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Asian Women’s Achievement Awards
Last month I went to London on behalf of Include Me TOO. It was the short listing process for awards Parmi was nominated for. These were the ‘Community’ and ‘Social and Humanitarian’ categories. Parmi, mum and I were required to sit in front of a panel of judges and explain what Include Me TOO charity means to us. What an eventful day at the Asian Women’s Achievement Awards interviews!
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Our train was delayed into London, scheduled 8 45 to 10 30, but we arrived there at 11 10. Due to this inconvenience, we were late for our presentation. Although assistance and tickets were pre booked, I was last one to get off the train because staff at Euston were disorganised. I sat there thinking “Oh no, the train is going to depart for the next journey!” Once we got to the interview venue it went pretty well. The judging panel saw the point of view of a Mother, a Mother and Founder, and a Young Adult and Ambassador. Back at Euston station, Customer Services understood my circumstances and were very apologetic for the delay, and sorted a later return journey using a stamp on the same tickets. I’m proud to announce Parmi won the ‘Social and Humanitarian’ category.
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BBC Asian Network Wednesday 8 April 2015
Nihal on BBC Asian Network asked the questions:
Are places of worship unwelcoming to people with disabilities? Have you encountered problems because there aren't ramps or lifts where you go to pray? Are you looked at differently if you are with a child that has a disability? Are you given judgemental looks and how does that feel?
Are there steps everywhere, the doors are too narrow and the room is too small?
In the past there have been scenarios where if you have a disability, you are left at home and not taken to places of worship, either because they are unwelcoming or just not suited, not built in such a way that allows easy access for people who are wheelchair users.
We can send a message out. Kirren Rathor, Nihal’s producer called me before I went live on air to prepare me and make sure I was still comfortable to share my experience to all listeners of BBC Asian Network. This segment of the show lasted approximately an hour long.
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If you have a disability, how difficult is it for you to go to a Gurdwara, to a Mosque, to a Mandir, to a Church? Perhaps you have witnessed people having to be carried in and taken out of a wheelchair.
Browsing through Twitter, I came to know of a case where a young man with Muscular Dystrophy was not allowed to bring his wheelchair into the Gurdwara. He was 18 and he wasn't going to make it to 21. People of the Gurdwara said he can't take his wheelchair in and that his mum has to carry him. They said ‘We don't know what’s on the wheels.’ Therefore the mum left and the young man didn't get to go into the prayer room.
Nihal answers the phone line. “Are places of worship legally required to provide access for people with disabilities?
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Caller: “Yes, the Equality Act 2010 covers Disabled Peoples Rights in accessing goods and services. Places of worship are considered a service provider. In practice that leaves a few obstacles and challenges to overcome. Due to history and age of the building, some don’t have up to standard physical access itself, but that doesn’t mean the requirements aren’t valid. People must make every attempt to overcome the obstacles.”
Caller: “All new buildings have to be wheelchair accessible, otherwise people can be ordered to dismantle the building and start again. Some still have signs up saying, ‘Wheelchair users and people that cannot be seated on the floor are not allowed past the doorway into the worship area.’ This is clearly a breach and now the jury is out, observing positive and negative outcomes.”
Nihal then went on to introduce me.
Nihal: “Let’s speak to Monique, a guest of mine who has Cerebral Palsy. Good morning.”
“Hello, Hi!”
Nihal: “How have you found it in your experience as someone with a disability? Have you found your local place of worship to be very welcoming?”
“Both yes and no. When I go to the Gurdwara, I have to stay in the Langar Hall because it’s an open space big enough for me to manoeuvre. Whereas if I sat where the Holy Book is, people say to me not to go in because they don’t want my wheelchair to get the carpet dirty.”
Nihal: “They actually say that to your face? They aren’t doing it for religious reasons; they’re doing it so the carpet stays clean?”
Yes, that’s correct. Although I have been told today that there is a reason why I can’t go at the front where the Holy Book is, people in wheelchairs aren’t meant to be taller. The people stopping me from going to the worship area don’t give me this valid reason. I just get directed to the back of the room as its ‘easier’.”
Nihal: “So you are made to stay at the back of the room?”
“Yes, I’m 23 years old, I want to take part in all events and traditions, but I am disheartened to go to the Gurdwara. I don’t eat meat on Tuesday and Thursday so I keep that going whether I’m at home or not. In a nutshell there’s a lack of awareness and education.”
Nihal: “Have you complained?”
“Yes, I have and the local committee say that they are on top of it, but they’re not doing anything. No one is coming back to me with information, leaving me to feel like because I’m in a wheelchair I’m in the way and a burden.”
Nihal speaks to the next caller: “Are you shocked at what you’ve just heard Monique say or not?”
Caller 2: “I am shocked at what Monique is saying. This is so sad because the Gurdwara is meant to be for the disabled, elderly, vulnerable...everyone. We say we perform miracles and yet we do not allow people to come inside with wheelchairs etc. Some new buildings have lifts and provide wheelchair access at the back, for which I think is commendable but then I notice some lifts aren’t working. It’s a shame that you have to kick up a fuss when actually people’s natural compassion and understanding should lead to make a positive difference. Monique, thank you.”
Caller 3: “The Langar Hall is for everyone to eat. I feel sorry for the 23 year old girl, I’m sorry I forgot her name... Monique. A lady was eating langar next to a woman who had a disabled son in a wheelchair. A man from the committee came up to her and said she should have washed the wheelchair to clean it before bringing it inside.”
Caller 4: “Wheelchair users are automatically directed towards the back of the worship area. Why is that the case? Why can’t we sit towards the front like the other able bodied people that are sat on the floor? Is it just because we are wheelchair users? Why should that prevent us from being near to the Holy Book? I was listening to Monique earlier, and I totally understand where she is coming from.”
