M^3 Photography
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Two Croatian photographers, trying to show the beauties of the world and it's people the way they see it through their lenses. Contact phone: 091/ 987 0473 (Croatia)
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mmm-photography · 6 years ago
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Fanovi su čekali, a ekipa iz Hangtime Agency-a ih je nagradila, u Boogaloo-u su pripremili veliki Arctic Monkeys tribute koncert, a za bend su izabrali najbolje od najboljih u regiji - Stereo Deficit! Kad su se vrata otvorila, gladni fanovi su koncertnu dvoranu ispunili u par minuta, a uskoro je bend preuzeo pozornicu uz gromoglasne uzvike publike. Tijekom cijelog trajanja koncerta publika je bila bombardirana hitovima Arctic Monkeys-a bez ikakve pauze, a na kraju svega samo su najizdržljiviji ostali stajati na nogama ——— The fans have waited and the Hangtime Agency crew awarded them for their patience with a big Arctic Monkeys tribute concert in Boogaloo, and the prestiges band Stereo Deficit was chosen to make the night an unforgettable one. When the doors opened, rows upon rows of fans rushed in, filling the venue up in a matter of minutes, and soon after the band was out on the stage followed by earth shattering cheers. The band pulled no punches & gave the fans exactly what they wanted, a non stop bombardment of Arctic Monkeys best hits! Towards the end only the strongest were left standing on their legs
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mmm-photography · 6 years ago
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U intimnom prostoru KCM-a, jedan novi glazbeni projekt (s poznatim licima) pokazao je čega ima novog na glazbenoj sceni, riječ je o TRUTH ≠ TRIBE-u. Ovaj koncert im je bio fundraising za njihov nadolazeći album koji je u sebi imao brojne kombinacije klubske glazbe iz raznih regija Svijeta (balkanski, afrički…) i brojnih pod žanrova (progresivni rock, elektronika,…). Tijekom nastupa na pozornicu su se popeli brojni pozvani gosti koji su sa svojim glazbenim talentom ukrasili večer ne samo za publiku, nego i za bend. Završetkom koncerta, bend se zahvalio svima koji su izdvojili vrijeme i podržali njihov rad, a tu su naravno i par fotografija večeri. ——— KCM, an intimate venue in the heart of Zagreb, became the place where a new band showed of what’s new on the Croatian music scene, that band's name being TRUTH ≠ TRIBE. This concert was also served as fundraising for their new album. Their music is a mix between club music from different regions of the world (Balkan, African…) & a large number of different sub-genres (prog rock, electro…). During the performance, a few guests joined in on the fun & enriched the experience for everyone with their music talents, even for the band. After the concert wrapped up, the band thanked everyone for taking the time and coming & also for supporting their work. Of course, here are some photos.
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mmm-photography · 6 years ago
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Ekipa iza Good Vibrations-a za ovaj koncert u dovela je bend Soviet Soviet. No dok njihov red na pozornici Močvare je tek došao kasnije, jer treba i netko zagrijati, a tko bolji nego elektro Hip Hop duo iz benda Playground Hustle. Duo ima interesantnu kemiju na stage-u, dok je vokalistica  puna energije koja nikako da se istroši u bacanju i pjevanju, njezina kolegica je okružena elektronikom i skoro prikrivena u rasvjeti, tko ninja ali za zvuk. Šalu na stranu, djevojke su odradile svoju ulogu savršeno, te kad je došlo vrijeme za zvijezde večeri svi su bili spremni za divlji provod. Odmah od početka su glazbenici koji čine Soviet Soviet raspalili i prodrmali publiku tko pravi punk bend. Tijekom jednosatnog nastupa publika je imala priliku čuti i uživati u novim i starim stvarima benda. Užarenost koncerta se lako može primijetit na fotografijama——— For this concert, the crew behind Good Vibrations brought the band Soviet Soviet. But before they could take to the stage, someone had to warm up the audience, and there could be no better pick than the Electro Hip Hop duo Playground Hustle. The duo has an interesting chemistry on the stage, on the one side you have the highly energetic vocalist that never runs out of energy no matter how much she dances to the beats and sings her heart out, on the other side we have her colleague surrounded by electronics and making sure everything sounds upbeat & crisp. The girls did a wonderful job, and when the main event was upon us, everyone was ready for a rocking experience. Soviet Soviet started out hard & shook up the crowd like a try punk band. Take a look at the photos to witness the fire that was this concert
