moraledk · 6 years
Weird update
I’m still planning to post my writing on this blog, (i actually have some ancient requests that I need to do, don’t worry I didn’t forget lol). Just had some major life changes recently and I’m still reeling a bit
That and I had to take a break from this blog for other more personal reasons
As a reminder I’m over at my main/art blog SirVoodooSamedi and have an rp blog that I need to dust the cob webs off as well ( over at SomeScaryButts )
Hopefully in a week or so I’ll be more certain and less jittery so I can interact a little better!
(p.s I’m finally taking art commissions! I’ll reblog the post here shortly)
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moraledk · 6 years
Angst/Fluff Prompt List Part 4
I don’t know how many more of these I could possibly make, but HERE’S ANOTHER! (Please do not steal/repost the list, thank you <3)
 “We’re supposed to be working.”
 “I’m a mess.”
 “Please don’t be mad at me.”
 “This is all my fault.”
 “I’m gonna need more coffee.”
 “Can I help you?”
 “You did what you had to do.”
 “Stay here.”
 “Watch it.”
 “Where do you think you’re going?”
 “Take a chill pill.”
 “Walk it off.”
 “I don’t need you.”
 “That’s not fair.”
 “Are you cold?”
 “I can’t help it.”
 “Don’t move.”
 “I can’t breathe.”
 “Don’t just stand there, help me!”
 “It was an accident.”
 “Why are you screaming?”
 “It’s chilly outside.”
 “Tell me what you want.”
 “You need to take off your shirt.”
 “I’ll call you alter.”
 “Shut the door.”
 “You’re perfect the way you are.”
 “I’m trying to save your life.”
 “It’s too dark.  I can’t see anything.”
 “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
 “Drink some water.”
 “Give me a chance.”
 “Look at me.”
 “Are you hurt?”
 “Stop being so difficult.”
 “You need sleep.”
 “You’re not like everyone else.”
 “I wanted to know if you were okay.”
 “I love your smile.”
 “I’ve got your back.”
 “I got you something.”
 “What was that noise?”
 “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
 “I need to tell you something.”
 “You’re acting weird.”
 “We need to hide.”
 “You don’t understand.”
 “Excuse me, what?”
 “Don’t pin this on me.”
 “Want something to eat?”
 “Why didn’t you just call me?”
 “You should’ve kept your mouth shut.”
 “You seem tense.”
 “This is just great.”
 “Let’s just relax tonight.”
 “I like you.”
 “We’re gonna be okay.”
 “Can I hold your hand?”
 “Just be honest with me.”
 “Why would you do that?”
 “What the fuck?”
 “No fucking way.”
 “You look pretty good, considering you just got shot.”
 “Do you have a flashlight?”
 “I love coming home to you.”
 “Whose side are you on?”
 “I’m on my way home.”
 “Please don’t hurt me.”
 “I didn’t drive all this way to say ‘hey’.”
 “My place is with you.”
 “Don’t push me away.”
 “You’re the love of my life.”
 “Just try it.”
 “What’s for dinner?”
 “I lied.”
 “Truth hurts, doesn’t it?”
 “I love this song.”
 “It’s been three hours.”
 “I needed to hear your voice.”
 “I got you some ice cream to cheer you up.”
 “You don’t have to do this.”
 “I’ll wait for you.”
 “Don’t underestimate me.”
 “I don’t feel well.”
 “Go back to bed.”
 “You got hit pretty hard.”
 “I have a bad feeling about his.”
 “I’m hungry.”
 “You’re special to me.”
 “You don’t have to leave.”
 “Sorry about your luck.”
 “You disgust me.”
 “You’re my lucky charm.”
 “I’ve got nowhere to go.”
 “You need to be more careful.”
 “You’re too nice.”
 “You’re alive.”
 “Nothing is going to happen to you.”
 “Go on without me.”
 “You tried to kill me.”
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moraledk · 6 years
Injured/Bleeding Sentence Starters
“That’s a lot of blood…” 
“That’s not good…” 
“I think that’s more than a little cut.”
“You’re looking rather pale.”
“You’re bleeding!”
“That doesn’t look good…” 
“I don’t think that’s suppose to come out.” 
“That’s a bit of an interesting angle for that to go at.” 
“How do I get it to stop?!” 
“How are you still standing?!”
“Don’t get up, you’ll make it worse.” 
“What happened to you?”
“I can’t feel my fingers anymore…” 
“Everything hurts.” 
“Is everything supposed to go dark?”
“Ow, yeah, okay, that’s starting to hurt.” 
“It’s just a cut.” 
“I’ve had worse.” 
“You’re bleeding all over my floor!” 
“You better not die on me.” 
“They got a lucky shot…” 
“Next time don’t call me to come over only to find you in a pool of your own blood!” 
“You need to keep pressure on it.” 
“Don’t move!” 
“That looks nasty.” 
“Am I dying?” 
Send 🔪+ your own
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moraledk · 6 years
I’m not sure if I already posted this, it’s been quite some time
“This is a childish, thoughtless game-” slap “Ah merda! Puttana!” he hissed.
“And yet you’re just as bored as I am” slap “oh my, that looks like it hurt” she mocked.
They sat inside of a confessional facing one another, the curtain in the window was removed, and their were hands in a praying gesture. Integra’s hand shot out and swiftly slapped Enrico’s which earned her another hiss from the Bishop and she in return grinned.
