#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】threads.
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@bonescribes. { reposting for beta // from here. }
he needs to pull himself together ; he can hear his mother admonishing his weakness , for getting distracted. xiaolang tries to will his flush to go down , knowing that it wasn't completely working , but at least with fai's answer , he can start to focus on something other than how pre -- stop , bad thoughts.
' what are you searching for ? ' he asks. it's unlikely that the other would want him to help , and usually xiaolang wouldn't either , but it'd be better to keep a close eye on a magician as powerful as he can feel fai is. just because he might not be the source of clow reed's magic doesn't mean that the other isn't dangerous. 跟朋友親近,但跟敵人要更親近 as 孫子老师 would say.
#bonescribes#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】interactions.#the fact that he doesn't say anything about f//ai calling him 'x//iaolang' is so funny
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it is with years of experience and exposure that keeps xiaolang's cheeks from blushing when tsukishiro-san's attention is drawn towards him. that , and his determination towards the reason he sought out tsukishiro-san's company. he nods upon the silver-haired man's question , but it's clear that what he needs is not life-threatening nor time sensitive by how calmy he walks towards tsukishiro-san. he tilts his head as he asks , ' would you like some assistance with any chores ? ' xiaolang may only have an apartment , but he's been taking care of his own space since he was young. plus , it would certainly make xiaolang feel better for what he was about to ask tsukishiro-san.
@yoakkemae(li)'s presence has been felt. Proceed.
The silver isn't entirely sure why he feels such a s t r o n g need to keep this place of residence as clean as possible, but Yukito never r e a l l y questions it. Perhaps it's the other him that hosts said d e s i r e , not that he doesn't also wish to in g e n e r a l not have his home a mess. So it's no surprise that he is on one of the walkways with a b r o o m doing a bit of sweeping with laundry already done and hanging to d r y across the yard when Yukito hears footsteps approaching. C u r i o u s eyes migrate towards the location of the sound, waiting until a head of brown locks becomes visible. A warm smile takes his face at the recognition of a familiar figure.

❛ It's not o f t e n you come to seek me out, Li-San. Is there something you n e e d from me? ❜
#miraiq#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】interactions.#wheezing#lowkey can i be an ass and place this with my post-canon verse#mainly bc what he's about to ask yukito makes more sense in a post-canon (xiaosaku are in high school yukitōya have graduated) standpoint
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@inmydrcams didn’t ask for this. { tomoyo & xiaolang. }
‘ daidōji , ’ starts xiaolang , the tilt of his head showcasing that he has a question to ask. he’s carrying one of his many books about business ( this one is written in english ) that he’s been carting around ever since their freshman year started. he seems oddly hesitant , for someone who has been mostly self-assured in himself ever since his return from hong kong three years ago. ‘ are you -- do you know what you’re planning to do ? after high school ? i know we’re still relatively young to be thinking on such matters , but i... was just curious. but , you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. ’
#inmydrcams#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】threads.#setting this in first year of high school??#if this is okay <3
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@xresistance ♡‘d a muse roulette starter call and got xiaolang !

‘ you’re... ’ xiaolang’s eyebrows furrow when he senses, more than sees, the girl walking into the hallway. his eyes trail to her arm, covered in bandages, and then to her eye. ‘ ... those are strong blessings. ’
#xresistance#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】threads.#i was thinking for chitose !#maybe he's visiting the academy as the future leader of the li clan#as a possible guest speaker about chinese magic#alskdfjalksdjfalskdjf
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' ... ' he can feel eyes staring at the lunch he made for himself , and the other's gaze was making him feel awkward. he sighs , putting his chopsticks down before he glances at the other person. ' ... did you want some ? '
#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】interactions.#yeets an open down#non s//akuras only bc you know that he'd've made extra for s//akura ALREADY
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@yoakkemae: 3. MEDIC : for one muse to show up at the other’s doorstep injured. [ xiaolang & yukito ]
it’s late , but yukito has enough homework to keep him up for awhile yet . he doesn’t mind , really – if anything , he feels like he thinks more clearly at night . there will probably be some regret in the morning , but alas , he can’t possibly put this off any longer .
head perks up when a rapid knocking stutters upon his door . he’s on his feet in an instant , dread pooling in the pit of his stomach . it could be anything , but at this late hour , he can’t help but to assume the worst – and indeed , when he throws the door open , he’s shocked to find the hunched - over frame of xiaolang before him . there’s blood – he can’t quite tell from where in the dark – but the mere sight is enough to have him placing a hand on each side of the younger and gently coaxing him indoors .
