#sliding my sleepy footie back into my social life
ilovelocust · 7 years
The Price Of Flowers - Chap 2
Note: So now things can really get started. I thought about explicitly warning that Lance can be a bit of an unreliable narrator, but I think following his chapter with this one does that job for me. Enjoy the fluff guys, there won’t be much of it going forward.
All my works can be found on Ao3, by the way, username ILoveLocust.
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Chapter Two - Early Morning Happiness
Early morning sun drifts in, kissing warmth into Keith’s exposed skin. He’s alone. The bed’s other resident long ago disappeared. The sheets cool were he once lay, but that only leaves more space to sprawl. More spots to let the siren call of the mattress’s softness trap Keith’s sleepy limbs and whisper just a little longer. He could give in, snooze his day away, but another contender vies for Keith’s attention. The sound of sizzling and popping floats in from the other room on the scent of freshly cooked bacon. A delicious promise of reward if he gets up.
Keith groans and stretches. He tries to blindly fish for his discarded clothes off the side of the bed, before giving in and opening his eyes. Somehow his shirt has ended up in a rumpled pile in the corner and his pants have disappeared off the face of the earth. That’s the problem with getting overly excited when stripping down, things tend to get flung to the most inconvenient places.
Oh well, Shiro will just have to deal with seeing Keith in his boxers. It’s far too early to for a clothing hunt. Such a hardship, he knows. Keith rolls out of bed and heads towards the bedroom door. You know if he was smart he’d remember to stash an extra set of clothes over here so this would stop happening. They’ve been dating long enough. Of course, then he’d lose one of his big excuses to just steal some of Shiro’s. Decisions, decisions.
Far too perky for this early in the day, Shiro is already up and standing over the stove, like the sweatpants and t-shirt clad god he is. Keith beelines for his back and throws his arms around his waist. Happily attaching himself to his muscles like the world’s most content barnacle, “Morning Sunshine,” Shiro says, his smile audible in his voice, “How’d you sleep?”
“Like a baby,” Keith says. He’d only woken once, when he heard Shiro muttering with what he’d worried was bad dreams. Turns out Shiro was only trying to convince some dream elephants to eat there broccoli, though. It had been a pleasant surprise to find his concerns side tracked by such an innocent explanation. A sign of how much things had improved these last two years.
There had been a time, only a month or so after Shiro had been rescued, where neither of them could count on such good fortune. Shiro had been plagued by nightmares seemingly every night. Dreams of faceless captors and far to real memories. Keith had woken to screaming more times than he could count. Some dark days he’d thought Shiro might never know peace again, but Shiro’s therapist had been right. Time and treatment had helped. There was still the days were something would set Shiro off and he could hardly close his eyes without remembering, but those were now outnumbered by the weeks where he had no nightmares at all. He’d never forget how lucky they were.
Shiro squeezes Keith’s hand, pulling him from his thoughts, “I made eggs, sunny side up, just like you like them,” Shiro shifts, sliding two eggs out of the frying pan and onto a plate already prepped with bacon, “Why don’t you go sit down and I’ll join you in a moment.” Keith grumbles, mostly for show at being forced to move, but grabs the plate anyways. He has to walk all of five feet to reach the small round table, Shiro had so happily squeezed into his tiny apartment. It makes an excellent place to enjoy the view of his boyfriend’s domesticity, so he hardly minds his own role to play in its acquisition.
They’d had so much trouble getting this thing up the stairs and through the door, but some foolish student had just been tossing it out for the garbage man to trash. They simply had to salvage it. When they’d finally gotten it in here and arranged the perfect spot, they’d been so proud. It might be dented in a few places and have a bit of a wobbly leg, but they found it together and it was free. What more could you ask for?
Shiro sits down with his own plate, and Keith immediately hooks his foot behind the man’s ankle, stroking up his calf. Shiro’s long suffering smile is a lie, Keith’s not the one who initiates games of footies when they are out with friends. He’s hardly the only one who can’t keep his body parts to himself, “So,” Shiro says, daring Keith to go farther by pretending there is something more important to think about this morning, “Hunk called me this morning, apparently you weren’t responding to your phone.”
Keith shrugs. Leaning back oh so casually, as his foot moves higher, “We were busy at the time,” That’s where his pants went! He’d tossed them into the bathroom, because the phone buzzing in their pocket had been distracting Shiro from kissing further south. Considering how the night went, he’d obviously made the right decision, “So what did he want?” Keith’s foot switches to the inside track.
A dusting of pink highlights the scar on Shiro’s nose, “Right, um,” Shiro clears his throat. This is why everyone else is wrong, Shiro is clearly the more adorable of the pair of them. A big puppy shoved into the body of Adonis, “Hunk wanted to know if you were free this evening.” Shiro catches his foot, before he can have too much fun. The impromptu foot massage is a decent apology, “He and Lance had plans, but something came up and he was wondering if you could take his place?”
Keith frowns. Only partly at Shiro. His plans for tonight didn’t really qualify as plans. He was just going to head home, watch some tv, and maybe put in a few more hours on some of his video games, but homebody as that might be, that time was his people free stress relief time. Replacing it on such short notice with an event was draining just to think about.
“You should go,” Shiro squeezes his foot reassuringly, “You always have fun when you do.” There Shiro goes, encouraging Keith not to be a hermit for the rest of his life. It’s not like Shiro is wrong though. Keith may not like the idea of breaking up his people free time, but he wouldn’t be friends with Lance if he didn’t enjoy being around him.
“Alright, alright, I’ll get out of my shell and go be social,” Keith sighs dramatically. Shiro smiles fondly, and Keith doesn’t hold it against him. He needs the extra push to out and actually see his friends occasionally. He wouldn’t have nearly as many without Shiro’s encouragements.
“My phone is on, if it ends up being too terrible and you need an excuse to bounce,” Shiro says, and Keith can’t help smiling back. That’s the nice thing about being with someone who knows you so well. Shiro knew when Keith just needed the little extra help to maintain his friendships, and when to throw him a line to rescue him from too much stress.
“Alright, I’ll go phone Hunk to finalize plans.” Keith says, “But you know,” Keith looks down with a quirked eyebrow and intent, “Thirty minutes probably won’t make that much of a difference.”
“Is that, uh, so,” Shiro’s hands have gone still on his foot, “How were you thinking of spending that time?”
Keith pulls back, so he can stand. He walks over and tilts Shiro chin up for their first kiss of the morning, “I’ve got an idea or two,” Keith whispers.
“Yeah, Hunk can wait for a bit,” Shiro say, eyes going dark.
Really, Keith’s never had it better.
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moraledk · 6 years
Weird update
I’m still planning to post my writing on this blog, (i actually have some ancient requests that I need to do, don’t worry I didn’t forget lol). Just had some major life changes recently and I’m still reeling a bit
That and I had to take a break from this blog for other more personal reasons
As a reminder I’m over at my main/art blog SirVoodooSamedi and have an rp blog that I need to dust the cob webs off as well ( over at SomeScaryButts )
Hopefully in a week or so I’ll be more certain and less jittery so I can interact a little better!
(p.s I’m finally taking art commissions! I’ll reblog the post here shortly)
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