I’m new to the whole pick people up in bars things, Spencer had mentioned which is a sudden relief on his end. Alcohol had been his liquor of courage until it wore it around midnight. And in the morning, Ianto felt that familiar feeling of awkwardness along with its friendly neighbour: embarrassment. However, he felt like he managed it well with his typical composure and a good cup of coffee to calm the nerves. “Guess that makes me feel a little better.” Ianto said before taking a big gulp of his coffee.
Ianto glanced a little, his cheeks burned, and his heart didn’t want to settle. “Oh.” The Welshman murmurs quietly, eyes darting back to his cup; pretending to inspect it in favour of not staring like an idiot. “Sure, I should get dressed too - can’t go out in my undies or this silly ol’ t shirt.”
Once Spencer had left ( with the sheet ), Ianto finished his coffee in a rush before going around tidying stuff up. He hates to think that his untidy flat could give a bad impression: “There.” Bed was tidy; it was just simply lacking the sheet, but that was fine. Then he used whatever time he had to tidy himself up.
Ianto shoves on some jeans, the tighter kind ( recommended by a certain other Jones that commented on his tush. ) and then pulls the t shirt over his head, added some deodorant: “god that’s cold.” to himself so he could at least smell decent and then he grabs whatever shirt he can find, puts it on and then grabs his jacket to complete the look.
preoccupied with the idea of taking a shower , spencer missed how ianto’s eyes were tempted to linger before they purposefully stared into his own cup of coffee. he grabbed his clothes before heading into the bathroom , knowing that they were going to be crinkled to all hell , and so he’s glad that he won’t have to see any of his teammates until after he’s gone back to america.
( not that they’d expect this from him , considering they , in some ways , still think of him as a little kid , but if they could see him in a wrinkled suit , they’d definitely be able to figure out what happened. ).
hearing the normal clatter that comes from someone cleaning up , spencer takes a bit longer in the shower than he normally would , trying to not read ianto’s behaviour from his chosen toilettes. after his shower , he wears his suit ( having gone straight to the bar from lecturing ... ) and winces as he takes in his fluffier than normal hair after towel drying it. he runs his hands through it , trying to calm it down , but it just fell flat in certain places and kept the poof in others.
exiting from the bathroom , he smiles when he sees ianto fully dressed and seemingly ready to go. ‘ do you have any recommendations ? i’ve only been here a few times , and i’ve mostly just eaten out of my hotel. ’
#cwpanaid#⤷ spencer r.【 ❝ i’ve never known a normal day in my entire life. ❞ 】threads.#screaming bc finally my laptop let me edit this
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❛ should a white object suddenly appear within the dark void… that’d be MYSTERIOUS, wouldn’t it ? ❜ — 快斗 / キッド · MAGIC KAITO · DETECTIVE CONAN · BY AOYAMA GOSHO .
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saguru inclines his head at the comment, acknowledging the truth in it. its a skill and an art, knowing the correct angles to hit the ball doesn’t mean one can properly hit the balls and get the desired result. it was something he’d picked up easily at a young age, but he’s seen more than enough people struggle to know he is - as he is in many things - an exception rather than a rule. “perhaps an online league would be ideal for you. that becomes entirely a matter of math and proper manipulation of a mouse, i’ve been told.”
‘ probably. though , i play more of online poker with bots , ’ kaito admits. playing online pool would probably be too easy for him very quickly , and he’d get bored of it fast. at least he can usually get one ball in naturally now without having to manipulate the board or the balls with wires. he wonders if he could pretend to be hustling hakuba this entire time , but ... no , the other would figure it out sooner rather than later. ‘ but i bet i’d kick your ass at darts. ’
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@multiversal asked: "it's okay, kaito." aoko doesn't unwrap her arms from around him. so long as they're hugging, he can't see the worry on her face. she can't put a day and time on when she knew, but there was only so long she could live in denial knowing the lengths the people she loved were going to when she couldn't do anything to help. "it's... it's okay. i just want you to be careful."
there’s a part of him that had hoped that aoko was never going to learn the truth , just as there had been a part of him that knew that he couldn’t keep it hidden from her for long. he’d know that it would ... hurt , because kaito’s been lying to her , because she’d have to choose between turning kaito in and lying to her dad , and he wanted to spare her from that pain for as long as possible , knowing that delaying it would only make it worse.
he had closed his eyes and just taken it when she was hitting him because he knew he deserved it , but it’s because of the fact that he closed his eyes that it surprised him to hear the clatter of the mop and the feeling of her arms around him. automatically , unconsciously , he ducked his head into her shoulder , the scent of strawberry and vanilla strong in his nose. he clings back , arms circling around her waist as he sighs.
