Currently in the mids of Writing a Shantae x Risky AU. Ask away
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Just baught these 2. Wish me luck
Cuz after I'm done building them. I'm gonna kit bash these together

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Shantae's pirate robes is gonna be like this only with shorter sleeves and a diffrent colour
With a face scarf like this
That'll make people know who Tyger hood is

So I'm wrinting a Shantae x Risky AU. And eventually Shantae needs to help Risky with some rival pirates and help to keep Risky's notoriety up, and with their relationship in secret Shantae needs to wear a disguise.
With her hair and face hidden she has to rely on her secret ½ tiger from to fight. Her starring equipment is a Zuki ( a 2 meter long ninja cloth) and a belt that prevents her from having a heat stroke. She'll get more equipment later.
And this might be part of something bigger
And yes it's suppose to look like an assassin's creed hood mixed with Aiden Pearce jacket. I'm terrible with proportions.
#The princess and the pirate#Shantae AU#Stiky note sketch#Concept art#My art#My post#Pirate gear#gw2l#Tyger hood#A pirate's notoriety arc#art update
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Reptile skull island

As sketch of an original island for my AU
This island has basically the climate of Florida and is mainly dominated by crocodiles and alligators. This island might be important later
#my post#my art#shantae au#the princess and the pirate#concept art#stiky note sketch#location#tAoSaR
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Giving Risky a new ship
A little background. In my AU after Pirates curse and in Genie with 2 lifes Shantae gets her own vessel, the ship from PC modified solely for fast and long travel and not to be reccognised as one of Risky's vessels. And I wanted to give Risky a ship that's more made for navel battle.

Meet Risky's sloop'o'war the Kali's wrath. 5 cannons on each side, 4 frontal cannons, a mortar, massive smoke engine and icebreaker ram. With a new and improved engine making out sailing this one impossible.

Close up and more detailed drawing of the ra/ice breaker.
This ship also has an new captains cabin interioir because the one shown in ½Genie hero doesn't make much sence to me. I mean just look at it,

So I sketched a new designe inspired by AC rogue. Making it more livable.

