Model Citizen Magazine Features
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modelcitizemag · 4 years ago
Stephany Oliveros Warwickshire Model to Watch
I'm an a-a spiritual girl; I want to do a Good inspiration for others and share my experiences and give emotional support with my philosophy but also in the same time prove to others girls that you can be a pretty, smart, spiritual and fashion woman with success and everyone can be one.
Stephany Oliveros
United Kingdom
State / Region
I'm an a-a spiritual girl; I want to do a Good inspiration for others and share my experiences and give emotional support with my philosophy but also in the same time prove to others girls that you can be a pretty, smart, spiritual and fashion woman with success and everyone can be one
Stephany, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as Model?
My passion is to help others and be a good communicator. I star in modelling 2 years ago because I was trying to be more than only a pretty face
Who is your inspiration in life Stephany? How do you stay inspired as a Model?
Jes̼s christ and Buda I think that this man's went the most interesting and great masters in the world. My favourite model is Maria Gabriela, and I keep inspired by it believing that you can be a beauty with a purpose
We all make mistakes Stephany; we wish we could take back. What was the mistake you made in the past that you wish you can take back?
Anyone, I think that these mistakes make you grow
Stephany, How do you describe yourself in terms of working with clients?
Kind and responsible
Please tell us, Stephany, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family?
Family, work, friends
Stephany, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully.
When I was working with social media in a company, and they changed all the page and was a successful
Stephany, please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Model.
I was able to do a catwalk to raise funds for children with syndrome down.
Stephany, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it?
Always is very hard but the imagination is part of the human beauty nature. And I remember when I try to create a dress with pepper was awesome.
What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Model?
Be yourself and choose your first every time.
Photo Credits:
@portraiture.eye, @jffzambrano @justefe.shots and @marco_vinagre92
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modelcitizemag · 4 years ago
Miles Kriek, Versatile, Tattoo, Unique Model in The Netherlands
Miles Kriek
Netherlands, North Holland
Versatile, Unique model.
Versatile (tattoo)model is bookable for all kind of projects & campaigns. Experienced with all sort of styles, including acting and catwalk. Worked with several well-known clients such as Schwarzkopf, KeuneHaircosmetics, Amnesty International and many more. Fluent in Dutch, English & Spanish. Also able to speak some German. Currently based in Amsterdam (NL) and also often near Cologne (DE). Signed with some agencies, also working as a freelance model.
My name is Miles Kriek. A 27 years old Dutch (tattoo) model who has lots of experience with all sort of styles. Bookable for everything. Currently based in Amsterdam (NL) and Cologne (DE). Fluent in Dutch, English, Spanish and also able to speak German.
My power is my uniqueness. An artistic model who has worked with well-known brands such as Schwarzkopf, KeuneHaircosmetics, Amnesty International, HappySocks. Also experienced with acting and running the catwalk.
Also multiple published (cover) model in several magazines. Worldwide.
Signed with some agencies, also working as a freelance model.
If you want the ‘wow’ effect for your project, client, advertisement, campaign or whatsoever, I am your guy.
We will create content and material that is gonna make everyone’s head spin!
Miles, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as a Model?
Back in the days, I got scouted on the streets of Amsterdam twice, and once in front of my school. This was at a young age (16/18).
Back then, didn’t had the confidence to start as a model.
My primary job, is working for the Royal Navy of the Netherlands. When I had quite some time left, wanted to fill in the time with something I could really be myself with.
As you can see, I have many tattoos all over my body.
From that moment I realised, that I can make a big change in the industry, and show the world that people can be their authentic selves to perform as a model.
I am not the mainstream model, and that’s exactly what my power is.
I want to encourage everyone that is ‘different’ to be their authentic selves and conquer the world
Who is your inspiration in life Miles? How do you stay inspired as Model?
Taking my inspirations from everywhere. From historic art pieces in museums, up till daily life on the streets
We all make mistakes Miles, we wish we could take back. What was the mistake you made in the past that you wish you can take back?
To not have started as a model earlier, when I got scouted a few times at a young age
Miles ,How do you describe yourself in terms of working with clients?
Positive, Active, Loyal, Open, Direct, Easy to work with because of being able to speak multiple languages.
Please tell us Miles, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family?
Things that have to done, should he done first.
Having my retro paper-agenda where I prioritise all my work, social life etc.
Tried to do it with an online agenda or with the mobile agenda, but that doesn’t work for me
Miles, please give us an example of a time when you were able to successfully persuade someone to see things your way at work.
My girlfriend has an unique look as well. I encouraged her to start as a model.
Within 3 weeks she has several contract and yet her first paid campaign with a well-known brand in the Netherlands.
Miles please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Model.
Campaign for Schwarzkopf.
Always had the dream to work as a model and be an ambassador for this very well-known brand all over the world. Think big, go big.
