abhrath-blog · 7 years
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‘ i KNOW we aren’t supposed t’ shop local. . . ’ the immortal whispers her coded message to keen ears. scarlet eyes scan the ( crowded ) streets of ambling townspeople from afar. ‘ but they do look appetizing, don’ they ? ’
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mvriia-blog · 7 years
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A PALE NOSE    scrunched up slightly     at the plethora of smells that invaded her lungs.  she wasn’t sure why she was here, among the overly cheerful and flushed faced humans that scurried about the place like mice. for a moment it almost invoked a sense of LONGING, a brief flash of a life long ago, but it faded just as quickly as it arrived. her hand drifted over the miscellaneous items in front of her, momentarily pausing over an ornate locket before it dropped back down to her side. ‘i never understood the fuss over this silly holiday,’ her words directed towards the person browsing beside her, ‘you can give people things that they don’t really need nor want any day of the year. why is this one so special?’
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tranqvilo-blog · 7 years
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her crucifix is displayed for all to see, graphic and gilded on her pale olive chest. it is small, and d e l i c a t e, and far older than the country whose soil her feet are planted on now. instinctual prey pass, their empty heads swiveling toward her, watching her booth, watching her every move. the denali clan hardly EVER made such a obvious appearance in town, and were rarely invited to community activities such as this. that being said, she could never miss a mercado de navidad so nearby. a grin bubbles to her lips at the sight of a familiar face. ‘ buen día, dear ! ’ silver-adorned fingers motion them forward to her booth.
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