Caller 5: “This young girl, Monique. From what she said I think I praise her for speaking out. I feel sorry because when someone is really stressed or when they have the desire to go to the Gurdwara, they are true believers who make an effort to go in. True serva is to serve and help people to get unconditional love. ....”
“Please if need be, carry this child, carry the wheelchair and put her where she wants to be seated, let her pray. That’s serva.”
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Caller 6: “It’s very shocking, especially the young lad who is 23 year old and wasn’t allowed to go and sit at the front.”
Nihal corrected him! “It was a she. It was a girl. Sorry Monique.”
Caller 6 then went on to talk about his local Mosque:
“What we normally say to people whenever they come to do their prayers, is whoever enters first goes to the front. We actually encourage people to come to the front because what it does, it allows people to congregate in an orderly manner. We need to educate more of the community. It’s our duty to cater for all.”
Caller 7: “A London temple looked fantastic from the outside. Therefore we went to have a look and pay our respects inside. Our shoes were off, entering the prayer hall. The priest came and said ‘You’re not welcome here.’ I said ‘Why not?’ He responded, ‘Because of your child.’ ...
...This left me very heartbroken. I didn’t argue, I didn’t say anything. Just put our shoes on and made our way towards the car. Someone came and said ‘It’s not your child’s fault, but you and your wife must have done something terrible in a previous life. That’s the reason you have a child like THIS’.”
Nihal introduced Mum! “Meena is on the show, who is Monique’s mother.”
Mum: “I respect the Holy Book and that’s what I get all of my children to follow. I would rather pray at home knowing my child and many others have to go through similar situations.”
Nihal: “What did you say when the Gurdwara said that Monique couldn’t go into the prayer room because her wheelchair would dirty the carpet?”
Mum: “It hasn’t personally been said to me but I will do something about it. She has told me and I do want to take that step forward and get everyone together. I do respect the ones who actually help to get us at the front, because you may want to say something from the heart, wish or ask for forgiveness. If that can’t happen due to being stopped, my children and I are better off at home.”
To end the show segment, Nihal reads out this text. “What happened to Monique is out of order. However, a lot of Gurdwaras that I have seen do not discriminate against people with disabilities. They have certain things in place, such as seats provided for the elderly, headphones for hard of hearing and access for wheelchair users!”
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The Interview Corner
Saturday 7 March 2015
I was interviewed by an ex BBC presenter Sue Beardsmore, with the requirement to speak about myself and why I'm the right candidate for the Care Quality Commission post as a Young Expert by Experience. This was a training day for Digital Media set in ETC Venues, Maple House in Birmingham.
The first interview was about a proud moment in my life. The second interview was about the inspections I do, and the third interview was about what training I've received. Although it was just for reference we still had to treat it as three real ones on camera. My facial expressions were in full flow.
Session 1 – A Proud Moment
SB: “Hello Monique! You have been to the Economic Forum for India at London School of Economics 2014, how did you get involved with that?”
“I looked on Twitter. I messaged the organisers and said that I was interested, so it was a good opportunity for me to attend.”
SB: “How did you persuade them?”
“It was a black and white formal event; I chose to wear my colourful traditional frock. I said that I want to continue raising awareness and build a platform for people with special needs. When I arrived at Grand Connaught Rooms, I was the only wheelchair user in the room and so proud of myself for doing it on behalf of others in similar situations to mine.”
SB: “Was it an interesting event?”
“Yes, personally I’m not into politics much, but the Panel were able to do Question and Answer sessions, some of which I participated in. I am into Performing Arts and one of the biggest Bollywood Stars attended EFIL 2014. I met him 12 years ago at Cineworld in Wolverhampton. He was promoting his movie at the time, so I thought now it was a good chance to see him again, show how much I’ve grown and that I’m still his fan. I shared my story and what I want to achieve in the near future.”
SB: “Spill the beans! Who was the Star?” Sue laughed.
“Abhishek Bachchan!”
SB: “I have interviewed his father, Amitabh Bachchan at some point. Do you watch Abhishek’s films a lot?”
“Yes, the film I spoke about is called ‘Dhoom 3′, which isn’t based on AB as such but another actor, Aamir Khan who plays a thief in double role that gets his disabled twin to do his dirty work for him. Abhishek’s character is a good cop!”
SB: “Not only does the actor appeal to you, but you enjoy certain movies because of the themes?”
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SB: “Did you find out anything about Economics, or was it really just about the actor?” Sue laughed.
“I really did enjoy everything about EFIL 2014! I like to attend different events and open doors for myself and others. I am friends with some of the organisers now and have made sure that I’m going to London for EFIL 2015.”
SB: “So you would recommend to people, if you want to do anything, just ask?”
“Yes, you can’t just wait for things to happen, if you really want something, go out there and get it!”
SB: “Monique, thank you.”
“Thank you Sue.”
Session 2 – Inspections
SB: “When Health and Social Care services are in the news, it’s often because they’re being criticised, but how to make them better? From dentists to care homes, GP to hospitals, the Care Quality Commission is responsible for making sure that services are up to standard and improve if they need to. CQC have recruited over 500 Experts by Experience to join the inspection teams and now there are 15 Young Experts by Experience on the teams too. Numbers are still growing.”
SB: “Monique is a Young Expert by Experience and has been on several inspections so far. Monique, tell me about how these inspections work.”
“The support organisation calls to see if you’re available, if so they send your pen picture to the inspector and allocate you to the service depending on the area of your expertise. The ones that I have taken part in are GP, Care Home, Residential College, and Telephone inspections.”
SB: “Right, so you have had experience in all of those? Describe one to me.”
“For example, talking to the service users is the best way to get responses. Interacting in activities such as games and exercise regimes. This is also beneficial to my physical needs.”