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mmm-photography · 6 years ago
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Kad neki bend najavi svoj posljednji koncert, to je uglavnom poziv na jedan nezaboravni provod, a to je trio iz benda Dječaci i osigurao. Intimni prostor SAX-a bio je popunjen u prvim minutama od otvorenja vrata, a zrakom se širio osjećaj nestrpljenja, sami izlaskom jednog od članova benda, nestrpljenje se pretvorilo u euforično veselje koje je uskoro bilo popraćeno i prvom pjesmom večeri. Cijeli koncert je bio ispunjen hit za hitom, koji su kroz cijelu večer držali publiku u konstantnom stanju veselja, zbog čega je temperatura u SAX-u rasla do neizmjernih veličina, prisilivši Dječake da izlože svoju kožu rasvjeti i publici, a nije niti publika dugo čekala da skine majice (poneki i tenisice). Kaos ovog koncerta trajao je do duboko u noći, a djelić ove divlje atmosfere se može vidjeti u fotkama! ——— When a band announces their last concert, one can expect an unforgettable time, and that’s what the trio from the band Dječaci made sure of. Sax, a venue known for its intimate atmosphere was filled up to the brim in mere minutes of the doors opening, and the smell of anticipation was present in the air. The moment one of the members of the band walked out on stage, the whole venue erupted in euphoric joy, which was followed up by the very first song of the night. The set list was hit, after hit, after hit, which kept the audience in a constant state of joy, that also raised the temperature in the venue, forcing the band to take off their clothes, and soon after the audience started to remove their shirts (and some, their shoes). The chaos lasted deep into the night, and the photos bring a small dose of it!
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mmm-photography · 6 years ago
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Hodnici Močvare još jednom su bili ispunjeni Azijskim kulturnim duhom, a tome se može zahvaliti vrijednim pojedincima iza organizacije Pandakon-a. Bogat program je svakom posjetitelju pružio razlog da ostane barem jedan sat ekstra, bilo to zbog zabavnih tribina gdje su publici popljuvali njihove omiljene anime-e, a za ozbiljnije tu su bila obična predavanja gdje se popričalo o azijskoj arhitekturi, povijesti Shounena, kineskom zodiju i mnoga druga, a za one kojima nije do slušanja bilo je par aktivnih radionica plesa i borilačkih vještina. Naravno da sve nije u zatvorenom prostoru, terasa Močvare bila je ispunjena brojnim štandovi koji su pružali posjetiteljima da si kupe nešto, isprobati šivaću mašinu, razmijeniti iskustva u virtualnom šaketanju ili samo s društvom zaigrati društvene igre. Naravno kad se Sunce spustilo, sva se akcija prebacila u glavnu dvoranu, gdje je one najizdržljivije posjetitelje dočekao vatreni program oba dva dana i veliko cosplay natjecanje. Fotke Vam mogu dati samo mali uvid koliko je veselo na konvenciji bilo ^^ ——— The halls of Močvara where once again consumed by the spirit of Asian culture, and you can thank the hardworking guys & girls of Pandakon for that. A rich program definitively made every visitor spend an extra hour on the con, be it because one can’t resist the temptation of listening to a bunch of anime lovers making fun of their favourite anime’s, more tame visitors could listen to different lectures, and those who like more action oriented lectures had a chance to see how the masters fight & K-Pop stars dance. Of course not everything was going on inside, the outside had a bunch of booths & every single one offered something different, be it buying a necklace or figure, try out a sewing machine, exchange experiences when it comes to fighting games, or just play a board game or two with your buddies. Of course, once the Sun started to set, everything moved inside, where the most dexterous of visitors got to see the newest in Croatian Cosplay, show off their knowledge of popular dance moves, or crack their voice during the karaoke night. The photos are just a tiny insight how fun this convention was ^^
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mmm-photography · 6 years ago