“ tell me what happened – where are you hurt ? ” the pitch of yukito’s voice is raised with concern , his brows pinched behind his glasses . “ hold on , i’ll go get the first - aid kit . ”
it had taken a long time to limp his way to tsukishiro-san’s house. it wasn’t until he had walked there that he realised he should have sent some sort of message , but with his phone broken and his magic dangerously low , it was probably best that he hadn’t thought of it until he had already arrived. feeling guilty , he had knocked on the door and leaned up against the doorframe until tsukishiro-san opened the door.
immediately , tsukishiro-san reached out to help him limp inside , and xiaolang realises he’s extremely lucky that tsukishiro-san’s hands didn’t grab the injured part of his side. ‘ i have a cut on my leg and on my right side , ’ xiaolang explains. he doesn’t quite answer tsukishiro-san’s question as to what happened , not sure if he should involved the older male with his issues. well , perhaps more than he already has.
#bonescribes#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】interactions.
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@hiircgi asked: "that's quite an outfit you have, li-kun. daidouji-san is great fashion designer, isn't she? i'm certain sakura-san would love to see you wearing it." eriol is not sorry
xiaolang’s cheeks immediately flush red at the thought of sakura seeing him in the latest outfit that daidōji made for him. ( he’s not sure when , exactly , he’s also become a guinea pig for her designs along with sakura and keroberos , but he feels like he shouldn’t say no when she offers him clothes either. and not just because making her happy is the least he could do considering ... ). a deep scowl crosses his face as he glares at his former classmate ( he tries not to think too much about how hiiragizawa is essentially a reincarnation of clow reed when the other teases him ). a grudging , ‘ she is ... ’ comes out ( and not because he disagrees , because he does agree that daidōji is a fantastic designer and seamstress both , but he can tell when hiiragizawa is making fun of him. ).
#hiircgi#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】interactions.#wheezing#xiao is just like I CAN TELL YOU'RE MAKING FUN OF ME Y'KNOW
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❝ you have been asleep for quite a long time, li-kun. it’s almost the end of the school day now. do you feel well-rested? ❞ eriol responded, his gentle smile ever so present. It was necessary to put his descendant to sleep in order to set up the new mistress of the clow card’s next challenge to overcome. he did not need any witnesses that would stand in the way, although the boy from hong kong made for interesting company.
he feels groggy , as if fighting against a fog overtaking his mind , as he slowly raises his head from where it was resting inside of his arms , rubbing his left eye. he grunts , barely understanding his classmate’s words as he attempts to force himself awake. ( there was something wrong , his instincts slowly started to scream at him. quiet at first , then growing louder the longer he was awake , slowly coming back to himself ). he mumbles , ‘ school’s almost over ... ? why didn’t anyone ... ’ ( something is WRONG. ). adrenaline shoots through him , destroying any of the fog still clouding his judgement. he only just barely stops from jumping out of his seat , instead staring at hiiragizawa with suspicion.
#hiircgi#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】interactions.#how many times is e//riol going to put this kid to sleep LALKSLAKSJDLFAKJS
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@xresistance asked: ☾ ( chise @ xiaolang )

‘ keep it up, you’ll die in pain. ’ a scathing remark borne from worry based on how hatori had been pushing herself lately, sent to the infirmary again. he crosses his arms as he stands by her bed-side, eyes taking in the magical instruments currently helping hatori.
#xresistance#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】threads.#oh god he's so mean alksdjalksjf
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@xresistance asked: -hugging the floor- ❝I’m trying to stop the floor from spinning.❞ ( chise @ xiaolang )

‘ i don’t believe the floor is what’s spinning, ’ xiaolang informs her, kneeling down beside her so that he may help her stand back up and hopefully guide her to a bed. where was her familiar ? he isn’t sure how strong their bond was, but he would have assumed that if she was as down for the count as she seemed to be, her familiar would be helping her ( or at least protecting her ). perhaps he was similarly affected ? ‘ can i try to help you get to a bed ? ’
#xresistance#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】threads.#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ crying won’t solve anything. ❞ 】answered.#uh i don't know if you still wanted this to be alcohol or not#i'm just going to tag it anyway but if it's like a magic spell or a portion or something along those lines#i'm fine with that !!#mentions of alcohol //#mentions of drinking //
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@fictioncoxnt asked: “I don’t know what I’m doing.” (sakura @ xiaolang)

hands reach to touch her shoulders -- not to grab her firmly, but to embolden her, remind her that he was here and able to help. ‘ take a deep breath, ’ he says, voice firm. ‘ i know you can do this; you just have to believe in yourself. ’
#fictioncoxnt#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】threads.#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ crying won’t solve anything. ❞ 】answered.#hope this is alright ??