SB: “Do you spend a lot of valuable time during the inspection process?”
“Observing at meal times is useful as I need specialist equipment to aid me whilst I am eating.”
SB: “When you have visited the service allocated to you, how do you contribute to the report that has been made?”
“I take notes throughout the day and then I am set 5 working days to produce my report. Normally I hit the target but there have been one or two occasions where I missed the deadline and needed an extension. Therefore I contacted Choice Support and my inspector, and to this date, I have been allowed extra time. For that I’m truly grateful because as long as I get all findings included in my write up, I know I’m doing the best possible to ensure information is correct for the task in hand.”
SB: “When the report is published, have you been happy with the results, or are there sometimes frustrations?”
“I always smile when I see some of the quotes I have included. That’s how I know I am doing my job right.”
SB: “How do you represent other people? Is it just by talking to them and finding out information?”
“Naturally I think that’s the best quality to have, so service users of any age feel like they can have a conversation with you, especially younger ones because I can relate to them too.”
SB: “Is the job as a Young Expert by Experience what you expected it to be?”
“I love the name; it makes me sound really important! To be honest, my parents don’t know what my job title means, but they are so proud of me and that is all I can ask for. Thank you.”
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SB: “Thank you for joining me. That was a very enthusiastic interview.” Sue laughed.
Session 3 – Training Days
SB: “When Health and Social Care services are in the news, it’s often because they’re being criticised, but how to make them better? From dentists to care homes, GP to hospitals , the Care Quality Commission is responsible for making sure that services are up to standard and improve if they need to. CQC have recruited over 500 Experts by Experience to join the inspection teams and now there are 15 Young Experts by Experience on the teams too. Numbers are still growing.”
SB: “Why did you become a Young Expert by Experience, Monique?”
“I became one because I wanted to help people like myself, and CQC along with Choice Support have allowed me to do that so I get help along the way as well as the service users.”
SB: “How did you find it was possible? Did you respond to an advert? What happened?”
“My Connexions Advisor at the time put me in touch with the Involvement Manager of CQC and it was really good. This is because I didn’t know what to expect and I met lots of new people. We all attended a Transition focus group at Cadbury World, Birmingham. It allowed me to open up and share my story whilst hearing others too.”
SB: “How does it help you when you go and look at the different services?”
“I am just glad I can be of use.”
SB: “You have so much experience, but does it require a lot of training to be able to join an inspection team?”
“I attended a meeting in London where I had to do a presentation in front of 400 to 500 NHS staff explaining why I'm so passionate about speaking up for people with disabilities and what my aim is. I also mentioned that Care Quality Commission and Choice Support would help me to become more confident and achieve this goal of mine!”
There were times I enjoyed it, overall I had positive feedback and any constructive criticism given will help me for the next training session. For some reason when I'm busy I get so many calls, it's always the way. I had to stop half way because it was mum. Everyone laughed, but in reality it’s not good. Then the next topic was about radio stations and how to deal with complicated questions. I got top marks for diverting the awkward situation.
Something Frieda Kahlo said springs to my mind, along the lines of “Who needs legs when I have wings to fly!”
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One other thing I learnt about interviews was SMART responses:
S is you give a brief about the situation
M is metrics so you give figures and facts relevant to the question A is what action you took R is the result of that action T is the tie in the response to the question asked
Sue Beardsmore presented a really productive and fun day out. This Digital Media training has definitely expanded my knowledge and given me better ways of written and verbal communications. I hope to see all the footage soon to look back on . It's good preparation for future achievements. The food there was fabulous. I had sea bass and salad, with grapes for dessert. Yum!
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The Economic Forum for India at LSE 2015
Last year I attended an event that was organised by London School of Economics. This was where I met Junior Bachchan. Now I participated in 'In Conversation with Zoya Akhtar' a film director; along with many other keynote speakers, talking about issues that arise abroad. I enjoy being a voice for people with special needs. I left home at 5 30am and arrived back at 9 30pm. What an amazing day, I travelled alone and my London friends were waiting for me at Euston! Thank you for opportunities like these and bringing such wonderful people into my life. Praise, applause and tears of happiness were shared around the room. Yet again, a formal occasion but I drove along in my wheelchair showing off my traditional outfit. Felt like the bloomin' main attraction! Cheers everyone!
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Upon arriving at Grand Connaught Rooms, the members of staff set up a huge ramp for me to get into the building, even people taking a stroll down the street were stopping by to have a nosey! Proper VIP treatment it was, I felt like a celebrity already and the day was only just beginning.
Panel – Entrepreneurship
Moderator Patricia Hewitt
In response to Kiran K Grandhi on his personal business journey:
“Hi, my name is Monique. As you can see I’m wheelchair bound, but I have never let that stop me. I have a condition called Cerebral Palsy and can’t walk; I’ve never been able to. Obviously employment is hard, I also struggle but it’s taken me 3 years to find flexible hours whether it be paid or unpaid. I go to different hospitals, care homes; residential colleges and I inspect their services. I’m able to write reports and make sure that all patients are treated correctly.
Kiran, I would use the words ‘Different Abilities’ in the long run because some people may take offense being called ‘Disabled’. I’m a 23 year old lady, travelling to London and back to Wolverhampton in the early mornings. Today setting off at 6am and reaching EFIL for 8 15am. It goes to show that I can have as much independence as possible.”
Everyone applauded and then Patricia concluded “Fantastic, thank you for being here today!”
In Conversation with Zoya Akhtar
Media Moderator Daya Thussu
Professor Daya Thussu saw me during the lunch break, he said “I remember you from last year’s ‘In Conversation with Abhishek Bachchan’ where you shared your childhood story. Have you got any stories to tell us today?”
“Yes, I have some extremely valid points to do with released and upcoming projects in Bollywood.”