‘ i try , ’ kaito says , and it is the truth. kevlar lining his suits , making sure that he wears a vest when he knows snake and his men are going to show up , even if it still fit awkwardly on him ( made for his dad rather than him ). ‘ i’m sorry , aoko. ’
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“i’m almost surprised you can’t feel it, considering your observation skills.” he muses absently, chasing the tattered connection with an internal desperation that translates only to a deepening of his intense expression. “the ship is alive. there’s a connection between me and it, though the exact means to restablish the bond isn’t-” he cuts himself off. an admission of weakness was not what he wanted to make so openly.
saguru shakes his head minutely, turning to face his - friend? rival? (classmate is too distant at this point and part of him hates that) - and considering the room around them. “i would also like to return us to japan as soon as possible, in case you doubted that.”
kaito frowns , but it’s not at the directed insult. now that hakuba’s mentioned it ... he can sense an awareness , just poking slightly into his mind. he doesn’t hear the rest of hakuba’s words ( although , a part of him notes it , and hakuba’s body language , for later musing ), focusing solely on the presence that he can feel in his mind. and , the moment he does --
a rush of knowledge and images rush into his head , and kaito’s almost dizzy with it. he unconsciously reaches out to grab the bottom of his seat with one hand as the other reaches for his head. ‘ whoa , ’ he says unconsciously , blinking , and the presence starts to reside. he blinks rapidly , glancing up as he relaxes his hands , to look straight at hakuba. ‘ um , i think your ship just taught me how to fly her ? ’
#multiversal#⤷ kaito k.【 ❝ never forget your pokerface. ❞ 】threads.#kai vc: haha your ship likes me better
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“kuroba, when you’ve suddenly learned that you aren’t actually human, you can begin to judge me.” his composure is more fragile than saguru has ever been comfortable with it being, but there’s too much that he’s clearly become unaccustomed to in his senses that he needs to adjust to. kuroba was, however loathe he was to admit it, both the best and worst person to be stuck in this situation with. his classmate is a quick thinker and crafty, unfailingly calm even in the most chaotic of situations.
he moves around the console, willing himself to connect with the ship. he can feel it on the edge of his mind but whatever link there’s meant to be between him and it is tenuous at best, frayed with disuse and something else that escapes saguru’s definition at the moment.
kaito’s eyebrows furrow as he watches hakuba pace around the console. he’s been doing it for a while , but there’s an air of concentration around him that’s noticeably different. he sits up a little from where he had been slouching against a chair , grabbing the five balls he had been absent-mindedly juggling and hiding them back in their original places.
‘ what are you trying to do ? ’ kaito asks. ‘ maybe if you think out loud , it’ll work a bit better ? jog your memory ? or by talking back and forth , i could say something that might trigger something ? ’
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“all of time and space. everything that ever happened or ever will-” a long pause “and we’re stuck orbiting pluto.”
‘ isn’t this your ship ? shouldn’t you know how to drive this thing ? ’ kaito asks. if someone had told him about a week ago that hakuba would turn to be some sort of alien that could travel in time and space and his grandfather clock was a spaceship , he would have laughed in their face. ( he also laughed in koizumi’s face when she said she was a witch , which was a bad thing , so maybe he needs to stop expecting his classmates to be normal ).
he knows hakuba’s been having some trouble with the transition from human to alien , knows that he has absolutely no idea what he was doing , and maybe it was in part kaito’s fault for following hakuba , but he just really wanted to be back in japan.
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ANDREW GARFIELD as Peter Parker THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (2012) dir. Marc Webb
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@tanteichi asked: accidental mistletoe for shinichi and hakuba because i just think its hilarious.
there’s a voice ( probably kuroba throwing and disguising his voice ) out from the crowd , pointing out that he and kudō-kun were underneath the mistletoe , and that caused everyone in the party to turn around and look at the two of them as saguru glances up to see -- well , yes , there was cleverly disguised mistletoe there.
he glances at kudō-kun , gives a little bit of a mental shrug , and then leans in to peck him briefly on the corner of his mouth. ( he’s not quite forward enough to just kiss the other on the lips , even for a quick mistletoe peck , without asking first ). ‘ merry christmas , ’ saguru intones dryly as the whistles and catcalls are being thrown in their direction from the other party goers.