Worked in Madrid, Spain, on a very big project with award-winning visual artist Rafael Díaz on the artistic project ‘Obras Maestras Reloaded’. In collaboration with Accenture and Grupo Planeta. It has been in art exhibitions and musea all over the world. For example, Musea Del Prado (Madrid, Spain). So, I have officially the label ‘Art’.
For a tattoomodel, that is the biggest achievement and proudest thing you can have.
Miles, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it?
To be honest, I can do always artistic and creative projects. That is my favourite style there is. To create art and magic.
Want to create content and art, that’s gonna make your head spin. Want to awake the impression that when you see my work, you remember my work still in 5 + years
What advice would you give to the people who wants to be successful as a Model?*
Always be your authentic self. You don’t have to prove to anyone you can do something/it. Only to yourself.
Now for the best part Miles! Please upload 5-10 photos so we can get to see your work.
Photo Credits:
Cover photo 1:
Rafael Diaz X Accenture
Cover photo2:
Rafael Diaz X Tom van der Kuy
Photo 1:
Sudhir Ramman X Maurice Simons
@shotbysud X @alphainkt
Photo 2:
Sudhir Ramman X Amsterdam Tattoo Convention
Photo 3:
Siciliani Texel
Photo 4:
Rafael Diaz
Photo 5:
Daniel Nicoletti X Jessica van Meurs
Photo 6:
Olivier X Keune Haircosmetics X Barber Society Live
Photo 7:
Daniel Nicoletti X Jessica van Meurs
Photo 8:
Carlos Acosta
Photo 9:
Jan Willem van Riel
Photo 10:
Jan Willem van Riel
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modelcitizemag · 4 years ago
John  Corsa 
John  Corsa [email protected] @Johncorsadanceart Country United States State / Region California Model John, please tell us your talent/work rate per hour? 150.00
ABOUT I studied dance at the university of the arts in Philadelphia I went on the dance for MOMIX, Twyla Tharp's Movin Out (principle role Tony) a tour Broadway musical, Parsons Dance, and DIAVOLO. I am an artist creative director, choreographer and model. I have toured the world over taught internationally and at universities across the United States. I was recently featured in the Stevie Wonder Tribute with Rufus Wainwright directed by Andrew Ondrejcak premiered in Los Anglese at Heaven, the Art of Elysium's gala honoring Stevie Wonder, featured in Rolling Stone Magazine.  I am a creative director, artist, dancer, and model. I combine the worlds of Art, Dance and Fashion to provide unique worlds that inspire beauty and esthetic awareness in multi faceted formats. My work has been exhibited in galleries in LA and online. It is my goal to create artistic worlds that promote the art of dance and inspire beauty in the spirit of aesthetics. 
Our readers would love to get to know you more John. Tell us about yourself, what is unique about you?
I am an artist that believes in expression, beauty love and healing.  I am not only a creative director model and artist, but I also help and heal through several different healing modalities, crystal healing, Qi gong and healing and healing techniques passed down by my mother. I am in love with feeling and creative expression environmental activism, and love as a state of being not just an emotional expression. 
John, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as a Model?
I started out performing as a dancer for 15years and modeled here and there, as I explored my creative desires I connected dance art and dance photography being an athletic model using my dance training to create a different kind of jump shot and artistic expression to create unique editorials that bring visual artistic " Other Worlds" through the combination of photography art and dance. 
Who is your inspiration in life John? How do you keep inspired?
I'm inspired by fearless artists and leaders such as Arthur Rimbaud (a famous french poet), Martha Graham (mother of modern dance) Eve St. Laurent (infamous designer), Frank Fools Crow ( ceremonial chief of the Teton Sioux), Leonardo Da Vinci, and Reinaldo Arenas (Cuban poet and novelist) to name a few. I am inspired by my mother's blood mother and step mother because of their love of nature, art and spirit they both taught me in different ways how feelings connect you to the land and nature. Allowing for a deep connection to the feeling of peace that can be inspired by any natural environment. I'm also inspired by healing and the tenacity of the human spirit those individuals that strive for inner freedom and awareness through inner healing. 
We all make mistakes John, we wish we could take back. Please tell us about time being a Model, you wish you’d handled a situation differently with a colleague. I've had a few instances where my pursuit for perfection has made me momentarily forget to be loving and kind to myself and others mainly myself the pressure the dance and modelling industry can put on an artist can be hard, and the saddest ramification of that is self-doubt or self-hatred. As I've grown older, I see how much I tortured myself in the belief that I wasn't worthy or that I wasn't good enough this is the worst kind of cruelty one can put upon themselves. 
John  , when you’re working with a large number of clients, it’s tricky to deliver excellent service to them all. As a Model, how do you go about prioritizing your clients’ needs?