Professor responded, “I will make sure they get heard today if you put your hand up!”
Zoya is an award-winning film director for Bollywood movies Luck by Chance and Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara. I had an interesting discussion with her on casting people with special needs in the film industry.
"Hi Zoya, I'm Monique! As you can see I'm wheelchair bound with a condition called Cerebral Palsy. Have you ever seen the film Margarita with a Straw?" ZA- "No, I'm dying to see it." "See, Kalki Koechlin in that film has Cerebral Palsy, and also there is an upcoming movie called Wazir which stars Amitabh Bachchan and your brother Farhan Akhtar, yeah?" ZA- "Yeah.
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"Why isn't anybody with special needs in the Bollywood film industry? This is because I’m a short film actress who is also an inspector for special needs services. I love Performing Arts, all through school I was able to take up drama but when I left it was inconvenient to many classes because I’m a wheelchair user. I find it difficult to travel abroad due to the nature of my condition, but now there are social networks I have been uploading my films and charity blog online. Have you ever thought of casting actors and actresses with special needs?”
ZA- “Firstly congratulations for putting your films out there.”
“I have been involved with BBC Asian Network as well.”
ZA- “Excellent!” The audience applauded my achievements.
“So now you know where to come, don’t you?” We all laughed
ZA- “I have never had a film that has that requirement in casting so it’s never really come up for me, but now that you’re telling me, I am going to definitely think about it.”
“I can’t wait for your brother’s film to release. Amitabh Bachchan plays the game Chess and I think that is the only thing he can do in the film Wazir. Sometimes I feel like that too but I want to continue being a voice and fulfil my dreams and ambitions. Thank you and can I have a picture with you later?!”
ZA- “Fantastic and of course you can!” The audience clapped and laughed once again.
As the event came to an end, Zoya posed for photos with the organisers. I knew I had to catch the train before it was too late so I made my way back down to the venue entrance. Zoya was waiting there for me.
“Don’t you want a picture with me? I thought you had gone!” She laughed. I passed on links to my Include Me TOO blog and The Voice Asia film website. You never know, one day I may be flying high virtually, if not physically.
A Big Thank You to the guys and girls who helped me throughout the day. Best wishes to all the students and Happy Graduation to the ones who are leaving. I’m looking forward to EFIL 2016!
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Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life
Include Me TOO Blog
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I joined Radio Presenter Sheetal Parmar and Amit Sharma from a theatre company,sharing my story of good and bad experiences with the topic ‘Disabled Creative Talent in Theatre.’ My aim is to breakdownbarriers and raise the platform abroad.
Concentrating on positive areas, I attended a London Conference in 2014 where I met Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan. Recalling the Q&A segment –
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I introduced myself, “Hello, my name’s Monique, I met Abhishek before; 12 years ago at Cineworld Wolverhampton when you were promoting ‘Haan Maine Bhi Pyaar Kiya. Do you remember?”
AB replied, “Unfortunately, yes.” Everyone laughed.
I went on to say, “You gave me a white rose, I’ve got the picture with me today actually.”
AB replied, “Oh wow… Oh wow.” Everyone awww’ed
“I do voluntary work for a charity called ‘Include Me TOO’ specially catered for people with disabilities, and I have done TV presenting for them too, raising awareness and things like that. I just want to say, you know in India, I’ve always wanted to go travelling, so my question to you is, how are the disabled facilities in the Bollywood Industry? Is it wheelchair accessible? And finally, have you ever worked with people who have special needs?”
AB replied, “Yes I’ve worked with one or two people, we have to adapt but they do fine. You should come!”
”Dhoom 3 really touched me emotionally, I keep bursting into tears every time I watch it, because Aamir Khan’s character, one twin had special needs. I love your films and thank you for making my day!”
AB ended by saying, “No…THANK YOU!” Everyone awww’ed once again and applauded me for my speech.
Back to the radio, I then went on to mention I have qualified professionally to be an inspector for disability services, but my hobby is performing arts and I want to do the best that I can. I have had the opportunity to feature in short movies. When this interview was aired I couldn’t talk much about the movie but in upcoming posts you can find out more about the Making.
At the time, I said to Sheetal, “My movie hasn’t released yet, but I can tell you it’s based on my life story. My friend is related to the Director, who I met at a wedding. I was wheelchair dancing and was approached to get involved in the production. We shot for 4 weeks and the final piece looks really good. I’m so happy and I can’t wait for both parts to be released.”
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My family and friends have been great supporters, I mean, at first they thought it was a joke because they can’t imagine me being in the Bollywood film industry.
Amit Sharma added, “It’s great that Monique’s going for it, didn’t take no for a answer, kept going and now done her own short film about her life. That’s not even happened to me!”
Include Me TOO allowed me to present their Role Model Special aired on Sangat TV celebrating International Disabled Peoples Day, and I regularly update their blog for my journeys at
Role Model -
While I drafted this post, my short film has released on YouTube, so here is the link to Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life
Please watch, share, like and comment!
Thank you for joining us today, Monique! Amit, I wonder if her life is a bit more interesting than yours. ”
“ Hopefully! And it’s all about owning your story and being proud of it.”
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'What is it like to be a Young Expert by Experience?'
In January I took part in CQC's event and talked all things 'inspections', answering the question 'Whatis it like to be a Young Expert by Experience?' Dream...Believe...Achieve! I am proud to be on the summary graphic.
Here is feedback from an inspector working with me on an inspection in December.
“I am using a young Expert by Experience to call families and young people who use a service. The young person herself has Cerebral Palsy. She told me that before she became an ExE she thought she was unemployable, but becoming involved with Choice Support and CQC has changed her life immeasurably for the better."