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Na dva dana, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića, postane glavna atrakcija svim ljubiteljima zdravog i obnovljivog života, i onima koji u svojoj hrani ne preferiraju meso, riječ je naravno o ZegeVege Festivalu. Svake godine, festival ponudi brojnim OPG-ovima, obrtima i firmama štand da predstave svoje organske proizvode, vegansku i vegetariansku hranu. Za one znatiželjne bila su predavanja tijekom oba dva dana o brojnim interesantnim temama, a za one gladne samo o hrani i kako je najbolje pripremiti ( te je probati na licu mjesta ;) ). A nakon dobre klope, svi su se mogli pridružiti plesnim skupinama kod pozornice, i zaplesati s njima. Šarolikost festivala se može vidjeti u fotkama :D ——— For two days, Ban Jelačić Square becomes the main attraction for anyone that prefers to live a healthy & sustainable lifestyle, and for those that don’t include meat in their meal plan, it’s of course the ZegeVege festival. Every year, the festival offers a place for all the companies & local family run business to showcase their organic products, vegan & vegetarian food. For those curious, there were also lectures which touched upon many interesting topics, and there were a few cooking workshops for those who just think about food. Lastly, everyone could break into a dance with the dance groups that performed near the stage on an hourly basis. You can see how colourful the festival was in the photos below :D
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mmm-photography · 6 years ago
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10 dana, toliko je trajao ovogodišnji, 7. po redu Tam Tam Music festival! Ispunjen brojnim radionicama, yogom, izložbama, filmovima i naravno ono najvažnije, glazbom. Glavni centar festivala je naravno bio camp TAMp, gdje od prvih dana se moglo već naletjeti ne samo na ljude iz raznih krajeva Hrvatske nego iz raznih krajeva Svijeta. Takav šarolik raspon različitih ljudskih iskustava stvorila je predivnu (skoro hippie) atmosferu koja nije napuštala TAMp sve do posljednjeg dana. I dok je TAMp-u vladala “rajska” atmosfera, sam Sućuraj je od prvog dana postala izlazna lokacija za sve koji su si htjeli priuštiti razgledavanje privremene izložbe, prošetati s lokalnim arheologom i informirati se o povijesti ovog malog Dalmatinskog gradića, a navečer ih je očekivao pokoji glazbeni nastupa taman da zagrije posjetitelje za 2 najluđa dana festivala. 10 bendova, 1 pozornica na ogromnom igralištu i glazba do ranih jutarnjih sati. Svaki bend komotno se može strpati u kategoriju alternative, na što se i sam festival ponosi. No glazba nije bila samo limitirana na prostor izvan TAMp-a, u njemu se nalazila posebna pozornica na kojoj su sami posjetitelji (ako pozornica nije već bila okupirana od benda na programu) mogli zasvirati. Sve u svemu, Tam Tam se i ove godine dokazao kao vrlo fin izbor za svakog tko se želi maknuti od gužve svakodnevnog života i odmoriti uz fine zvukove mora, veselja i glazbe 😄 ——— 10 days, that’s how long the 7th Tam Tam Music festival lasted! Filled to the brim with workshops, Yoga sessions, exhibitions, movie projections & of course, music. The centre of the festival was the camp TAMp, which was filled with people from all around the world from the very first day. With that diverse set of human experiences, the atmosphere inside of the TAMp created an almost hippie feel to the whole thing. While the camp was in a universe of its own, Šućuraj was the exit for that universe, every day offering something fresh, be it a walk through the place with the local archaeologist & learning about the history of the town, taking a look at the exhibitions featured throughout the duration of the festival, and during the night there was a concert or two, just enough to warm up everyone for the main meal of the festival, the 2 days all night concert show, featuring 10 bands, a big stage on an even bigger football field. Every band could easily be categorised as belonging to the alternative genre of music. One should mention that TAMp had its own stage where visitors could jam it up. All in all, Tam Tam once again proved that it’s one of the better festival’s to remove oneself from the daily grind of life, and relax whiles listening to the sounds of the sea, laughter & of course music :D
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mmm-photography · 6 years ago