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@goldenloved asked: ❛ i’m fine. it’s just a small scratch. ❜ / x//iaosaku 😌
angry words borne of worry are about to snap out , but he catches him behind gritted teeth just in time. ‘ stupid , ’ he grounds out , tone harsher than what it should probably be ( he can already feel the whap his mother would send him if she heard his tone ) , as he pulls out a few bandages from one of the pockets in his ceremonial robes.
for once , it was just kinomoto and himself , trying to capture the clow card -- no stuffed animal , no daidōji , so , really , no other distractions aside from each other. he’s pretty sure that’s what caused kinomoto to be injured anyway -- being distracted from him being thrown clear across a wall. now , she was dripping a little bit of blood on her arm , but not so badly that she would have to go to a hospital.
xiaolang wrapped the wound expertly after judging that it was shallow enough and thin enough to not be needed to be cleaned. ‘ keep that dry if you take a shower tonight , ’ he says.
#goldenloved#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】interactions.#blood tw#smooches u
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@goldenloved asked for fluff.
high school seems to have brought out the more studious nature of their relationship. often ��times , after school , xiaolang would find himself over at the kinomoto household and studying in sakura’s room ( with the door cracked open , as kinomoto “ joked ” while staring straight at xiaolang. he always seemed to be around while xiaolang was , but often with tsukishiro-san in tow , which was different from keroberos , who often times escaped sakura’s room claiming that he can’t handle the atmosphere and usually gorged himself with snacks in the dining room. ).
often times , xiaolang would finish the work first ( especially in maths , which was one of his favourite subjects along with history ) and help sakura with any work that she didn’t seem to understand. other times , sakura seemed determined to finish the work on her own without any help. sometimes , however , xiaolang thinks he’s more of a distraction than a help.
today is one such a day. having already finished his homework for today , xiaolang is studying a business book his family suggested he read ( this one in chinese – sometimes , the business books he reads are in english or in japanese ) , but he can feel the way that sakura’s eyes dart up from her homework and back down again. upon the fifth time it happens , xiaolang sets his book down and catches sakura’s eyes before her gaze could dart back down again , and sakura’s cheeks turn a light red.
before sakura could apologise , xiaolang offers , ‘ would you like to take a break ? ’ and , with his own cheeks flushing a little bit red , he pats his thighs from sitting in a seiza position. ( it’s not the first time either of them have offered each other a lap pillow – xiaolang can think of one day in particular where they spent most of a sunday in the park and traded times laying down and sitting down while talking. ). sakura’s expression brightens , even as the blush continues , and she comes over to xiaolang’s side of the table to lay her head down.
“ i don’t know how you can always do the homework so fast , xiaolang-kun , ” sakura says , peering up at xiaolang. one of xiaolang’s hands finds itself smoothing through sakura’s hair and sometimes playing with the ends , causing sakura to smile even brighter at him.
‘ my japanese comprehension is a lot better from when i was a child , ’ xiaolang says. what he doesn’t say is that the amount of homework given by japanese teachers was nothing in comparison to his tutors back in hong kong , who would rarely give him a chance to breathe. that had been expected , of course , as the next head of household of the entire li clan.
( sometimes , he really did miss hong kong so much that he aches. there was nothing quite like going into the city and eating a char siu bao from one of the stalls as it burns the roof of his mouth. he loves tomoeda , and the quietness of it all , but he does miss the city sometimes. but , with any feelings of homesickness , all he does to get rid of it is to look at sakura , and he knows he made the right choice. ).
“ hoeeee , ” sakura says under her breath in amazement , and xiaolang can’t help the smile blossoming on his face as he peers down at sakura. an impulse comes to mind , and before he could over think it , he bends over to kiss sakura’s forehead. immediately , however , he springs back up , face flushing red ( as sakura is also turning ) , but neither of them break apart.
