24 posts
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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Its a #modern #business #men with a #classic #bmw and... a #fashionable men #bag! Because Men also deserve a #fashionable #menbag ! #fasion #mensfashion #car #laptop #laptopbag #vangils
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
Because #modern #businessman also deserve a #fashionable #bag! High #quality and #luxury #bags for men only! #fashionblogger #mensfashion #fashion #dutchdesign #dutch #startup
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
#content #marketing #cmff @tbcglobal great speaker! #amsterdam ... (bij OBA Amsterdam)
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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Blue #bag, Blue #suit #monday #rtlnieuws Because #men also deserve a #fashionable bag! #dutchdesign #startup #fashion #work (bij Assen)
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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#i am ready for a brand #new #business #day as a #fashionable #businessman , Because #men also deserve a #fashionable #laptop bag! #fashion #dutchdesign (bij Assen)
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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Great combination! #twsteel #watch and a #fashionable #men #bag! For #modern men!
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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Modern #men and a #fashionable #bag! Because men also deserve a fashionable bag! #fashion #startup #mensfashion
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
People ask me regulary; #why are you #living in #drenthe ? This is why! Because #men needs #nature and #fashionable #bags ... (bij Drenthe)
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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Achter elke moderne #mannen #tas staat een moderne #auto ! Because #men also deserve a #fashionable #bag ! #bmw #fashion #luxury
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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First #collection of A Modern #Men #bag ! Because Men also deserve a #fashionable and #modern #bag! #bags for men only! #dutchdesign #premium #leather #fashion
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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#creating a #popup #showroom for A Modern #men #bag! Because men also deserve a #fashionable Bag! #startup #assen (bij Assen)
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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Naast #tassen voor #tablets, heb ik nu ook tassen voor #laptops ontworpen! Ik heb al mijn tassen een naam gegeven. Bijv. een van de tassen draagt de naam #koen. #tijdomteleven. Natuurlijk vernoemd naar @wauters_koen, #man van @valeriedebooster en leadzanger van de #Belgische popgroep #clouseau! Wat vinden jullie van de tas? @clouseaufansonderelkaar? Ik kijk nu al weer uit naar de geweldige optredens van Clouseau in België en ze komen alweer naar #Nederland! Waarom een tas vernoemen naar #koenwauters? Omdat de tas #enthousiasme en #energie uitstraalt, net als Koen op het podium! En wist je het nog niet: ik ga de #mannentas op nieuw uitbrengen! Because #men also deserve a #fashionable #bag!
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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#working hard to create a #businessplan and #financial #plan for #investors in #fashion! #privateequity. #men also deserve a #fashionable #bag! #luxery bags make your life more pleasant, Make you #dream, give you #confidence and show your neighbors you are doing well! #karl #lagerfeld #karllagerfeld
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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#working hard to create a #businessplan and #financial #plan for #investors in #fashion! #privateequity. #men also deserve a #fashionable #bag! #luxery bags make your life more pleasant, Make you #dream, give you #confidence and show your neighbors you are doing well! #karl #lagerfeld #karllagerfeld
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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The #idea of a #modern #men #bag is based on 3 #kisses  my basic #principle for #life. #keep it #short, keep it #simple and keep it #serious. I also believe than men also #deserve a #fashionable and #modern men bag! it’s time to change the idea that wearing bags are only for #woman, it is also normal for a men to #wear a bag! I #love bags and you? #question #fashionblogger #fashion #blogger (bij Netherlands)
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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The #idea of a #modern #men #bag is based on 3 #kisses  my basic #principle for #life. #keep it #short, keep it #simple and keep it #serious. I also believe than men also #deserve a #fashionable and #modern men bag! it’s time to change the idea that wearing bags are only for #woman, it is also normal for a men to #wear a bag! I #love bags and you? #question #fashionblogger #fashion #blogger (bij Assen)
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modernmenbag-blog · 8 years ago
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The #idea of a #modern #men #bag is based on 3 #kisses  my basic #principle for #life. #keep it #short, keep it #simple and keep it #serious. I also believe than men also #deserve a #fashionable and #modern men bag! it’s time to change the idea that wearing bags are only for #woman, it is also normal for a men to #wear a bag! I #love bags and you? #question #fashionblogger #fashion #blogger
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