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Filmovi, glazba, predavanja i radionice; sve se to dalo pronaći na 16. Tabor Film Festival. Već od početnih sati festivala, šatorski prostor je pošteno bio napunjen, taman da se svi sklone od usputne kiše koja je posjetila festival. Nakon što su zadnje kapi pale, na pozornici je zasvirao prvi bend i vratio osmijeh svima. Večer se nastavila uz dobru mjuzu duboko u noć. Sljedeći dan je više manje šetao istim putem tko i prvi. Tijekom dana su posjetitelji imali priliku iskusiti brojne indie filmove, predstavu, a u jednom trenutku započela je i dvodnevna radionica o vlog-anju, kasnije malo se moglo poslušati o pametnoj klupi, a kad se Sunce pomalo počelo spuštati, akcija se preselila na Sunset stage gdje su brojni bendovi pružili svima savršenu glazbu uz predivan pogled. Nestankom posljednjih zraka Sunca, glazba se preselila u centar Tabora, gdje su preostali bendovi svima pružili nezaboravnu noć. Prelaskom na treći dan je bio pomalo poseban, recimo da se u program ušuljala velika utakmica, a organizacija Tabora je svima pružila A klas gledajuće iskustvo na ogromnom platnu. Treba istaknuti da postoji još jedna pozornica, “Food & Jazz” pozornica, na kojoj uz najbolju zagorsku hranu su posjetitelji slušali fine vokale Jazz glazbenika. Dok je u centru Tabora vladala suluda glazbena energija, oni manjeg energetskog kapaciteta, mogli su sudjelovati u radionici kovanja noževa kod Campfire pozornice. Posljednji dan je obilježila dodjela nagrade najbolje Indie filma prikazanog na Tabor film festivalu, podosta večernje glazbe raspodijeljene kroz sva tri stage-a, puštanje lampiona, te opuštanje uz vatru sve do ranih jutarnjih sati. Kako je to izgledalo kroz fotoaparat može se vidjeti na fotkama :) ——— Movies, music, lectures & workshops; all of that could be found during 16. Tabor Film Festival! Even from the early moments of the festival, the designated tent place of the festival was filled up in a matter of hours, just in time to take shelter from the passing rain that visited the festival. After the last drops fell, the familiar sound of music came from the main stage & returned the smiles that were washed away by the rain. The bands played until the very late night hours. The next day went along more or less like the first. During the day, visitors had a chance to experience a variety of indie films, a performance, a chance take part in a two day vlogging workshop, listen about smart benches & when the Sun started to set, the action moved to the Sunset stage, where numerous bands provided their best songs which complimented the beautiful view of the landscape. After the last rays of the Sun vanished behind the hill, the music moved to the main stage, where the big bands took over & offered everyone an unforgettable night. Moving on to the next day, it was a bit special, the reason, a pretty big football game & the organisers of the festival provided for everyone an A class viewing experience. One should mention that among all the stages of the festival, it had a special one that was part of a restaurant, called “Food & Jazz” stage, where visitors could sit down, order the best Zagorje food available & enjoy some amazing Jazz vocals. While the main stage was packed to the brim with people oozing energy, outside, on the Campfire stage, a blacksmith workshop was being held for those who wanted to end the day in a more peaceful manner. The last day was marked by the award ceremony for the best indie film, a lot of music on all stages, releasing sky lanterns & chilling around the campfire until the early morning hours. Check out the photos to get a feel how everything looked through the lens of a camera :D
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mmm-photography · 6 years ago
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U dalekim galaksijama možda se događaju ratovi neizmjernih veličina, no u tom kaosu i dalje se nalaze ljudi čije priče su vrijedne ispričati, a to smo dobili od filma Solo: A Star Wars story. Na dan premijere filma, članovi Star Wars Hrvatska su se okupili, obukli na sebe svoje SW cosplay-e te ispunili predvorje Cineplexx-a s Star Wars atmosferom. Trenutak do premijere se približavao, tako su pomalo stajala sva mačevanja, poziranja za fotografije i kupnja obavezne klope za svaku kino projekciju, te su se svi uputili prema dvorani za još jednu SW avanturu :D —— In galaxies far away, their maybe wars of unimaginable size being waged, but in that chaos their are stories of ordinary people worth being told, and the movie Solo: A Star Wars tore did just that. On the day of the movie premiere, members of Star Wars Hrvatska gathered up, got dressed in their SW cosplays and put on a show in front of the cinema. The last minutes before the movie where filled up with people having lightsaber fights, posing for photos and buying much needed “film” food  before departing towards the cinema hall for another SW adventure :D