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“She also tells me that a couple of the parents she has rung have been really pleased that we are using someone with a disability to make the calls as it gives them hope for the future in respect of their own child. They have also told her that their child has been thrilled to receive a phone call in their own right — we are making a point of trying to speak directly to those aged 16+ when possible.”
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CQC Avon Valley Adventure
Care Quality Commission’s children and young people advisory group took place on Saturday 11 October at Avon Valley Adventure & Wildlife Park. We had some new members join us following the recruitment process over the summer.
I became a Young Facilitator and said a big hello, making them feel at home! The theme for the day was associated with Diwali. Falling on 23rd October last year, it is known as the Festival of Lights, celebrating the good beating evil and the darkness turning into light. Celebrated worldwide, Diwali marks a new start and shows commitment to family values, it traditionally symbolises forgiveness, joy, knowledge, light, love, reflection and resolution. The dates vary each year depending on the new moon. People often gift each other candles or sweets; I personally wear a traditional outfit. Prayers are said at places of worship with offerings of fruit and blessed food. In the evening, houses are decorated with bright colours and candles. Then finally friends and family enjoy fireworks!”
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I thought dance movements for the icebreaker may be too much for some children and young members, particularly new. Tweaking this, all facilitators decided the activity would be to introduce themselves and say what their favourite festival of the year is and why. For example it could be Christmas, Diwali, Chinese New Year, Halloween, Easter, Thanksgiving, Harvest Festival or Eid.
We said in the previous meetings that we wanted to meet more CQC inspectors so that’s what happened, feeling free to ask lots of questions! I travelled by train and planned to catch a taxi from Bath Spa train station to the venue which was about 20 minutes away. This plan didn't go smoothly upon reaching Bristol.
All wheelchair taxis were no longer available ‘apparently’ and the only one vacant I missed by seconds driving down to the rank area. Nearly an hour later, I flagged the same driver but another girl got there first, I thought, “Oh no, here we go again!” But by coincidence she was attending the CQC Diwali Day too. I was over half an hour late due to this inconvenience.
The venue was mostly an open air area and not well heated, therefore we required warm clothing, raincoats and umbrellas to be prepared for bad weather. The paths were hard gravel but accessible, I packed my Rain Mac that covers my entire wheelchair. During breaks we had the choice to feed or stroke some of the animals, being ready for muddy paws too!
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Topics for discussion were:
How can we engage with young people using mental health services?
Accept and adapt to those services
Have knowledge and awareness, and emphasise with the user
Make sure staff at the place in question are letting patients and clients talk to inspectors
Include multiple people for each task
Prepare for inspections, focus on the venue and care and write a report including all findings
Allocate enough staff, this will enable inspectors to see all things clearly
You have the responsibility to listen even if it’s not directly related to the report
Dentist inspections:
Look at the accessibility of dentist services
Do patients have a choice? If not, it may make them uncomfortable and increase the risk of mistakes
Understand in advance what an inspection will involve so patients can be put at ease, for example speak to the inspector outside of the room, this will decrease the chance of being uneasy upon arrival
Being with or without a parent or guardian, does the service change?
Talk in an appropriate manner and not put pressure on the service users
The key lines of enquiry are:
Is it safe? = Hygiene, clean, sterilised and has a COSHH understanding
Is it caring? = whether pressured into treatment or not, respectful, the manner in which has been spoken with or without an adult
Is it responsive? = If the patient is in pain, does the professional respond to this? Do they respond to different needs? Is there an arrangement in place for home visits?
Is it effective? =Is treatment completed in a day or over a period of time? Is there access 24/7?
Is it well led? = Is the service organised? Do staff know what to do? Is there a plan of action available? Who can patients speak to if concerns arise?
Inspectors need to speak to everyone for a whole picture, for example, look for good and bad elements, backed up with evidence. Compare it to previous reports to see if something has changed.
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Planning for our next meeting was the next segment, we were all asked for three things we should consider. My group came up with this conclusion:
More views of different age groups should be included at these events
Venues should be central to where we all live, if possible
Have an 18+ group and a -17 group
Nearing the end of the meeting everyone except for me was able to locate a taxi. The organisers rang lots of taxi firms and nobody with an accessible vehicle was available. Therefore to reach my booked train I used another person’s mobility car, whilst she stayed back looking for overnight accommodation to save her from a long journey.
Once I reached the station, my scheduled train was delayed; the next one wasn't disabled friendly so I waited an extra hour to finally start getting to Wolverhampton. Ending on a positive note, Virgin Trains were ready for me on the other side. The train assistants said, “You look like a Bollywood Star in that frock, please let us take a selfie with you!”
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I am an aspiring actress and as well as short films, I am carrying out Include Me TOO and Care Quality Commission work. I have always loved theatre shows; I performed in The House on the Moon production which was headed by The English Touring Opera with my previous school many years ago.
Being a big fan of pantomimes since an early age, I knew I had to attend Cinderella. Julian Clary is a fantastic actor who plays Dandini; he has been performing on stage for over 40 years.
Hollyoaks is my favourite teen soap; I have recently caught up with 6 months worth of episodes as I had been on a tight schedule in 2014. Joe Tracini, who played Dennis Savage for the past 3 years, is currently starring as Buttons. As well as being an actor, Joe is a highly skilled comedian, magician and singer, and I must add that he is doing a bloomin’ good job!
Niki Evans, of The X Factor, portrays the character of The Fairy Godmother. Her talent continues to grow each and every day. I tweeted, I wish I could have you as my Fairy. Niki retweeted my comment on her page.
The entire cast and crew are doing amazingly well and I hope to see Cinderella for a 3rd time before the closing night on 18 January!