I am a very creative person so weather it is modeling, creative direction, choreographing or dancing I usually take a moment to sit in silence and then tend to explode with creative ideas letting myself remember the vast diversity I have inside myself to be anything and everything weather it is coming up with a specific creative idea, dance step or becoming a different persona or being it helps me to remember I am not me I'm whatever I want to be when working with clients or creating my art or working with a director or client I try to leave my egoic reactions at the door and be true to the moment. I usually realize there are infinite options that support an endeavour. 
Please tell us John, about a time you had to be very strategic to meet all your top priorities as a Model?
I think that the hardest time I've had was actually as a dancer then a model dancing demands a certain athletism that is almost overwhelming at times through sickness, injury and emotional turmoil you have to perform and then wake up and take class early in the morning, touring extensively can be very hard on the body I'd say dancing with the rigorous schedule demands off a 14 month tour was the hardest experience of my life.  The modeling world is very difficult because of the harsh realities of the industry, but it is very similar in the dance world they critic everything you do all the time that gave me a strong skin and resiliency that helped me navigate harsh environments and demanding clients and directors. 
John, please give us an example of a time when you were able to successfully persuade someone to see things your way at work. Most of the time I just try as many different things as I can to get what a client is looking for as an artist first and foremost I love being creative, and I have been told that I have endless ideas and even too much hahaha but that has helped me like I said I try and keep my ego at the door being flexible and mutable has helped me get the desired result that is wanted from a client or director, of course, being who you are is best " take yourself on through a journey of who you are discovering moment to moment a new version of you that maybe lay dormant inside waiting to be discovered." 
John, please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Model. There might be many, but there is always this proudest moment that you just want to share with everyone. What is it and why? My proudest moment as a model would have to be my experience dancing with Rufus Wainwright in the video tribute to Stevie Wonder because we were dancing in hard conditions and we had terrible blisters on our feet Rufus and I, I remember limping on to the set because we were dancing in designer shoes and the pain was extreme and even with all the pressures on set and the physical distractions I was able to feel love for Rufus my role being his love interest, I think if you aren't truly feeling the emotions the shot or video or performance doesn't really read or work and the audience the viewer watching the performance or looking at your image in the magazine won't really feel anything and that is possibly the worst thing you can do as an artist, performer or model. 
John, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it? I tend to be very creative and sometimes it can be too much hahaha I have so many ideas and some much energy that it can be challenging to choose what to go with or which one to choose first but I'd have to say the most enjoyment I've gotten from my work in the world is from being so creative I have to funnel it into many different experiences modeling, dancing, creative directing, choreographing, drawing writing poetry it's not that I am amazing at all of these it's that I have learned when your creativity asks you to go there that you listen because it's not really yours it's your job to be open to it to let the flow happen because creativity is something that comes through you not something that you necessarily own or that is yours you are just the funnel the energy comes through.  This concept has helped me create and move on in a way to create again and again. 
What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Model?
I'd say whatever you do give it your all and don't listen to negativity don't all your mind to someone else's opinion of you if they don't like you go where you are liked if you take on criticism you run the risk of being far to sensitive I have had troubles with this in my life and profession in the past the sooner you let people be who they are and don't mind anyone else opinion work hard and be you the more successful you will be in anything 
Are you looking for collaboration with fashion talents, brands and creatives? If yes, please state below what type of collaboration you are looking for? Yes I'd love to collaborate with brands, fashion talents and creatives through modeling, athletic modeling Dance art, creative directing I love merging art, dance and fashion being this fusion of things I have together to create beauty and unique worlds that people can see and feel. Inspiring beauty in the world 
Now for the best part John! Please upload 5-10 photos so we can get to see your work. Photo Credits: Robert Mann @robert.mannstudio Brenda Cantu @brendshot 
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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Paris Street Style
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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Thierry Mugler Spring, 1991
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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Valentin Humbroich photographed by Christian Oita for Man About Town Magazine
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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Eileen Ford Modeling Agency ~ 1955
Bottom row left to right: Jean Patchett, Patsy Shally, Eileen Ford, Lillian Marcuson, Nan Rees, and Leonie Vernet. Top row left to right: Dorian Leigh, Suzy Parker, Georgia Hamilton, Dolores Hawkins, Kathy Dennis and Mary Jane Russell.
Eileen (front row, in green) with a fleet of Ford models, 1955
Photo by Mark Shaw ~  Digital Colorization by Lorna Clark
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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@indiepeach ||
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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enjoy! ♡
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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Anna Carin Bjorck is seated on the wing-back of a red 1959 Chevrolet Impala Convertible, she is wearing a suede cardigan lined in guanaco, over a caramel wool turtleneck and pants © John Rawlings
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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By Wendelien Daan
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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“Autumn Fuchsia” by Norman Parkinson ~ 1957
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modelcitizemag · 5 years ago
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Karl Lagerfeld and his cat, Choupette
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