The two had just finished bickering over treaties and geographic boundaries. The annual summit meeting was held in Italy this summer, it served as a forum to share new knowledge about various “special affairs”. It lasted for a week, and they were only two days in. The whole event seemed to drag on until the very last day when formal, written agreements were drafted and signed.
The summit, although insightful, was boring and for some didn’t exactly serve as the environment for settling disputes. Some chose more creative ways to hash things out.
“Sign it” Integra was too fast for Enrico and slapped the same hand with more gusto.
“No” He groaned and began to grind his teeth, the sting of the slap to his hand settling into his already sensitive skin. “You cannot have jurisdiction over that area you cow!”
Integra jerked her hands back, nearly being slapped by Enrico. She whistled in surprise, “Am I making you mad? You should just sign it” she slapped his hand again and watched him throw his head back in pain.
“This is pointless! How do we even keep score of who is winning” he barked, frustrated.
“Judging by how red your hands are perhaps it’s best that we call it” she then frowned, “and you sign the damn treaty” she rolled her eyes then went to slap his hands again, only to have him pull back.
“I am no stranger to pain” he kept his eyes focused on her hands, his brows furrowed as he studied her movements.
“Oh come off it, you’re sweating while a little girl beats your hands” she tilted her head to the side “what are your suggestions for amendments, I certainly want to be finished with this before noon”
“We have two sectors in the UK, you have one in Ireland, two in Spain, none in Italy or Greece” he spoke, flinching every now and then in reaction to the slightest of Integra’s movements.
“You want to know why you’re losing, you’re paying too much attention to my hands, I can tell by your face when you’re about to lunge” she slapped his hand and he let out a frustrated yell. “You’re too concerned about the number of sectors and not the land mass they occupy, I don’t-” she snatched her hand out of the way of Enrico’s attempt to strike her. “-want to have more area’s of dominion, just one in each area.”
“The UK is a beast of a territory, giving up two sectors won’t kill you, and I cannot let you have any sectors in Italy” he saw her check her wrist watch for the time and finally landed a successful hit, and a hard one at that.
“Shit!” she winced but kept her hands steady, “Wow you’ve been able to hit me three times compared to the dozens of times I’ve hit you” she couldn’t deny that his slap would leave her with a welt, after all he had bigger hands.
“For what I lack in speed I make up for in other ways”
“By cheating”
“How can you possibly cheat in this game!?”
“You’ve never been to boarding school have you?”
He lunged and slapped her again, she closed her eyes to process the pain and breathed through her nose. “I get one sector in Italy, I’ll allow three in the UK, then I’ll stay with one in Ireland but I want one in Greece”
“You cannot have a sector in Italy I ju-” Integra slapped his already bruising hand, he stomped his foot in response.
She dropped her voice to a lowered tone and mocked his accent, “Then you cannot have a sector in the UK” she paused to give him a chance to recoil, “dual occupation?”
“Of which area?” he jerked his hand away from Integra’s slap.
“One in UK and one in Italy”
“Two in the UK and one in Italy and I’ll sign it…”
“Do I get Greece as well?”
He paused and looked up at her, a deep scowl on his face, he slapped her hand as hard as he could. Integra let out a surprised cry and suppressed it by covering her mouth and waving the slapped hand.
“....Fine” he extended his less battered hand and sighed in resignation, “Draft it and I’ll sign it”
She gave his exposed hand a look and moved as if she was going to slap it, causing Enrico to gasp and pull back, causing Integra to laugh. She reached out and shook his hand firmly.
They both exited the confessional, Integra rolling down her sleeves and Enrico putting his gloves back on. “Now to decide where to get lunch, are you up to that task are will you be resistant on that front as well” Integra quipped.
“That depends, do I get to pick based on my knowledge of the area or will you just come up with another excuse to resort to violence to get your way?”
She gave him a tense look, “time will tell, but for now” she stepped to the side and shrugged “lead the way”
He sighed in relief and began to walk, “God help me…” he murmured under his breath.
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moraledk · 7 years
....how....how do i still have notes on this blog...??
I’ll probably still post some shitty fanfiction on here
it took a long while actually to re-repress somethings 
to the point in which I couldn’t get on my favorite tag or even look at things concerning my favorite character of my favorite manga without being uncomfortable
like it took months to feel ok again
I’m still probably going to be more active on @sirvoodoosamedi
sorry everyone
but I will check this blog at least once a week or so after I post a new shitty fic or something
I’m also tryng to get back into my art so theres that too
but thanks to everyone who is still liking and reblogging my shitty shit posts lololol!
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moraledk · 7 years
passing through still gonna remain mia for a while my comfort level here is still shakey
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moraledk · 7 years
Just when I thought it was still safe
I just need to move back to my other blog already
I’ve enjoyed this fandom so far
But I don’t think I can deal
I’ll be over at SirVoodooSamedi for a while if anyone needs me
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moraledk · 7 years
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ghosty tea time.
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moraledk · 7 years
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moraledk · 7 years
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moraledk · 7 years
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moraledk · 7 years
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moraledk · 7 years
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moraledk · 7 years
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moraledk · 7 years
Me: Aw sweet, spring break I'm gonna sleep till im 40
Also me: *wakes up at 11am* OH MY FUCKKNG G-
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moraledk · 7 years
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moraledk · 7 years
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