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mmm-photography · 6 years ago
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Brojni ljudi su se okupili na trgu Josipa Jurja Strossmayer-a sa samo jednim ciljem, da prošire sa što glasnijim glasom svijest o stanju životinja u klaonicama diljem svijeta. Prosvjed su organizirali aktivisti iz udruge Oslobođenje životinja. Prosvjedna kolona zaputila se od svoje startne pozicije kroz brojne ulice sve dok se nisu zaustavili na Trgu bana Josipa Jelačića gdje je predvodnik kolone održao govor koji je pojasnio svim prisutnim značenje njihovog prosvjeda. Završetkom govora, prosvjedna kolona se uputila natrag do Strossmayer-a gdje je sve čekao nastup Žen-a i Darka Rundeka i friško pripremljene hrane :) ——— People gathered around the Strossmayer square with only one goal, to spread awareness about the cruel state of animals in slaughterhouses all around the Earth. The protest was organised by the Animal Liberation group. The protestors made their way through a few streets before stopping at the main square where they held a short speech, explaining their cause to the puzzled onlookers. Once the speech came to an end, the next step was walking back to the Strossmayer square where a concert from Žen & Darko Rundeka was waiting, and some freshly prepared food :)
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mmm-photography · 7 years ago
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Svaki novi Star Wars film prati kviz kojeg je pripremila ekipa iz Star Wars Hrvatska. Treći za redom SW kviz je bio najteži, s pitanjima iz svih SW filmova koji su do tada izašli koji bi i fokusirani um Jedi majstora natjeralo da počeše glavu, a tamni prostor Studio Smijeha definitivno je pridonio napetoj atmosferi. Kako su hrabri kvizoborci podnijeli pitanja i tamnu stranu sile koja ih je okruživala možete vidjeti u fotkama od te večeri ^^ ——- With every new Star Wars movie, comes a new quiz organised by the fine folks over at Star Wars Hrvatska. This time, the quiz-warriors had a challenge in front of them. The questions where hard, so hard that even the mind of a Jedi master would be left scratching, and the venue had a feeling of despair surrounding it. How did the quiz-warrior handle the questions and how much did the dark side of the force grow ? Check out the photos ^^
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mmm-photography · 7 years ago
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Kako može jedna mala kutija brojne ljude upoznat s novom glazbom? Odgovor bi se mogao pronaći u Booksi. Članovi udruge Vibra / Vibekreirali su malu kutijicu pod imenom Vibrabox. Čari ove kutije što u partnerskim lokacijama poput Bookse, svaka osoba besplatno se može Wi-Fi linijom povezati sa kutijom i dobit pristup brojnim glazbenim izvođačima koji su dio domaće nezavisne scene. Na praktičnom primjeru predstavili su koliko je postupak brz i bezbolan nevažno koristite li laptop, smartphone ili tablet, te koje sve mogućnosti ima korisnik. Mora se napomenut da svaki izvođač ima priliku da se njegova glazba nađe na playlisti :) ——- How can a small little box introduce new music to people thirsty for something new ? The answer could be found in Booksa. Members of Vibra created that box and it goes by the name VibraBox. In essence, the box is the doorway to new musicians, and to open it you just need to connect trough Wi-Fi with the box for FREE! Once there you get all the info needed about the artist who’s song is currently being played, leave a comment & leave a like or even a dislike. The best part, every music artist, as long as they are from Croatia, can sign up and let their music be heard :)
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mmm-photography · 7 years ago
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Vesela MIMO ekipa ponovo je na početku mjeseca pripremila jednu energičnu noć u MSU-u. Prvi od dva benda večeri bio je duo iz don_t go. Uz pomoć par instrumenata, nježnog vokala i intimnih tekstova poslali su publiku na fantastični put kroz pejzaže elektronike. Ono čime se bend poprilično ponosi je njihova sposobnost da bez bilo ikakvog pretprogramiranja loop-aju bez da ometaju putnike u njihovom putovanju. Svako putovanje ima svoj kraj, pa se duo odlučio lagano vraćati publiku u realnost. Kad su zadnje note bile odsvirane, duo se zahvalio publici i polagano napustio stage-a. Publika se oporavljala od puta, a gosti večeri su izmijenili malo riječi. Nakon pauze na pozornicu