With a bed large enough for 2 and enough room for someone to dance.
#my post#shantae au#my art#concept art#stiky note sketch#gw2l#Risky's ship#location#the princess and the pirate
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Massive lore/plot info dump
The reason why I'm doing this is if I don't put this out I feel like the [REDACTED] in my head will get me
Just a bit of background
I like yuri and Shantae x Risky has high potential for great stories. And I've been sitting with this story for a while. I've red stories of this ship on AO3 all great but there was just something missing to me, the 3 examples stories on AO3 are (spoilers for these 3).
My precious treasure by CEproductions [finished]: the idea that Shantae and Risky have a secret relationship behind everyones back and the danger of being found out is thrilling. But it's short.
Rogue tides by MalkavianCake [finished]: the idea that both Shantae and Risky need each other for adventure and Shantae joining Risky's crew and maybe have a child together. It's also kinda short and doesn't have any fallow up.
Daughter of the morning by Hardman5509: Shantae carrying Risky's child and Shantae realising that she acctually has fallen for Risky is wonderful and all. But the artist hasn't [as of writing this post] not updated it since 2017, that kinda makes be pissed
And my mind having ADHD + autism and making up stories as it does. It started very small but than it spiraled into something that I just couldn't keep in my head anymore. So what's this long term AU about?
The full serues will be called "The princess and the pirate"
The first thing is that I wanted this AU to span over a long period of time and games [tho I have the tendence to switch from game to game and story to not get bored] and I know ½ Genie Hero is suppose to be a soft reboot but it has a lot of potential if it took place in the same time-line. Also I want to write Shantae having multiple "phases" in her relationship with Risky.
And now for a little synopsis. Shantae 1-3 (even tho 2 hasn't come out yet) I will not write that, maybe in the far of future I will write it as a doomed prequal like the Star wars epsidodes. But the important part is at the end of Revenge Shantae discovers something about herself.
6 months later, ½ way through Pirates Curse Shantae and Risky WILL do the dirty deed (R18+). And at the end of it Shantae and Risky decide to keep their relationship a secret from everyone.
Now after that Shantae and Risky will go on adventures behinds Shantae's friends back, the Genie With 2 Lifes (GW2L) volume. This wil have 13 arcs spread over 1 year. And it includes as Shantae visiting Risky's new island, going on a few raids with her, finding genie artifacts and of course the Valentine special and more. Shantae will also gain the new transformations seen in ½ Genie Hero and a original one. I want to write a reason how and why Shantae has those in the ½ Genie Hero game.
Now ½ Genie Hero (½gh). It will start near the couples anniversary but thanks to [REDACTED for spoilers] it's get interupted and their relationship goes public with all the effects that fallow. It will also have some changes, including 2 defectors, 1 "level" removed and replaced with 2-3 new locations, a new/original transformation, a little glimps about Risky's past and don't worry, Shantae will get her well deserved anniversary gift.
Now I didn't want for 7 Sirens to take immidiatley after ½ Genie hero. I wan to give the 2 some breathing room about that they don't need to hide anymore. This shorter volume the 2 will meet a silver haired hunter and give Shantae another original transformation. More pirate gear and [REDACTED]
7 Sirens is a bit of a road block for me both because I haven't played it in a long time nor finished it but I want to make sure that this adventure is just the coupme having a realy weird first vacation
Now there is a gap because I don't know if Wayforward is gonna make another/more Shantae game(s) in the future so I'll skip it for now and go the Future parts of my AU [again I tend to jump form arc to arc to not get bored]
Shantae Future: and of course I want Shantae and Risky to get married, but let's just say that the honeymoon got an unexpected extension and after that the couple will have to deal with a bun in the oven.
I even have some drafts of the next Generation. Including Shantae's ½ genie daughter and her friends going on their own adventures. Like at the age of 10 she sneaks out of the house to find a genie artifact or at the age of 13 going to my version of Africa
#my post#shantae au#info dump#lore dump#the princess and the pirate#shantae x risky#Pirates curse#gw2l#Genie with 2 lifes#½gh#½ Genie Hero#The adventures of Shantae and Risky#TaoSaR#7 sirens#Shantae Future#Shantae next generation
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Another update for Neo Risky Island. Making screenshots and trying to keep Edward out if it is hard. But some locations for Risky's island.

Top left is the shanti town for the tinkerbrats. Top right is the part of the cave system leading to Risky's mansion. And bottom is the Genie fountain with a tiger head, and a rejuvenation bath. Below are screenshots. (Should've turn off all the huds)

More locations

Top left: the ruins on the far back of the island, that'll take you ¾ of a day to get from the town to there on foot. Bottom middle: a lone spire island that on one end looks over a waterfall and on the other part you'll get a look at the bay. The top right: a hut in the jungle for the jungle brats. And the drawing under it: training ground for the military brats. (I wanna write that if the Tinkerbrats live long enough they develope sertain skills)

sketch of Neo Risky island
In my AU Risky has found a new island between Revenge and Pirate curse. It's not on exact scale but it's something to keep in mind. The island is hard to find if you don't know where to look but it's close to Sequin lands for Shantae to take her own boat there and be there within ¼ of a day. The numbers are locations on the island itself.
Is Risky's new shipyard. It's a hollowed out cave where Risky docks her ship when she's not using it. It will also have a giant gate to keep out seasonal storms.
A beautiful beach
A castle that used to be haunted, but after Shantae pays a visit it will be Risky's new base, fortress and pirate castle
There's a magic cave, I wonder what's inside there?
is the cave from the win screen in ½ Genie Hero. One of Risky and Shantae's love spots on the island
A makeshift village made durring the time Risky couldn't enter the castle
The rest is a jungle and somehow has strong teak trees
#gw2l#shantae au#concept art#Location#Info#the princess and the pirate#art update#my art#my post#sticky note sketch#Neo Risky Island#ac: black flag
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Prison isle

Once one of the most famed prisons known in all the lands now deserted and empty. No one knows how or why. But one thing was certain, the day that the new warden came to take over after the previous one and a prisoner disapeared, all went down hill.

