encounters were .. less than pleasant.’
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
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molten golden hues glanced over the feminine features. recognition was immediate, making her words even more annoyed. ‘ it isn’t a pleasure. ’ alice did not care for the raven haired female, it was more the effect she would have on her mate that worried her. ‘ what is it you do here?? cared for some torture ?? ’
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‘ IS THAT ANY WAY to talk to your ally ? we’re on the same side darling.’ her eyes widen slightly, ,a playful facade ; purposely dancing around the unspoken topic. ‘ && you should be GRATEFUL, --- if there’s one game i’m good at winning it’s war.’
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
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she’s our savior
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
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A PALE NOSE    scrunched up slightly     at the plethora of smells that invaded her lungs.  she wasn’t sure why she was here, among the overly cheerful and flushed faced humans that scurried about the place like mice. for a moment it almost invoked a sense of LONGING, a brief flash of a life long ago, but it faded just as quickly as it arrived. her hand drifted over the miscellaneous items in front of her, momentarily pausing over an ornate locket before it dropped back down to her side. ‘i never understood the fuss over this silly holiday,’ her words directed towards the person browsing beside her, ‘you can give people things that they don’t really need nor want any day of the year. why is this one so special?’
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
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‘ clever as the DEVIL && twice as pretty. ‘
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
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…he took everything from me.
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
@veinedbeliever liked for a starter !
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RUBY PAINTED LIPS pull back cautiously ; half smirk, half devilish smile. ‘SO, you must be alice.’ there is a spark of recognition at the name, a brief flash of curiosity.  ‘i’d introduce myself, but if what i’ve heard about you is true, you’ve probably already seen me coming.’
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
i’m back from my hiatus! i’ll jump on tonight to do drafts but bc there are so many new people since i’ve been gone i’m also going to make this a starter call. so if you want one reply to this who you want one from and if you have more than one character, who you want it for. (i have maria, leah clearwater, and emmett cullen)
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
i already messaged the main but i’m gonna leave this here too. some personal/family stuff came up unexpectedly and now i'll be out of town until the 24th + be on hiatus. i can try doing some drafts between now and then on my phone but i don’t know how much attention i’ll be able to spare. (this goes for maria, leah clearwater, and emmett cullen!)
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