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Picture credit: Sue, Twitter
There are so many highlights I can talk about but here are a few:
The entrance of the Ugly Sisters, singing and dancing to Born This Way by Lady Gaga
Dandini’s one liner to the Baron, “Why don’t you go and rest on your commode?” – This tickled me as I’m a wheelchair user and also require a commode
Cinderella and Buttons’ dance number to Because I’m Happy by Pharrell Williams – I bopped and clapped along happily
Adoring the Set and Props, my favourite was the creation of the flying horse which allowed Cinders to attend the Ball
Totally out of character, Joe sang All of Me by John Legend, which brought me to tears – An absolutely fabulous surprise!
Before the start of my second show, I kindly approached a member of staff explaining my desire to meet some of the cast members. She sorted this and waited with me after her shift which was a nice gesture.
Joe and Julian were waiting for me to arrive at the stage door. (Fangirling moment). I introduced myself and said how many times I’ve seen the show and that I plan to come again before it ends!
“I wanted to get up on stage and wheelchair dance with you all.”
Laughing, they both said, “Sorry, love. If only we could lift you up quick enough, maybe next time.” – Moving and Handling alert!
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Julian has a sequence which requires audience participation at the Ball, this includes twerking!
Off stage, Joe uploads backstage videos and tweets, check out his Twitter and Vine if you haven’t already, they crack me up and leave me in stitches.
Ending the meet and greet, I thanked them for making me smile and taking time out, and also praised the lovely lady who helped me within the tight schedule. I couldn’t stop staring at Julian’s stunning sequin outfits during the show; I asked if I could borrow them!
A splendid way to start 2015!
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Go-Pro Rated Places
I’m proud to be an Include Me TOO Young Ambassador. Our Awards Ceremony has been moved to a later date. The National Community Inspiration Awards event will be taking place at Hilton Birmingham Metropole on Saturday 28 March 2015.
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. Please visit for more information.
Earlier this year I attended an event on behalf of the charity and there I met another organisation called Changing Our Lives who I’m also a part of, currently filming and training in a leadership programme for BME communities.
I was approached to film ‘Rated Places’, which is a short film covering the issues that occur on a daily basis which are barriers stopping people with special needs to be as independent as possible.
“Monique! Would you have any time to do Go-Pro filming for us next week, Wednesday or Thursday, out and about around shops?”
I instantly said, “Yes, call me!”
“You’re a star!”
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Portraying this, I went to West Bromwich Shopping Centre, driving along with a Go-Pro cam attached to my electric wheelchair. Entering Primark and Tesco, I had so much fun clothes and food shopping at the same time, fulfilling my hobby again and again.
As I’m a coffee lover, I was able to be based at Costa for the whole day. Bliss! Thank you to everyone who was involved. Please watch, share, like and enjoy Rated Places!
Here is the link -
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As soon as the tickets for SLAM started selling, I was on the telephone booking them, for the first time I had bought the closest seats to the stage on the wheelchair bay. DDA Complimentary states that one carer gets a free ticket.
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Premier Inn Stratford was the only disabled friendly hotel suitable for my needs, a reasonable price but most importantly it had a ceiling hoist called Wispa Lite. Sadly the tracking wasn’t able to travel all the way around the bathroom but at least it got me into bed easily, I want to make a difference, no matter how small.
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London transport systems are not very good for people with special needs. Taxi services are sometimes unavailable and the Underground Tube isn’t suitable for my wheelchair, but I must say that the concert surely made me forget the imperfections of this experience, it was totally worth it!
I have met Abhishek Bachchan twice before, 12 years ago at Cineworld Wolverhampton and at a London Science Conference in March this year. I went to raise the platform about disability in India. During the Q&A session I talked about Include Me TOO and the blog I update. Dhoom 3 is my recent favourite movie and Aamir Khan’s twin character has a disability. Nowadays the perception of special needs is improving but I want to allow more especially as I hope to go international with my work.
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Being part of the audience at SLAM was amazing, it’s the best concert I’ve been to so far, a phenomenal atmosphere there that night! Newcomer, Vivaan Shah kicked off the show; I wish him all success for the future. I hope that will be me soon, being the spokeswoman that I am for disability and an ambassador for Include Me TOO; I hope I continue to work with them, voluntarily or not. Deepika Padukone was next on stage, floating down from the ceiling; she threw a teddy to the audience at the end of the show. I caught it as it came my way!
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Junior Bachchan’s entry was my favourite. He made it through the crowd; all the girls definitely went crazy. Being the Selfie King that he is, Abhishek interacted with the audience Dhoom style, and uploaded a video to his Instagram as a souvenir for us all. Talking about his dad Amitabh Bachchan and his wife Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Kajra Re started playing as all three of them featured in the song of film Bunty Aur Babli.
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Madhuri Dixit looked mesmerising, her hit songs were played, and she truly is the Queen of Dance, therefore her moves were to perfection. The songs included were from Dil To Pagal Hai, Devdas and many more. My all time favourites of the night were Khalnayak’s Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai. She starred in a movie called Lajja, the films consists of three ladies fighting for their rights. Madhuri dazzled in Devdas and last but not least, Yaarana’s Mera Piya Ghar Aaya O Ramji. My dad’s name is also Ramji!
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Actor Boman Irani and Director Farah Khan’s banter was beautifully sketched and cracked me up every time. The duo’s song choices were from Main Hoon Na and Om Shanti Om, they were brilliant and I loved their scenes from Baazigar and Darr. My favourite quote is “I love you K K K K Kiran!”
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Malaika Arora Khan is another fabulous dancer; one hit song of hers was Chaiyya Chaiyya from the movie Dil Se. In that item song, she and Shah Rukh Khan were dashing onscreen dancing on a train. The handsome Sonu Sood rocked with his shades on, shirtless showing off his well earned six pack, which he required for Happy New Year. We girls in the audience had no complaints. He smashed it on stage and I loved him in Dabangg, totally owning it!