“ don’t apologise , ” sakura says before the word “ sorry ” could come on his lips. there’s a soft smile on her face , crinkles forming around the corner of her eyes. love is in her gaze , and xiaolang finds his shoulders relaxing as he looks back at her. ( there’s a promise of infinity in her eyes , and xiaolang would give up anything and everything just for her to keep looking at him like that. they’re technically too young to think about marriage , but xiaolang knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with her , wants to see her like this every day – but also in other ways. hair ruffled from taking a nap , eyes excited as she looks at a dessert he makes , angry pout forming on her face from arguing with her brother or keroberos , beautiful smile as she hugs daidōji. ).
he thinks these thoughts must be reflected back in her eyes , and he finds himself leaning in , just as she moves up. before their lips could meet in a kiss , there’s a knock on the door , and the two of them startle. xiaolang’s hand reaches to catch sakura’s head before she could accidentally slam it on the table , and sakura’s hand reaches to grab his shirt so he doesn’t accidentally lose his balance and fall backwards. as one , the two of them look in the doorway to see kinomoto standing there , neutral look on his face as he considers the two of them.
“ dinner is ready , ” kinomoto says , and his eyes seem to bore into xiaolang’s soul. he can’t help but flush , even as sakura stands up with an angry pout on her face.
“ oni-chan , ” she whines , making sure to say “ demon ” rather than “ brother ” , xiaolang’s sure. xiaolang himself stands up , and he pats sakura’s shoulder ( a little more comfortable with sharing at least some affection under kinomoto’s glare after this long ). in fact , while he’s particularly aware of kinomoto’s gaze , it seems unimportant when sakura looks at him , the pout automatically turning into a smile.
‘ after dinner , i’ll help you with your work , ’ he says , and sakura brightens further. a cough from kinomoto reminds them of his presence , and , finally , the three of them leave for dinner ( sakura and xiaolang walking hand-in-hand ).
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li xiaolang // tag drop.
interactions. images. analysis. character study.
⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】interactions.
⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ terrible things don’t always seem scary. ❞ 】character study.
⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ the moon aligned magician. ❞ 】images.
⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ we can still make more memories from here on. ❞ 】analysis.
#tag drop.#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】interactions.#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ the moon aligned magician. ❞ 】images.#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ we can still make more memories from here on. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ terrible things don’t always seem scary. ❞ 】character study.
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he cant help the flush that he feels rushing towards his cheeks as the older mage calls him kind , but he frowns at the question. neither him nor kinomoto have figured out just who or what is causing the presence of clow reed's power that attacks the two of them. it's entirely possible that what they're dealing with has to do with what fai is looking for ; although , there's a faint part of him that knows that they're two separate incidents.
' ... something with clow reed's magic has been causing trouble lately , but that's been happening for months now. ' he doesn't add that he doesn't think that clow reed's magic and what fai was looking for are the same. ' otherwise , it's possible that whatever it is that you're looking for is currently lying dormant. sometimes magical objects need a catalyst. ' something the other mage definitely knows , considering his power level. he flushes a little but doesn't apologise for the redundancy. ' i have a tracking spell if you have something with the same magical signature. '
fai nods eagerly . worlds are often ignorant to magic , so he isn't very perturbed to have to keep their mission on the down - low . while he feels confident in his groups ability to sneak around all on their own , neither is he so much in a position to deny xiaolang's offer for help . it's a new world , after all , and the feather could be anywhere .
but his determination not to put the boy in any danger remains steadfast .
" how kind of you ! " he coos , grinning as though he hasn't a worry in the world . " well , the thing we're looking for would be very noticeable to someone magically - inclined , such as yourself . tell me , have you noticed any unusual surges in magic lately ? any powerful magical happenings ? "
#bonescribes#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】interactions.#awwww bby is trying to help!!
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' magic is not common here , and to keep the two societies separate , you cannot perform magic out in the open with witnesses around. ' xiaolang can tell that fai might be attempting to go alone , but upon his question , xiaolang is more determined to keep a close eye on him. to be unaware of the customs here ... is dangerous , and not just for fai.
' but i can put away my sword and help you remain unobtrusive as you can be while you search , ' xiaolang adds. ' i know the area , and if you are looking for something -- or someone -- specific , i can help. '
fai hums , not offering up any immediate answers . it would perhaps be unwise to get someone else -- basically a stranger , no matter how familiar his face is -- involved in this . on the other hand , he's very adorable , and fai is very curious to know how similar or different he is to his traveling companion .
at the very least , he is clearly magically - inclined . he would probably make for a good guide .
" it's ... sort of really complicated . say , is magic common here , or will the locals be concerned if they see you waving that sword around ? "
#bonescribes#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ unchecked great power will lead you on the road to ruin. ❞ 】interactions.#:DDDD#x//iaolang: no you are not ditching me weird stranger >:(
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