Some locations going in a Z order
The wardens office: with on the left wall a painting/photo of the warden her guards and inmates before the new one. Never got removed. And on the right a safe, wonder what could be inside that. (Drawing in depth is so hard with a pen)
Prison cell blocks: nothing too special aside that most of the stairs have rusted away.
A special cell block: Why such a thick door, why wel preserved, and why is it the closest to the wardens office and the wardens sleeping quarter?
The dome's survailance platform: used by the guards to observe the prisoners for any trouble. (Which was overrated because the prison was know for its well treatment of its inmates and rehabilitation. Think of the Norway prison)
It's semi based of Alcatraz but it has a warm Californian climate. It also has an large courtyard with enough space for the inmates to do, including guardeningand other activities.
#concept art#my post#my art#shantae au#the princess and the pirate#gw2l#stiky note sketch#location#prison isle
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Another ½ transformation for Shantae/Tyger hood
I was brainstorming for abother transformation for Shantae's pirate persona. And with her hood and equipment she got during GW2L I really wanted to give her some more assassin/ninja transformation. But I also tend to switch from arcs and volumes to avoid myself from losing intest.
And so as I was adding some stuff for ½GH pirate race (the carpet race doesn't appear in my AU), and there's a giant mountain. My brain went: Isn't there an animal that's called the ninja master of the mountains? And I immediantely went to the ibex as the prime animal for the new transformation.
But after I full had the concept in my head I went "wait this feels familiar" and then I realized I was making Haiji Gotou from Killing bites. But since I'm already too deep into the idea,

But just imagine she wears a jacket with a face mask like this

#concept art#my post#my art#the princess and the pirate#shantae au#tyger hood#stiky note sketch#transformations#½gh#Pirate race arc#Killing bites
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So I've been playing Assassins creed Black flag (and planning on Rogue) for research on Risky's pirate antics and other stuff and I realised something. The original plan and layout of Neo Risky island doesn't fit Risky's style.
So instead Neo Risky island is gonna be like Great Inagua. With some changes, like there's still a massive cave to be Risky's shipyard, the houses in GI are gonna be santi houses for the tinkerbrats and there's still a little cave that looks like the the win screen in ½GH Pirates quest.
The jungle is [REDACTED] until Shantae helps out. And thanks to that the cave system is unlocked with a special cave that will be very useful for Shantae.

sketch of Neo Risky island
In my AU Risky has found a new island between Revenge and Pirate curse. It's not on exact scale but it's something to keep in mind. The island is hard to find if you don't know where to look but it's close to Sequin lands for Shantae to take her own boat there and be there within ¼ of a day. The numbers are locations on the island itself.
Is Risky's new shipyard. It's a hollowed out cave where Risky docks her ship when she's not using it. It will also have a giant gate to keep out seasonal storms.
A beautiful beach
A castle that used to be haunted, but after Shantae pays a visit it will be Risky's new base, fortress and pirate castle
There's a magic cave, I wonder what's inside there?
is the cave from the win screen in ½ Genie Hero. One of Risky and Shantae's love spots on the island
A makeshift village made durring the time Risky couldn't enter the castle
The rest is a jungle and somehow has strong teak trees
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I'm working on a Shantae x Risky AU. And I wanted to give Shantae some original transformations. And knowing that it's been teased twice that a tiger form was being made but never got out, I said : Fine, I'll do it myself.