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Shah Rukh Khan flew in and his introduction songs were Chammak Challo and Criminal from the movie Ra One. He also said a quote from Don “Don ko pakadna mushkil hi nahin, naamumkin hain”. Translated - “It’s not hard to catch Don, it’s impossible.” SRK and Deepika performed a song from Dil Se which was simply stunning, the lifts and chemistry on stage sizzled.
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During the interval, dance duo Signature who appeared on Britain’s Got Talent performed their Michael Jackson/Bhangra sequence that was once unpredictable on TV. What an entertaining group they are with a superb splits finish! Singer Kanika Kapoor sang Jugni Ji and Baby Doll. Signature joined her either side. I thoroughly enjoyed their acts.
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After the break, the Stars had to act out an audition process. Farah, Vivaan and Boman created their version of Main Hoon Na’s Gori Gori, which is the perfect soundtrack for Valentine’s Day. Another audition was Junior Bachchan’s Jhoom, the place was on fire, and I loved it! Madhuri performed her song called Agra from Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, she’s flawless each and every time!
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Well done to all of the SLAM Team, including Honey Singh who couldn’t make it. You all truly SLAMMED the London o2 Arena. I ended up getting lost in the taxi on the way back to Premier Inn Stratford; the meter went up to £50 but paid half, and then finally reaching Wolverhampton safely the next day.
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Picture credits: HNY and Sunny Suri
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Boccia and Wheelchair Football
I visited a venue is Cheltenham recently and I relived Boccia and Wheelchair Football memories.
Boccia is intended for people with Cerebral Palsy but is played with all. This activity consists of individuals or teams who each receive red or blue balls depending on allocated colours. There is also a white ball called the 'Jack’.
The aim of the game is to get as many balls as close to the Jack as possible and kept in the court area. You can bump into the opponent’s ball to allow your team to get nearer; although care must be taken as attempts missed can be a waste. Ending the game, the referee measures the distance to determine the winner.
Some players may use different methods to move the ball down the court such as guttering, which is a ramp to slide the ball down if a person can’t throw, and you can move it around in the direction required. Head Pointers allow players to launch balls using head movements. The helmet is comfortable and fully adjustable for own control.
I struggle to release the balls when I take part, 5 times out of 10 it ends up in the wrong place. At school everyone waited patiently and understood. The encouragement that works for me is a countdown, 10 to 1 did the trick. Practice makes perfect.
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I was part of a Wheelchair Football team which I played from 2004 til 2010 and I would like to say that I have improved over the years as I was the only girl taking part for school. When I first started, we used tyres to put in front of our feet for safety. When they broke during play, the game would be put on hold and everyone would stop, shout and support.
Then as time went on, we were able to use fully equipped wheelchair bumpers. What a fun 6 years I had! Thank you Mr T, Mr C and Mr M!
I missed Mum's Birthday Celebrations due to work commitments. So here is a very big Happy Belated Birthday wish! I love you.
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Dream It. Believe it. Achieve It.
Taking part in the Table Cricket Finals in London and being the only girl who played Wheelchair Football for Penn Hall School are a few of my previous achievements.
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I also had the opportunity to meet another film director, I have watched his 50 minute zombie movie called THE OTHER SIDE. I must say what a fantastic job everyone did. I wish the whole team all success for their next venture.
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Include Me TOO are holding the first ever National Community Inspiration Awards 2014. To find out more please visit: . There is still time to get your nominations in as the deadline is Friday 24th October 2014 at 5 pm.
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Thank you.
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After shooting the swimming pool scene at Penn Hall Special School and having an interview with the Express and Star newspaper, I thought the short film shooting had finished. Then two weeks later, the director calls me and says “Monique, are you free on this date, I want to add more scenes into your movie?” As you can imagine, I said “Yes please!” Some of the team travelled from London to Wolverhampton so we could film within a two hour time slot. Thank you all for taking time out to help me achieve my dreams, it’s much appreciated.
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I love working with The Voice Asia, they accommodate me from home so that all my needs are catered for and my equipment is there to ensure moving and handling procedures are carried out safely and therefore it’s more realistic.
I was ready and raring to go for my morning shoot. My carer kindly agreed to feature in the film. I really got to have a hair wash, though we could pretend, but I said “There’s no way I’m being filmed with greasy hair!” I gave my orders as the spokeswoman that I’ve become, but one comment was all it took to make me laugh, my carer did it on purpose! It’s a good job I’m not embarrassed.
Scene Two was professionally and emotionally draining. To get to this point in life I have made it through the bad times. Years ago, me and mum fought about the fact I have a disability, we still do now to a certain extent. I can honestly say it’s the first time in 22 years that we’ve hugged as tight as we did, reminding me of a traditional Asian wedding, where the bride leaves her family home.
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Doing my own makeover was a challenge, having everyone watch me as I admire myself in the mirror. My carers normally do it for me but I think I did an alright job. I recreated the scene over and over when everyone left! With natural curls in my hair, I was like “WOW!” That’s my dialogue of 2014.
This session has to be my favourite two hours from the three weeks of filming. Smiles made all the difference! Practice makes perfect. Dad said “Monique, you really should stop blowing your own trumpet!” But then he had a growing smile on his face. For most of my life I’ve felt fat, but today I’m proud of my look. I hope you all like the video when the short film is released. A special thank you to The Voice Asia, my carer and I can’t forget to mention Mum for making this experience a beautiful one… Mwah!
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Social Networking is a great platform nowadays; I saw on Twitter that Virgin Trains Wolverhampton were rocking in their VT sunglasses, I wanted some also! A few days later, I thought the assistant was getting the ramp ready for me to board the train to Shropshire, but instead he walked back out with some sunglasses for me! Haha...