upadaju članovi benda Roppongi Red, već prvom pjesmom su Gorgonu pretvorili u (primiren) klub, a s takvim zabavnim stihovima i pjevačicom koja nije pokazivala niti u jednom trenutku umor, bilo je poprilično čudno kako publika se uspjela suzdržati da iskoče iz sjedala i zaplešu. U par fotografija smo pokušali ugurati doživljaj ste večeri :D ——- The lovable MIMO crew prepared another energetic concert night in MSU. The first of the two band to perform where the DON_T GO duo. With the help from a bunch of instruments, soft vocals & a set full of intimate lyrics they sent the audience on a journey trough the landscape of electronic music. What the band is extremely proud of is their ability to loop their music in real time without disturbing the audiences journey. Every journey has its end, so the duo decided it was time to bring everyone present back into reality. When the last notes where played, the duo thanked everyone and slowly left the stage. While the audience was still recovering from their journey, the guests of the night had their usual talk. After the short break, it was time for the second band to shine, Roppongi Red. The first song set the mood and turned Gorgona into a (calm) club, and with such fun lyrics and a frontwomen that never showed an ounce of tiredness, it was a surprise that no one got up and joined in on the fun. We bring you a few photos from that night :D
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mmm-photography · 7 years ago
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Dan koji svaki praktičar sile čeka, za koji svaki Lightsaber majstor vježba i naravno svaki fan Star Wars-a nestrpljivo isčekuje, taj dan među ovom šarolikom skupinom ljudi se zove - May the 4th. Svjetski dan Star Wars-a! Možda je 2 dana nakon baš službenog dana, no ljepše da padne na Nedjelju da što više se ljudi može zabaviti u programu, a program koji je ove godine pripremila vrijedna ekipa iz Star Wars Hrvatska je stvarno imala za svakog ponešto. Volite cosplay-at bilo je toga, više ste znatiželjna osoba bilo je predavanja da produbite svoje SW znanje, ili samo volite kroz brojne dostupne igre se zabaviti. Program je bio podijeljen na tri dijela. U zgradi su bila predavanja, dok u hodnicima mini aktivnosti poput fotografskog dokaza da ste se izvukli iz špilje u kojoj živi Wampa, a za djecu (i one koji se tako osjećaju) bio je kutak baš namijenjen njima za bojanje, izradu droida i slično. Ispred zgrade (i malo dalje u parku) se nalazio zabavni dio programa, s poznatim trench run-om, školom mačevanja i svima dragim naslikavanje s cosplay-erima. Cijeli dan bio do samog kraja ispunjen SW atmosferom, a dio tog doživljaja vam donosimo u našim fotografijama :D ——- A day that every force practitioner eagerly awaits, every Lightsaber master trains for & every Star Wars fan impatiently awaits, that day is know as May the 4th. The official Star Wars day! It may be 2 days later, but it being on Sunday gave everyone a chance to experience a piece of the program, and the program was truly rich this yeas, thanks to the hard working folks from Star Wars Hrvatska, If you are a fan of cosplays (or make them yourself) it had that, are you more of the curious kind it had lectures that bestowed upon new knowledge tide to the SW universe, or are you just there for the fun it had looks of games just for that. The program was separated in 3 places. In the building you could take part in the lectures, while in the hallways you got a chance to grab the Lightsaber with the force and escape the Wampa cave (with a photo ;)), and for the kids (and those who still feel like one) there was the kids zone where they could draw, make a droid and other stuff. Outside you could find and take part in the famous trench run, learn how to fight with a Lightsaber & of course take pictures with cosplayers. Throughout the whole day you could feel the SW atmosphere, and we’re bringing you a part of that with our photos :D
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mmm-photography · 7 years ago
