Whiskey's Mess
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mommamule · 5 years ago
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A Facebook post to tumblr. Police lives also matter. I don’t give a fuck what you say. I’m also a simple part law enforcement.
Y’all out here saying black lives matter when really all lives should. I’ve never been more disappointed in my entire life.
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mommamule · 5 years ago
Bootlicking tool of facist regimes.
Aw you noticed, thanks baby ☺️😉 you cant handle the truth then be a p*ssy else where, got to many hanging around here anyway
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mommamule · 5 years ago
yikes, I liked your art
A lot of people did lol relax I won’t miss it 😂
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mommamule · 5 years ago
Oh I’m sorry the cops were so busy tending to riots and didn’t have time to go to the playground to pick up their belongings? Don’t blame the police when you don’t respect the fact that they are here to protect your ass. So if you were having to fight a riot and used riot tactics, like throwing these out to disperse the crowd and try to relieve the situation, your happily take a break to go pick all it up while there still riots that need attending? Picking up items is more important then calming a bunch of idiots down who wanna destroy shit for the sake of doing crime I guess. Damn. What a shame
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mommamule · 5 years ago
For those of you who disagreed with my last post, I guess bye and whatever 😂 I’m sorry the fact that all lives matter doesn’t fit well with you all. Guess because I believe that all lives matter, I support law enforcement and I think these riots are stupid means I’m the bad guy. Goodbye snowflakes 🤔🤷‍♀️
Sorry I support our law enforcement and believe in what I do. If you don’t support law enforcement and believe this riot shit has gotten out of hand, please unfollow me because the last thing I want to see is yalls posts about how only black lives matter and riots are ok when people are being harmed in them.
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mommamule · 5 years ago
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I love how everyone automatically blames all and every single police officer in the world because of the incident involving George. I just wanna say one thing. Yes the officer shouldn’t of done that. Yes that was not right. Yes the officer was put in jail for a murder charge because of the incident and because of what he did to George. Yes a white police officer killed a black man. Yes. A police officer. Killed a man. Let’s not forget about the countless times humans of all races have been shot down or killed in other ways by the police. But that’s not what I’m really getting at. There are 800,000 known sworn in police officers just in the United States alone. Yes, there is a small majority of them who are bad individuals. Who took the badge not so seriously and did not do what they swore they would. To protect and serve their community. But just remember that a large amount of these police officers are good. They are kind, and willing to lay their lives on the line for a complete stranger such as yourself. They are trained to work with certain situations to take care of the people of their community, their coworkers and themselves. They are trained to deescalate situations when or if they even can. Given the understanding that not all situations can be deescalated. The large majority of these officers will fight to the death for what they believe in. They are humans just like us. Yes, there are bad cops out there. But more so are there many good cops. For all of you who say other wise, I feel sorry for you. God bless our first responders, from firefighters, to paramedics, to the police officers.
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Between this and the rioting being brought up almost every where I know now, it’s absolutely ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Me and so many innocent people who aren’t participating in such a caveman way of burning houses, stores, and more, and who are going after people who aren’t even doing anything wrong, breaking into vehicles and dragging people out, doing their worst; have to do our best at caring for ourselves and making sure we aren’t next and having to prepare for the worst because people don’t know how to act civilized. Rioters are acting the way most people see our police officers. Most people see the police as crazy individuals who will kill on sight and won’t give a fuck. But look at you, your going around breaking into homes, hurting innocent people, burning property because your angry. Your worse then how you see our law enforcement. And while police officers are risking their lives to go out and defend who they can and themselves to stop the insane rioting and people acting of complete fools, we innocent are left to defend for ourselves. But I’m not saying I’m ashamed of doing just that. If there’s someone who comes to my door wanting to burn down my house, harm me or my family, or do anything they can just for the sake of stupidity, I hope you know I’m more then ready to gun anyone down who threatens me. I’m armed, and I’m fighting for my life. I fight against police brutality. I care for our law enforcement. I see that all human life has same meaning. If you have a problem with that, then so be it. My blue line flag will wave, my gun will be raised and it will be loaded. Good luck.
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mommamule · 5 years ago
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Gift for my bf enjoy ~
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mommamule · 5 years ago
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mommamule · 5 years ago
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mommamule · 5 years ago
crab crab crab hand hand hand frighten
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mommamule · 5 years ago
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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mommamule · 5 years ago
Rookies be like-
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mommamule · 5 years ago
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A good n man he is
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mommamule · 5 years ago
Even though the vegan/vegetarian diet would be great for us human beings, it doesn’t mean it’s the right/healthier choice for our cats and dogs. Like hand-the-bastard said above it can cause a widespread of issues and should be looked into more often. And going back to the dog in the picture, it’s not hard to tell it’s not so excited about this meal. My older dog would sit and stare at you licking his chops wagging his tail waiting for you to put his food down.
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Maggie Menu
On the menu for Maggie tonight is puréed sweet potato, puréed brown rice, sprouted organic tofu, chia seeds, and digestive enzymes. Does she look excited? She is!
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mommamule · 5 years ago
(Woman here) I scrolled down and saw this and it just peed me off so much I had to say something.. good lord why can’t anyone take a joke. He was trying to be funny maybe but no one wants to see that because they take the comment oh so way to seriously. Y’all are acting like every man in the world is a piece of shit. The fact that y’all never met a good man or never had one around doesnt mean there are none out there. If my man did this I’d be laughing my ass off, you know why? Because it’s a joke. Maybe it’ll piss some people off, but it’s a joke. It is good ok fun. He’s using what he’s got. It’s a damn pitcher for tea. Chill. Learn how to take it like it is. Don’t be so dramatic. Even I would do that. No bowls in the dishwasher? Sink? Cabinet? Ok I’ll just use what I got. No harm no foul. Learn to look at the other side of the situation, don’t act on demand because you only understand a small part of what’s going on. Mule out.
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I hate men so much they literally are like this. Purposeful incompetence to avoid responsibilities they don’t want …………… the comments on this post on fb were So bad
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mommamule · 5 years ago
Money for a new vehicle - working 50 hours a week need some cash for a car oml
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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mommamule · 5 years ago
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This can save lives of many Black people who were wrongly convicted and arrested on drug possession charges. Please spread!
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