The original part about this is that it's a ½ transformation. The upper arm is suppose to be the size of an avarage watermalon. And this form as the perks of the tiger itself like the killing tiger punch, the stealthy paw pads. And the "tiger" head is more anthro than shown but I wanted to give Shantae the imitading and glare reducing pattern that similar felidae have.
#concept art#my post#my art#gw2l#shantae au#the princess and the pirate#stiky note sketch#tyger hood#Transformations
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About the saber toothed beast

It's suppose to look like this ^ with a lions mane. I drew this once durring my study. And the saber teeth like this ↓
Shantae will need more than her ½ tiger form to beat this beast. Maybe she'll need a form that's the true king of the mountains

Icle peak island
An island with mountains so high you can touch the clouds. I crudly drew some trees on it. On the top of the mountain there's a cave that houses an item as proof that you've reached the top and are officially on the ½ way point of the race.
There are some crudly drawn trees who might come up later.
I felt ½ Genie hero was missing a snow level and I needed a new location with the carpet race not being a thing in my AU.
If you turn the screen 135° clock wise you'll see a location inside the cave with ice stalactites hanging over a deep pit. But if you want the item you'll need to get it away from the beast that lives as the apex on this island.
Please ignore the weak excuse for saber toothed beast that was redrawn from memory. I'll post more info about that later.
#concept art#my post#my art#shantae au#the princess and the pirate#½gh#Pirate race arc#enemies/bosses#Art update
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Icle peak island
An island with mountains so high you can touch the clouds. I crudly drew some trees on it. On the top of the mountain there's a cave that houses an item as proof that you've reached the top and are officially on the ½ way point of the race.
There are some crudly drawn trees who might come up later.
I felt ½ Genie hero was missing a snow level and I needed a new location with the carpet race not being a thing in my AU.
If you turn the screen 135° clock wise you'll see a location inside the cave with ice stalactites hanging over a deep pit. But if you want the item you'll need to get it away from the beast that lives as the apex on this island.
Please ignore the weak excuse for saber toothed beast that was redrawn from memory. I'll post more info about that later.
#concept art#my post#my art#shantae au#the princess and the pirate#stiky note sketch#location#½gh#Pirate race arc
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A jetski mady by Twitch and Vinegar. Under their new boss banner
Might be important in ½GH. I wanted to give the 2 a water vehicle that they could make until Risky's budget gets an expantion for more stuff to help their new boss
#concept art#my post#my art#shantae au#the princess and the pirate#stiky note sketch#Item#Twitch and Vinegar#½GH
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New type of scarecrow of the fields
Could name them Dusk, but they are more like elder/veteran types. I'm not gonna colour it in but the hat and the "hay" are red, the shirt and eyes orange and the glove green in one hand, and the other has a pumpkin that spits explosive fire. And there's vegitation growing out of it's sacked body showing it's older, wiser and tougher but also slower.
I wanted to make an semi-unique enemy for one of the arcs
#concept art#my post#my art#gw2l#shantae au#the princess and the pirate#stiky note sketch#enemies/bosses#Pumpkin king arc
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Some locations in Rhythm temple
The front is a hallway with in-wall sarcophagus that will release human sized stone rhythm guardians for Shantae and Risky to fight (on the beat of course)
Turn it 90° clock wise and you'll see a classic dropping pillar trap over a bottomless pit that hits on the rhythm
Now turn it 180° any wise and you'll get a crude sketch of a wall that makes platforms appear on the beat of the rhythm.
#concept art#stiky note sketch#shantae au#my post#my art#gw2l#location#the princess and the pirate#Rhythm temple
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Bottom half: The water abyss hole. It's surrounded by water yet very little water gets in somehow.
Flip it over
The bottom of the water of the Water abyss hole. With the aqua marine Sapphire glowing deep in the darkness. It's surrounded by a layer of water.
It's adviced to be as quiet as possible in the hole because causing any sound louder than a whisper can cause something to happen
#concept art#my post#my art#gw2l#shantae au#the princess and the pirate#location#sticky note sketch#Sapphire arc
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Some bosses from my AU
Top left is the Rhythm Rock Golem, from the Rhythm temple
Top right is the wing of Moth Boss, boss of the bat temple
Bottom left the Rat king, residing in prison isle
Bottom right to center the Pumpkin king. I wanted to 1. Make a halloween arc and 2. Give a reason why we don't see scarecows in ½GH and beyond (aside from the fact that we don't visit the fields)
#concept art#shantae au#gw2l#my post#my art#the princess and the pirate#stiky note sketch#Enemies/Bosses#Pumpkin king arc#Rhythm temple#Mushroom island#Prison isle
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