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S fini rokerima iz benda Feral Instinct smo vas već ranije upoznali, a za one koji tek sad čuju za njih, dovoljno je reći da su energični Alt. Metal band za koje je bilo koja bina premalena. Ovaj put su nas zvali na njihov nastup u Cadillac Club, s još dva benda. Kako je njihov nastup bio zadnji te večeri, članovi su se prepustili glazbi svojih kolega muzičara s publikom. U potpunosti zagrijani, bend je zasjeo na stage, te prvim riff-ovima obznanili svima da se sada tresu glave. Ubrzo se i vokalistica pridružila sa svojim snažnim glasom i fantastičnim znanjem flaute koja uzdiže ovaj bend na jednu posebnu razinu, čega je i sama publika svjesna, uživajući u svakoj pjesmi, guitar solo-u i mekanim zvukovima flaute. Sa sigurnošću se može reći da tu večer su svi otišli doma s dobrim vibrama u srcu i malo poljuljanim glavama, a mi smo se vrati s par šarenih fotografija ^^ ——- We introduced you to Feral Instinct before, but if you didn’t hear about theme heres a quick rundown. They are a alt. metal band and no stage is big enough for them, This we got a call to photograph their live performance at Cadillac Club, together with two other bands. Their performance was scheduled to be the last, so the band members had time to enjoy themselves by dancing and enjoying the music. Once their time came, they where all warmed up, got onto the stage and with the first riff announce to everyone Now you headbang!. Soon the lead vocalist joined in, filling the room with her powerful voice & a fantastic knowledge of the flute, rising this band to a whole new level, which the gather crowd was fully aware of. Everyone leaving the venue left with a good vibe in their heart and a dizzy head, and we left with a few colorful photos ^^
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mmm-photography · 7 years ago
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Horror je preuzeo Boogaloo Zagreb, bolje rečeno horrorpunk. Iz prekooceanske Amerike došla je stravična glazbena legenda Michale Graves! Publiku (osobito one slabijeg srca) treba pripremiti za takav spektakl. a ta čast je pripala bendu Clockwork Psycho. Ovaj simpatičan psychobilly trio je sa svojom rasplesanom energijom sve fino zabavio i srca taman u štelao za glavni nastup večeri! Nestrpljiva publika nije morala dugo čekati. Malo po malo članovi benda su izlazili na pozornicu dok nije nitko drugi preostao nego faca večeri - Michale Graves. U tom trenutku cijela koncertna dvorana je buknula u vrisak. Odmah na početku se počelo žestoko, neumorno i s odličnim raspoloženjem, Graves je dao sve od sebe za publiku.Svi se hit za hitom, a publika se nije mogla suzdržati nego zapjevati s bendom. Cijeli koncert je imao jako veselu auru, te nije čudo da je sat vremena proletjelo bez da je itko opazio. Koliko veselu možete vidjeti na našim fotkama :D ——- Horror took over the venue Boogaloo in the form of HorrorPunk. From the USA came the music legend Michale Graves! The audience did need a warm up (especially those with a weaker heart), and that honor was bestowed upon the band Clockwork Psycho. This likeable psychobilly trio managed to do just that with their stage energy. The audience didn’t need to wait too long for the main star of the night, and when he hit the stage, the crowed erupted in cheers. From the very start Michale gave it his all for the audience. Hit after hit kept the crowed in a frenzy, and it wasn’t long before everyone joined in on the singing. The whole concert had a positive vibe, and it wasn’t a surprise that 1h passed just like that. Check out our photos to see how much fun it was :D
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mmm-photography · 7 years ago
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Prostorom Vinyl-a ponovo su se širili indie tonovi. Ovaj put su za glazbu su bila zaslužna dva benda - ZMaJ i Cubies. Trojac iz ZMaJ-a je ponovo je svima pružio dinamičan i zabavni koncert, te VJ je savršeno upotpunio sliku za publiku. Band je na ovom koncertu promovirao prve u nizu EP-eve “Zwei 1” i “Zwei 2”. Ubrzo nakon njih je pozornicu preuzeo dvojac iz CUBIES-a. Ovaj šašavi dvojac je uspio zadržati atmosferu koju je prošli band stvorio, a i iskoristili su nastup da svima prisutnim predstave svoj novi singl “Kada bi svi”. Mali dio atmosfere se može naći u našim fotografijama ;) ——- Indie tones where spreading throughout Vinyl. This time the tow bands responsible for the music where Zmaj & Cubies. The Zmaj trio once again proved that they got what it takes to keep the audience entertained and the music dynamic, and the VJ added that extra bit of space to it. The band was promoting one of many new EPs, “Zwei 1” & “Zwei 2”. Soon after them, the duo from the band Cubies took over the stage. This duo, kept the atmosphere that was set up by the previous band, but added onto it with their funky music. They also had a little surprise for everyone present, the premier of their first single “Kada bi svi”. You can check out our photos to see how it looked 
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