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Getting to work was fine this time, I arrived at each station easily, reached my destination on time and whilst I was there I popped into a shop called Ruby Slipper. On sale were a range of costumes and accessories for fancy dress and performing arts. I felt like I was Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz! My favourite quote is “You've had the power all along, my dear” – Glenda.
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I then took a tour around The Gallery, I saw this piece of artwork and loved it – an eye, simple but stunning! Well done to all the creators. My day out was surely enjoyable.
My second journey was to Lancaster. I stopped off at Preston Train Station. Lost my nanny and was left in the capable hands of two handsome assistants. Within the space of 15 minutes we had swapped life stories. Smiles all round, I didn't want to leave! Thank you Virgin Trains Preston. Wonderful way to finish off a long day and makes my journeys worthwhile because I love meeting new people!
That’s why live every day like it’s your last. Dream big, take risks, get out and about. Take life as it comes with open arms... I am!
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My aunty was scheduled to teach her form class about disability awareness in a 20 minute slot and asked if I could help her with some planning and resources. The lesson went really well and her students were so interested in watching my Role Models film talking about the laws and ethics. I've been asked to go in whenever she has another event on.
Also I am back at Penn Hall School doing some voluntary work in the Residential Department. So you never know, teaching may be on the cards soon!
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“Think of life as a journal. You can write your own future. Go for it and be positive."
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I was first inspired by the award-winning 'Talk' which portrays a society in which non-disabled people are a pitied minority and disabled people lead full and active lives. Jonathan Kerrigan, of BBC's 'Casualty' fame, plays a business executive whose negative preconceptions of disability are dramatically shattered.
I attended my friend’s wedding recently; I believe everything happens for a reason. If I didn't go to their wedding I wouldn’t have met the director who has given me the chance to feature in a short film.
“You're wanted for film work!”
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I can't wait to see the wedding videos, we all hit the dance floor, ‘Dholi Taaron Dhol Baaje’ is a soundtrack that has taken the award ceremonies by storm.
I then had the opportunity to meet The Voice Asia team and shared my story. The team and I have been scriptwriting, producing and making a short film, giving people an insight into my life and maybe a series to follow.
“You light up the room with your presence...”
An outfit change and make-up removal was required for a trip down memory lane...
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The pavements aren't always level!
Pay extra attention outdoors and use the green cross code. My wheelchair did have a mind of its own a few times so I’m glad we caught that on camera. One of the train assistants walked past, he stopped and asked if he could be part of the shot too.
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After 4 years I returned to Penn Hall Special School...
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The Reality...
Thank you to Penn Hall for allowing me to use their hoist and Hydro pool. Without the equipment I need, it is very hard for me to lead a life using the best of my abilities.
I’d just like to say a big THANK YOU to The Voice Asia team for involving me and being so patient. Hopefully with time I will improve and achieve more goals in life and also do justice with this project as you'd like.
Here's to many more filming opportunities. I know my family and friends are excited to see the finished product. We will be in the Express and Star newspaper soon so please keep an eye and I hope you all enjoy the film when it’s released.
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Lots of love, Monique
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Changing Our Lives Self Advocacy
At least once a week I travel on the train. The assistance I get in Wolverhampton is brilliant. I know each and every one of the staff and if I turn up at the last minute they know to get the ramps. It makes my day being greeted with a smile or even a wave across the platform. I have a good giggle when one says "Oh no, here's Trouble!" This is how I want everyone to be treated because we all have a right to be in this world! Please join me in raising disability awareness to give others a voice!
I feel blessed to be taking part in so many projects at the moment. It’s taken the duration of 4 years to get where I am today. After 15 years at Penn Hall Special School, I went on to study at mainstream City of Wolverhampton College. I passed all of my exams in the first year but failed them in my second year.
I knew I would be able to do Business Studies but to be honest my heart wasn't set on it. So I am now:
Care Quality Commission’s Young Expert by Experience
Occasionally working for The Voice Asia’s short films
Changing Our Lives Leader
Inspector for Youth Hostel Association
Include Me TOO’s Young Ambassador
Whenever I performed in Penn Hall’s Christmas Pantomimes I always opted for a negative character as I love to play the part of a villain. I find the difference of Real and Reel very intriguing. My favourite was The Wizard of Oz, my role being The Wicked Witch. Please check out the video to see a clip of me in action “I’m melting!” - see link below
On Star Plus channel in August I had my five seconds of fame when I attended the Birmingham Mela for Include Me TOO in July and saw Gippy Grewal. A ten minute interview was edited to “Fantastic!” - see link below
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Changing Our Lives - Rights for All leadership scheme has allowed me to elaborate on my aspirations and self advocacy skills. Here is a diagram that explains my past events, present achievements and future dreams.
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You will also hear about The Voice Asia’s short film I've recently completed which will be coming soon so keep checking out my page for updates!
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Stroud, Gloucestershire
I had an early start to the day, ready to catch the 7.15 am train to Stroud. Virgin Trains Wolverhampton never fails to put a smile on my face. They are an ace team and I’m happy to have become a regular service user over the last 12 months. I’m part of their family now!
Getting to Stroud wasn't a problem, it was when I reached that I realised there were very few wheelchair accessible taxis. Once arriving at the correct destination, I completed my duty hours. What beautiful surroundings, the sun was shining and the food was natural produce which made the visit extra special.
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On the way back to the train station me and my cousin struggled to find wheelchair access to the platform we needed. There were no lifts and therefore we had to walk and drive my wheelchair all the way around the building to get to the other side!
A couple walking down the road pointed us in the right direction. Our taxi driver even turned his vehicle to fetch us back but by then we were okay. As if that wasn't enough, I had booked a later train by accident.
As a consolation prize, the train assistants put me on the first class coach for the returning journey. I finally arrived home at 9 pm after a 14 hour day out!
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