#tanteichi#⤷ saguru h.【 ❝ that’s more than enough to arouse my intellectual interest. ❞ 】threads.#LAJDFJALSKFJASKJF#he has no fucks given
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send me ‘ mistletoe ’ for my muse’s response to being underneath mistletoe with your muse. specify whether it’s accidental or on purpose.
#⤷ ooc tags.【 ❝ what are you waiting for? put away your fear. ❞ 】ask memes.#do not reblog //#maybe i'll write them#maybe i'll nap#who knows!
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♡ ULTIMATE SHIPS MEME ♡ : The First OTP [1/1] ↳ Syaoran Li & Sakura Kinomoto, Cardcaptor Sakura (1998-2000)
#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ the moon aligned magician. ❞ 】visage.#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ i will protect those dear to me. ❞ 】relations.#goldenloved
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enter your character’s name in the unsent project archive , & pick out your favourites.
another favourite ( n.sfw // w.atersports ).
#tbt.#I JUST FOUND THE ONE UNDER THE CUT SO FUNNY#and the ones on top are such a spence and mae.ve mood --
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break my muse with one message.
anonymous asked: spencer , you’re just the rambling black sheep of the team. let’s be honest -- how many of them even care about you ? they all shut you up or stop listening to the information you want to share. they make fun of you , they push you to the side. did they even notice when you were struggling quietly ? they’re not your friends. and they don’t care about you.
�� ... well , to be fair , if morgan decided to ramble on about -- oh , i don’t know -- baseball statistics , i wouldn’t find it quite interesting either , ’ spencer says , raising an eyebrow. well , that was a lie ( spencer found most information interesting and necessary -- there have been quite a number of cases where spencer’s obscure knowledge helped them solve the case ) , but ... it wasn’t as if the person’s message rattled him either.
spencer wasn’t a ten year old kid any longer and , yeah , sometimes it stung when his teammates would just walk away in the middle of him speaking rather than be an adult and tell him flat out that they weren’t interested , but ... it’s nothing he isn’t used to.
#⤷ spencer r.【 ❝ i’m trying to be more conversational. ❞ 】answered.#this was sent like five years ago I'M SO SORRY
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“ Mmm … something tells me that won’t work … ” she muses with a sigh. With how spiteful her brother can be at times, she can see him still eating things he hates with a brave face, all for the sake of getting a reaction out of her. And she falls for it every time. “ He’ll just eat it anyway and pretend he likes it. ”
‘ ... hm... ’ xiaolang crosses his arms as he furrows his eyebrows , trying to think of the best possible way to get the older kinomoto away from kinomoto’s food. ‘ maybe make something super salty or super sour ? because even if he takes it from you , at least he’d have to really try hard to keep a blank face ... ’
#cardcaptr#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】threads.#the amount of spite this one 10 year old kid has#LMAOOOO
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“ Did your sisters ever steal your food ? ” Question brought on out of curiosity, as gaze moves to look towards him. There’s an annoyed pout, reminiscing on the exact moment hours prior in the morning, where Toya stole her last remaining piece of egg. “ Onii - chan steals my food all the time. ” … @yoakkemae for xiaolang
‘ ... no , that would require them eating more than a few bites. ’ xiaolang glances at kinomoto , taking in the annoyed pout. ‘ you could always develop a taste for something he hates or can’t eat. if he hates it , he’s less likely to steal it. ’ perhaps spiteful in certain ways , and it would certainly have some repercussions , depending on what it was.
#cardcaptr#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】threads.#ask to tag.#kisses
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❝ you have a habit of knowing the right thing to say, Tsubasa. whether i want to hear it or not, you manage to say exactly the words i’m looking for. ❞ compliment serving only to preen the so called cat currently nestled in Tsubasa’s lap, a grin hidden beneath press of face to chest now that he’s twisted around to rest his cheek ‘pon it. ❝ still, sometimes being alone is good too. i know you like to be, so i’m trying not to impose too often on you. ❞
‘ i don’t know if i usually desire to be alone , ’ he muses quietly , the fond look fading as he ... remembers. almost like fai and the mage , he was trapped but -- certainly not as long as they had been. ( being alone is , perhaps , one of his greatest fears , but ... ). his hand automatically moves to part fai’s hair , to pull the lock that was covering his eye , and he smiles down at the other , but it’s a little bit sadder this time. ‘ i just ... need to find a way to get them back. ’
#fukainoumi#⤷ tsubasa l.【 ❝ i broke a forbidden taboo just to see my wish fulfilled. ❞ 】threads.#we're pretending i didn't respond to this several months later --#anyway HI IT'S SADNESS
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